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Leading Silks

Helen Davies KCBrick Court Chambers 'A star who is respected by judges.'
Alan Gourgey KCWilberforce Chambers ‘Alan is an excellent advocate with fine judgement, as well as being a creative lawyer who is great with clients. He is also knowledgeable on the law and turns around paperwork very quickly.’
Andrew Green KCBlackstone Chambers 'Andrew is a first-rate leading silk. His cross examination is razor-sharp, and he really gets under the skin of a case. He is truly superb.'
Richard Handyside KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Calm and forensic style that delivers a laser-focus to his submissions that deliver the result the client seeks. One of the most impressive silks for the most complex and high-profile cases.’
Mark Howard KCBrick Court Chambers 'Mark is a superb silk.'
Andrew Hunter KCBlackstone ChambersA very bright, hardworking lawyer with enormous energy and capacity to process and analyse very complex facts and data at speed.
Elizabeth Jones KCSerle Court ‘Fabulous attention to detail, combined with outstanding strategic and legal advice - one of the very best. Total authority in court.’
Tim Lord KCBrick Court Chambers 'The best of his generation. He is sensibly aggressive, and deeply forensic. He has a laser-like approach to exposing wrongdoing and expertly frames the key issues. His rich experience gives him the ability to cut through the undergrowth to expose the killer points for all to see.'
Kenneth MacLean KCOne Essex Court ‘Superb judgement - incredibly hardworking in trial preparation and extremely strong during cross-examination.’
Ali Malek KC3 Verulam Buildings 'Understands how judges think and has a unique ability to understand clients' commercial imperatives.'
Philip Marshall KCSerle Court ‘Philip is a hugely impressive advocate. He combines a deep command of the law with an innate sense of the tactics needed to achieve the client's objectives. His advocacy makes the difference between winning and losing the case.’
Duncan Matthews KCTwenty Essex 'A truly first-class super-silk. Authoritative and persuasive. The go-to KC.'
Ewan McQuater KC3 Verulam Buildings ‘Ewan is a really high-class operator and at the top of the market. He has a very clear strategic view, but is not afraid to get into the details. His advocacy is always persuasive, and he knows instinctively which points to press and which to leave behind.’
Laurence Rabinowitz KCOne Essex Court ‘He is extremely good at building a rapport with the client. Laurence  listens well to the client and responds very well. He also has the ear of judges when addressing the court – all this making him one of the top commercial silks at the English Bar.’
Simon Rainey KCQuadrant Chambers ‘Outstanding in court - precise, authoritative and very clear.'
Simon Salzedo KCBrick Court Chambers ‘One of the leading silks of his generation for commercial law. Fantastic judgement, and deep knowledge and understanding of the law. A great team player, and regarded amongst peers at the Bar as one of the best.
Bankim Thanki KCFountain Court Chambers ‘One of a small handful of truly outstanding commercial appellate advocates. There is no-one better. He's incredibly bright, a superb lawyer, a highly persuasive advocate with a low-key but devastating style, and judges have the highest respect for him. He's also a first-rate trial lawyer.’
Sonia Tolaney KCOne Essex Court ‘Sonia is simply the best. She is pitch perfect with her written and oral advocacy, ruthlessly efficient, and puts clients at ease. If a case is complicated and has significant reputational repercussions, she's who clients want.’
Daniel Toledano KCOne Essex Court ‘He brings a formidable legal brain, aligned with combative advocacy, to the court. Great ability to read the mood of the court and to adapt accordingly. Brilliant and careful written advocacy.’
John Wardell KCWilberforce Chambers ‘John is a superb strategist, who gives clear and confident advice. He is also fantastic advocate, who is always up for the fight, and he has a magical ability to read judges which means his advice is always spot on.’
Tom Adam KC –Brick Court Chambers ‘Tom is a force of nature. He has the most incisive brain, and his advice is always robust and powerful.
Jonathan Adkin KCSerle Court ‘A star in every respect. Brilliant on his feet, with wonderful lateral thinking and an engaging nature that makes every case together an absolute joy, whatever the challenges.’ 
David Allen KC7 King’s Bench Walk ‘He is very approachable and bright, and leads his team well.’
Robert Anderson KCBlackstone Chambers 'Excellent cross-examiner and always on top of the key issues.'
Stephen Auld KCOne Essex Court ‘Stephen is the real deal. He brings gravitas to the top table on complex matters, and is consistently able to deliver legal points on his feet to blinding effect;’
George Bompas KC4 Stone BuildingsGeorge has an excellent legal brain, being able quickly to analyse large quantities of material and provide first-class advice on strategy and merits.
John Brisby KC4 Stone Buildings ‘John is a ferocious cross-examiner and is on top of the details of a case very quickly. Works well with all members of the legal team, both senior and junior.’
Alain Choo Choy KCOne Essex Court ‘Alain is a superb advocate, both on his feet and on paper. He is articulate and highly intelligent but very accessible to clients. Judges find him compelling and persuasive, and he works immensely hard and is always available. A real star and team player.'
Charles Dougherty KC2 Temple Gardens ‘Crystal-clear advice, easy to engage with and authoritative.’
Vernon Flynn KCBrick Court Chambers 'Vernon is an excellent advocate and knows his audience extremely well. He is able to convey complex legal arguments in a clear and concise manner. He is also very responsive and industrious, quickly digesting large amounts of information and focusing on the pertinent factual and legal issues to provide timely advice.'
Lord Grabiner KCOne Essex CourtTony’s advocacy in persuading other disputes teams involved to come across to his client’s preferred course of action is very beneficial.
Richard Hill KC4 Stone Buildings ‘A robust and engaging advocate who commands a courtroom - excellent tactician who gets to the heart of a case easily. He is particularly strong in financial and commercial claims, and great at leading larger teams - he really inspires confidence.’
Nigel Jones KCGatehouse Chambers 'A top performer.'
Daniel Jowell KCBrick Court Chambers 'Very clever and with an engaging style - really cares about winning and does everything he can for his clients. Excellent understated style as an advocate, but at the same time a really robust cross-examiner who isn't afraid to get stuck into the details of a case.'
Gavin Kealey7 King’s Bench WalkGavin has a real skill for clear and engaging advocacy on complicated legal questions. He gets the court on board with his submissions.’
Neil Kitchener KCOne Essex Court ‘Neil is outstanding - a brilliant leader in the true sense. Neil's ability to work with and within a team structure, and get on top of the detail, allow him to see and set the appropriate macro strategy and then implement it. Neil's written work is wonderfully pithy and to the point, allowing the court to see and digest the real issues from his client's perspective.’
Ian Mill KCBlackstone Chambers 'Ian is very experienced, calm and meticulous in his preparation and advocacy, and a pleasure to work with.'
Craig Orr KCOne Essex Court ‘Craig is known for his ability to resolve litigation successfully, and trusted for both his deep knowledge and commercial acumen.’
David Quest KC3 Verulam Buildings ‘A favourite KC – David is fearsomely bright and tenacious, and with an urbane courtroom style.’
Stuart Ritchie KCFountain Court ChambersStuart is an absolute class act. A superb advocate, an excellent black letter lawyer, but with commercial nous, and an exceptionally hard worker. He has it all.'
Andrew Thompson KCErskine Chambers ‘Impresses with his detailed and current knowledge of the reflective loss principle, and his accessibility and engagement.
Nigel Tozzi KC4 Pump Court ‘Extremely responsive and immensely personable, despite his seniority. He listens to his clients and instructing solicitors, and gets clients the results they want.’
Lord Wolfson KCOne Essex CourtDavid has a tremendous court room presence. Distills the most complex points to their essence and establishes great rapport with the tribunal.
David Allison KCSouth Square ‘The clarity, structure and persuasiveness of his advocacy may be David's greatest strengths. His tone and delivery are always perfect, and the structure of his submissions is always spot on.'
Camilla Bingham KCOne Essex Court ‘Very hardworking and focused on the detail - really rolls up her sleeves and spends time on matters. Reads judges well and takes instructions as appropriate in court.'
Richard Boulton KCOne Essex Court ‘Richard has a calm and collected manner, which lends a lot of credibility with the judge. He knows when to push a point, and when not to. Very in demand and a top-drawer silk.’
David Chivers KCErskine Chambers ‘David is superb. His greatest strength is his level of preparation and ability to absorb and understand complex factual detail. His legal knowledge is also extremely impressive, and his advocacy is clear, compelling and very easy to understand. He is also unflappable.’
Stephen Cogley KC4 Pump Court ‘Very knowledgeable of the law, a tenacious advocate, and fights the client's corner, but also realistic with his advice. Produces excellent written documents.’
Anneliese Day KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Very commercially sound and very strategically driven - knows her area of law exceptionally well.’
Paul Downes KCQuadrant Chambers ‘Tenacious advocacy, highly polished client skills, and a barrister to go to for the most challenging of cases. Excellent on his feet and very tough when required.’
Andrew George KCBlackstone ChambersAndrew grasps complex matters very easily indeed and articulates his views very clearly and concisely. He does express his opinions and not just what he believes a client wants to hear. His advocacy is wonderful.
Patrick Goodall KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Has an unbelievably logical and orderly mind, meaning his advice is always crystal clear. His advocacy is perfectly suited to large-scale cases, and he is incredibly effective as an advocate.’
Charles Graham KCOne Essex Court ‘His ability to pick up even the most complex issue at a moment's notice is wonderful. He is also an advocate to be feared. He will take all the points necessary and no more, and this keeps him razor-like. He is a wonderful strategist but at the same time, he has the ability to be humble and ask the necessary questions. ’
Thomas Grant KC – Wilberforce Chambers ‘No apparent weaknesses as a barrister. He has an untiring attention to detail, is meticulous in his preparations for hearings, and is forceful yet amiable on his feet. Put quite simply, he is the pinnacle of the London Bar.’
David Head KC3 Verulam Buildings ‘Clear, concise and commercial.  A great team player, who is an intelligent, articulate and persuasive advocate.’
Sa’ad Hossain KCOne Essex Court ‘Sa’ad is top notch - he has a great talent for dissecting complex agreements and helping clients achieve a commercial outcome.’
Timothy Howe KCFountain Court Chambers ‘An incredibly incisive and persuasive advocate, who is particularly adept at explaining complex issues of contract interpretation in a straightforward way. He is also very user friendly and operates effectively as part of a wider team.’
Daniel Lightman KCSerle Court ‘Daniel is a master of litigation strategy. His attention to detail and strategic nous are excellent, and clients inevitably benefit from an early stage of the litigation as a result. He is well-known as a superb black-letter lawyer and that reputation is more than justified.’
Thomas Lowe KCWilberforce Chambers 'An incredibly gifted advocate with unparalleled experience of Cayman Islands insolvency, company law and commercial disputes. He has a deep understanding of the machinations of Cayman law and the principles underpinning it, and his ability to craft technical arguments is second to none.'
Paul Lowenstein KCTwenty Essex 'Paul has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law, practice and procedure. He is an excellent strategist and instils confident in clients and the wider legal team. Clients absolutely want him on their side.'
Alan Maclean KCBlackstone Chambers 'He has the ability to draft a solid opinion, with clear answers and recommendations. He is also willing to help strategise an approach with both solicitors and ultimate client.'
Hodge Malek KC3 Verulam Buildings ‘Great advocate, excellent strategist, and very good with clients.’
Harry Matovu KCBrick Court Chambers 'He is commercial and has a very good legal mind.'
Stephen Moriarty KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Stephen combines powerful mastery of fine detail with sensible commercial and tactical oversight. His advice is always clear and succinct, and he does not shy away from giving confident assessments of the merits of each point.’
Hugh Norbury KCSerle CourtConsistently excellent judgement and the ability to see the real issues in the case and develop effective strategies. He is an effective team leader and gets the best out of his juniors. His advocacy is calm and persuasive, he is not afraid to go into battle on difficult issues, and he reads judges well.’
Stephen Rubin KCFountain Court Chambers ‘A superb advocate- well prepared, forceful and persuasive. He is also easy to work with.’
Rebecca Sabben-Clare KC7 King’s Bench Walk ‘Rebecca is a no-nonsense barrister – she delivers clear, practical and helpful advice, is a trusted advisor, and always available when clients need urgent advice. Her advocacy, both written and oral, is clear, persuasive and effective.’
Tom Smith KCSouth Square ‘Tom is absolutely at the top of his game - a highly respected and authoritative presence in front of judges, masterful in his cross-examination of hostile witnesses, and also very responsive and willing to get involved in a way that instructing lawyers and clients really appreciate.’
Steven Thompson KCXXIV Old Buildings ‘Steven has superb judgement and there is no one better at the Bar for aviation work. He is also great to work with, and is willing to stick his neck out to predict outcomes.’
Richard Waller KC7 King’s Bench Walk ‘A superb lawyer, thinker and advocate.’
Simon Birt KCBrick Court Chambers 'Simon is completely on top of his brief - he is thorough, diligent and thoughtful in everything he does. He has a great ability to predict which arguments will win, and which will not - and is therefore able to pitch a position brilliantly. He is a great team player, liked by everybody he works with, and has the trust and ear of judges.'
David Blayney KCSerle Court ‘David is fiercely intelligent and has a natural ability to convey complex ideas straightforwardly and persuasively. Perhaps unusually for someone so intelligent, David also takes a practical and pragmatic approach to litigation.’
Michael Bloch KCBlackstone Chambers 'A superb advocate. Able to grasp the most complex fact patterns and distill them into simple arguments. A true silver-tongued speaker, who is able to command the bench and be robust when needed.'
Aidan Christie KC4 Pump Court 'Strong technically and will give realistic advice. Calm and reasoned advocacy.'
Jonathan Cohen KCLittleton Chambers 'A fantastic advocate - quick on his feet, with a terrific ability to take the judge with him.'
Richard Coleman KCFountain Court Chambers 'Richard is a supremely intelligent barrister with an enormous grasp of the law and an ability to distill a complex case to its essentials. He is a powerful advocate, who understands and deploys all of the skills of an accomplished advocate, whether that be in written or oral submissions, or during cross-examination.'
Derrick Dale KCFountain Court ChambersDerrick is an excellent advocate and a pleasure to work with.’
Simon Davenport KC - 4 Pump Court  ‘Simon has the ability to get up to speed quickly on complicated facts. Provides very sensible advice on strategy, and is skilled at pleading a complicated factual case in a simple manner. Very easy to get along with.’
Rhodri Davies KCOne Essex Court ‘Rhodri is an absolutely excellent advocate - clear, calm and determined, he has the command of any courtroom he steps into. He is fiercely bright, has excellent judgement, and is a great pleasure to work with.’
