18 St John Street Chambers > Manchester, England > Set Profile

Chambers of Richard Chapman KC
18 St John Street Chambers
M3 4EA

Northern Circuit > Family: children and domestic violence Tier 1

18 St John Street Chambers is praised as ‘very strong in children’s law’ with ‘a great range of strong senior juniors.’ The members have significant experience across a wide variety of matters, including serious sexual abuse, life-threatening and fatal injuries, deprivation of liberty, factitious illnesses, and parental alienation. Rehana Begum and Yvonne Healing are often instructed in complex care proceedings. Fiona Holloran‘s practice covers both private and public law applications, representing children, parents, and local authorities. Kate Bramall is skilled in handling cases concerning unexplained injuries to children, and Anna Warters has expertise in representing vulnerable clients, especially those with mental health problems and learning disabilities, and she regularly acts in cases concerning capacity issues and the Official Solicitor. Alex Walker is also a notable member of the set with a strong public and private law practice.

Leading Juniors

Yvonne Healing – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Yvonne is an absolute delight to work with. She is always calm, reassuring, and pragmatic, she is well-prepared, and she is able to get to the heart of a legal problem incredibly quickly.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Fiona Holloran – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Fiona is fantastic and she is much sought after in public and private law cases. She is outstanding in cases involving complex medical, alienation, and jurisdictional issues, and she is a meticulously prepared, robust, and formidable advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Rehana Begum – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Rehana is a well-thought-of specialist children’s lawyer. She is bright, hard working, and she gets instructions on some of the most complex cases.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Kate Bramall – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Kate is an excellent barrister; she is able to communicate well with lay clients and in an empathetic but firm manner when required. She is a determined advocate who is always well-prepared and will find all the relevant issues to be able to skillfully handle a difficult case on behalf of a client.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Leonie Caplan – 18 St John Street ChambersLeonie is very thorough, always reliable, and able to put a clients case persuasively to the court. She is good at reporting back after a hearing and is approachable post hearings for advice if needed.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Samantha Birtles – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Samantha is outstanding. She is much sought after in public and private law cases, because she is exceptional, always well-prepared, an outstanding advocate, and highly respected by the judiciary, Bar, and solicitors.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Farah Ahmed – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Farah is friendly, approachable, builds a trusting relationship with clients, and has good advocacy skills.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Alex Walker – 18 St John Street ChambersAlex is a fantastic lawyer and an exceptional advocate. He is passionate about the law and he is making a strong name for himself in the field of family law, particularly in difficult and complex matters, as he is always well prepared and a formidable force in the court room.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Anna Warters18 St John Street ChambersAnna is a truly incredible advocate; she is just amazing at what she does and has achieved some incredible outcomes on cases. She truly cares about her clients and puts everything into each case in terms of her preparation work and her advocacy.'
Ranked: Tier 3


‘Camille Scott and Vaughn John are always extremely helpful and go out of their way to assist. They are very attentive and quick to respond and find solutions.’

‘The clerks are fantastic! Camille Scott is head of the family team and she goes above and beyond to try to help cover in difficult situations. She is professional and friendly and has an excellent team.’

‘Camille Scott and her team offer first-rate support to chambers. They are quick to respond on fees and provide sensible solutions with counsel’s availability.’

‘The clerks within the family team are brilliant.’

‘The clerks are always extremely helpful and offer as much flexibility and availability as possible. The overall service from this set is the best in the North West.’

‘Chambers is very strong in children’s law and has a great range of strong senior juniors.’

’18 St John Street Chambers is fantastic. The members are strong and it is a solid set with strength in depth and outstanding barristers. They go out of their way to accommodate solicitors, even in extremely urgent situations.’

‘This is an excellent set.’

Northern Circuit > Chancery, probate, and tax Tier 2

18 St John Street Chambers is praised as ‘an excellent set’ and its members assist clients with a wide range of contentious and non-contentious business and property, chancery, and tax mandates. The set houses Richard Chapman KC, who has expertise in direct and indirect tax matters, and Jennifer Newstead-Taylor, who is also skilled in tax matters and traditional Chancery work, as well as VAT cases in which MTIC fraud is alleged. Christopher McNall has substantial experience in handling inheritance tax cases, and he has appeared before the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. He represented the revenue in corporation tax case HMRC v Dolphin Drilling Ltd, concerning if a tender support vessel in the North Sea is a floating hotel. Elisabeth Tythcott is another notable team member active in the business and property courts, and she represented the claimant in Feili v Faily & ors, a case concerning a dispute over the treatment of an estate’s principal asset between six siblings.

