René Irra > Cuatrecasas > Mexico City, Mexico > Lawyer Profile





René Irra is an expert in court proceedings and international arbitrations carried out under institutional and ad hoc rules, acting as lawyer, arbitrator and expert in Mexican law in proceedings outside of Mexico. His expertise also covers sectors such as M&A, foreign investment, international trade, investor-state dispute settlement, energy (electricity, oil and gas), construction and infrastructures, real estate, logistics, transport, port activities, health, sports, and leisure and entertainment.

He is deputy chair of the Mexican Society of Construction Law.

Previously, he was regional coordinator for Latin America in the International Chamber of Commerce’s Young Arbitrators Forum (ICC YAF) and chair of the ICC’s Young Arbitrators Committee in Mexico.

He is a guest lecturer of foreign investment and investment arbitration at Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II, in the dual degree master with Universidad de Monterrey. He regularly gives seminars as part of the Diploma in Business Arbitration, the Diploma in Letters of Credit and Financing and the Diploma in International Business, organized by the International Chamber of Commerce of Mexico.

He lectured on arbitration and international law in the postgraduate course in law at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

He has written articles on arbitration and international trade published in Costa Rica, El Salvador, France, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, and Spain.

He regularly participates as a panelist at international arbitration conferences.

Lawyer Rankings

Latin America: International firms > International arbitration

Cuatrecasas’ prominence in Latin America-related international arbitration field stems from its commitment and track record in Spain, coupled with its growing presence in Latin America itself. Unlike many other international firms, it has a sizeable team of international arbitration specialists based in Latin America. With a steady influx of investment and commercial arbitration engagements, the team is best known for energy, infrastructure and construction cases. It has represented parties in a series of headline infrastructure disputes. Madrid partner Alfonso Iglesia leads the international arbitration group and is hugely experienced in Latin America-related arbitrations, including those involving Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Panama, Ecuador and Dominican Republic; he has acted in a series of recent ICSID and ICC cases. Santiago partner Cristián Conejero is a senior figure in the team and is noted for construction arbitrations. Alberto Zuleta is another experienced arbitration expert in Bogota along with René Irra in Mexico City and Domingo Rivarola in Lima. Madrid partners Alberto Fortún and Manuel Franco are also active in Latin America cases, both noted for construction, infrastructure and energy disputes. Raised to the partnership in April 2022, Uruguay-qualified Juan Manuel Rey (in the Santiago office), is also noted.


Mexico > Dispute resolution: litigation

(Firms to watch)

René Irra heads the practice at Cuatrecasas’ Mexico office, which maintains a solid level of litigious activity – particularly in the construction, infrastructure and energy sectors.

Mexico > Dispute resolution: arbitration

(Leading individuals)

René IrraCuatrecasas

Bolstering its international arbitration offering across Latin America, Cuatrecasas’ burgeoning practice in Mexico is led by René Irra, whose ‘leadership in the market is unquestioned’. Irra has been particularly active in the construction, infrastructure and energy fields in recent years, and is well-versed in acting as party counsel, arbitrator and as an expert on Mexican law in proceedings outside Mexico. Moreover, the practice bench was further strengthened with the promotion of experienced senior associate Miguel Ángel Ortiz to the partnership in April 2023. The department collaborates closely with the firm’s offices throughout Latin America (and the Iberian peninsula) on relevant cross-border cases, with clients -particularly those across the energy and projects segments- look to the firm as a one-stop-shop for transactional matters and any subsequent disputes. Key support is provided by intermediate associate Iván Esquivel.