Shaheed Fatima KCBlackstone Chambers 'Shaheed is an exceptional barrister - technically very strong and an excellent advocate. She is all across the detail of cases, is very approachable, and clients hold her in the highest regard.'
Siobán Healy KC  – 7 King’s Bench WalkOutstandingly effective – a great grip on the detail and the big picture. She quickly earns the respect of the client and tribunals. A superb advocate – she dominates the hearings.
Lexa Hilliard KCWilberforce Chambers ‘Lexa never stops thinking, researching and investigating ways to get the best outcome for a client. Her advocacy is a joy to behold – she puts so much personality into her presentation and is extremely persuasive.’
Charles Hollander KCBrick Court ChambersCharles has an unrivalled knowledge of disclosure issues, very good commercial common sense and an easy and engaging courtroom manner. An excellent advocate.
Robert Howe KCBlackstone Chambers 'He is excellent and a first-class advocate. He is extremely calm, highly intelligent, and clients are in very safe hands with Robert on their side.'
Charles Kimmins KCTwenty Essex 'Charles' advocacy is persuasive, commanding, and brutally effective. He zeroes in on the core issues, has sharp attention to detail, and is exceptionally user friendly and personable.'
Peter Knox KC3 Hare CourtPeter falls within the exclusive category of counsel that can speak to the Supreme Court justices on their intellectual level. He understands what they want to hear and how they want to hear it.’
Michael McLaren KCFountain Court Chambers 'Michael is simply excellent with the clients and in the courtroom. He picks up on the dynamics of matters and his analysis of complex factual and legal issues is second to none.'
Terence Mowschenson KCWilberforce Chambers ‘A fantastic and very incisive advocate - although he understands all the complexities of the case, he focuses on the key, winning points. Clients never fail to be impressed by the quality of his work.’
David Mumford KCMaitland Chambers ‘Incredibly bright and creative thinking.’
Zoe O’Sullivan KCSerle Court ‘Zoe is a leading commercial litigation silk. She is passionate about her cases and communicates 100% conviction within the most difficult arguments. A tenacious and highly effective cross-examiner.’
Tim Penny KCWilberforce ChambersTim is thorough in his approach, covering cases from all angles - also a very fine advocate.’
Rosalind Phelps KCFountain Court ChambersAmazingly clever, incredibly commercial, fantastic as an advocate, writes brilliantly, and the consummate team player. Clients adore her plain-speaking advice and judges love her calm and authoritative, but never arrogant, manner. A superstar.’
James Potts KCErskine Chambers 'James has an excellent written style and an extremely thorough approach to analysing cases.'
Rupert Reed KCSerle Court ‘Rupert is extremely bright, hardworking and a team player. A true specialist in the Middle East, and a fluent speaker of Arabic. There are few like him.’
Patricia Robertson KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Hugely decisive and gives firm, insightful advice. Clients are in very safe hands with Patricia. As a leader, she gives excellent strategic advice.’  
Richard Slade KCBrick Court Chambers 'Delightful to work with, with tremendous insights, and an inspiring team-based approach.'
Clare Stanley KCWilberforce Chambers ‘Clare is a brilliant advocate, who excels at building a rapport with the bench and adapting on her feet as a case develops. She is extremely impressive in cross-examination, and dealing with complicated facts and subject matter.’
Paul Stanley KCEssex Court Chambers 'Paul is a complete superstar. His advice is always incredibly perceptive and thoughtful, and he is tactically astute and commercially aware.'
Andrew Sutcliffe KC3 Verulam Buildings ‘Andrew delivers very clear and decisive advice. There is no sitting on the fence.’
Robert-Jan Temmink KCQuadrant Chambers ‘Robert is a first-class advocate – his use of the English language, the pace at which he speaks and his carefully chosen pauses combine for a hugely effective performance in court.'
Andrew Twigger KCMaitland Chambers ‘Iron fist in a velvet glove. His cross-examination style is quiet, considered and deadly. Judges warm to his style and find him very credible. He is fiercely intelligent and whilst considered in his approach, he makes the most of challenging arguments.’
Antony White KCMatrix Chambers ‘His written and oral advocacy are absolutely first rate - he is calm, measured, and analytically and intellectually incisive, yet has an easily accessible and persuasive style.’
David Alexander KCSouth Square ‘Very client focused, greatly into the detail, fierce cross-examination. Hugely experienced in unfair prejudice claims.’
Andrew Ayres KCTwenty Essex 'Andrew is superb with clients and also a real team player. Technically he is first-rate and quick to spot issues or opportunities that others may have missed.'
Guy Blackwood KCQuadrant Chambers ‘Guy is a standout KC - he turns around advice impressively quickly, will always see the key issues, and is very client friendly, both in his manner and the work product he delivers.’
Michael Bools KCBrick Court Chambers 'Has a very easy and attractive advocacy style, but he also has a keen intellect and makes incisive points crisply and powerfully.'
Aidan Casey KC – South SquareExcellent and persuasive written work – a gifted advocate whose clear presentation resonates with courts and tribunals.
Andrew Clutterbuck KC4 Stone Buildings ‘Considered and conscientious, and easy to work with.’
Simon Colton KCOne Essex Court ‘Simon is a phenomenal KC and a wonderful person to work with on the toughest matters. He is a brilliant advocate, a master of law and court practice, and a supreme tactician.’
Edward Cumming KCXXIV Old Buildings ‘Incredible intellect, boundless enthusiasm, and a tenacious fighter for his client.’
Peter De Verneuil Smith KC – 3 Verulam Buildings ‘Peter remains good-humoured and approachable through very challenging processes. He is able to get to grips with legally and factually complicated scenarios without skipping a beat. ’
Jasbir Dhillon KCBrick Court Chambers 'A very effective cross-examiner.'
Ben Elkington KC4 New Square ‘Shows consistency and brilliance. He is one of the strongest KCs around.’
Michael Fealy KCOne Essex Court ‘Michael is a great litigator and really knows his ways around a court room. He has worked on one of the biggest matters in the English court.’
Matthew Hardwick KC3 Verulam Buildings ‘Matthew is a details person, but to a different degree. His preparation, even by the standards of the best KCs is truly exceptional. No stone is left unturned in any way. He is also very user friendly and accessible. A real team player who immediately earns and retains claimants' respect and confidence.’
Yash Kulkarni KC – Quadrant ChambersYash is a go-to silk. He is meticulous in his work and his advocacy is razor-sharp. He is also highly commercial and strategic.'
David Lewis KCTwenty Essex 'Massively able and unflappable. Very measured advocacy.'
Richard Lissack KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Richard is calm, focused and authoritative. As an advocate, he has control of the process and mastery of his brief.’
John Machell KCSerle Court ‘John is excellent on every level. He is kind and easy to work with, but tough when he needs to be. He is very efficient, an excellent advocate, and great with difficult clients.’
Fenner Moeran KCWilberforce Chambers ‘Fenner is a superb advocate, who is able to distil the most complex legal concepts into words which judges not only understand but also find compelling. His direct and authoritative style make him a first-choice advocate for most hearings.’
Daniel Saoul KC – 4 New SquareImpeccable judgement, both in his advice and advocacy. He is definitely one of the best silks to have on a team for complex commercial litigation - really easy to work with and a fantastic team player.’
Nikki Singla KCWilberforce Chambers ‘Nikki is incredibly commercial and the best silk around when it comes to interaction with clients. He is adept at working with all types of clients and putting them at ease in stressful circumstances. He is also always willing to roll up his sleeves and get stuck into the detail.’
Andrew Spink KCOuter Temple Chambers ‘Very easy to work with, and has the trust of the client and the entire legal team. He is a confident, persuasive and smooth advocate, with a clear, crisp but powerful advocacy style.’
Alan Steinfeld KCXXIV Old Buildings ‘Alan is truly exceptional. His advice and guidance are the amongst the very best, and his thought processes are impossible to replicate, but the end result is always reliably successful.’
Francis Tregear KCXXIV Old Buildings ‘Precise advice and an ability to cut through to the main issue.’
Geraint Webb KCHenderson ChambersAstute, incredibly bright, and a fantastic commercial litigator who is always ahead of his opponents.'
Adam Zellick KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Adam excels at delivering clarity of thought, and distilling the complex. He is also excellent strategically.’
Lawrence Akka KCTwenty Essex ‘Lawrence is wonderfully easy to work with. He has a way of communicating advice on incredibly difficult issues in a way that makes them seem simple. Clients love working with him.’
Michael Ashcroft KC – Twenty Essex 'A superb operator who knows the law inside out. Judges feel comfortable following his propositions - he is the voice of reason.'
Stephen Atherton KC – Twenty EssexStephen provides a rare combination of hard work, intellect and commerciality. He is a calm and reassuring presence on a file and works extremely well with instructing solicitors. He is the go-to barrister for complex Cayman commercial litigation.’
James Bailey KC – Wilberforce ChambersPut simply, James is an outstanding advocate. He has the ear of the bench from the moment he steps into the courtroom, giving clients an immediate leg up on opponents, particularly when litigating in the Chancery Division and the Companies Court.
Gregory Banner KC – Maitland Chambers ‘A fine advocate with an eye for the good points and the ability to maximise those good points before the court.’
Anna Boase KCOne Essex Court ‘Anna is a fearsome advocate in court and a perfectionist, who leaves no stone unturned in preparing documents and in her submissions. She is also not afraid to take a difficult point and is always open minded to creative litigation strategies - she is a superb tactician.’
James Brocklebank KC7 King’s Bench Walk ‘James is an excellent advocate, who is able to handle difficult witnesses in a careful and considered way. He is completely on top of the detail of cases and thorough in his preparation, engaging with solicitors to test all areas of his argument – James is a standout KC.’
Hannah Brown KC – One Essex CourtVery well-prepared and very clear in court. Extremely measured and has the attention of the judge. Her skeleton arguments are very thorough and effective.
David Brynmor Thomas KC - 39 Essex Chambers 'Well prepared, and during advocacy he is able to pivot in his arguments to whatever is being thrown at him from the tribunal and the other side.'
Nicholas Craig KC – 3 Verulam BuildingsA very user-friendly silk – a no-nonsense barrister who gets the job done.
Edmund Cullen KCMaitland Chambers ‘Superb knowledge of the law, very commercial, and excellent in front of clients. His advocacy is very persuasive, tough and tactically astute, and he reads judges extremely well.’
Edward Davies KCErskine Chambers ‘Very user friendly and responsive. He clearly knows the law very well and is excellent at identifying practical solutions to problems. He is on top of the detail of cases and his drafting is excellent. No weaknesses to speak of.’
Anna Dilnot KC – Essex Court ChambersFantastically quick to digest points and very responsive. She is great with clients, and a clear and persuasive advocate. She has a knack of simplifying points and often injects a dose of common sense into proceedings.’
Andrew Fletcher KC3 Verulam Buildings ‘Very professional in handling disputes and he has a deep understanding of what the client needs.’
Andrew Fulton KCTwenty Essex ‘Meticulously prepared, and a very authoritative advocate whom the judges trust. Excellent use of technology.’
Steven Gee KCMonckton Chambers ‘Steven brings exceptional levels of experience to the table. Clever, talented and very much solution focused - a superb, whiplash-smart advocate, who is an exceedingly good technician and brilliant strategist.’
Andreas Gledhill KC – Blackstone ChambersAn extremely polished, considered advocate. Anticipates and disarms any bombs from the bench well before their fuses are lit. Good with clients.
Jeremy Goldring KCSouth Square ‘Jeremy is extremely bright and incisive, with a first-rate mind and the ability to find the hidden point that makes all the difference to the case. His advocacy is superb.’
Patrick Green KCHenderson Chambers ‘Top barrister at the peak of his powers. An extremely persuasive advocate and master tactician.’
Christopher Harris KC – 3 Verulam BuildingsBrilliant, very clever and user-friendly.
Alec Haydon KC – Brick Court Chambers ‘Superb ability to assimilate and process vast quantities of information, and to cut the wheat from the chaff. Pithy and direct in his advocacy, in and out of court, and has the clear respect of the judges. A KC of the highest standard.‘  
Justin Higgo – Serle Court 'Justin is an excellent strategist, a strident and effective advocate, and incredibly easy to work with.'
Michael Holmes KC7 King’s Bench Walk ‘Great at getting to grips with the issues and advising on difficult insurance matters.’
Laura John KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Laura is a superb communicator. She is refreshingly clear and concise, and has strong intellectual credentials. Her advocacy at trial is fantastic.’
Hugh Jory KC4 New Square ‘Hugh's attention to detail and preparation is second to none and he is able to manage large cases with complete ease. Hugh's advocacy is second to absolutely none - his presence, ownership and confidence in advocating is evident from the outset.’
Adam Kramer KC3 Verulam Buildings ‘Adam is an all-round superstar. He is a true expert across a wide number of areas and balances it all whilst being exceptionally user-friendly and making himself available, even when in a trial on another matter.’
David Lewis KC – Gatehouse Chambers 'David is a strong commercial litigator. He is efficient with his work and delivers his advice directly and in a helpful and straightforward way. His advocacy is robust and very competent.'
James McClelland KCBrick Court Chambers 'An extremely clever, thoughtful and eloquent silk.'
William McCormick KC – Selborne ChambersWilliam immediately identifies the key issues and focuses on them. He impresses judges in equal measure, and frequently makes fifty-fifty cases appear to be straightforward successes.
Stephen Midwinter KC – Brick Court Chambers ‘Excellent command of the facts, and unflappable, understated court manner that goes down well with the Commercial Court. ’
Edmund Nourse KC – One Essex Court 'At ease with complex commercial litigation and high-value arbitrations. First choice for tricky matters.'
Tamara Oppenheimer KC – Fountain Court Chambers 'She is extremely sharp and cuts straight to the core of the issues, and she knows instinctively what points the judge will care about. Time and again, her assessments of merits and prospects are proved right.'
Rajesh Pillai KC – 3 Verulam Buildings 'Raj is incredibly strong on his feet - equally comfortable in cross-examination as he is in appellate submissions.'
Paul Sinclair KC – Fountain Court ChambersVery user-friendly and responsive, with good common sense and no obvious weaknesses.
Tony Singla KCBrick Court Chambers ‘Tony is very responsive, a good team player, and commercial in his views.’
George Spalton KC4 New SquareGeorge is an exceptional advocate, who is able to navigate complex lines of questioning in a persuasive yet tenacious manner. He can adapt his style as required, eliciting praise from judges who are impressed with the careful manner in which he conducts difficult cross-examinations.’
Romie Tager KCSelborne Chambers ‘Encyclopaedic knowledge, a true all-rounder, and a great problem solver.'
John Taylor KC – Fountain Court Chambers ‘A firm favourite - he is incredibly bright and has a level of attention to detail which is unrivalled. He is compelling both on his feet and in his drafting.'
Ben Valentin KC – Fountain Court ChambersHis ability to distil very complex cases into their most simple formulation is hugely effective - a top-notch strategist and advocate.'
Henry Warwick KC – Chambers of Charles Gibson KC ‘Henry is super-clever and able to communicate his superb advice clearly.

