Falcon Chambers > London, England > Set Profile

Chambers of Guy Fetherstonhaugh KC and Stephen Jourdan KC
Falcon Chambers

London Bar > Agriculture Tier 1

‘The gold standard set for agricultural property disputes‘, Falcon Chambers reports an uptick in instructions involving mining and mineral rights and telecoms work as allied areas to agricultural law. In a prominent work highlight, Stephen Jourdan KC, Oliver Radley-Gardner KC and Gavin Bennison appeared before the Court of Appeal in O G Thomas Amaethyddiath v Turner & Ors, an agricultural case concerning the validity of a notice to quit subject to the protection of the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986; the agricultural holding was held under a verbal tenancy. Jonathan Karas KC has been kept busy advising on rural mineral transactional work. Property litigation specialist Catherine Taskis KC is sought after for her track record in handling agricultural succession disputes, proprietary estoppel issues and contentious farming partnership matters. In March 2023 Edward Peters KC was elevated to silk.

Rising stars

Gavin Bennison –Falcon Chambers 'Gavin is excellent on the law, and he has a calm manner in court.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Stephen Jourdan KC –Falcon Chambers ‘Stephen is quite simply brilliant. He is great with clients, hugely knowledgeable, thorough and cuts through complex matters like a knife cuts through butter.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Caroline Shea KC – Falcon Chambers 'Caroline is a very assured advocate who adopts a well prepared and methodical approach.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Jonathan Karas KC –Falcon Chambers 'An outstanding barrister. Jonathan is a passionate advocate, which goes down well with clients and solicitors.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Catherine Taskis KC – Falcon Chambers ‘Catherine is excellent on the law. She has a serene court manner and is great with clients.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Oliver Radley-Gardner KC – Falcon Chambers ‘An outstanding silk who is popular with clients.’
Ranked: Tier 3

2023 Silks

Edward Peters KC - Falcon Chambers 'A silk with a meticulous eye for detail.'

Leading Juniors

Emily Windsor –Falcon Chambers ‘Emily's advice shows a deep understanding of commercial issues, and she sets out useful and pragmatic solutions.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ciara Fairley –Falcon Chambers 'Ciara provides down-to-earth, accurate and strategically astute advice. Clients adore her.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Joseph Ollech –Falcon Chambers 'A junior whose advice is prompt and precise.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Jamie Sutherland –Falcon Chambers 'Jamie is an exceptionally thorough and tenacious junior.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Greville Healey –Falcon Chambers 'Greville has extensive knowledge on agricultural property disputes; he is also very commercial and liked by clients.'
Ranked: Tier 3


‘Joanne Meah is excellent. She is straightforward in her approach and always delivers. She is efficient and effective.’

‘Falcon is a very strong set.’

‘A good calibre set.’

‘Very good – strength in numbers and expertise.’

‘The clerks room is helpful, friendly and efficient.’

‘Clerks are very helpful and professional.’

‘All the clerks are sharp, efficient and helpful.’

London Bar > Property litigation Tier 1

Specialist property set Falcon Chambers includes members who take a leading role across all aspects of commercial and residential property litigation. Silks and juniors from the set have been involved in some of the most high profile disputes in the market in regard to nuisance, rights of light, telecoms and enfranchisement. Guy Fetherstonhaugh KC and Elizabeth Fitzgerald  acted on behalf of the respondent in the Fearn v Board of Trustees of the Tate Gallery dispute, handling the matter all the way up to the Supreme Court – in this case the court ruled that merely overlooking a property could constitute an actionable private nuisance. Leading Nathaniel Duckworth and Gavin Bennison , Jonathan Gaunt KC successfully acted for the defendant in Valley View Health Centre v NHS Property Services Limited in a test case to determine if GP tenants are liable to pay service charges to their NHS landlords. Stephen Jourdan KC acted in the enfranchisement case Cadogan Holdings v Alberti, a matter concerning statutory evaluations. Tricia Hemans appeared before the Supreme Court in Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd v Ashloch Ltd and another, the court’s first case concerning the Electronic Communications Code.

