Raue > Berlin, Germany > Firm Profile

10785 BERLIN

Industry focus > Energy

Raue's energy practice focuses on contentious matters in the renewable energy and gas delivery sectors, which is complemented by regulatory advice, such as on matters pertaining to the energy price cap, as well as antitrust law expertise and experience in M&A transactions and financing, with frequent ties to the venture capital area. Christian von Hammerstein heads the practice and is supported by Peter Roegele (public commercial, energy and antitrust law), who was appointed associate partner in January 2023. Hans Heller is experienced in the areas of energy storage and LNG infrastructure. In August 2023, Anna von Bremen (regulatory energy law) joined Osborne Clarke.

Practice head(s):

Christian von Hammerstein

Other key lawyers:

Bernd Beckmann; Hans Heller; Peter Roegele


‘Very reliable. Collaboration is calm and efficient. Quick responses from all lawyers.’

‘From my point of view, always legally sound. The lawyers also frequently point towards potential improvements.’

‘I can recommend Peter Roegele. Good understanding of our situation and the competition.’


‘Very good team. Highly competent, highly flexible. Always thinking and solution-oriented.’

‘Extremely experienced, focused on solutions.’

‘Excellent knowledge of the energy market; Always deliver within the deadline at the agreed price – very pleasant way of working.’

‘Peter Roegele has excellent knowledge of the energy market in all its facets; information on time and within budget, extremely pleasant to work with.’

Key clients

Dow Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH

Elysium Solar GmbH


BSW Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V.

Alpiq AG

Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie e.V. (BEE)

decarbon1ze GmbH

Dr. Ryll Lab GmbH

EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG

EWS Elektrizitätswerke Schönau eG

Gaskraftwerk Leipheim GmbH & Co. KG


Global Tech I Offshore Wind GmbH


Hausheld AG


LichtBlick SE

MITGAS Mitteldeutsche Gasversorgung GmbH

Priogen Energy B.V./GmbH

Quadra Energy GmbH

Stadt Bad Belzig

Swiss Krono

Techem Gmb

Tibber Deutschland GmbH


Work highlights

  • Supporting Danpower GmbH, Goodyiels Capital, Landwert Verwaltungs GmbH, LichtBlick Solarpark Calbe UG, Prolignis AG, BEKW Bioenergiekraftwerk Emsland GmbH & Co. KG, Junginger Naturenergie GmbH and ADC GmbH in the joint constitutional complaint against, among other things, the skimming of excess revenues from plant operators for generating electricity from renewable energies.
  • Advising Elysium Solar GmbH on CommerzReal’s entry into an agricultural photovoltaic project near Berlin with its impact fund Klimavest.
  • Preparation of various reports for the BSW Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft eV on the unconstitutionality and European law of the skimming of excess revenue at the expense of renewable energies.

Industry focus > Healthcare and life sciences

Raue's Berlin-based team is jointly led by Katharina Wodarz (transaction support, physician contract law, pharmaceutical pricing and pharmacy law, contentious proceedings before authorities and courts) and Maren Bedau (hospital sector, physician contract law, nursing care companies, compliance). Former practice head Wolfgang Kuhla moved to of counsel status (he continues to advise on planning and financing issues as well as on the drafting of cooperation agreements and physicians' contracts). The team focuses on regulatory advice and transaction support, which benefits investors, start-ups, hospitals, medical care centers, pharmaceutical and medical device companies and mail order pharmacies. The transaction capacities were strengthened with the addition of Nadine Hartung from McDermott Will & Emery Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater LLP in March 2023. Thanks to cross-practice cooperation, various interfacing matters, including IP, employment and competition law are also covered.

Practice head(s):

Maren Bedau; Katharina Wodarz

Other key lawyers:


‘Maren Bedau: Excellent availability and communication. Speed ​​in the projects and absolute specialist knowledge.’

‘Raue has extensive experience in supporting setting up medical care centers. They maintain good relationships with the committees of the statutory health insurance self-administration, which enables regulatory questions to be clarified at an early stage of the project and leads to the smoothest possible process.’

‘The law firm combines the highest legal quality with pragmatic solutions and fast response times.’

‘Dr. Maren Bedau: Excellent competence in general and specific questions of medical and social law. Outstanding, clear communication, high availability and extraordinary commitment.’

‘Dr. Katharina Wodarz: Solution-oriented and reliable.’

Key clients

DocMorris NV


Landkreis Trier Saarburg



Kirinus Health

DRK Kliniken Berlin

Schön Klinik SE

Kliniken Nordoberpfalz AG

Proteopath GmbH

Labor Berlin

Sonic Healthcare Germany

Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin (DHZB)


Eterno Health

DIZG Deutsches Institut für Zell- und Gewebeersatz gGmbH

Johanniter-Krankenhaus Treuenbrietzen

Advita Pflegedienst GmbH

MIA Medical Information Analytics GmbH

Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH

Work highlights

  • Representation of DocMorris NV in landmark proceedings regarding the admissibility of online marketplaces for pharmacy products.
  • Advising Sanofi on the market launch of DiGas, including cost reimbursement.
  • Representation of the DRK Kliniken Berlin Köpenick in a model lawsuit against the state of Berlin. The proceedings are directed against the co-financing of municipal hospitals from the state budget, which, from the perspective of Berlin’s 29 hospital operators, distorts competition.

Media > Entertainment

Raue's copyright expertise is regularly requested in the art and music sectors, where the team acts in copyright landmark proceedings; the support in copyright-related projects based on new technologies such as AI and NFTs is another key topic. The practice is led by copyright experts Felix Stang and Robert Heine, who also assist with contract negotiations and disputes. Regulatory and public law matters are handled in cooperation with the respective teams, here, the practice is experienced in proceedings before administrative courts pertaining to remuneration and transparency matters.

Practice head(s):

Robert Heine; Felix Stang


‘Robert Heine offers excellent quality in private media law.’

‘Dr. Felix Stang and Dr. Robert Heine: Interest in the technical nature of client business and the careful integration of perspectives into strategies. Good internal coordination.’

‘Very good professional orientation, even in specialist areas. Very good service orientation.’

‘Very straightforward, extremely competent team with a very high reputation.’