2022 Silks

Matthew Bradley KC4 New Square ‘An outstanding litigator, whose manner and advocacy in court are just right.’
Jeremy Brier KCEssex Court ChambersJeremy is astute and quickly gets to grips with the key issues in a case. He is a compelling advocate and has a pragmatic, commercial approach that impresses clients. Jeremy is extremely good to work with, he engages with the detail, provides clear advice, and does it with a great deal of good humour.’
Edward Brown KCEssex Court Chambers ‘Very pleasant and easy to deal with - sharp, quick, a great advocate, and responsive and clear.’
Josephine Higgs KC7 King’s Bench WalkIncredibly calm and capable of providing concise and clear advice, even in the most complex and high-pressured scenarios. She is an incredibly reassuring presence in challenging circumstances.'
Sebastian Isaac KCOne Essex Court ‘Phenomenally clever but wears it lightly, all over the detail, pitch-perfect advocacy, and an engaging manner. And, with all that, a great leader and team player.’
James MacDonald KCOne Essex Court ‘Excellent drafting, very hardworking, and focused on the detail.’
Alexander Milner KCFountain Court Chambers ‘Very clever and usually several steps ahead of the opposition. Very good on his feet and a sterling cross-examiner.’
Alexander Polley KCOne Essex Court ‘Alexander is outstanding. His intellect is second to none, and never ceases to amaze - and yet he is somehow incredibly user-friendly. Finally, he works very hard and is always responsive. He is top class.’
Stephen Robins KCSouth Square ‘A very good advocate - very good at drafting and gets on top of the detail.’

2023 Silks

Adam Baradon KC – Blackstone Chambers 'Incredibly intelligent, can get to grips with the most complicated legal and factual issues. An encyclopaedic knowledge of the law.'
Adam Cloherty KCXXIV Old Buildings ‘Adam is commercial, exceedingly good to work with, collaborative, and very thorough. Overall, just great.’
Alexander Cook KC4 Stone Buildings ‘His written work is beyond compare - clear, lucid and persuasive. He is a client's dream, and the best team player at the bar.’
Richard Eschwege KCBrick Court Chambers 'He has a massive brain and demonstrates judgement beyond his years.'
Craig Morrison KCBrick Court Chambers 'A first-rate legal mind who spots the key issues and is able to summarise them succinctly for courts and clients.'

2024 Silks

Oliver Assersohn KCXXIV Old BuildingsOliver is incredibly intelligent and has a particularly effective written style. He is a real team player and can be depended on in high-stakes litigation.’
Richard Blakeley KCBrick Court Chambers 'Great all-round advice. Good strategy and excellent advocacy, even when up against KC opponents.'
Josephine Davies KCTwenty Essex 'Hugely talented commercial and Chancery junior - tremendously able and compelling to work with.'
James Duffy KCFountain Court Chambers ‘A go-to senior junior, who is clever, strategic and creative in his advice, drafting and oral advocacy. On his feet, he is well organised and persuasive in his submissions. He is also adept at gauging the court's reactions and adapting as required in the course of his submissions.’
Fred Hobson KCBrick Court Chambers 'An outstandingly clever junior. Judges like his style.'
Shail Patel KC4 New Square ‘Shail's pleadings are beautifully crafted and a delight to read. A calm, authoritative and respectful advocate, who does not engage in unnecessary grandstanding or unprofessional tactics, and his manner and delivery are superb.'
Nicholas Sloboda KCOne Essex CourtInspires confidence with his attention to detail and retention of the facts and progress of the case. He is very responsive, engaging, and practically minded.'

