Miss Jennifer Jones KC > Atkin Chambers > London, England > Barrister Profile

Atkin Chambers
1, Atkin Building, Gray's Inn


Jennifer practices both domestically and internationally, with a particular expertise in multi-party TCC litigation and in international arbitrations in the fields of large construction projects and energy disputes. She is typically instructed as sole counsel in multi-million-pound disputes for a range of different types of entity and her clients praise both her intellectual ability and her emphasis on client care.

Clients remark in particular that she is “very impressive and a clear thinker”, “an excellent barrister who is very responsive and commercial”, “enthusiastic and a very capable team player”, “calm, collected and unflappable” and that she has “absolutely first-rate legal knowledge”.

Jennifer’s main areas of specialisation are construction and engineering, professional negligence and energy, and she also has valuable experience in disputes concerning the construction and enforcement of guarantees/ bonds and of jurisdictional and conflicts issues, which regularly arise as incidental to other matters.  It is in the nature of construction disputes that they give rise to particularly complex strategic and factual scenarios, either because of the number of different parties and contracts, or because disputes are being fought out in different fora.  Jennifer particularly enjoys the tactical challenges inherent in managing these complicated disputes and in doing everything possible to obtain the best result for her clients.



Called to Lincoln’s Inn in 2003; MA(Oxon) Law with Law Studies in Europe.


Jennifer has a good working knowledge of French and some conversational German.


Jennifer is an accredited TECBAR adjudicator and a lead advocacy tutor for Lincoln’s Inn.

She is a member of TECBAR, COMBAR and the SCL.

Lawyer Rankings

London Bar > Professional negligence

(2024 Silks)Ranked: Tier 1

Jennifer Jones KCAtkin Chambers ‘Good attention to deal, very hard working, gets on well with clients and with instructing solicitors. Advocacy is calm and effective.’

London Bar > Construction

(2024 Silks)Ranked: Tier 1

Jennifer Jones KCAtkin Chambers ‘Jennifer is a superb construction barrister. She is a true leader in her field. Her advocacy stills are among the very best and she is able to manage very large cases with ease.’

Retaining its firm standing as a ‘market-leading’ set for construction disputes, Atkin Chambers has continued handling high-stakes matters in the UK and internationally. As one example of the chambers’ prowess in construction-related international arbitrations, the set’s mainstay, the Third Set of Locks Project on the Panama Canal saw Manus McMullan KC  and Christopher Lewis KC represent the Panama Canal Authority in a series of high-value claims. Domestically, Dominique Rawley KC and Jennifer Jones KC (a 2024 silk appointment) defended Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick and Balfour Beatty Group in Northumbria Healthcare NHS v Lendlease Construction, a case concerning alleged structural defects at the Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital, while Simon Lofthouse KC and Omar Eljadi represented one of Lendlease’s subcontractors in the related Lendlease Construction v MPB Structures counterclaims. In an expansive multi-party dispute, among others Chantal-Aimée Doerries KC and David Streatfeild-James KC acted for Morrisons against Lorien Engineering Solutions regarding alleged defects in the refrigeration systems of its pork abattoir in Colne. Stephanie Barwise KC has been advising on cladding issues and the Building Safety Act, and has made clarification submissions on Grenfell – a number of other members of chambers have been involved in litigation surrounding related issues of cladding and fire safety. Notable internal changes include Stuart Catchpole KC joining from 39 Essex Chambers and Rupert Choat KC taking silk in March 2022.