Key clients

Axel Springer SE




Global Media Registry

Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg (mabb)

Medienanstalt Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein (MA HSH)

Parfümerie Douglas

Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH


Wingding AG

Work highlights

  • Advising Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH in and out of court on various copyright matters, particularly in connection with the legal dispute with Warner Music (Atlantic Records).
  • Legal representation of eBay against the German Book Trade Association in a dispute over fixed book prices.
  • Representation of the Berlin-Brandenburg media authority (mabb) in five administrative court proceedings in connection with the ban on the broadcast and distribution of the Russian propaganda channel RT DE.

Media > Press and publishing Tier 1

Raue's team comprehensively advises press organisations on freedom of speech, copyright and personal rights. The practice is led by press expert Jan Hegemann and copyright specialist Robert Heine and is well versed in litigation, where clients, such as Axel Springer or Bloomberg, are defended against injunction proceedings and damages claims. Senior associate Lisa Schopp regularly advises production companies on freedom of speech in connection with filming contemporary historical content.

Practice head(s):

Jan Hegemann; Robert Heine

Other key lawyers:

Anna-Sophie Hollenders; Lisa Schopp


‘Very good legal advice. Very high legal level.’

‘Jan Hegemann is an extremely clever and prudent advisor with excellent knowledge of press law.’

‘A law firm with clear principles and outstanding quality.’

‘The team is able to deliver triple-A advice thanks to its many years of experience and industry knowledge.’

‘Law firm with clear principles and outstanding quality with very good value for the services provided.’

Key clients

Axel Springer SE


Looks Film &TV Produktionen GmbH

Zeitsprung Pictures GmbH

Work highlights

  • Representation of Axel Springer SE before the OLG Cologne, OLG Frankfurt and LG Frankfurt aM in proceedings regarding injunctive relief claims due to identifying suspicious reporting about the football player Nico Schulz.
  • Representing Axel Springer SE in proceedings regarding injunctive relief due to reporting on espionage activities by Russia Today in Germany.
  • Ongoing advice on copyright and personal rights to Zeitsprung Pictures GmbH on the filming of contemporary historical content, most recently about the department store blackmailer Arno Funke in ‘Ich bin Dagobert’.

Industry focus > Telecoms Tier 3

Since 2022, Raue acts integrated into the European law firm network Le Club Telecom, which covers the TMT sector, and is therefore well positioned for cross-border issues. Core topics include the advice on new business models (including satellite broadcasting), fee regulation (including litigation) and infrastructure access matters; Kornelius Kleinlein is a key contact here. Kleinlein jointly heads the practice with Michael Bergmann, who advises on telecommunications law as well as antitrust and compliance matters.

Practice head(s):

Kornelius Kleinlein; Michael Bergmann

Other key lawyers:

Daniel Schubert

Key clients

Divicon Media Holding GmbH

HD Plus GmbH

Televic Rail

Work highlights

Intellectual property > Unfair competition Tier 3

With expertise that extends from advertising law and e-commerce to data protection and IT, Raue offers clients extensive support in strategic and forensic competition matters. Markus Plesser has in-depth experience in licensing agreements and copyright law and jointly heads the practice with Robert Heine, whose advice includes media and e-commerce issues.

Practice head(s):

Markus Plesser; Robert Heine

Key clients

DocMorris Services NV



Einstein Kaffee Rösterei

Lilou Sp. Zo.o.


Deutsches Institut für Zell- und Gewebeersatz GmbH


Work highlights

  • Representation of DocMorris in landmark competition proceedings regarding the admissibility of online marketplaces for pharmacy products.
  • Representation of Sky in all registry matters in Germany, in particular objection proceedings, out-of-court disputes, trade mark cancellation proceedings as well as legal representation in pan-European injunction and damages claims.

Private equity > Venture capital Tier 3

Raue supports start-ups and investors, including venture capital funds, in financing rounds in the energy, automotive and healthcare sectors. The transaction support in the healthcare sector was recently strengthened with the addition of Nadine Hartung in March 2023, previously at McDermott Will & Emery Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater LLP.  Andreas Nelle (PE, VC, M&A) heads the team, which routinely cooperates with the regulatory, employment law, corporate and energy experts. In September 2022, Michael Gläsner (financing rounds for start-ups) moved to Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP.

Practice head(s):

Other key lawyers:


‘The Raue team proved to be very customer-oriented with excellent knowledge of VC practice and a constant support in the investment process.’

‘Andreas Nelle and the other members of the Raue team did an excellent job. They supported us diligently in the negotiations over the investment documents and were always available to answer any questions we had.’

‘Very professional office management from the firm, short response times and flexibility.’

‘Andreas Nelle pointed out the opportunities and risks in an outstanding way. We felt that he represented us excellently at all times. With his calm manner, he also conveyed critical points very confidently and in a well-founded manner, which had a correspondingly positive influence on the negotiations. I could always rely on his guidance when proposing compromises.’

‘Strong expertise. Very uncomplicated and goal-oriented. Good experience with start-ups.’

‘Jörg Jaecks is an outstandingly pragmatic and efficient lawyer – very pleasing in an M&A situation. We have been working together very efficiently for years. The same applies to experts consulted (labor law, trademark law, taxes).’

Key clients


Caeli Wind GmbH


Tau ACT GmbH

Eterno Health GmbH

Lofelt GmbH

Sneaker Rescue UG

Tomorrows Education GmbH

Stoff2 GmbH

Beets & Roots GmbH

Yook GmbH

Haferkater GmbH

Element Ventures

Work highlights

  • Advising the German urban air mobility company Volocopter on the expansion of its Series E financing round by a volume of €182 million.
  • Advising HH2E AG on a financing round with expected investments involving private equity investors HydrogenOne and Foresight.
  • Advising the Berlin start-up Caeli Wind GmbH on the establishment of an online marketplace for the marketing of wind power areas.

Public sector > Commercial administrative law Tier 3

Raue's administrative advice primarily focuses on litigation and is aimed at both private companies and public foundations and institutions. The team is particularly well connected in the Berlin-Brandenburg region and represents public institutions in policy-related administrative proceedings on media regulation and freedom of information and also acts in proceedings on tariff regulations and electricity price caps. In addition to his experience in constitutional law, practice head Wolfram Hertel also has expertise in public procurement and planning law.