Leading Silks

Richard Chapman KC – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Richard is very able, strong on paper and in court, and he has a very calm, reassuring, and professional manner.'
Ranked: Tier 2

Leading Juniors

Christopher McNall – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Christopher is always very well-prepared, both in terms of his knowledge of the facts and the law, and in his written documents. He knows and researches the law in order to provide very practical solutions, he has an easy and approachable manner, and he presents a reasonable and highly persuasive argument in court.
Ranked: Tier 1
Rupert Davies - 18 St John Street Chambers 'Rupert has strong advocacy skills combined with a very practical approach. His manner is assured without being arrogant.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Oliver Caplan – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘One of Oliver’s greatest strengths is his ability to consider what will often be a substantial amount of documentation, yet still be able to quickly identify the issues in dispute. Another key strength is his approachability, as one does not feel reluctant to float ideas regarding potential case strategy or their own view of the case with him.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Elisabeth Tythcott – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Elisabeth is a very diligent, thorough, and team-playing counsel that is quick to step in. A very safe pair of hands who just repeatedly calls it right, which is hugely appreciated by all clients.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Jennifer Newstead-Taylor – 18 St John Street Chambers 'Jennifer is a fluent and highly competent advocate who demonstrates command of the material. She is skilled at cross-examination and is is able to manage unexpected questions from the bench without breaking stride.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3


‘Chris Heath and Eden Cobb show their willingness to assist counsel and instructing solicitors in filing documents and bundles etc.’

‘Everything is run smoothly.’

‘The clerks are responsive and knowledgeable.’

‘The clerks are very reliable and diligent.’

‘The civil clerks in particular are both polite and helpful in assisting with enquiries. They are also very accommodating in terms of re-juggling the diary so as to ensure continuity of counsel.’

‘They have a good tax team consisting of varying levels of experience, so it is always possible to find the right counsel.’

’18 St John Street Chambers is an excellent set. They lend weight to the notion of quality over quantity.’

‘A good set with some great barristers.’

Northern Circuit > Company and insolvency Tier 2

18 St John Street Chambers is praised for having ‘a number of highly-experienced business and property counsel involved in some very heavy litigation.’ The set is home to Richard Chapman KC, who is head of chambers, and Oliver Caplan, who is strong in insolvency litigation for both individuals and corporates. Jennifer Newstead-Taylor regularly acts on matters regarding complex claims for director disqualification arising from VAT fraud, bankruptcy restriction orders, applications for provisional liquidators, and public interest winding-up petitions. John Vickery adeptly handles contentious and non-contentious restructuring and insolvency matters; he recently acted for the liquidators in Ltd v P & Others, a case concerning alleged misfeasance and wrongful trading. Elisabeth Tythcott is another notable name in the set, and she successfully acted for the claimant in Cheshire Estates (Oakglade) Limited v Daw and Cheshire Estates (Spenbrook) Limited, which involved a claim for £3m equitable compensation against directors for breach of fiduciary duty.

Leading Silks

Richard Chapman KC – 18 St John Street Chambers 'Richard's written advocacy and advice in relation to complex areas of law is excellent.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Ranked: Tier 1
John Vickery – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘John is personable and happy to assist on challenging and knotty cases on a contingent basis.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Elisabeth Tythcott18 St John Street Chambers ‘Elisabeth is a sound lawyer and advocate. She is knowledgeable and experienced in her specialist areas and engages well with the court and her opponents.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Oliver Caplan – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Oliver is a strong advocate with an excellent commercial sensibility and great client handling skills.’
Ranked: Tier 2


‘James Parks in particular is very efficient, dealing with queries promptly.’

‘Chris Heath and Eden Cobb have a willingness to assist counsel and instructing solicitors in filing documents and bundles.’

‘The clerks are always excellent.’

‘The set has a number of highly experienced business and property counsel involved in some very heavy litigation.’ 

Northern Circuit > Family: divorce and financial remedy Tier 2

The family finance team at 18 St John Street Chambers handles a wide range of matters, from financial remedy proceedings and recovery and preservation of assets, to cohabitee disputes, inheritance matters, and TOLATA cases. Stephen Murray specialises in matrimonial finance with a strong focus on complex cases for high-net-worth individuals, and Kate Donohue is also a key member of the team.