Leading Juniors

Rupert AllenFountain Court Chambers ‘Rupert has one of the best legal minds at the Bar; in addition, he has a commercial mindset and is extremely responsive and user friendly. He is a brilliant advocate, in both written and oral advocacy. He is very quick on his feet, and is an excellent drafter of advice and court documents.’
Leona PowellBlackstone Chambers 'Leona is very bright, her advocacy is consistently well pitched with the court, and she is very responsive and approachable.'
Stuart AdairXXIV Old Buildings ‘Good grasp of the commercial realities of a case and good empathy with clients. Stuart has a persuasive manner in court and is ready to deal with the unexpected as it arises.’
Simon AdamykNew Square Chambers ‘One of the brightest barristers at the Bar. Highly intelligent, meticulous in his attention to detail but always ready to give a rougher steer if required, a good advocate, and extremely easy to deal with.’
Natasha BennettFountain Court Chambers ‘Very responsive, thoughtful and detailed analysis, and works well in a team.'
Fraser CampbellBlackstone Chambers 'Able to synthesise a very large volume of information and distill it down to straightforward and practical advice. He is an exceptionally gifted advocate, whose advocacy style is assured and measured.'
David DrakeSerle Court ‘David is probably one of the smartest people at the Bar. Clients go to him with the most difficult issues that require super brain power.’
Anton DudnikovEssex Court Chambers 'Anton is fiercely intelligent. His advocacy is very composed, measured and lucid. When faced with complex issues, it is obvious that judges take comfort from the clarity of Anton's submissions.'
Richard Hanke3 Verulam Buildings ‘Richard is extremely incisive. His advocacy is excellent and his written work is of the highest quality. He is a silk in waiting.’
Christopher Harrison4 Stone BuildingsExtremely thorough in his approach, and supportive with clients. Thinks ahead and anticipates future issues. Overall, extremely competent and a pleasure to work with.’
Edward HoBrick Court Chambers 'Everything a solicitor prays for in a barrister - next-level intelligence, but also pragmatic and down to earth. Destined for greatness.'
Susannah JonesTwenty Essex 'Extremely able senior junior. She knows every detail of the case. Her pleadings are comprehensive but not long-winded. Brilliant at settlement agreements.'
George McPherson3 Verulam Buildings ‘He has exceptional written advocacy skills, which are in advance of what one would expect of someone of his vintage.’
Matthew MorrisonSerle Court ‘Matthew is an excellent written advocate with great litigation sense. He is well liked by clients and a great team member. A star of the future.’
Laura NewtonBrick Court Chambers 'Laura is a superstar junior, who is brilliant on paper and a polished, smooth, advocate whom judges sit up and listen to.'
Sandy PhippsOne Essex Court ‘Brilliant analysis, writes beautifully, incredibly hardworking, and a pleasure to work with.’
Clare ReffinOne Essex Court ‘Always provides excellent value and her analysis is meticulous. She keeps instructing solicitors on their toes at all times, and is much better than many KCs.’
Can Yeginsu – 3 Verulam Buildings ‘Can is a superb commercial senior junior who is a dream to instruct. He really comes into his own as an advocate against silks in the Commercial Court and is a great cross-examiner. Clients love him, opponents respect him, and judges listen to him. Absolutely top class.’
Paul AdamsSerle Court ‘Very bright, brilliant attention to detail, very accessible, and always happy to help - a real team player.’
Stuart Benzie - Radcliffe Chambers ‘Stuart has unparalleled experience of obtaining urgent, interim relief, and he has true commercial awareness to bring to bear, which clients really appreciate.’
Emily BettsGatehouse Chambers 'Emily is extremely articulate and knowledgeable, with a commercial instinct that results in excellent all-round advice for the client. Emily has become a go-to barrister for Chancery/commercial work.'
Michael D’ArcyOne Essex Court ‘Michael is highly intelligent and quickly gets to grips with complex legal and factual points. He is thorough and thoughtful in the advice he provides, and his written work is to a high standard.’
Tom FordEssex Court Chambers 'Tom has a lot of energy, is well spoken, and a good strategist. He's also a pleasure to work with - he has no weaknesses.'
Edward HarrisonBrick Court Chambers 'Edward is an outstanding junior who is a match for many KCs. He is an assured and persuasive advocate whose courtroom submissions deliver knock-out blows, and his mastery of the detail in complex cases is hugely impressive.'
Philip Hinks3 Verulam Buildings ‘One of the best and most sought-after juniors in relation to commercial litigation disputes. He is always responsive and is adept at devising creative solutions for clients. His advocacy is measured and calm, which typically builds a good rapport with judges. He is always on top of the facts and works relentlessly to fight for the client.’
Emma JonesOne Essex Court ‘Exceptional advice and judgement. Emma is head and shoulders above other juniors.’
Timothy Killen2 Temple GardensTimothy is on a meteoric rise at the commercial bar. He is super-smart, completely across the papers, and fantastic at leading a team.’
Geoffrey KuehneBrick Court Chambers 'A junior with a fantastic work ethic.'
Tina KyriakidesRadcliffe Chambers ‘Tina fights her client's corner like nobody else. She is a very gentle but assertive advocate, and very much a team player with her instructing solicitors, which contributes to a much more productive process.’
Lisa Lacob3 Verulam Buildings ‘Lisa is highly intelligent, great with clients, and goes above and beyond for her clients - she is always contactable, offers quick advice when needed, and very commercial in her overall strategy. Her advocacy and written work are equally impressive, and she can do both to an exceptional standard.’
Anna LittlerWilberforce ChambersAnna is fantastic. She is tirelessly hardworking - nothing is too much trouble and her attention to detail is fantastic. She achieves this while remaining practical and client friendly, which is no mean feat. When Anna is on board clients know they will get a top-level service, for both advisory work and advocacy.
Niall McCullochEnterprise Chambers 'Does a very good job and is very able.'
Belinda McRaeTwenty Essex 'Belinda's written work is superb and her skeleton arguments are a work of art. She is extremely user friendly, responsive and hardworking. A well-prepared and persuasive advocate.'
James McWilliams3 Verulam BuildingsJames is a confident advocate, who shows good judgement. He is also good on his legal analysis and a pleasure to work with.’
Hugh MiallXXIV Old BuildingsHugh is a first-rate advocate, both on paper and on his feet.
William MoffettRadcliffe Chambers ‘Very good with clients - makes them feel at ease and inspires confidence in them. Exceptionally thorough and always ready to deal with any query that may arise. His advocacy is quietly persuasive and probing, but he will not leave any issue unsaid.'
Adil MohamedbhaiSerle Court ‘Adil is one of the best juniors at the Commercial and Chancery Bar, and plainly destined for great things. He is highly intelligent, has excellent legal knowledge and experience, and wonderful litigation instincts. He also works ferociously hard.'
Laurence Page  – 4 Pump Court ‘Laurence has a phenomenal work rate and an unparalleled ability to turn complexity into simplicity at speed. He gives a level of assurance beyond his years and is also great fun to work with. A real one to watch, who is destined for big things at the Bar.’
Alexander PellingXXIV Old Buildings 'A joy to work with - always on point, super responsive, a great advocate, and great with clients. Just can't fault him.'
Watson PringleMaitland Chambers ‘Watson is an outstanding commercial barrister in every respect. He works extremely hard, is very clever, and has excellent judgement. As an advocate, he is unusually clear and confident for a junior - a silk in the making.’
Michael Ryan7 King’s Bench WalkMichael holds his own as an advocate against experienced silks, has depth of legal knowledge, and very good analytical skills.’
Michael WatkinsOne Essex Court 'A fantastic junior - thoughtful, engaging, and great written work. One to watch.'
James WealeSerle Court ‘James's advocacy is astute, carefully prepared, and always hits the mark. He is highly persuasive and effective at achieving the desired end result for the client. He is also extremely responsive and provides sound input on a strategic level. Certainly a KC in the making.’
Elizabeth WeaverXXIV Old Buildings ‘An absolutely top, go-to counsel - very bright, persuasive and detailed, Has a broad range of skills, which she adapts ably to all manner of cases. Clients respect and like her a lot.’
Harry Adamson  – Blackstone Chambers 'Harry is completely brilliant – a formidable strategist, who grasps every detail and is an absolute delight to work with.'
Nicola AllsopQuadrant Chambers ‘Superb communication skills, very clear advice, and a star of the future. A silk in all but name, she is exceptionally bright, engaged and delivers great written and oral advocacy.’
Michael BoldingBrick Court ChambersIn a field of brilliant practitioners, Michael stands out for his thorough and accurate analysis of every kind of legal situation.
Daniel Burgess  – Blackstone Chambers 'Very strong strategic sense and excellent on the law.'
Sri Carmichael  – Wilberforce ChambersVery diligent and thorough. Sri always takes care to keep clients updated with the progress of her work. Clear and concise drafting skills, and good empathy with clients.’
Lucy Colter4 New SquareLucy is very responsive, incredibly hardworking, and a fantastic team player. She is a real pleasure to work alongside and to instruct.’
Daniel Edmonds Fountain Court ChambersDaniel is an excellent junior, who marries excellent technical skills with brilliant commercial judgement. He works extremely hard and has a fantastic ability to quickly get on top of the detail of a matter and provide incisive commercial advice.
William Edwards  – 3 Verulam Buildings ‘William is extremely intelligent and able to advance sophisticated arguments in support of a client's position. He is tenacious in seeking out resolutions for clients, and willing to think outside the box to find workable solutions. His advocacy is impressive, and he is very able and quick on his feet when addressing complex and challenging questioning from appeal judges.‘
Thomas EliasSerle Court ‘Thomas has a strikingly good eye for detail and his advocacy is perfectly judged - never overplaying a point but always pressing the point home until it lands. Thomas radiates calm, and many a crisis passes unnoticed thanks to his grip on the situation. He is the perfect foil for a silk, who prefers to concentrate on the big picture, but is strategically very capable himself.’
Patrick Harty  – One Essex CourtPatrick is measured, well prepared, and gets to the heart of the case almost immediately, managing to simplify the most complex cases.’
Stuart HornettSelborne Chambers ‘Robust and thorough, good attention to detail, and effective in cross-examination. Always well prepared and commercial.’
Tamara KaganOne Essex Court ‘A real team player, who pays great attention to detail. She asks very effective questions to make sure clients get the best evidence possible, and her drafting is excellent.
Nicole LangloisXXIV Old BuildingsTechnically very good and has a good strategic mind too, so Nicole is a valuable member of the team in terms of strategic issues.
Gary LidingtonRadcliffe Chambers ‘Gary is very practical and understands the nuances in working with North American clients. He is fantastic in court and clients have a lot of confidence in him.'
Anna Lintner39 Essex Chambers 'A real star who has outstanding technical ability and enviable advocacy skills that are a match for any opposing counsel.'
David LoweBlackstone Chambers 'David is an outstanding junior. He is extremely bright and delivers calm, considered and persuasive advocacy of KC-level quality. He is destined for the very top.'
Alexander MacDonald7 King’s Bench Walk ‘Alex is an exceptional and standout barrister. He is incredibly bright and rolls up his sleeves to get into the weeds of the dispute, and he is able to master any topic.'
Marcus Mander7 King’s Bench Walk ‘Probably one of the hardest working juniors at the Bar. Marcus is exceptional in his attention to detail, is a fantastic source of legal knowledge, and a calming presence as an advocate.'
Emily McKechnieWilberforce Chambers ‘Emily is a KC in the making - incredibly smart and great to deal with.'
Jennifer Meech – Serle Court  ‘Jennifer is an excellent all-round barrister. Calm and very easy to deal with, her advice is always spot-on and she is great on her feet in court.'
Simon MillsRadcliffe Chambers ‘Hands-on, approachable, excellent with clients, empathetic whilst professional, good on strategy and tactics, and thinks outside the box. Readily available, irrespective of time zones and will work around clients to include after-hour conferences – goes above and beyond.
Tom MountfordBlackstone Chambers 'Tom is incredibly bright and nimble, and has a keen eye for the commercial realities of the case at hand. He is naturally legally astute but, more importantly, appreciates the commercial nuances at play and how this might impact overall strategy.'
Dov OhrensteinRadcliffe ChambersExcellent on the law, good personality and emotional intelligence. Calm manner in court.'
Kendrah Potts4 New SquareShe is hands on and understands how to support solicitors and be a real team player. She combines this with extremely strong written and oral advocacy, and a pragmatic and commercial approach.’
Charles RaffinGatehouse Chambers 'Charles is a highly intelligent and focused individual with an uncanny ability to identify and grasp the core issues in a case and distil them down to bite-size pieces. He is analytical and extremely thorough in his advice.'
Jason Robinson  – 7 King’s Bench Walk ‘He is very bright- a good communicator who listens well, and is very patient and clear with the client. His analysis of issues is excellent and his case strategy is clever.’ 
Gerard RothschildBrick Court Chambers 'Calm excellence is his hallmark. Clients and judges are blown over by his mastery of the brief and class.'
Alan RoxburghBrick Court ChambersAlan’s great strength is his meticulous and careful reading of all the papers, and his ability to spot the very small but significant details. He is also completely unflappable and very reliable.
Adam RushworthOne Essex Court ‘Adam is an intellectual powerhouse and tactically very astute. He is also a pleasure to deal with, and his written advocacy is first rate.’
Edward SawyerWilberforce Chambers ‘Exceptionally able, and a very strong strategist and advocate. Not fazed by difficult legal/factual issues, and creative in working out how to use court processes to get the client where it needs to be.’
Max SchaeferBrick Court Chambers 'Max is an exceptional barrister. Super-bright, incisive, and phenomenally productive, with beautiful written work. He is a complete team player and his advocacy at trial is excellent.'
Laurie ScherMaitland ChambersHe has amazing insight, and a capacity to work obviously very hard without appearing to do so.’
