We only have limited information for this firm. Consider the following firms which have provided more information:

Led by Melanie Varey, the agile team at Simpson Millar LLP has considerable expertise in the full range of property and affairs, as well as health and welfare work. It frequently acts as a professional deputy, and also provides a full range of support to lay deputies and families. Varley, who has ‘bundles of experience’, specialises in complex cases concerning capacity and sexual relations, and is regularly instructed by the Official Solicitor. Kate Edwards is now at Fletchers Solicitors.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • ‘Really talented, dedicated team with excellent knowledge of both property and affairs and health and welfare'.

  • ‘The solicitors at this firm are extremely knowledgeable and experienced in Court of Protection law and procedure. They are genuinely invested in each client they represent, and this is clear in their diligent preparation of case.’

Abbreviated data is displayed for this firm.