Practice head(s):

Wolfram Hertel

Other key lawyers:

Arne Dittloff; Christoph-David Munding


‘Law firm with clear principles of cooperation and outstanding competence.’

‘Wolfram Hertel and Arne Dittloff: An outstandingly strong team in terms of expertise and communication.’

‘Christoph-David Munding: An experienced, quick and approachable conversation partner with a strategic eye. He has helped me many times!’

‘Christoph-David Munding: Excellent, excellent knowledge of administrative law, very good legal representation, calm and very level-headed, unreservedly recommended.’

Key clients


BEKW Bio-energie-kraftwerk Emsland GmbH & Co. KG


Danpower GmbH

Goodyiels Capital

Junginger Natur-energie GmbH

Landwert Verwaltungs GmbH

LichtBlick Solarpark Calbe UG

Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg

Prolignis AG,

Robert Koch-Institut

Vereinigte Domstifter zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegiatstifts Zeitz

Transport > Advice to the transport sector Tier 3

Raue advises public transport operators and airports on financing and tariff regulation as well as climate protection issues and approval procedures. Kornelius Kleinlein is a key contact for tariff regulation, he also advises on corporate law issues and transport infrastructure projects. He jointly leads the practice with Wolfram Hertel, who is an expert for public, environmental, procurement and planning law.

Practice head(s):

Kornelius Kleinlein; Wolfram Hertel

Key clients

Kapsch TrafficCom AG

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts (BVG)

Tolltickets GmbH

Work highlights

  • Advising Kapsch TrafficCom AG, Vienna, as a 50% shareholder of autoTicket GmbH on the development and, since summer 2019, on the implementation of the project to collect the failed car toll.
  • Advice to Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts (BVG) on the €9 ticket, the €29 ticket and the planned introduction of the €49 ticket (Germany ticket).
  • Advising Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts (BVG) on corporate strategy issues relating to the conversion of the bus fleet to decarbonised vehicles and on negotiations with the state of Berlin, in particular on financing and state aid issues.

Public sector > Planning and environment Tier 4

In the Berlin-Brandenburg region in particular, Raue counts various real estate developers and energy companies as well as public authorities among its client base and advises on construction and planning law proceedings in connection with the expansion of the Federal Chancellery and the redesign of the former Berlin-Tegel Airport. Furthermore, the practice regularly applies its expertise in building planning, nature conservation, energy and pollution control law in infrastructure and commercial projects as well as in district developments. Practice head Wolfram Hertel is experienced across the full spectrum of building planning law and further adept in monument law.

Practice head(s):

Wolfram Hertel

Other key lawyers:

Arne Ditloff

Key clients

ADAC Berlin-Brandenburg eV

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)


CMB Management GmbH

Caeli Wind GmbH

Dr. Kade GmbH

Elysium Solar GmbH

Euroboden GmbH

Immowert Immobiliengruppe

Land Berlin

Landesamt für Umwelt Brandenburg

Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Klimaschutz Brandenburg

Onyx Power AG

Orafol Europe GmbH

Sonae Arauco Deutschland GmbH

Stiftung St. Matthäus

Tegel Projekt GmbH

Unternehmensgruppe Max Aicher

Zweite Caurus GmbH

Work highlights

  • Representation of the Federal Chancellery in connection with the planning of the extension of the Federal Chancellery in the Chancellor Park; Advice on building planning, building regulations, nature conservation and green space law.
  • Advising Orafol Europe on planning and emissions control issues related to an expansion project of an industrial site.
  • Advising Elysium Solar GmbH on the development of an agri-photovoltaic project in immediate vicinity to BER Airport.

Public sector > Public procurement Tier 4

Raue does particularly well in the Berlin-Brandenburg region and maintains good relationships with public contracting authorities who entrust the team with the structuring and implementation of tenders in the infrastructure, transport and health sectors. Practice head Bettina Stimmereich further advises bidders on large construction and defense tenders and in this context, also regularly applies her litigation skills. Procurement compliance related to corporate transactions and public grant audits represents another mainstay.

Practice head(s):

Bettina Tugendreich


‘The specialist knowledge of the Raue team is unique and the client relationship is characterized by deep trust. We feel in good hands. The high level of expertise in public procurement law is excellent.’

‘Bettina Stimmereich: Lives up to her excellent reputation. Her professional expertise and experience in public procurement law are brilliant. At the same time, working with her is very pleasant and uncomplicated.’

‘The firm houses a balanced team with proven expertise in procurement, press, copyright, IT and contract law.’

Key clients

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts

Kapsch TrafficCom AG

Kliniken Nordoberpfalz AG

Land Berlin (Tegel Projekt GmbH)

MIA Medical Information Analytics GmbH

Planungsgemeinschaft Neues Gartenfeld

Z-Catering Berlin GmbH & Co. KG

Work highlights

  • Legal advice to the State of Berlin, represented by the state-owned project company Tegel Projekt GmbH, on the planning of the transformation of the site of today’s Berlin-Tegel Airport into an innovative commercial, industrial and research location.
  • Ongoing procurement law advice to Z-Catering Berlin GmbH & Co. KG; Additional advice on asserting contractual claims after the contract has been awarded.
  • Supporting the Neues Gartenfeld planning community in a bidding process to select a district operator.

Real estate and construction > Real estate Tier 5

Raue supports public sector clients and project developers in real estate leasing and management as well as project developments and transactions. The team regularly cooperates across practices, including the interfaces between construction, planning and energy law. Cornelia Gorn heads the practice and is experienced in real estate and property law, leasehold matters and commercial tenancy law, as well as in supporting transactions, especially healthcare properties.

Practice head(s):

Cornelia Gorn


‘High comprehension, good advice, very pragmatic, high solution orientation.’

‘Raue is characterized by very good organization and cooperation within the law firm. From the draft of the contract to the execution of the contract, everything is well organized.’

‘Despite having a smaller team, we have a broad base in real estate law in Berlin because everyone works together quickly.’

‘Stephanie Rzeniecki also understands something about properties as a technical-financial construct. This is very rare in the Berlin transaction lawyer market.’