Shane SibbelBlackstone Chambers 'Shane is technically excellent, really details-focused, and delivers advice in a client friendly and commercial manner. A real star.'
Derek SpitzOne Essex Court ‘Derek is very strategic and delivers his advice in a way that is easy for a client to understand.’
Justina StewartOuter Temple Chambers ‘Justina is a formidable advocate, whose oral and written advocacy are top notch.’
Joseph SullivanQuadrant ChambersFerociously intelligent and extremely hardworking. He always makes himself available to deal with queries and he is an instructing solicitor's dream. There is no doubt that he will make a fantastic KC in the future.’
Charlotte TanBrick Court Chambers 'Brilliant technician and very hardworking. Charlotte has a huge intellect and can quickly get on top of the most complex issues. A great person to have on the team in the demanding moments leading up to major deadlines.'
Rachel TandyHenderson Chambers ‘Rachel strikes the perfect balance between fiercely intelligent and imaginative in her approach to legal problems. A wordsmith and no detail is missed. Excellent on her feet – certainly one to watch.’
Niranjan VenkatesanOne Essex Court 'Niranjan is an exceptional lawyer. He is phenomenally bright and despite his tremendous ability, he is always humble and ready to help any member of the team.'
James WalmsleyWilberforce Chambers ‘James understands cases quickly and is incisive in getting to the important issues at hand. He has very strong judgement and understands how judges approach cases and issues.’
Frederick Alliott  – 7 King’s Bench Walk ‘An excellent team player who produces high-quality work.’
Clara Benn7 King’s Bench Walk ‘Clara is one of the cleverest barristers clients could hope to meet, but wears it lightly - she never makes clients feel they have asked a silly question and adds value to every question she is asked. She is also very good on paper.'
Ian BergsonFountain Court Chambers ‘One of the very best juniors at the commercial Bar. He is incredibly clever, hardworking and a pleasure to work with - a star of the future.’
Andrew Blake - Erskine Chambers 'Andrew is a pleasure to work with. He is very good with clients, gives clear and robust advice, and is good on strategy and great on commerciality.'
Joanne Box - Brick Court Chambers 'Joanne is a very effective barrister, with excellent instincts and a great ability to identify the heart of an issue quickly. She remains calm under pressure and is an asset to any team.'
Jessica Brooke - Wilberforce Chambers 'Very thorough and a great asset to cases, bringing a calmness to the challenges of disputes.'
William Buck  – Monckton Chambers ‘Good on explaining difficult issues to clients in everyday language - organised and efficient.’
Oliver Butler – One Essex Court 'Oliver is an excellent junior - he has a clear and incisive sense of the law and how it applies practically. His drafting style is concise, clear and persuasive, and he is extremely quick on the uptake and efficient.'
Eleanor CampbellOne Essex CourtEleanor’s written work is of the highest quality, and her judgement is sensible and pragmatic.
Chintan Chandrachud – Brick Court Chambers 'Chintan is highly intelligent and brings great intellectual clarity to his work. He is efficient, hardworking, responsive and a real pleasure to collaborate with. Chintan's written advocacy is of a very high standard.'
Stewart Chirnside  – Quadrant Chambers ‘Stewart is incredibly responsive and quick, and has impressive attention to detail. He is technically excellent and his written advocacy work is exceptional. His calm and measured approach makes him easy to work with.'
Richard CleggSelborne Chambers ‘Superb courtroom performer with an easy manner, but very persuasive. Incredibly detailed and impeccable preparation.’
Edward CohenEnterprise Chambers 'Extremely bright, thorough and does not miss a beat.'
Carmine ConteBlackstone Chambers  ‘Carmine has an encyclopaedia knowledge of black letter law, with rigorous attention to detail. He is personable, responsive and engaging to deal with. Due to his background in academia and as a solicitor in Australia his experience and abilities exceed his years of call.
Edward Crossley – 4 Stone Buildings 'Very detailed, very bright, and able to read and discern issues and come up with solutions. Excellent drafting.'
Adam Deacock  – Radcliffe Chambers ‘Adam has a fantastic ability to recall details and information. He is robust on his feet and enjoyable to work with.’
Gregory Denton-Cox4 Stone BuildingsAn excellent senior junior who is very user-friendly and all over the detail. His advocacy is clear and commanding.
Andrew Dinsmore – Twenty Essex 'Robust beyond his years of call, and his written and oral advocacy are clear and persuasive.'
Stephen Doherty – Outer Temple Chambers 'Stephen is phenomenally clever and can absorb huge quantities of information and documentation extremely quickly. He is very good tactically and his advocacy is impressive.'
Bobby Friedman  – Wilberforce Chambers ‘Bobby has a great deal of knowledge about a range of legal issues, and is able to work on a wide variety of commercial cases while making them seem like his specialist areas. He commands a courtroom with strong and confident advocacy, and often tussles successfully with far more experienced advocates.’
Jonathan GavaghanTen Old Square ‘Jonathan is a brilliant, technically-gifted barrister. His advocacy is persuasive, with a fantastic grasp of legal authorities and a compelling style. He shows good judgement and is great with clients.’
Hannah Glover  – 3 Verulam BuildingsHannah is excellent. Extremely responsive, pragmatic, and all over the detail.’
Sam GoodmanTwenty Essex ‘The consummate junior - paperwork is strong, turned around efficiently, and he doesn't sit on the fence with his advice. Very easy to deal with and instruct.’
Emma Hargreaves  – Serle Court ‘Exceptionally intelligent, even in the context of the commercial Bar. Her emotional intelligence, and her ability to understand people and motivations is a rare attribute in a barrister with her legal acumen.'
Lara Hassell-Hart – 4 Stone Buildings 'Unbelievable for her year of call. Her strategic analysis and ability to identity the points of attack in the other side is amazing. Lara's written work is also exceptional.'
Emma Horner  – 4 Stone BuildingsGreat manner with clients and a steel edge during negotiations.
Christopher Howitt – Three Stone 'Great attention to detail and the ability to get across a lot of information in a short space of time. He is also strong on an appreciation for wider strategy and great at client handling.'
Catherine Jung  – Essex Court Chambers ‘Responsive, analytical, quality drafting, easy to work with, and takes initiative. Written advocacy is of the highest quality - persuasive and well researched.’
KV Krishnaprasad – One Essex CourtKrishna is fiercely intelligent, incredibly hardworking, and calm under pressure. He is a delight to work with.
Luka Krsljanin – Blackstone Chambers 'Extremely quick on his feet and easily grasps the issues in a case. He is also very likeable and client-friendly.'
Lara Kuehl - Selborne Chambers 'Lara is a bright and hardworking junior, with a good grasp of company law and a zest for commercial litigation. Her pleadings are excellent and she is an assured performer in court.'
Kyle Lawson  – Brick Court Chambers 'He has a first-class mind and is a great problem-solver.'
Andrew Legg – Essex Court ChambersFirst-class commercial junior who is full of good ideas.'
Nico Leslie  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Nico is a brilliant lawyer who can express complex points simply. Solicitors enjoy working with him and trust his advice.'
Christopher Lloyd – Essex Court Chambers  ‘Incredibly clever and has a great eye for detail. He is also incredibly hardworking and makes sure he knows a case inside out, and is across all aspects of it. He is a real team player and works seamlessly with instructing solicitors.’ 
Kristina Lukacova  – Monckton Chambers ‘Popular with clients due to the firm and decisive nature of her advice. She identifies the risks inherent in adopting any course of action clearly, and makes sensible, commercially pragmatic recommendations that are easy for clients to understand.’
Gabriella McNicholas – Maitland Chambers 'She is a very tenacious advocate, always well prepared and clear and persuasive in her delivery.'
David Murray – Fountain Court Chambers 'A solid junior, who is very thorough in his writing.'
Simon OakesQuadrant Chambers ‘Confident, good with clients, works hard to find solutions, not afraid of a difficult case, and seeks to be creative with arguments - clear advice and drafting.’
Rachel OakeshottOne Essex Court ‘Rachel is bright, hardworking and full of good ideas.’
Marie-Claire O’Kane – 4 New Square Chambers 'Good analysis, good with clients, and commercial.'
Angharad ParryTwenty Essex 'Truly exceptional, demonstrating an unparalleled level of skill and dedication. Her expertise in commercial litigation is unmatched, and her ability to navigate complex legal matters with precision and thoroughness is truly impressive. ’
Tom Pascoe – Brick Court Chambers 'Tom is a future star. His analytical skills are well beyond his years, his legal advice is measured, commercial, and generally spot on for what is required in any given situation.'
Georgina Petrova – Brick Court Chambers 'Georgina is incredibly hardworking, diligent and an excellent junior. She is super-smart and certainly one to watch.'
Gregory Pipe – Monckton Chambers ‘Very much the complete general commercial litigation barrister – he is very bright and with a deep knowledge of contract law, in addition to which he is an excellent court advocate, has a really good bedside manner with clients, and will also bear in mind the client’s commercial objectives.
Saaman Pourghadiri – 4 New Square Chambers 'Saaman is totally on top of his brief, and combines an energetic, dynamic approach with technical excellence and creative, practical thinking. He is a real team player, whose performance in the courtroom suggests that he is far more experienced than he really is.'
Richard PowerFountain Court Chambers ‘Very clever and commercial, with great client skills.
Jessica Powers – New Square Chambers 'All-rounder. exceptionally bright and conscientious, very approachable, and highly recommended by all clients.'
Helen PughOuter Temple Chambers ‘Helen is bright, meticulous and easy to work with. She is an excellent advocate, and can communicate difficult points in a relaxed manner.’
Samuel Rabinowitz – Fountain Court Chambers 'One of the cleverest and most able juniors around - searing intellect, delightfully modest about his incredible abilities, and puts 150% into every case. Faultless drafting and inspires confidence in all his clients.'
Alexander RiddifordEssex Court Chambers ‘A highly intelligent, personable barrister, who is quick to get to the heart of the key issues, both legal and commercial, and who is able to provide succinct and astute advice within a tight timescale.’
Samuel Ritchie – Fountain Court Chambers 'One of the best commercial juniors in practice at the Bar. He is highly intelligent and motivated, always on top of the facts and the law, always fully prepared, and usually always right! He is excellent with clients and supremely easy to work with, being even-tempered, unflappable and helpful.'
Jack Rivett  – Erskine Chambers ‘Jack is an absolute superstar. His knowledge of the law and ability to get to the heart of an issue are first-rate, and he often goes up against senior members of the Bar who have far more experience, yet comes up trumps.'
Andrew Rose – 4 Stone Buildings 'Andrew is a top-notch junior capable of running with cases usually allocated to more senior juniors. He has excellent analytical skills, argues his case fiercely, and offers deep legal insight.'
Leonora Sagan  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘A brilliant lawyer, with a crisp and elegant writing style, who will go very far in the profession. Great attention to detail, as well as a capacity for hard work.’ 
Emily Saunderson  – Quadrant Chambers ‘Simply wonderful. Emily is extremely thorough with her preparation, and her drafting skills are up there with the best silks. Extremely calm and methodical in her advocacy, but knows when to be assertive for her client.’
Maximilian Schlote  – One Essex Court ‘A go-to junior and he is exceptional. He quickly gets to grip with complex matters, and is extremely hardworking, practical and incredibly intelligent. His input is always well thought through and his drafting is very good indeed.'
Adam Sher  – Fountain Court Chambers ‘Adam has a brilliant mind and quickly sees the strengths and weaknesses of any strategy or legal argument. He is calm under pressure and willing to fight the client's corner.'
Paul Strelitz – Gatehouse Chambers 'Paul has a fantastic intellect. His written work is top class, he has a clear thought process, and thinks tactically at all times.'
Carlo TaczalskiCrown Office Chambers ‘Carlo is an excellent advocate - a real fighter. He is very tenacious, not afraid to pursue difficult points, and is able to persuade courts very effectively. His written advocacy is also of a very high standard.’
Matthew Thorne  – 4 Pump Court ‘Matthew is extremely intelligent and his legal research and analysis is absolutely superb. He is also a first-rate advocate, and can patiently explain the most complex points in a way that is both attractive and easy to follow.’
Benedict Tompkins  – Essex Court Chambers ‘Benedict has a brilliant and incredibly quick legal mind, good judgement, and communicates really well with team members. He is an outstanding barrister and very valuable team member.’
Emma Catia Walker – 2 Temple Gardens ‘Emma contributes attention to detail, and the ability to pull together experiences from a number of areas and therefore approach cases with a fresh perspective.
Daniel Warents – XXIV Old Buildings 'Daniel is an exceptional barrister. He has excellent attention to detail and the quality of his written work is very high. He is able to explain things clearly to lay clients and is very personable. However, it is the quality of his advocacy that is particularly impressive.'
Jack Watson  – Wilberforce Chambers ‘Jack is superb at grasping the relevant facts and works through papers quickly and efficiently. Clients are made to feel at ease whilst he deftly explains the issues and navigates them through any difficulties. In court, he is quietly persuasive and instils confidence through his understated, focused approach. ’
William Willson  – South Square ‘William is a go-to senior junior. He has seen everything and cuts through the chaff like few others can. William is a master client-handler, giving surefooted advice even under the most challenging of circumstances.’
Ben Woolgar – Brick Court Chambers 'Ben is a very versatile barrister - he combines excellent written and oral advocacy skills with outstanding legal analysis. Absolutely one of the stars at the Bar, and will rise to the very top of the profession at this rate.'
Nik Yeo – Fountain Court Chambers 'Nik is one of the leading juniors in the crypto and digital assets space, where his knowledge - both of the products and the law - is matched by few.'
Geoffrey ZelinEnterprise Chambers 'Very good commercial advice, very good on his feet, and very knowledgeable.'