Leading Silks

Guy Fetherstonhaugh KC  –Falcon Chambers  ‘Guy can turn his hand to anything; his command over English property law is astonishing. He cuts through the noise and gets straight to the heart of the issue.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Stephen Jourdan KC –Falcon Chambers ‘He has no weaknesses. He is universally respected and liked throughout the profession. You know with Stephen that you are always going to get the right answer.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Jonathan Karas KC –Falcon Chambers ‘His expertise in this area is truly incredible. Jonathan’s advice is always highly considered, never off the cuff, but at the same time digestible and client-friendly.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Janet Bignell KC –Falcon Chambers ‘Janet is incredibly thorough and detailed. She is able to communicate her views clearly to clients and demonstrates understanding of their commercial position as well as the legal one. Her level of service is also very good indeed.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Mark Sefton KC –Falcon Chambers ‘Mark has excellent analytical skills and is able to assimilate and digest complex facts very quickly and then to apply the law to them. He is clear, concise and consistent in his advice.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Caroline Shea KC –Falcon Chambers ‘Particularly impressive in the courtroom – her cross-examination skills and courtcraft are second to none at the property Bar.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Stephanie Tozer KC – Falcon Chambers 'She quickly taps in to what is important to clients.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 4
Catherine Taskis KC –Falcon Chambers ‘Excellent on the law, good personality and emotional intelligence as to what clients want, with a calm manner in court.’
Ranked: Tier 5
Gary Cowen KC – Falcon Chambers ‘Gary is exceptionally calm and warm in manner, which masks a ferocious intellect and sharp advocacy skills. He is particularly good at making killer points gently and unobtrusively, but very effectively.'
Ranked: Tier 5

2023 Silks

Edward Peters KC –Falcon Chambers 'A silk who instills great confidence.'

2024 Silks

Kester Lees KC – Falcon Chambers ‘Kester is superb on his feet – a highly effective cross-examiner and all round advocate. He is equally as impressive on papers and always gives solid commercial advice.’

Leading Juniors

Nathaniel Duckworth –Falcon Chambers ‘Nat is very clever, with an encyclopedic knowledge of property law.  He thinks about matters from every angle, anticipating the other side’s arguments and preparing thoroughly.  He outclasses his opponent in court and explains complex legal points simply and compellingly.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Wayne Clark –Falcon Chambers 'A pragmatic, realistic and diligent junior.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Martin Dray – Falcon Chambers 'Martin has the complete trust of the client. He is a calm and decisive litigator, getting straight to the point of knotty problems.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Anthony Radevsky –Falcon Chambers ‘Tony gives very clear and firm advice which is succinct and commercial.  He will never sit on the fence or reserve opinion on something.  His knowledge of the enfranchisement legislation is second to none and if he thinks that it is a bad point he will say so rather than running up unnecessary costs.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Emily Windsor –Falcon Chambers ‘Emily brings a KC’s intellectual analysis to legal problems, but also has an excellent client handling manner that leaves the client and instructing solicitor in no doubt that she is absolutely on board and prepared to fight the client’s case.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Tamsin Cox –Falcon Chambers ‘Bright, tough and a good advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Greville Healey – Falcon Chambers ‘Formidable knowledge of the law. Excellent with clients.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Joseph Ollech –Falcon Chambers ‘He is clear and practical in his advice notwithstanding there being often very complex issues crossing both property and insolvency law. He ensures that he knows and understands the issues and wider context in depth.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Camilla Chorfi –Falcon Chambers 'A dedicated junior.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Cecily Crampin –Falcon Chambers ‘Cecily has an incredible grasp of the detail. She is very detail orientated and she knows the black letter law inside out. Cecily is great on her feet and you always feel you are in good hands.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Phil Sissons – Falcon Chambers ‘Philip is technically excellent with extensive experience and expertise in rights to light matters in particular.’
Ranked: Tier 3
James Tipler –Falcon Chambers ‘He is a very responsive barrister - James is a extremely competent, efficient and effective counsel.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Ciara Fairley –Falcon Chambers 'Ciara is very detailed and tenacious.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Julia Petrenko –Falcon Chambers ‘Julia is an absolute tour-de-force. She has phenomenal attention to detail in trial preparation with other solicitors commenting what a strong advocate she is.’
Ranked: Tier 5
Toby Boncey –Falcon Chambers ‘Toby clearly has a very sharp intellect. He researches thoroughly and comes across cogently and very well prepared.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Mark Galtrey – Falcon Chambers 'Mark is an effective advocate who is always up for a challenge. He puts things in an easy to understand way, supported by solid written work. He is practical and academic in excellent combination.'
Ranked: Tier 5
Tricia Hemans –Falcon Chambers ‘Tricia’s advice is always very thorough, and she is very good with clients. Her advocacy is extremely effective. She leads even the most sceptical judges through the case in a practical way.’
Ranked: Tier 5
Edward Blakeney – Falcon Chambers ‘Edward is extremely good at breaking down complex legal points for clients to understand. He is at all times succinct and down-to-earth which is greatly appreciated by our clients.’
Ranked: Tier 5