Key clients

Land Berlin

HAMBURG TEAM Investment Management GmbH (HTIM)

Tegel Projekt GmbH


VALUES Institutional Invest GmbH

Elysium Solar GmbH

Zweite Caurus GmbH

CMB Management GmbH

ADAC Berlin-Brandenburg eV

OSF Open Society Foundations

Work highlights

  • Representation of the State of Berlin in negotiations with CA Immo AG regarding an exchange agreement for land to acquire and secure the current museum location at Hamburger Bahnhof (Rieckhallen).
  • Advising HAMBURG TEAM Investment Management GmbH on the purchase of planned senior housing complexes for the newly launched Hamburg Team Wohnen 70+ II fund.
  • Advising the State of Berlin, represented by the state-owned project company Tegel Projekt GmbH, on the planning of the transformation of the site of the former Berlin-Tegel Airport into an innovative commercial, industrial and research location.

Germany > Antitrust Tier 6

Raue‘s team focuses on cartel damages, merger control as well as the advice on compliance. The practice acts with a regulatory focus and advises across the energy, telecoms, healthcare and media sectors; practice head Michael Bergmann is experienced in antitrust damages. Energy-related antitrust law matters are covered by Hans Heller, Christian von Hammerstein and Bernd Beckmann, while Peter Roegele is active in antitrust proceedings and made associate partner in January 2023. Energy expert Anna von Bremen, who has regulatory expertise, moved to Osborne Clarke in August 2023.

Practice head(s):


‘High expertise, good accessibility.’

‘Extensive experience in advising our industry associations on antitrust law.’

‘Michael Bergmann: Very good knowledge of the industry, structured, pragmatic, service-oriented, pleasant to deal with.’

‘Fast work, very good suggested solutions, very good training.’

‘Raue is one of the largest law firms in Berlin that covers the entire legal spectrum. What is particularly outstanding are the people we work with and the teams who cooperate with each other across the board and thus find extremely useful and practically relevant solutions, even for highly complex and sensitive questions that go beyond the usual legal questions.’

‘The equipment and skills are state-of-the-art. The billing is very transparent and every step can be understood in detail.’

‘Michael Bergmann: Extremely smart, targeted, precise, efficient and particularly effective. He has excellent contacts with the relevant EU and national federal offices. In addition, he (and his team) has a very special ability to present facts in an understandable way and to show very practical solutions, which he knows how to put into practice in exchange with government agencies through great negotiation skills.’

‘Quick response – business-friendly preparation of complex legal contexts – approachable and competent advice.’

Key clients

LichtBlick SE

Alma SA

Wacker Neuson SE

Verein der Zuckerindustrie

Sonae Arauco Deutschland GmbH

HD Plus GmbH

BDBe – Bundesverband der deutschen Bioethanolwirtschaft e.V.

Deutsche Bahn AG / DB Barnsdale AG

envia Mittel-deutsche Energie AG

Volocopter GmbH

Work highlights

  • Merger control and foreign trade law advice to Alma SA, a French mineral water producer, on the intended takeover of the Rhönsprudel Group.
  • Advising the Association of the German Sugar Industry eV and the four sugar companies operating in Germany, Nordzucker, Südzucker, Pfeifer & Langen and Cosun Beet, on the design of a crisis cooperation for the mutual processing of sugar beets; including drafting contracts, conducting negotiations and exchanging information in accordance with antitrust law, as well as proceedings before the Federal Cartel Office.
  • Representation of the Hamburg green electricity and gas provider LichtBlick SE as a party invited in the RheinEnergie/Westenergie/rhenag merger control proceedings and as a complainant against the approval of the merger before the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court.  

Intellectual property > Trade marks Tier 6

Raue has in-depth expertise in the energy, healthcare and start-up sectors, while also providing trade mark support to companies in the e-commerce and telecommunications industries. Markus Plesser and Robert Heine, who both assist with strategic matters and litigation, jointly lead the team.

Practice head(s):

Markus Plesser; Robert Heine

Key clients

DocMorris Services NV



Einstein Kaffee Rösterei

Lilou Sp. Zo.o.


Deutsches Institut für Zell- und Gewebeersatz GmbH


Work highlights

  • Representation of DocMorris Services NV in landmark competition law proceedings regarding the admissibility of online marketplaces for pharmacy products.
  • Advice to Sky on all registry matters in Germany, in particular objection proceedings, out-of-court disputes, trade mark cancellation proceedings; also legal representation in pan-European injunction and damages claim proceedings.
  • Strategic trade mark advice to GetYourGuide and management of its global trade mark portfolio.

Germany > Employment Tier 7

Raue's individual and collective employment law advice ranges from reorganisations and restructuring, including collective bargaining agreements, social plan and reconciliation of interests negotiations to New Work, compliance and employee data protection as well as social security law-related matters, which are covered by Sascha Herms. He jointly leads the team with Judith Heyn, who is also experienced in company pension schemes; both practice heads are well versed in litigation.

Practice head(s):

Other key lawyers:


‘The long, close collaboration means that the law firm knows our company well and is therefore able to quickly react.’

‘Due to different focal points, clients are presented with very good options for action. The team combines knowledge that benefits our company.’

‘Jakob Degen and Gernod Meinel are colleagues we particularly value when cooperating.’

‘The team coordinates the exchange of information internally across disciplines. This simplifies our communication and also saves costs for us.’

‘Creativity in the search for practical solutions is important to us – also looking at interpersonally amicable solutions is absolutely in our interest.’

Key clients

Rauch Gruppe

Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin

Kliniken Nordoberpfalz

PayFit GmbH/PayFit SAS

Labor Berlin GmbH

Omnicare Beteiligungen GmbH

Berliner Ensemble GmbH

BT Berlin Transport GmbH

BVG Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe

Doctari GmbH

Hochland SE/Hochland Deutschland GmbH

IHK Berlin

Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker

Walter de Gruyter GmbH

Work highlights

  • Advice and representation of Rauch Möbelwerke GmbH (RMG) on restructuring, including reconciliation of interests and social plan negotiations, mass layoffs in combination with short-time work as well as advice and representation before employment agencies on the introduction of short-time work.
  • Support for the regulatory audit program of the Nordoberpfalz clinics that began as part of the restructuring, including billing and employment law compliance. In addition, litigation to terminate contracts with senior doctors.
  • Supporting PayFit GmbH/PayFit SAS in the closure of its German location, including mass layoffs and winding down of business operations.