Rising Stars

William Day3 Verulam Buildings ‘As well as being a fantastic advocate and legal adviser, Will embodies team spirit. He absolutely gets it when it comes to pressure to deliver on time in challenging circumstances, and will do all he can to help the client achieve its objective.’
George Eyre – Gatehouse ChambersGeorge is a confident barrister and deservedly so. He has impressive knowledge but, more importantly, a real skill in manoeuvring his opponents. He is definitely a rising star and one to watch.
Daniel Fletcher - One Essex Court 'Daniel is commercially astute, incredibly smart, extremely rigorous in his analysis, and very hardworking. He is able to quickly and easily get on top of complex legal matters, and deals well with pressure.'
Ravi Jackson - 3 Verulam Buildings 'A junior who is a star of the future. The work he does is far ahead of his years of call, showing enormous wisdom and judgement. He is a hardworking, highly intelligent lawyer, with superb drafting skills and excellent strategic nous.'
Dominic Kennelly – 3 Verulam BuildingsExtremely technically detailed. A methodical and persuasive advocate who knows the detail and brings the judge on side.
Daniel Petrides – Wilberforce ChambersVery clever and hardworking, and a strong advocate despite his recent call.
Katherine Ratcliffe – Essex Court ChambersKatherine is an excellent junior barrister - her skills are far beyond her years of call. Her case analysis and drafting skills are of the highest standard, and she is, quite rightly, very highly in demand.
Usman Roohani – 4 New Square ChambersA thorough and commercially astute junior. Usman is exceptionally hardworking, bright and impressive, and his output is outstanding.
Gayatri Sarathy – Blackstone Chambers ‘Gayatri is simply superb – unflappable, smart, hardworking and a great team player too. Her advocacy skills are also very impressive.’
Daniel Scott - Wilberforce Chambers 'Daniel prepares thoroughly and his advocacy is excellent. His cross-examination is piercing and helps clients prevail.'
Sophie ShawBrick Court ChambersSophie has a brilliant legal mind, stunning knack for finding the key facts and documents, and the most calm presence. She is truly a star of the Bar.’
Veena Srirangam – One Essex CourtVeena has excellent judgement and is a key junior barrister to whom firms regularly turn to instruct. She writes clearly and concisely, and is very quick to grasp key issues.
Alyssa Stansbury – One Essex CourtA brilliant junior who is intelligent, proactive, sensible and commercial – one of the best around for her call.
Andrew TrotterBlackstone Chambers ‘A first-class lawyer – meticulous, thorough, and with an enviable breadth of legal knowledge. His written advocacy is also first-class – concise, crystal-clear and very powerful. He is also unflappable and pleasant to deal with.
Kajetan Wandowicz – 4 Pump CourtBrilliant ability to absorb large amounts of material and quickly produce clear advice. He’s also an excellent advocate.
Frederick Wilmot-SmithBrick Court ChambersFred is incredibly clever, even by London commercial Bar standards. He has an academic’s in-depth understanding of complex legal theories and concepts, but manages to be an extremely practical barrister nonetheless.
Tom Wood – Brick Court Chambers 'He is very perspicacious, rapidly grasping the essential elements in any dispute. Tom is highly responsive and has a global view of any legal dispute, assessing the commercial elements as well as the legal aspects.'

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Commercial litigation in London Bar

3 Verulam Buildings

A very good, go-to set, with true bench strength at all levels‘, 3 Verulam Buildings routinely acts in large-value, multi-jurisdictional, complex cases, both at all levels of the English court system and globally. In the leading 2023 COVID-19 business interruption test case London International Exhibition Centre v RSA and others, Adam Kramer KC and rising star William Day acted for the lead claimants. In Argentum Exploration Ltd v The Republic of South Africa, Liisa Lahti was part of the legal team that successfully represented treasure hunters, who resisted South Africa’s state immunity claims in relation to 2,391 bars of silver salvaged from the wreck of the SS Tilawa, which was sunk during World War II. Elsewhere in chambers, Christopher Harris KC and James McWilliams, in Labrador Marine Corporation v Petroserv Marine Inc, are acting for Petroserv in major Commercial Court proceedings concerning Labrador’s entitlement to substantial sums under a promissory note.


‘Stephen Penson and Stuart Pullum are superb clerks. They intimately understand clients’ needs and are adept at suggesting the best candidates for the mandates at hand – a very strong clerking team.’

‘The clerks are wonderfully helpful. Stephen Penson and Stuart Pullum are amongst the best clerks in London.’

‘Stephen Penson and Lucy Burrows are a dream to work with – responsive, available (even at odd hours) and supremely helpful.’

3VB is a very good, go-to set, with true bench strength at all levels.

Great strength in depth and an impressive junior roster.

3VB is strong on a number of levels.

3VB is a set of choice. They have incredible strength in depth and their clerking is second to none.

The juniors are great and 3VB is rightly renowned as one of the leading sets.

Work highlights

Brick Court Chambers

Instructed in the market’s most high-profile disputes, Brick Court Chambersdeservedly has an outstanding reputation in the field of commercial litigation‘. In Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments, Mark Howard KC, leading Tom Pascoe and Joanne Box, represented Nigeria in a dispute concerning the enforcement of a $9.6bn arbitral award against Nigeria; and in a major boost to chambers, Richard Eschwege KC and Craig Morrison KC both took silk in March 2023. Eschwege KC acts unled for the two principal defendants in a $330m civil fraud claim involving oil trading in West Africa; and Morrison KC’s track record includes representing the Ingenious Media Group and Patrick McKenna in a film production schemes-related dispute, where Ingenious was sued by hundreds of former investors for deceit, misrepresentation, and breach of contract.


‘Paul Dennison is first class.’

‘Paul Dennison is always very helpful and pragmatic.’

‘Paul Dennison does a great job of keeping this set at the very top for levels of service.’

‘Tony Burgess can always be trusted to provide the right solutions.’

Brick Court Chambers deservedly has an outstanding reputation in the field of commercial litigation.

Stellar chambers with amazing strength in depth at all levels.

Strong clerking team – as is expected from one of the leading commercial sets.

Brick Court is one of the leading sets. Its barristers combine intellect and just the right amount of aggression to good effect.

Work highlights

Essex Court Chambers

Fielding ‘one of the very finest groups of barristers around‘, Essex Court Chambers is a ‘go-to set for anything important or high-value‘. In recent highlights, Joe Smouha KC, leading Ciaran Keller, represented the government of Mozambique in the “Tuna bond case”, its claim against Credit Suisse concerning government-backed loans that were arranged by Credit Suisse and pushed Mozambique into a debt crisis. In The Federal Republic of Nigeria v. Process & Industrial Developments Ltd, Tom Ford was instructed as the most senior junior for Nigeria, which seeks to set aside an $11bn award, on the basis that it and the underlying contract were the result of a massive fraud. Ruth den Besten KC, who recently successfully defended a $1.2bn fraudulent misrepresentation and conspiracy claim concerning a mining venture in Guinea, was elevated to silk status in March 2023; and in November 2022, commercial dispute resolution junior Matthieu Gregoire joined from 4 New Square Chambers.


