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Environmental team

Deloitte Legal

Prague, Czech Republic
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Team Services

Ongoing changes to environmental regulations influence the entire business operation. Do you know how they will affect you? This rapidly developing regulation of business is, to a large extent, accepted on the EU level and is either a result of the failure of companies in managing their impact on the surrounding area or, on the other hand, it is connected to their successful programmes and extends the application of originally voluntary standards to the whole economic sectors. This regulation is particularly prone to a massive breach by companies that are usually all the more surprised by extraordinarily high penalties.

How we can help you:

  • Environmental due diligences of own or purchased companies.
  • Waste management and extended responsibility of producers (product take-back).
  • Trading with greenhouse gas emission permits.
  • Use of chemical substances (REACH).
  • Integrated prevention and limitation of pollution.
  • Consideration of the effects of construction projects on public health and the environment.
  • Disposal of genetically modified organisms and genetic products.
  • Aid for the production of electricity from renewable resources.
  • Responsibility for environmental damages.
  • Creating legislation in the field of the environment and evaluating their impact.
  • Implementation of the sustainability strategy of companies.

The services are often provided as part of a wider, eg, transaction, subsidy or strategic, consultancy and in project teams under the attendance of Deloitte technical engineers and advisors.