Francesc A. Baygual > RocaJunyent > Madrid, Spain > Lawyer Profile
RocaJunyent Offices
JOSÉ ABASCAL, 56 6a Planta
28003 MADRID
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Francesc A. Baygual
Work Department
M&A and Commercial
Partner since 2006
He holds a Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona, is a member of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), holds a Master’s Degree in Law by the Abat Oliba CEU University (Barcelona) and a Master’s Degree in Law (LLM) by the University Of Sheffield (UK).
He is a practicing lawyer specialized in representing and assisting Spanish and international companies when doing business in Spain.
For the past 20 years, he has specialized in M&A practices and has a large experience on all kinds of M&A transactions in multiple sectors, advising either private equity funds or entrepreneurs in their investment or disinvestment strategies. Larger international transaction in which he was involved as leading counsel: € 2 billion.
He seats at the board of directors of many Spanish companies as Secretary non-director.
He practices in Madrid and in Barcelona, having teams in both offices and is also the head of the French Desk of our Firm.
Francesc speaks English, French, Spanish and Catalan.