‘Katie Myles, in particular, stands out – she is extremely personable, responsive, and efficient at servicing clients’ needs.’

‘Essex Court is a phenomenal set. The quality of the members is unparalleled and this is matched by a fantastic clerking team, led by Joe Ferrigno. A go-to set for anything important or high-value.’

The service is invariably excellent, both overall and from the clerks’ room.

Kevin Grubb is an outstanding diplomat and negotiator.’

One of the very finest groups of barristers around.

Clients receive a superlative level of service from the clerks at Essex Court Chambers.

Extremely user-friendly clerking team.

Essex Court Chambers is simply the best of the best.

Work highlights

Fountain Court Chambers

Sought out to appear in heavyweight Commercial Court, Financial List and Chancery Division cases, Fountain Court Chambers is ‘a top-flight set for commercial work, with excellent silk and junior coverage‘. In Soteria Insurance (formerly CIS General Insurance) v IBM United Kingdom, which concerns a failed IT transformation project, Bankim Thanki KC successfully acted for Soteria in the Court of Appeal on a significant commercial contractual interpretation point. In Federal Republic of Nigeria v JP Morgan Chase, one of the Commercial Court’s largest cases of 2022, Rosalind Phelps KC, leading David Murray, successfully represented the defendant bank against the Nigerian Government's $870m-plus claim under the Quincecare duty concerning the Malabu oil scandal. Elevated to silk in March 2023, Simon Atrill KC‘s recent track record includes representing a Saudi royal family member in HRH Prince Khaled Bin Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud v Gibbs, a $30m claim against a former Magic Circle firm partner for allegedly misappropriating investment funds.


‘The clerks are impeccable. Sian Huckett and Alfie Harper, in particular, stand out.’

‘Sian Huckett and Alfie Harper are both very responsive and commercial, and just nice people to work with.’

‘Sian Huckett is a pleasure to work with – she is extremely responsive and always looking to find a solution to a problem.’

Best chambers in London for commercial litigation.

Fountain Court is a go-to set for commercial litigation.

An excellent set from the very junior right up to the top.

A top-flight set for commercial work, with excellent silk and junior coverage.

The clerks at Fountain Court are helpful and proactive.

Work highlights

One Essex Court

A fantastic commercial set with superstars at all levels, One Essex Court is ‘a first port of call for any difficult dispute‘. In Virgin Aviation TM Limited & Anr v. Alaska Airlines Inc, Daniel Toledano KC acted for Virgin Enterprises (Virgin) in post-merger, declaratory proceedings over $160m royalty payments pursuant to a trade mark licensing agreement, with Virgin arguing that it is entitled to royalties even if the Virgin brand at issue is no longer in use. In Allianz Global Investors GmbH & others v G4S Limited, Laurence Rabinowitz KC, leading Simon Colton KC and Emma Jones, defended security services company G4S against shareholder claims for over £100m, which arose out of alleged untrue and misleading statements in G4S’s published information. Within the set’s enviable senior junior pool, Nehali Shah, led by Sonia Tolaney KC, is representing Deutsche Bank in a large claim, brought by the Federal Deposit Insurance Company (on behalf failed US banks), against several banks and the British Bankers’ Association for alleged manipulation of the USD LIBOR interest rate.


‘Adam Wheeler is superb! He is always happy to help solve a problem, no matter how small!’

‘Jackie Ginty is an excellent clerk.’

‘One Essex Court has an excellent senior clerking team in Darren Burrows and Rob Smith. Both are excellent.’

OEC barristers are brilliant at offering practical and comprehensive advice.’

‘Excellent at communications, which enable instructing solicitors to manage client expectations more easily.

One Essex Court is right at the top of the market – its barristers appear in all the biggest cases.

One Essex Court is a fantastic commercial set with superstars at all levels.

A first port of call for any difficult dispute.

Work highlights

7 King's Bench Walk

7 King’s Bench Walk is ‘a very strong commercial set‘. Although particularly well known for its insurance and shipping credentials, the set’s members are also consistently mandated for other heavyweight commercial litigation. In Premia Reinsurance Ltd v Amtrust International Insurance, Ltd, David Edwards KC acts for Premia Reinsurance in an approximately £20m claim regarding its purchase of the legacy business of a number of Lloyd’s syndicates run by another insurer. In the AerCap litigation, over fifty members of chambers (including Gavin Kealey  and Clara Benn for AIG, and Richard Waller KC and Michael Ryan for Lloyd’s) are instructed in Commercial Court claims brought by aircraft lessors against their insurance companies and concern the Russian government’s banning of Western aircraft from leaving Russia, effectively expropriating them, after its invasion of Ukraine.


‘The best in the business – Gary Rose always makes clients’ lives easier.’

‘Gary Rose is a very helpful clerk.’

‘The clerks at 7KBW are brilliant – Joe Clayton is always available to speak and a problem solver. He takes time to understand clients’ needs and always identifies an appropriate solution.’

‘They have a terrific set of clerks, with Greg Leyden a standout.’

‘Eddie Johns, Joe Clayton and Gary Rose make sure that clients are well looked after and supported.’

‘7KBW has genuine strength in depth in this area.’

‘7KBW is a premier set in the insurance/reinsurance and general commercial litigation fields.

‘The clerks at 7KBW are very attentive and a pleasure to work with.’

Work highlights

Blackstone Chambers

A go-to set for commercial disputes‘, Blackstone Chambers‘ litigators are routinely able to leverage the set’s notable credentials in financial services, City regulation and civil fraud. In an approximately $120m contractual dispute claim involving the use of the Virgin name, recently-elected joint chambers’ head Tom Weisselberg KC acted for Alaska Airways; and in Deposit Guarantee Fund of Ukraine v Bank Frick & anor, Luka Krsljanin, led by Andreas Gledhill KC, succeeded in striking out a claim, which was brought by a Ukrainian liquidator to set aside tens of millions of pounds in payments allegedly made by fraudsters to defendant banks, as a misuse of the Insolvency Act 1986’s section 423 procedure. Adam Baradon KC, who recently led Carmine Conte in a $3bn trial over assets in India, took silk in March 2023.


‘Gary Oliver has some class operators in the clerks’ room.’

‘Rio Sully is great – really responsive, helpful and pragmatic.’

‘Chambers director Mat Swallow is worth singling out – he is obviously well-attuned to the broader needs of law firms and works hard on the set’s behalf.’

‘Blackstone deserves its place at the top of the market. It has a depth of experience through the ranks that truly sets it aside from other sets.’

‘Good service from the clerking team.’

‘Seamless service from top to bottom.’

‘Blackstone is a go-to set for commercial disputes.’

‘Excellent clerking. Always very responsive, commercial, keen to relationship-build, and happy to discuss which counsel might be most appropriate.’

Work highlights

Maitland Chambers

Maitland Chambers‘ ‘barristers are top quality in terms of academic legal argument and advocacy skills‘. In Upham v HSBC UK Bank plc, Matthew Collings KC acted for the claimants in a massive claim brought by over 350 victims of the failed Eclipse Film Finance scheme. Also touching on showbusiness, in Green v White Lantern Film (Britannica) Limited, Edmund Cullen KC was instructed by actress Eva Green in her dispute with a film production company over the aborted production of science fiction film A Patriot; Green is claiming contractual damages from the production company for failing to pay her. Within the junior ranks, Watson Pringle is representing Watchstone Group in a £63m claim for breach of confidence and conspiracy, in relation to the alleged unlawful disclosure of Watchstone’s confidential information by its adviser PwC in secret meetings with Watchstone’s counterparty during a large commercial transaction.


‘Ryan Elliott is very responsive and helpful.’

‘The clerking service is very good. They are responsive when asked for figures at short notice.’

‘John Wiggs is a legend’

‘John Wiggs is outstanding.’

‘Danny Wilkinson is very responsive and a pleasure to deal with.’

Maitland’s barristers are top quality in terms of academic legal argument and advocacy skills.

Excellent set and fantastic set of clerks.

The clerks are great.

Work highlights

Serle Court

Standout setSerle Court is consistently involved in the market’s most significant disputes, including heavyweight commercial cases before both the Commercial Court and the Business and Property Courts. In Kea v Watson, Elizabeth Jones KC, leading a team of six juniors against three separate teams for the defendants, is representing New Zealand businessman and philanthropist Sir Owen Glenn in various proceedings concerning BVI joint venture company, Spartan Capital. In The Public Institution for Social Security v Al-Rajaan, Philip Marshall KC, leading Simon Hattan, represents one of the defendants in a $800m-plus fraud claim, arising out of alleged bribery involving Kuwait’s state pension fund’s investments, while Hugh Norbury KC is acting for the claimant. Senior junior and business disputes specialist, Jennifer Meech, joined chambers in October 2022 from Enterprise Chambers, and in April 2023, head clerk Steve Whitaker retired after 48 years at chambers, with management of the clerking team passed to senior clerks Nick Hockney and Dan Wheeler, who are ‘real assets for the set‘.


‘Daniel Wheeler and Nick Hockney are real assets for the set.’

‘Nick Hockney, Daniel Wheeler and Emma Quin are particularly good.’

‘Nick Hockney is an experienced clerk who develops an excellent rapport with solicitors, and Daniel Wheeler is bright and responsive.’

‘Charlie Payne is a rising star as a clerk.’

Serle Court is a standout set.

A first port of call for any offshore matters.

Serle Court has excellent strength in depth, and the clerks consistently go above and beyond to ensure they can identify available counsel.

The clerking room is approachable, responsive and flexible. Clients couldn’t rate them more.

Work highlights

Twenty Essex

Twenty Essex is ‘an excellent chambers for international commercial disputes‘. For major Court of Appeal and Supreme Court cases, the set particularly benefits from its members’ private and public international law expertise, including specialisms in jurisdiction, conflicts and enforcement work. In Process & Industrial Developments v Federal Republic of Nigeria, an extremely high-profile $11bn dispute, Philip Riches KC is representing Nigeria, which seeks to set aside the mega-value award made against it on grounds of fraud; and in Republic of Mozambique v Credit Suisse, Privinvest & others, a high-stakes $2bn Commercial Court claim arising out of the “tuna bond scandal”, involving fraud, bribery, corruption and conspiracy allegations, former head of chambers Duncan Matthews KC is leading Riches and others in the representation of Privinvest in this case.


‘The clerks are excellent. Sam McDowall is particularly helpful and always on hand to help with any queries.’

‘Christopher Theobald is a brilliant clerk – always very helpful in relation to the practicalities of fee arrangements and very responsive.’

‘Anthony Carroll and Robert Wheeler are both excellent.’

Excellent depth at all levels.

The set’s quality is extremely high.

An excellent chambers for international commercial disputes.

Excellent clerks.

The clerks offer a very good service indeed – fast, responsive and friendly.

Work highlights

Wilberforce Chambers

One of the largest commercial Chancery chambers in London, Wilberforce Chambers houses ‘a lot of good people for commercial disputes‘. Recent highlights include Alan Gourgey KC, in Arma Partners Limited v Wejo Limited, defending approximately £16m claims over a SPAC transaction, a relatively rare incident of litigation over special purposes acquisition companies. In Suppipat & others v Narongdej & 16 others, Tim Penny KC was leading counsel for the main defendant (as well as the 17th defendant) in a $2bn claim, which arose from an alleged fraud involving a Thai wind farm company. In a boost to the set’s silk ranks, Thomas Grant KC, who has particular experience in heavyweight, multi-party disputes, joined from Maitland Chambers in October 2022.


