Arshi Siddiqui > Akin > Washington DC, United States > Lawyer Profile

Robert S. Strauss Tower
2001 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006-1037
United States
Arshi Siddiqui photo

Work Department

Partner; Lobbying & Public Policy


Arshi Siddiqui is a leading Democratic strategist and lobbyist with a national practice focused on synthesizing public policy and politics into successful federal strategies. She is consistently sought out for her ability to form bipartisan coalitions, navigate intractable public policy challenges and help companies build their brands in Washington.

Her practice focuses on a wide range of issues, and some recent client milestones include —

  • Securing a delay in implementation of an overly broad and burdensome 1099-K tax reporting requirement that would have forced millions of Americans to pay more taxes than they owed for selling items via online platforms;
  • Working with an innovative start-up to secure regulatory guidance by the Environmental Protection Agency that integrated a path for newer technologies to destroy PFAS “forever chemicals,” ensuring that local communities will have viable options to burning or landfilling toxic chemicals.

To learn more about Arshi, please visit her full profile:


Before joining Akin, Arshi served as senior advisor and counsel to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, working on a number of bills that ultimately became law. Earlier in her career, Arshi worked at a leading D.C. law firm, as well as serving as Ways and Means counsel and policy advisor to various members of Congress.

Lawyer Rankings

United States > Government > Government relations

(Leading lawyers)

Arshi SiddiquiAkin

Akin‘s exceptionally deep bench is comprised of both lawyers and nonlawyer advisors with extensive experience in the political sphere. Availing themselves of a long reach across congressional committees, the executive branch, and federal agencies, the team is recognized for its tax, trade, healthcare, energy, financial services, and environment expertise. The firm’s distinct congressional investigations arm is also renowned for being a major player in the most sensitive and high-profile proceedings. Tax, health, transportation, tech and financial services specialist Hunter Bates jointly chairs the public law and policy group with premier international trade lobbyist Brian Pomper. Raphael Prober and Karen Christian bring federal executive and congressional experience to their leadership of the congressional investigations team. Arshi Siddiqui draws on policy and political knowhow from her tenure as senior policy advisor to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Ed Pagano has served in the Obama administration as Senate Liaison and Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, and Clete Willems has been a lead negotiator with China during the Trump administration. Tom Moyer advises financial services, education, and defense sector clients in government investigations. Christopher Treanor, who is well-versed in Inflation Reduction Act and natural gas matters, was promoted to partner in January 2024. Reggie Babin, who served as chief counsel to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and is highly sought after as an AI lobbyist, joined the firm as senior counsel in January 2023.