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Johannes Frey

Work Department





Dr. Johannes Frey advises clients on all aspects of tax controversy and international tax planning. He represents many of the largest multinational companies through the full range of tax controversy proceedings, including audits, administrative appeals, multilateral controls and judicial proceedings.

Dr. Frey’s tax practice focuses on complex tax controversy matters, as well as international tax planning and cross-border mergers.

He has co-authored numerous articles on a wide range of international topics that have been published in leading tax journals, including the Tax Management International Journal, Tax Notes and Tax Notes International. He also served as adjunct professor for international taxation at the University of Lausanne.


English, German


Lecturer at the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel on REITs Adjunct professor at the University of Lausanne on International Taxation Frequent lecturer on various aspects of cross-border taxation and at seminars sponsored by IFA, IBA and others Member of the International Bar Association Member of the American Bar Association Admissions Munich New York


Dr. jur., University of Munich, 1998 LL.M., Georgetown University, 1997 University of Munich, 1993


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