‘The clerks are very helpful. James Clarke and Frankie Penton deserve a special mention for delivering excellent service.’

‘The clerks at Falcon are excellent and very user-friendly across the board. Special mention to John Stannard and Jo Meah.’

‘The clerks are excellent. John Stannard is superbly helpful. Joanne Meah, John Davitt and Frankie Penton are also worth singling out for praise.’

‘Falcon Chambers is the leading set for property litigation. I regularly use them for all areas.’

‘The set as a whole is very impressive – and not so big that it has lost a personal touch.’

‘Falcon is undoubtedly a top set and has some of the best real estate litigation barristers in the UK.’

‘Falcon Chambers is an excellent set with great strength in depth across all levels. The best at property and related litigation.’

‘The clerks are responsive and approachable – keen to help and support, matching barristers to client budgets, timescale and the complexity of the problem at hand.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Telecoms Regulation

Rising stars

Fern Schofield  - Falcon Chambers  'Very knowledgeable in telecoms matters despite her relatively junior years, and very user-friendly.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Stephanie Tozer KC  - Falcon Chambers  'Stephanie is an excellent technical lawyer with a good manner with clients. She is becoming a go-to practitioner for Telecommunications Code disputes.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Oliver Radley-Gardner KC - Falcon Chambers  'He is an expert in the field of the Telecommunications Code - there is scarcely a barrister that knows more about the subject. He is approachable and always willing to make himself available for clients.'
Ranked: Tier 1

2024 Silks

Kester Lees KC  - Falcon Chambers  'Very bright, personable and easy to work with.'

Leading Juniors

Wayne Clark - Falcon Chambers  'An absolute master of telecoms law, he easily outperforms silks in the courtroom, a fantastic advocate and so easy to work with.'
Ranked: Tier 2
James Tipler – Falcon Chambers ‘Incisive, inquisitive, easy to work with, responsive and works well in a team.'
Ranked: Tier 2

London Bar > Professional negligence

Chambers specialises in litigation and advice on all aspects of the law of property and matters relating to it. Falcon Chambers is regarded as one of the leading sets for property litigation and commercial property, as well as landlord and tenant and agricultural law.

The set: Members of chambers work principally in the litigation of the many aspects of real property and property-related law, and also in advisory and drafting work in the same fields. All kinds of property are dealt with: commercial, residential, agricultural, leisure, marine, retail and other more specialised areas.

Members aim to give the same degree of commitment to clients irrespective of their identity, size or financial power. Members of chambers strive to give down-to-earth, straightforward and commercially astute legal advice to clients.

