Mr Leandro Rinaldi > Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper > Brasília, Brazil > Lawyer Profile

Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper
SCN Qd. 04 Bloco B
Ed. Centro Empresarial Varig, 12th Floor Sala 1201
Brasília, DF - CEP 70714-900

Work Department

Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation, Reorganization and Bankruptcy




Please see Leandro Rinaldi | DLA Piper for further information.


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Lawyer Rankings

Brazil > Dispute Resolution: Litigation

Entrusted by a mix of domestic and international heavyweights operating in a range of sectors, including retail, IT, financial services, infrastructure and real estate, Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper represents clients in a litany of contentious matters. Drawing on its association with the international DLA Piper network, the group is particularly well placed to handle cross-border litigation, especially cases involving the US and UK. São Paulo-based partner Felipe Hermanny, whose strong background in administrative and judicial litigation is noteworthy, stands out for his capabilities in civil liability cases. He oversees the practice with Leandro Rinaldi in Rio de Janeiro, who is particularly skilled in court-supervised restructurings. João Marçal Martins is another key contact for judicial lawsuits in the São Paulo office, which was strengthened by the arrival of Leonardo Ribas from Felsberg Advogados in November 2022; Ribas has a strong following in the energy, construction and healthcare industries.

Brazil > Dispute Resolution: Arbitration

(Firms to watch)

Drawing on its association with DLA Piper, Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper is a popular choice for clients engaged in multi-jurisdictional arbitration. Jointly led by Felipe Hermanny and Leandro Rinaldi, the group was recently strengthened by the arrival of João Marçal Martins and Leonardo Ribas from Tauil & Chequer Advogados and Felsberg Advogados, respectively.