Effie George Floyd > Ropes & Gray LLP > Boston, United States > Lawyer Profile

Ropes & Gray LLP
BOSTON, MA 02199
United States
Effie  George Floyd photo

Work Department

Real Estate Investments & Transactions





Lawyer Rankings

United States > Real estate > Real estate

(Rising stars)

Effie George FloydRopes & Gray LLP

Ropes & Gray LLP is well-regarded for its advice to large REITs, global private equity firms, and sizeable funds throughout the real estate space. Transactions, structuring, and complex financing arrangements make up core specialisms, evidenced by the firm’s representation of Morgan Stanley bank in negotiating and structuring real estate loan back-leverage facilities, as well as through its assistance to Claros Mortgage Trust in its obtaining of credit facilities valued at $1bn. The investments and transactions group is led by John (Jack) Creedon in Boston and Dan Stanco in New York, both of whom have substantial experience acting on behalf of leading domestic and global institutional investors on joint ventures, debt purchases and debt restructurings, among areas like leasing, acquisitions and dispositions. New Yorkers David Kaye and Anthony Mongone are also highly active, with the former being particularly prominent on equity-side sponsor and capital partner work and the latter having expertise on debt and equity matters. Counsel Effie George Floyd is another name of note with experience on mortgage and mezzanine financings and recapitalizations.