Mr André Sampaio Lacerda Ferraz > Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper > Brasília, Brazil > Lawyer Profile

Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper
SCN Qd. 04 Bloco B
Ed. Centro Empresarial Varig, 12th Floor Sala 1201
Brasília, DF - CEP 70714-900

Work Department

Compliance and Investigation; Corporate Criminal




Please see André Sampaio Lacerda Ferraz | DLA Piper for further information.

Lawyer Rankings

Brazil > Compliance

Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper has a ‘team full of in-depth and strategic knowledge’, capable of providing advice on the entire spectrum of compliance matters. On the advisory front, the team frequently assists in the structuring and development of compliance programmes, contractual reviews and integrity risk assessments. In the investigations’ arena, the compliance practice is well-versed in internal investigations and negotiations with regulatory authorities. Clients operate in a variety of sectors, including energy, construction, healthcare and technology, to name a few. Practice head Ricardo Caiado Lima provides preventative anti-bribery and anti-corruption advice to clients, often assisting with due diligence on M&A projects, and the drafting and review of integrity policies. Antonio Tovo is well-versed in crisis management, while associate André Sampaio Lacerda Ferraz specialises in compliance and corporate criminal mandates.