A number of members are authors or editors of leading textbooks in their specialist fields, including Woodfall on Landlord and Tenant, Megarry on the Rent Acts, Muir Watt and Moss on Agricultural Holdings, Megarry & Wade Law of Real Property, Gale on Easements, Fisher and Lightwood Law of Mortgage, The Electronic Communications Code and Property Law, Hague on Leasehold Enfranchisement, Registered Land and Commonhold.

Chambers organises the Blundell Lectures every year. All members belong to the Chancery Bar Association, the Property Bar Association and the London Common Law and Commercial Bar Association. Joanne Moss is a past chairman of the Agricultural Law Association.  Emily Windsor is a past chair of the Young Bar and a past member of the Bar Standards Board.

Types of work undertaken: All members are expert in landlord and tenant law, including commercial property, rent review, residential landlord and tenant, and agricultural holdings, tenancies and production controls.

They also provide expertise in the more general areas of property law, including easements, restrictive covenants, mortgages, conveyancing, co-ownership and trusts of land, options, rights of pre-emption, the Telecommunications Code, mining and mineral rights.

Members are frequently instructed in cases where property rights and principles of insolvency law meet, and where claims for negligence arise against solicitors and surveyors. Some members specialise in the fields of town and country planning, compulsory purc.ase, EU competition law, and building and engineering disputes.

Chambers is frequently involved in advisory and litigious work in other jurisdictions, particularly in other common law countries in the Commonwealth.

Members of chambers appear in appeals to the Privy Council and have appeared or advised in relation to disputes in Belize, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, Brunei, the Cayman Islands, the Channel Islands, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Jordan, Malaysia (including Sabah and Sarawak), Mauritius, Northern Ireland, the Seychelles, Singapore, Scotland and Ukraine.

Even in member’s specialist fields, a good deal of their work is concerned with contract law and statutory interpretation. Their activities in commercial property matters have given them considerable expertise in arbitration law and practice, and in work involving valuers and the principles of valuation. Chambers has strong links with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

Though litigation is the core of member’s work, they have always carried out a substantial volume of advisory work. Some of this work is connected with actual or prospective litigation, but much is purely advisory.

Chambers accepts work through the Bar Council’s Licensed Access scheme in appropriate cases. Members also accept appointments as arbitrators, legal assessors or experts.