Raue is a corporate law firm with international reach. More than 80 attorneys advise clients on transactions and operational issues and represent them in regulatory proceedings and disputes.

Its base in Berlin reflects the firm’s particular strengths in regulated markets (energy, healthcare, media and telecommunications), in the area of venture capital and in policy-related issues. Moreover, the Raue team has significant experience in the real estate and infrastructure sectors, in the digital economy, as well as with the arts and cultural institutions. Raue has been advising stakeholders in these focus areas for decades. The attorneys understand the economic and technological factors shaping these sectors and know the relevant market players.

Representing clients in disputes before courts and in arbitration proceedings is a central part of Raue’s work throughout all practices. The attorneys use the insights gained through their comprehensive litigation experience when structuring agreements and realizing projects, helping to avoid disputes in the future.

The independence of Raue allows to consistently represent the interests of all clients without reserve.

Raue is constantly involved in international projects. The attorneys advise clients from abroad regarding their investments in Germany, as well as German clients pursuing activities outside the country. In this context, all clients benefit from the significant international experience of Raue’s attorneys.

Photo Name Position Profile
Jörg Adam photo Dr Jörg Adam Associate Partner
Bernd Beckmann photo Dr Bernd Beckmann Partner
Maren Bedau photo Dr Maren Bedau Partner
Michael Bergmann photo Dr Michael Bergmann Partner
Jakob Degen photo Dr Jakob Degen Senior Associate
Friedemann Eberspächer photo Dr Friedemann Eberspächer Partner
Annette Feissel photo Annette Feissel Partner
Klaus Goecke photo Dr Klaus Goecke Of Counsel
Cornelia Gorn photo Dr Cornelia Gorn Partner
Jan Hegemann photo Prof Dr Jan Hegemann Partner
Robert Heine photo Dr Robert Heine Partner
Hans Heller photo Dr Hans Heller Partner
Sascha Herms photo Prof Dr Sascha Herms Partner
Wolfram Hertel photo Dr Wolfram Hertel Partner
Judith Heyn photo Judith Heyn Partner
Anna-Sophie Hollenders photo Dr Anna-Sophie Hollenders Associate Partner
Jörg Jaecks photo Dr Jörg Jaecks Partner
Fabian  Klein photo Dr Fabian Klein Counsel
Kornelius Kleinlein photo Dr Kornelius Kleinlein Partner
Stephan Bernhard Koch photo Dr Stephan Bernhard Koch Partner
Wolfgang Kuhla photo Prof Dr Wolfgang Kuhla Of Counsel
Gernod Meinel photo Dr Gernod Meinel Of Counsel
Georg Miggel photo Georg Miggel Partner
Manuel Milde photo Manuel Milde Counsel
Christoph-David Munding photo Dr Christoph-David Munding Associate Partner
Andreas Nelle photo Prof Dr Andreas Nelle Partner
Eva Pätzold photo Eva Pätzold Senior Counsel
Markus Plesser photo Dr Markus Plesser Partner
Peter Raue photo Prof Dr Peter Raue Partner
Peter Roegele photo Dr Peter Roegele Partner
Justus Schmidt-Ott photo Dr Justus Schmidt-Ott Partner
Friedrich Tobias Schöne photo Friedrich Tobias Schöne Partner
Lisa  Schopp photo Lisa Schopp Senior Associate
Daniel Schubert photo Dr Daniel Schubert Counsel
Carl-Stephan Schweer photo Dr Carl-Stephan Schweer Partner
Vanessa Schwiegershausen photo Dr Vanessa Schwiegershausen Counsel
Hans M. Seiler photo Dr Hans M. Seiler Of Counsel
Felix Laurin Stang photo Dr Felix Laurin Stang Partner
Valentin Todorow photo Dr Valentin Todorow Partner
Bettina Tugendreich photo Dr Bettina Tugendreich Partner
Friedhelm  Unverdorben  photo Friedhelm Unverdorben Partner
Stephanie Wiesner photo Dr Stephanie Wiesner Associate Partner
Katharina Wodarz photo Dr Katharina Wodarz Partner
Christian von Hammerstein photo Christian von Hammerstein Partner
Lawyers : over 80


It is part of the Raue spirit to recognize and respect the uniqueness of every employee and every client, regardless of origin, skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation or identity. In our management committees, we strive for a variety of perspectives because we are convinced that this can enhance the quality of management decisions.

We attach importance to increasing the proportion of women in management positions and support them on their way, e.g. with special career training for women. Women make up 39 percent of our associates, 38 percent of our counsel and 29 percent of partners (including associate partners). There are 25 percent female partners on the management board of Raue.

Corporate Social Responsibility/Pro Bono

Raue encourages its partners and associates to use their skills for the common good and to help individuals in particular need of assistance, also without remuneration. Our professional attitude as attorneys is underpinned by our willingness to give back to our communities, and we foster the pro bono activities our attorneys pursue. This means that wherever we serve a client pro bono, our work will meet the same high standards that apply to any other services we provide. We are willing to lend support to those in need who would otherwise not be able to afford adequate legal advice, and whose cause convinces us that our work will contribute to the good of the community. Our firm is a founding member of Pro Bono Deutschland e.V., the first German association of leading corporate law firms promoting pro-bono legal advice and encouraging attorneys to volunteer their services.

Another component of our CSR commitment is the Peter Raue Preis. With the Peter Raue Preis, the corporate law firm Raue supports individuals or institutions who set an outstanding example of social, civic or cultural commitment. The award, which is endowed with 10,000 euros, was awarded for the first time in 2021. With the Peter Raue Preis, the law firm picks up on the values the vigor and the enthusiasm of its namesake partner Prof. Dr. Peter Raue. The lawyers of the law firm Raue feel committed to his example. The choice of name for this award pays tribute to his outstanding involvement as a citizen of the city of Berlin, as a lawyer and as a promoter of the arts and the common welfare.

