Azza Brown > Chambers of Allison Summers KC > London, England > Barrister Profile

Chambers of Allison Summers KC
Drystone Chambers
1 Bedford Row


Azza’s experience in all areas of serious crime is impressive. She is regularly instructed in cases of serious violence, sexual offences, major drugs supply, and all aspects of white-collar fraud.

Azza has also been instructed as junior counsel in cases involving murder, contract killing, manslaughter, rape, high-end drugs conspiracies, and large-scale public disorders.

Azza has appeared in the Court of Appeal both for the appellant and respondent in appeals against conviction and sentence. She appeared for the respondent in one of a collection of appeals which forms the guideline case concerning reverse legal burdens. Azza appeared for the appellant in an appeal against a long sentence imposed for rape and ABH, where she successfully argued that the higher starting point did not apply. Again, for the appellant, Azza was appointed by the Court of Appeal registrar for a category A prisoner in his appeal against conviction. This involved fresh evidence being called in the Court of Appeal, and arguing on matters related to non-disclosure. This was successful, and secured his immediate release.

She is regularly praised by both lay and professional clients for her attractive style of advocacy and effective questioning of witnesses. The Court of Appeal has complemented her well-structured and persuasive submissions. She is committed to obtaining the best result for her client. In addition, Azza has conducted many high value confiscation matters and is adept at providing pre-emptive advice on safe working practices to ensure that businesses or their representatives do not fall foul of the new legislation. Azza also has a dual speciality in regulatory work.


Called to the Bar 2001
LLB (Hons)




LLB (Hons)
The Honourable Society of Middle Temple
The Winston Churchill Pupillage Award
Cambridge and Peterborough Bar Mess
The Criminal Bar Association
The South Eastern Circuit
The young fraud lawyers association
Grade 4 CPS Prosecutor


Keele University (LLB (Hons)).



Lawyer Rankings

Regional Bar > South Eastern Circuit > Crime (general and fraud)

(Leading Juniors)Ranked: Tier 4

Azza Brown – Drystone Chambers ‘Azza is hardworking and gives her absolute all in every case. She is approachable and gives her advice to the client clearly and in a way which is easily understood. She will leave no stone unturned to present the defendant’s case in the best light.’