‘Andrew Barnes, Antonia Matthew, Conor Michaels, Tara Shah and George Salvage are always eager to assist and solve any issues.’

‘Andrew Barnes is particularly enjoyable to work with.’

Wilberforce Chambers has a lot of good people for commercial disputes.

Wilberforce is a wonderful full-service set that engages in a modern and commercial way with instructing solicitors.

Always able to recommend appropriate counsel at the appropriate level, and communicate cost and time estimates well and fairly.

The clerks are very approachable and a joy to deal with.

Excellent clerking and practice management.

They go out of their way to find suitable Counsels that fit with solicitors’ practises, and – importantly – their approach to litigation.

Work highlights

XXIV Old Buildings

A leading commercial and Chancery set with a strong offshore presence‘, XXIV Old Buildings consistently acts in high-stakes commercial disputes occurring throughout the world; and in addition to the set’s enviable international arbitration, insolvency and civil fraud credentials, clients additionally benefit from members’ complementary specialisms in partnership, trusts, professional negligence and aviation law.  Highlights include Elspeth Talbot Rice KC acting for the ninth, tenth and eleventh defendants in a proprietary claim to the assets of Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky’s insolvent estate. In The Public Institution for Social Security v Al Rajaan, Francis Tregear KC represents a Swiss investment bank in relation to a claim for over $800m that alleges bribery and money laundering against a former investment manager and several international banks and intermediaries. In March 2023, Adam Cloherty KC, who recently acted for the claimant in Akers and others v Samba, a large-value case against a Saudi bank that raised fundamental issues on whether a common law trust can be created over civil law assets, took silk.


Good spread of practice areas and excellent clerks.

XXIV Old Buildings is a favourite chambers – always responsive, helpful, and dedicated to getting the best advice to clients.

Paul Horsfield, ably supported by James Ladbrook and Perry Brown, are a strong and responsive team. They are very visible at key Chancery events, and their experience and guidance are always very welcome and very reliable.

The clerks are excellent, with James Ladbrook a particular standout performer.

The clerks are excellent and extremely responsive.

The clerks’ room is approachable and commercial – very strong.

XXIV Old Buildings is a hidden gem – whilst best known for traditional Chancery and offshore work, they have a real depth of talent, from silks to the most junior barrister for all nature of disputes – a go-to set.

XXIV Old Buildings is a leading commercial and Chancery set with a strong offshore presence.

Work highlights

4 New Square Chambers

A go-to set for high-end work‘, 4 New Square is consistently sought out by Magic Circle firms and litigation boutiques to handle complex, high-value business disputes that frequently incorporate cross-border issues. In TRW Pension Trust Ltd v Indesit & Others, Ben Elkington KC acted for Askoll TR, the supplier of a component of dishwashers, in a multi-party sale of goods case, where it was alleged that a component was faulty, causing a catastrophic fire in an office block. Elsewhere in chambers, Daniel Saoul KC acted for claimant CMC Spreadbet in a High Court financial trading-related claim against property investor Robert Tchenguiz.


‘Lizzy Stewart is sensible and approachable.’

‘The clerks are first rate – Nick Angliss deserves particular mention.’

‘All the clerks are very good, particularly Christopher Ebdon who is always immensely helpful.’

4 New Square is a go-to set for high-end work.

4 New Square is a very strong set.

Very affable clerks and they know how to deliver service.

The clerks go the extra mile.

A very strong clerking team.

Work highlights

4 Stone Buildings

4 Stone Buildings is an ‘excellent chambers with an impeccable reputation for having first-rate advocates‘. The set has a significant track record in major disputes in both the Commercial and Chancery courts, ranging from disputes over commercial contracts, to boardroom fallouts from market disasters. In Dargamo Holdings Ltd v Avonwick Holdings Ltd, Jonathan Crow KC is instructed in an appeal arising from a dispute between three Ukrainian oligarchs, the matter involving complex allegations of deceit, causation issues, and conflicts over choice of law; and in Tribe v Elborne Mitchell, George Bompas KC successfully defended, with an order for indemnity costs, a claim for an increased share of partnership profits by a former partner. Particularly focused on high-value disputes in England and Wales, as well as offshore jurisdictions, Alexander Cook KC took silk in March 2023, while former member Paul Greenwood became an Insolvency and Companies Court judge in October 2022.


‘David Goddard is one of the best known and most capable of senior clerks.’

‘Ben Lashmar makes an excellent deputy to David Goddard.’

‘The clerks are very good.’

‘Ryan Tunkel is a pleasure to deal with.’

‘Ryan Tunkel – never had any issues with his level of service. He is attentive and has an excellent relationship with solicitor firms.’

Excellent chambers with an impeccable reputation for having first-rate advocates.

4 Stone Buildings has great strength in depth – excellent barristers at all levels, from senior and junior silks, to senior juniors and junior barristers.

True experts – impressive professionals across the board.

Work highlights

Quadrant Chambers

Increasingly considered one of the top all-round commercial litigation sets‘, Quadrant Chambers‘ members were recently particularly active in disputes involving banking, international trade, IT, telecoms, media, LNG, energy, retail and insurance, as well as contractual and joint venture-related claims. In one of the first post-Brexit case concerning the interface between arbitration law and consumer protection law, Simon Rainey KC represented the appellant, art collector Amir Soleymani, in a NFT auction-related claim against Nifty’s crypto trading platform, successfully seeking permission to argue the case before the Court of Appeal; and in SEGRO v Roxhill, Paul Downes KC and Emily Saunderson are both acting in relation to various disputes between property development companies over alleged breaches of warranty and the right to develop sites for logistics centres.


‘Simon Slattery runs a tight ship and is very smooth and personable.’

‘John Walker and Mike Wright are very helpful and open to working with clients’ circumstances when agreeing fees.’

‘Daniel Westerman, in particular, is an absolute star. He is always available and eager to assist, and ensures that all needs, no matter how urgent, are catered to.’

Excellent chambers.

Great strength-in-depth for a variety of disputes, and they also offer innovative training, such as TED-style talks.

No issues with unexpected counsel availability and they are clerked very well.

Great set – particularly well known for shipping, but increasingly considered one of the top, all-round commercial litigation sets.

Very capable barristers and a good clerking team. Clients also find their topical articles and updates very useful.

Work highlights

South Square

An excellent set of chambers‘, South Square‘s members are routinely involved in heavyweight commercial litigation, particularly cases with banking and financial law aspects. In Emtel Ltd v Cellplus Mobile Telecommunciations Ltd, a Privy Council appeal relating to alleged unlawful cross-subsidies paid under Mauritian law, Aidan Casey KC, who joined the set in June 2022 from 3 Hare Court, is instructed by Cellplus. In BNP Paribas v Uro Property, David Allison KC, led the counsel team representing BNP Paribas (BNP), which refused to release the security on a loan until a make-whole premium of approximately €250m was paid. Another leading silk, Felicity Toube KC is currently acting for the claimants in three sets of heavy litigation concerning the NMC Health scandal.


‘Dylan Playfoot is very reliable, and always gives excellent intelligence on likely lead times on hearings and the navigation of tricky practical challenges in the courts.’

‘Dylan Playfoot and Marco Malatesta stand out, but they are all excellent.’

‘William Mackinlay, Dylan Playfoot and Lewis Madle are all very personable and responsive.’

‘All of the clerks are amazing. Particular shout-out to Dylan Playfoot and Luke Clark.’

An unmatched depth of talent and they are all superb.

South Square is an excellent set of chambers.

Without a doubt the best clerking room.

Pragmatic, commercial, reasonable, friendly, responsive, and flexible clerks. Everything that you could wish for.

4 Pump Court

A ‘very good set with lots of depth‘, 4 Pump Court is ‘strong at both KC and junior level‘. In recent highlights, Nigel Tozzi KC defended Brightline Holdings against a $250m-plus claim that was brought by Virgin Enterprises, in relation to a trade mark licence agreement for the use of its name and brand in the US; and Laurence Page acted for the claimant in a £200m FSMA class action relating to an allegedly negligent share prospectus, which was said to have led to the defendant's share price being listed at an inflated level. In a boost to chambers, senior commercial and chancery silk, Simon Davenport KC, joined in May 2023 from 3 Hare Court.


‘Mark Latham and Richard Sumarno, in particular, are always super-responsive and willing to work with clients to find a solution.’

‘Excellent – particularly Mark Latham, who always responds quickly and is extremely personable.’

‘Sam Penny is an outstanding clerk, who is extremely approachable and passionate about his work. Nothing is too much of an ask for Sam, and his responses and follow-ups on matters are quick.’

‘Niki Merison is a good clerk, who is very easy to deal with and follows up on matters quickly.’

Very strong at all levels and always responds quickly and with enthusiasm.

4 Pump Court is a very strong set.

Very good set with lots of depth.

Strong at both KC and junior level.

Work highlights

Erskine Chambers

Unrivalled for technical ability‘, Erskine Chambers is ‘a go-to chambers for corporate matters‘. In a landmark Supreme Court ruling on directors’ duties to act in creditors’ interests, Andrew Thompson KC appeared for the appellant in BTI Industries v Sequana, a $80m claim regarding dividends that were allegedly paid in breach of fiduciary duty. Several members of the set are involved in the multi-faceted litigation surrounding the collapse of Carillion - James Potts KC is leading Andrew Blake in the representation of the company's former finance director in ongoing directors’ disqualification proceedings.


‘Seamus Nixon is very good to deal with.’

Unrivalled for technical ability.

A go-to chambers for corporate matters.

The clerks and juniors who assist are very good.

A very strong company law set.

A historically excellent set.

The juniors are all very bright and responsive.

The service from the clerks has always been courteous and efficient.

Work highlights

Gatehouse Chambers

Gatehouse Chambers‘ commercial disputes work covers both domestic and international disputes, including the Middle East, Caribbean, South America, Asia, and Gibraltar. In, reportedly, the largest case the London Commercial Court has handled to date, Nigel Jones KC is instructed to represent Sanjay Shah, a British hedge fund manager based in Dubai, and his 22 internationally-based companies, against a £2bn claim (including interest), arising from successful applications for the reimbursement of dividend tax from Denmark’s tax authorities which they allege amounts to fraud. Turning to the set’s juniors, Charles Raffin is defending Logan Ravishankar against a range of claims brought by the Motopark Academy team in connection with Ravishankar’s son’s proposed drive with the team in the 2020 Euroformula Open Championship season.

Littleton Chambers

Consistently instructed in high-profile cases at the commercial Bar, Littleton Chambers‘ commercial group is particularly focused on complex, multi-party international claims involving contract, civil fraud, banking, and shareholder disputes. In Athena Capital Fund v Secretariat of the Holy See, reportedly dubbed the "Vatican’s Trial of the Century", Charles Samek KC represented a Swiss businessman in a case that concerning its  financial investments in London’s property market; the Vatican alleges that the seller of the properties fraudulently inflated the price of a former Harrods warehouse. Jonathan Cohen KC, leading Ashley Cukier, acted for Sportfive, an operator of digital advertising boards, in its claim for an injunction against Nottingham Forest to prevent it from operating the advertising boards itself and terminating its contract with the company.

Work highlights