Dra Vanessa Cerqueira Reis > Medina Osorio Advogados > Rio de Janeiro, Brazil > Lawyer Profile

Medina Osorio Advogados
R. da Assembléia, 10 – Sala 1617.
Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20011-901

Work Department

Medina Osório Advogados - Rio de Janeiro


Vanessa Cerqueira Reis, partner at Medina Osório Advogados at Rio de Janeiro office, has been a member of the Brazilian Bar Association since
1994 (OAB/RJ 81.983). She holds a degree in Law from Fluminense Federal
University (UFF), is an Arbitrator with the Brazilian Center of Mediation and
Arbitration (CBMA) and with the National Center for Arbitration Justice

She is also a Professor of Financial Law at the Superior School for
Public Attorneys, has a Master in Public Administration Law from Gama Filho
University and is a candidate for a Doctorate in Global Financial and Economic
Law at the University of Lisbon´s Law School, with solid performance in the
areas of taxation, finance, public bids and contracts, human resources, health,
compliance, and legislative projects in public policies. She also has a course on
prevention and combat of Bidding Illicit Acts, Money Laundering – general
notions and an Anticorruption Compliance Course and CPCA Certification – in

Throughout her career she has been Chief Prosecutor of the Legal Department of the State Environmental Institute, Chief Prosecutor of the Rio de Janeiro State Delinquent Debt, Chief Prosecutor of the Health Services Prosecutor, Assistant Chief Prosecutor in Public Services, Chief Prosecutor of the Tax Prosecutor’s Office and Attaché to the Attorney General’s Office in financial matters.

She is a Lecturer and Professor of Financial Law at School of Public Advocacy
of PGE, having been an Invited Professor at EMERJ, hired at Gama Filho
University, in the areas of constitutional and administrative law and at the Post
Graduation course in Business of Cândido Mendes University.
She has published articles in the areas of Public Biddings and Contracts,
Governance, Public Finance, Public Manager Responsibility, Mediation and
Arbitration, Fiscal Transparency, and the Financial System, and has been cited
in several important works (Public Budget as an instrument of fiscal citizenship
and Commented Fiscal Responsibility Law, Author and Jurist Marcus
Abraham), as well as in collective works such as "Estudos sobre a Lei
n.14.133/2021- Nova Lei de Licitações e Contratos Administrativos, Editora
Juspodivm; (Studies on Law n.14.133/2021- New Law of Public Bidding and Administrative Contracts, Publisher Juspodivm);Novas Tendências do Sistema Financeiro Nacional" Editora Thoth (New Trends in the National Financial System).

She is President of the Permanent Forum on Taxation and Finance of the
School of Public Attorneys of the State Attorney General’s Office – ESAP, she is a member of the Commissions for the Study of Public Transparency and Public Law in the Control Group of the OAB/RJ. She has been a State Attorney for the State of Rio de Janeiro since 2000, having worked as an Attorney for the Municipality of Volta Redonda, where she also headed the Municipal Delinquent Debt and acted in constitutional matters before the Special Body of the Rio de Janeiro State Court of Justice. She began her career as a Tax Assistant Consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers.


Portuguese, English, French


Partner at Medina Osório Advogados at Rio de Janeiro office