Department Name Email Telephone
Chambers director Edith A Robertson
Senior clerk Johnathan Stannard [email protected]
Joint Head of Chambers FETHERSTONHAUGH KC, Guy (1983)
Joint Head of Chambers JOURDAN KC, Stephen (1989)
Members of Chambers GAUNT KC, Jonathan (1972)
Members of Chambers REYNOLDS KC, Kirk (1974)
Members of Chambers KARAS KC, Jonathan (1986)
Members of Chambers BIGNELL KC, Janet (1992)
Members of Chambers SHEA KC, Caroline (1994)
Members of Chambers SEFTON KC, Mark (1996)
Members of Chambers TOZER KC, Stephanie (1996)
Members of Chambers COWEN KC, Gary (1990)
Members of Chambers ROSENTHAL, KC Adam (1999)
Members of Chambers TASKIS KC, Catherine (1995)
Member of Chambers RADLEY-GARDNER KC, Oliver (2003)
Member of Chambers PETERS KC, Edward (1998)
Members of Chambers RADEVSKY, Anthony (1978)
Members of Chambers CLARK, Wayne (1982)
Members of Chambers DENYER-GREEN, Barry (1972)
Members of Chambers LETMAN, Paul (1987)
Members of Chambers DRAY, Martin (1992)
Members of Chambers WINDSOR, Emily (1995)
Members of Chambers FITZGERALD, Elizabeth (2001)
Members of Chambers HEALEY, Greville (2002)
Members of Chambers DUCKWORTH, Nathaniel (2002)
Members of Chambers COX, Tamsin (2005)
Members of Chambers SISSONS, Phil (2005)
Members of Chambers OLLECH, Joseph (2006)
Members of Chambers CHORFI, Camilla (2008)
Members of Chambers CRAMPIN, Cecily (2008)
Members of Chambers SUTHERLAND, Jamie (2010)
Members of Chambers LEES, Kester (2010)
Members of Chambers FAIRLEY, Ciara (2011)
Members of Chambers BONCEY, Toby (2013)
Members of Chambers HEMANS, Tricia (2013)
Members of Chambers PETRENKO, Julia (2013)
Members of Chambers TIPLER, James (2013)
Members of Chambers GALTREY, Mark (2015)
Members of Chambers BENNISON, Gavin (2015)
Members of Chambers BLAKENEY, Edward (2016)
Members of Chambers DODDS, Imogen (2017)
Members of Chambers ROTHWELL, Thomas (2017)
Members of Chambers SCHOFIELD, Fern (2018)
Members of Chambers RANSON, Michael (2019)
Members of Chambers BLACK, Daniel (2015)
Members of Chambers SHAH, Kavish (2019)
Members of Chambers RAJAH, Ashpen (2020)
Members of Chambers BRIGGS, Taylor (2021)
Marketing Executive Renee Graham
Photo Name Position Profile
Daniel Black photo Daniel Black Barrister specialising in property litigation, real property, landlord and tenant, commercial property.
Wayne Clark photo Wayne Clark Barrister specialising in business tenancies and electronic communications law.
Gary Cowen photo Gary Cowen Barrister specialising in property litigation, including commercial property and residential landlord and…
Tamsin Cox photo Tamsin Cox Commercial and residential landlord and tenant; real property and related areas including…
Barry Denyer-Green photo Barry Denyer-Green Barrister specialising in landlord and tenant; easements and restrictive covenants, compulsory purchase…
Imogen Dodds photo Imogen Dodds Imogen’s practice covers all areas of real property and landlord and tenant…
Ciara Fairley photo Dr Ciara Fairley Barrister specialises in all aspects of commercial and residential landlord and tenant…
Guy Fetherstonhaugh photo Guy Fetherstonhaugh Barrister specialising in landlord and tenant and all aspects of real property…
Elizabeth Fitzgerald photo Elizabeth Fitzgerald Barrister specialising in commercial property litigation and disputes relating to development land,…
Mark Galtrey photo Mark Galtrey
Jonathan Gaunt photo Jonathan Gaunt Barrister specialising in commercial and residential property; landlord and tenant; easements; mines…
Greville Healey photo Greville Healey Real property and landlord and tenant law.
Jonathan Karas photo Jonathan Karas Barrister specialising in all aspects of land law and use (including planning,…
Kester Lees KC photo Kester Lees KC All aspects of landlord and tenant, real property and property-related insolvency.
Paul Letman photo Paul Letman Paul’s practice is entirely property based, with four main specialisms: (1) leasehold…
Richard  Miller  photo Richard Miller Barrister
Oliver Radley-Gardner photo Oliver Radley-Gardner Barrister specialising in all aspects of real estate litigation. Recommended in legal…
Adam Rosenthal photo Adam Rosenthal Barrister specialising in all aspects of property-related litigation, including landlord and tenant…
Mark Sefton photo Mark Sefton Barrister specialising in all aspects of commercial and residential landlord and tenant…
Caroline Shea photo Caroline Shea Barrister specialising in Property Litigation, Landlord & Tenant, Agricultural Law and Rural…
Phil Sissons photo Phil Sissons All areas of landlord and tenant, and real property.
Jamie Sutherland photo Jamie Sutherland Barrister specialising in all aspects of commercial, residential and agricultural landlord and…
Catherine Taskis photo Catherine Taskis Barrister specialising in all apsects of real property law including landlord and…
Emily Windsor photo Emily Windsor Barrister specialising in all aspects of real property law including commercial property,…
Photo Name Position Profile
Joanne  Meah photo Joanne Meah First Junior Clerk
Johnathan  Stannard photo Johnathan Stannard Senior Clerk