Further information at https://raue.com/en/peter-raue-preis/

Raue advises Continental on regulatory aspects of the diesel complex

On 25 April 2024, after years of investigation, the public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt am Main imposed a fine of EUR 100 million on Continental AG in connection with the diesel emissions affair.

Raue advises the majority shareholders of mediafellows on the sale of their shares to Pixelogic

Raue has advised the majority shareholders of mediafellows GmbH on the sale of their shares to Pixelogic.

Raue sues for Agaplesion against anti-competitive hospital financing by the City of Frankfurt am Main

With the support of Raue, the non-profit Christian hospital association Agaplesion and Agaplesion Frankfurter Diakonie Kliniken gGmbH have filed an action for an injunction against the City of Frankfurt am Main with the Frankfurt Administrative Court.

Raue Advises Caeli Wind on Series A Financing Round

Raue advised Caeli Wind GmbH on its Series A financing round in the amount of EUR 11 million.

Raue Advises the Shareholders of Planworx AG on the Merger with Purple Digital Storytelling

Raue successfully advised the shareholders of planworx AG on their merger with Purple Digital Storytelling. Shareholders in Purple Digital Storytelling include Holland Capital.

Raue Advises Tiko on the Acquisition of Housell

Raue comprehensively advised proptech start-up Tiko Real Estate Technologies ("Tiko") on its strategic acquisition of Housell,

Raue represents DocMorris before ECJ in landmark case on price advertising by EU mail order pharmacies

Raue represents DocMorris in a landmark case against the North Rhine Chamber of Pharmacists regarding price advertising.

Prof Dr Jan Hegemann appointed to the Committee for Media Law of the German Federal Bar Association

Prof. Dr. Jan Hegemann, a lawyer specialising in press law and freedom of speech matters as well as copyright and publishing law and a partner at Raue, has been appointed by the presidency of the German Federal Bar Association (BRAK) to the newly created Committee on Media Law.

BGH: Raue and eBay successful in non-admission appeal proceedings against Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publishers and Booksellers Association)

Berlin, 20 October 2023 – In its judgment of 14 March 2023 (Case No. 11 U 20/22), the Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court dismissed the action brought by the German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels) against eBay,

Raue advises Axel Springer on AI partnership with OpenAI

Berlin, 18th December 2023 - Axel Springer and OpenAI have agreed on a global partnership to strengthen independent journalism in the age of artificial intelligence.

Raue Elects Dr. Peter Roegele as Equity Partner and Appoints Three Associate Partners

Berlin, 15 January 2024 - Raue has elected Associate Partner Dr Peter Roegele (Energy and Climate Change) to Equity Partner with effect from 1 January 2024. Former Counsel Dr Stephanie Wiesner, Dr Jörg Adam (both Healthcare and Life Sciences) and Dr Arne Dittloff (Commercial Administrative Law, Real Estate Law) have been appointed Associate Partners.

Raue Advises on the Sale of the Former DR. KADE Site in Konstanz, Germany

Berlin, 15 August 2023 - Raue, together with Büro Dr. Vogel, advised the pharmaceutical manufacturer DR. KADE on the sale of its former production site in Konstanz, Germany.

Götz Valien Successfully Sues with Raue for Recognition of Co-Authorship of the “Paris Bar” Paintings

Berlin, 11 August 2023 – The law firm Raue successfully represented Berlin-based artist Götz Valien in proceedings before the Copyright Chamber of the Munich I Regional Court,

Ahmad Mansour Reaches Cease-And-Desist Agreement with Raue Against Online Magazine

Berlin, 9 August 2023 - Raue successfully represented integration and Islamism expert Ahmad Mansour against the online magazine "Hyphen" and obtained a cease-and-desist order.

Raue advises LichtBlick on investment in Eventus Wind

Berlin, 23 June 2023 – Raue has advised green energy company LichtBlick on its successful investment in wind farm project developer Eventus Wind. LichtBlick has acquired 50 percent of the shares in the Münster-based company, marking another milestone on the way to expanding its own generation portfolio.

Raue advises Elysium Solar on entry of CommerzReal with Klimavest into agri-photovoltaic market

Berlin, 12 May 2023 – Raue advised Elysium Solar GmbH in negotiations with CommerzReal and its impact fund Klimavest regarding an agri-photovoltaic project developed by Elyisum near Berlin.

Raue advises Sonic Healthcare on the acquisition of Medizinische Laboratorien Düsseldorf

Berlin, 26 April 2023 – Sonic Healthcare Germany has signed a binding agreement to acquire Medizinische Laboratorien Düsseldorf (MLD). MLD is one of the leading laboratories in the Düsseldorf area,

Raue advises hydrogen company HH2E AG on infrastructure project

Berlin, 14 July 2023 - Raue advised the Hamburg-based hydrogen company HH2E AG on the investment of the infrastructure fund Foresight in the hydrogen project in Lubmin developed by HH2E. As part of the transaction,

Raue Advises Sonic Healthcare on the Acquisition of the Institute for Pathology & Cytology Rhein-Sieg

Berlin, July 3, 2023 - Sonic Healthcare Germany has signed an agreement to acquire the Institute for Pathologie & Zytologie Rhein-Sieg. The institute cooperates with several hospitals and numerous phy-sicians in private practice in the region for quality-assured histological, cytological and molecular pathological diagnostics in almost all medical specialties.

Raue Advises Sonic Healthcare on the Acquisition of Diagnosticum Laboratory Group

Berlin, 4 April 2023 – Sonic Healthcare Germany has signed binding agreements to acquire the Diag-nosticum Group of laboratories. The Diagnosticum Group provides services in the fields of laboratory medicine, microbiology, pathology and human genetics at nine locations in south-eastern Germany.

Expansion on Partner Level: Dr. Nadine Hartung Joins Corporate/M&A Practice at Raue

Berlin, 22 February 2023 – Raue is expanding its corporate and transactional team with the addition of Dr. Nadine Hartung as an equity partner on 1 March 2023. Dr. Nadine Hartung specializes in corpo-rate and M&A advice in the healthcare sector and was previously a partner with McDermott Will & Emery in Munich.

Raue Advises Tomorrow University on Series A Financing Round

Berlin, 21 June 2023 - Raue also advised EdTech startup Tomorrows Education GmbH on its Series A financing round.

Raue Advises on the Sale of the Rainer Maria Rilke Estate to the German Literature Archive Marbach

Raue represented the three great-granddaughters and sole heirs of the estate of Rainer Maria Rilke (deceased 29 December 1926) in the sales negotiations with the German Literature Archive Marbach. Aim of the negotiations was to sell the entire Rilke archive, which is owned by the Rilke heirs and has been excellently processed, to the Literary Archives. The purchase price was raised from public funds (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Baden-Württemberg and the Berthold Leibinger, Carl Friedrich von Siemens and Wüstenrot Foundations).

Raue advises TOBIS on the establishment of a joint venture

Raue has advised TOBIS, one of Germany's leading independent production companies and film distributors, on the formation of a joint venture with LEGENDARY Entertainment, an American film studio.

Raue Advises allmyhomes on Joint Venture in Austria

Raue advised Berlin-based allmyhomes GmbH, a platform for the data-based marketing of owner-occupied apartments, on a joint venture in Austria. allmyhomes holds a 75 percent stake in AMH AT GmbH (in future allmyhomes Austria GmbH), which was founded together with allmyhomes Venture Partner AT GmbH, an association of local real estate experts from Austria.

Raue Elects Anna von Bremen as Equity Partner and Peter Roegele as Associate Partner

Raue has elected Associate Partner Anna von Bremen to Equity Partner effective from 1 January 2023. In addition, Dr Peter Roegele has been appointed Associate Partner.

Götz Valien Sues the Estate Martin Kippenberger for Acknowledgement of Co-Authorship of the “Paris Bar” Paintings

Berlin, 4 July 2022 – The law firm Raue has filed an action on behalf of the Berlin-based artist Götz Valien before the Copyright Chamber of the Regional Court of Munich against the Martin Kippenberger Estate, which manages the copyright estate of Martin Kippenberger and publishes the artist's catalog raisonné. The action is directed at prohibiting the estate from any exploitation of the so-called "Paris Bar" paintings without naming Götz Valien as co-author.

Raue Advises VALUES Real Estate on two Real Estate Acquisitions

Raue advised VALUES Real Estate on the acquisition of an office building with the Hilden Job Centre as main tenant for its VALUES Public Sector fund. The seller of the property is Auric Investment. Raue also advised VALUES Real Estate on the acquisition of a kindergarten for the institutional daycare fund VALUES Daycare Invest.

Raue Advises Hydrogen Company HH2E AG on Financing Round

Raue comprehensively advised the Hamburg-based hydrogen company HH2E AG on an equity financing. With HydrogenOne and Foresight, two private equity investors are taking a stake in the green energy company HH2E. The HH2E founders and board members retain the majority of the shares.

Raue Advises BVG on new Digital Call-Bus Service for Berlin

Raue advises Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe AöR (BVG) on the tender and approval of the new digital call-bus sharing service for Berlin. BVG has now awarded the contract to the Via company for a service in eastern parts of the city.

Raue Law Firm is accepting applications for the Peter Raue Prize 2022.

Raue Law Firm is awarding the Peter Raue Prize this October for the second year in a row. Applications are being now collected. The deadline for entries is May 31, 2022.

Raue Advises VOLOCOPTER on Series E Funding Round

Raue comprehensively advised German Urban Air Mobility (UAM) provider Volocopter on its Series E funding round with a volume of 153 million euros. Volocopter intends to use the new the money raised to assist with the certification of Volocopter’s electric passenger air taxi and to accelerate Volocopter’s commercial launch in first cities worldwide.

Raue berät Volocopter bei Series E-Finanzierung

Raue hat das deutsche Flugtaxi-Unternehmen Volocopter umfassend bei einer Series E-Finanzierungsrunde im Volumen von 153 Millionen Euro beraten. Volocopter plant, mit dem neuen Kapital die Zertifizierung des elektrischen Passagierflugtaxis und die Markteinführung in ersten Städten zu beschleunigen.

Raue Advises Zeitsprung on Feature Film “Lieber Thomas“

Raue advised Zeitsprung on the production of the feature film "Lieber Thomas" (Dear Thomas) The film has been shortlisted for the German Film Award.

Raue further Expands its Real Estate Law Prac-tice with Stefanie Rzeniecki

As of March 1, Raue is further expanding its real estate law practice with the arrival of Associate Partner Stefanie Rzeniecki. Stefanie Rzeniecki joins Raue from EY Law in Berlin, where she advised as Associate Partner on real estate law since mid-2019.

Raue Advises Tomorrow’s Education on Financing Round

Raue has advised the EdTech startup Tomorrow’s Education GmbH on its seed financing round. The round is led by Mediahuis Ventures, the venture capital firm of European media group Mediahuis. Other investors include the leading UK Education Fund Emerge Education and angel investors like Verena Pausder, Celine Flores Willers, and Kai Roemmelt.

Raue Advises Zeitsprung on Documentary “The Schettino Files”

Raue advised Zeitsprung on the production of the Documentary „The Schettino Files".

Raue Advises Swiss Life on the Acquisition of two Medical Centres in Mannheim and Heidelberg

Raue advised the Swiss Life ESG Health Care Germany fund on the acquisition of two medical centres in Mannheim and Heidelberg from Heidelberg-based project developer Erhard & Stern.

Raue berät Swiss Life beim Ankauf von zwei Ärztehäusern in Mannheim und Heidelberg

Raue hat den Swiss Life ESG Health Care Germany Fonds beim Erwerb von zwei Ärztehäusern in Mannheim und Heidelberg vom Heidelberger Projektentwickler Erhard & Stern beraten.

Raue Advises Prima Materia on its investment in Helsing

Raue, together with Swedish partner law firm Cederquist, comprehensively advised Prima Materia on a 100 million euros investment in Munich-based AI start-up Helsing. The investment is still subject to investment approval by the relevant authorities.

Raue Advises Owners of Labiotech on the Sale to Inova

Raue advised the shareholders of Labiotech UG (haftungsbeschränkt), which operates an independent news media covering European biotech innovation, on the sale to Inova, the leading biopharma partnering platform.

Raue Elects Dr. Hans Heller as Equity Partner

Raue has elected Counsel Dr. Hans Heller to Equity Partner effective from 01. January 2022. Two senior associates were appointed as counsels.

Raue Advises on the Future-Oriented Project De-velopment “Das Neue Gartenfeld” in Berlin-Spandau

Raue has comprehensively advised the planning consortium "Das Neue Gartenfeld" on the legal planning for the model quarter of the future Das Neue Gartenfeld in Berlin-Spandau. For this purpose, ENGIE Deutschland and GASAG are forming a joint venture and investing a double-digit million sum in the development of sustainable solutions for energy, mobility and digitalisation. Both energy service providers have now signed the contract for the realisation of the new Gartenfeld district with the developers, Planungsgemeinschaft Das Neue Gartenfeld GmbH & Co.KG. The development plan is expected to be approved at the end of 2022.

Raue advises LOOKSfilm on the documentary series Colonia Dignidad

On October 1, the six-part documentary series COLONIA DIGNIDAD. EINE DEUTSCHE SEKTE IN CHILE, a co-production of LOOKSfilm, Netflix, WDR, SWR, ARTE, Canal 13, and Surreal Films will launch on Netflix.

Raue Advises GP JOULE on Solar PPA with Air-bus

Raue advised energy system provider GP JOULE on the conclusion of a power purchase agreement (PPA) for regional solar power with Airbus Helicopters in Donauwörth. The PPA, as signed by both companies, will secure long-term low electricity prices for Airbus, thereby strengthening its Donauwörth plant and helping to reduce the company's CO2 emissions.

Raue Advises ENGIE on PPA for Renewable En-ergy in Europe with BASF

Raue advised the French energy group ENGIE SA on the conclusion of a renewable energy power supply contract for the chemical group BASF. Both companies signed a corresponding Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), which is to run for 25 years.

Raue Advises BVG on the Acquisition of a 42.000 sqm Transport Logistics Location in Berlin

Raue advised Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) AöR, Germany’s largest local transport company, on the acquisition of a 42.000 sqm transport logistics site in Berlin from a private operator. In addition to the property and real estate, the acquisition also included substantial transport infrastructure and employees.

Raue Advises Tiko on its Series A-Financing Round

Raue comprehensively advised proptech start-up Tiko Real Estate Technologies ("Tiko") on its US$65 million Series A financing round. The financing round was led by the digital tech fund and private investor network of btov Partners. Tiko's shareholder base includes other well-known venture capital investors such as Rocket Internet and business angels. The equity financing round was accompanied by a debt investor. Tiko's innovative tech platform allows any homeowner to sell their house in a few days. This is done using a data-driven valuation algorithm. The financing round ensures Tiko's continued rapid growth. The capital raised will be used to further strengthen Tiko's data-driven valuation algorithm and to continue the international expansion beyond its home market of Spain. Raue advised Tiko on all German law aspects of the financing round especially on all corporate issues. About Tiko Tiko is a Proptech company, launched in 2018 in Spain by its founder and CEO, Sina Afra, and co-founders Ana Villanueva, Can Günay and Paco Sahuquillo. Today, Tiko is present in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, Malaga and Seville. With an ambitious expansion plan in Europe, its model is based on applying technology to the real estate sector. The key to its rapid success is its technology platform, which only needs homeowners to fill out a short form to send them a purchase offer within 24 hours. Advisors to Tiko: Raue, Berlin (German Law): Prof. Dr. Andreas Nelle (Partner, Lead, Corporate/M&A, PE/VC), Dr. Michael Gläsner (Counsel, Corporate/M&A, PE/VC).

Raue Advises Tau on the Extension of its Series A-Financing Round

Raue advised Turin-based technology start-up Tau ACT GmbH („Tau“) on an extension of its Series A- financing round to raise a further 10.25 million euros. Investment company Finindus N.V., founded by the international steel group ArcelorMittal S.A. and the Flemish Region, joined Tau as a new investor. In addition, various existing shareholders, including the German specialty chemicals company ALTANA, took the opportunity for further investments. Raue had already comprehensively advised Tau in its Series A financing round in 2020 and in February 2021. Raue advised Tau on all corporate and tax issues related to the financing round. About Tau Focused on applications for automotive, energy and agriculture, Tau makes protective coatings for copper, aluminum and steel wire more durable, resistant and light. Tau’s proprietary DryCycle and LILIT technologies meet the demands of electrical automotive engineering for ever smaller, lighter and yet more powerful and reliable electric motors. DryCycle technology offers higher performance, greater sustainability and stronger reliability in wire enameling. By using only solvent-free polymers, DryCycle reduces the production of harmful VOC during the coating process and lowers carbon dioxide emissions. Tau has offices in Turin (Italy), Moscow (Russia) and Berlin (Germany). Advisor to Tau, Berlin Raue, Berlin: Prof. Dr. Andreas Nelle (Partner, Lead, Corporate/M&A, PE/VC), Dr. Friedhelm Unverdorben (Partner, Tax), Dr. Michael Gläsner (Counsel, Corporate/M&A, PE/VC), Susann Steinecke (Associate, Tax).

Federal Court of Justice Obliges State of Berlin to Award Gas Concession to NBB

Raue, together with BGH attorney Dr. Peter Rädler, secured a historic victory for GASAG/NBB. On 9 March 2021, the Cartel Panel of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) handed down its decision that the State of Berlin is bound to award the tendered concession for the operation of the gas supply network in Berlin to NBB Netzgesellschaft Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG, the network subsidiary of GASAG, the Berlin-based utility.

Raue Advises Technology Start-up Tau on Series A-Financing by Altana Group

Berlin, 24. März 2020 - Raue comprehensively advised Tau, the Turin-based e-mobility and advanced materials venture, on its Series A-financing round led by a EUR 4.5 million investment of German specialty chemicals company Altana.

Raue Elects Friedhelm Unverdorben as Partner and Updates Career Model

With effect from 1 January, Raue elected Friedhelm Unverdorben as partner. In addition, seven senior associates are promoted to the newly created counsel position. Four associates have been appointed senior associates.

azur100 Ranking: Raue is among the Top Employers for Lawyers

According to the recently published azur100 ranking, Raue is one of the TOP employers for lawyers in Germany and was able to move up to the 42nd place.