Leading Juniors

Stephen Murray – 18 St John Street ChambersStephen is a ferocious and meticulous advocate who leaves no stone unturned in preparing a case and fighting to achieve the best possible result for a client. He is persuasive and has a deep knowledge of caselaw and local judicial approach that marks him out as a sought-after senior junior on the Northern Circuit.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2


‘Camille Scott is particularly excellent, is very approachable, and very good at problem solving.’

‘Camille Scott is excellent.’

‘Camille Scott and her team offer excellent support and are always quick to respond to enquiries, whether they are new or ongoing matters. Camille gets the job done.’

‘Clerking is excellent, particularly Camille Scott.’

‘The clerks are always available and able to give cost estimates.’

‘A go-to set for high-net-worth financial work and complex private children law work.’

‘An excellent set with some outstanding talent.’

‘A very approachable and flexible set.’

Northern Circuit > Commercial litigation Tier 3

The commercial litigation team at 18 St John Street Chambers houses Richard Chapman KC, who is head of chambers and also chair of the Northern Circuit Commercial Bar Association. He represented the claimant in RSW International Ltd v Purple Surgical Ltd, which concerned a claim for approximately £8m for a breach of contract regarding the supply of personal protective equipment. David Hoffman specialises in business and property litigation, and he is strong in contractual disputes in the High Court and County Courts.

Leading Silks

Richard Chapman KC – 18 St John Street ChambersRichard is responsive in relation to new instructions. He works collaboratively with instructing solicitors and provides client-friendly advice in relation to technical points of commercial law.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2
David Hoffman – 18 St John Street ChambersDavid is very user-friendly. He works extremely efficiently and gets to the problem very quickly, and he is a good sounding board too.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Michael Wilkinson – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Michael has an impressive academic approach.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Elisabeth Tythcott18 St John Street Chambers ‘Elisabeth is invariably well-prepared and thorough. She demonstrates a good knowledge of the applicable legal principles, and as an advocate, she is calm and measured, responding effectively to judicial interventions.'
Ranked: Tier 3


‘James Parks and Ryan Pugh provide an excellent service. They are friendly and always at hand, and there is never a problem too big.’

‘Katie Brown is excellent.’

‘The business and property clerks are fantastic with particular praise reserved for Katie Brown and Ryan Pugh. The recent introduction of James Parks as head clerk has improved the already exceptional service level the clerks provide.’

‘The clerks are available and respond promptly. Katie Brown is particularly strong in communication and service.’

A fantastic, friendly, and knowledgeable set.’

Northern Circuit > Crime (general and fraud) Tier 3

The criminal law team at 18 St John Street Chambers is ‘very well-regarded with many individuals who are well known for their ability and expertise in criminal law’. Its members defend and prosecute in a range of serious, high-profile, and complex cases, from murder and serious sexual offences, to terrorism and fraud. The set is home to Michael Brady KC, who regularly defends and prosecutes in murder cases, and he was instructed to prosecute in a case where five men were charged with the murder of a man they did not know, believing he had drugs or money to steal. Rachel Faux has significant expertise in cases concerning violence, drugs, dishonesty, and sexual assaults, in addition to cases involving serious injuries to, and death of, children - she prosecuted a woman who was found guilty of the murder of a 13-month-old child she was seeking to adopt.

Leading Silks

Michael Brady KC18 St John Street Chambers ‘Michael rings true as a pragmatic, sensible, and measured advocate. He is a safe pair of hands with any prosecution or defence brief, and he is regularly instructed in particularly difficult murder cases on the Northern Circuit.’
Ranked: Tier 3

Leading Juniors

Rachel Faux – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Rachel is a formidable advocate and she can put her points across in a complex legal argument succinctly while advising clients in a straightforward manner. It is refreshing that she takes time to explain to instructing solicitors her reasoning and point of view and that she is always open to a challenge.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Richard Vardon – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Richard is a top junior on the Northern Circuit. He is a great advocate, juries love his charm and humour, and judges immediately recognise his ability to deal with difficult situations with eloquence and realism.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Rachel Shenton – 18 St John Street Chambers 'Rachel is an exceptionally good counsel. Her attention to detail is meticulous and her working relationship with clients is outstanding. Her strength is in dealing with disclosure at the earliest stage and identifying the issues in the CPS disclosure management.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Andrew Evans – 18 St John Street Chambers    ‘Andy’s knowledge and grasp of technical POCA legislation and case law is superior and unmatched. His work in and out of the courtroom is absolutely stellar.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Daniel Calder - 18 St John Street Chambers 'Daniel produces the most beautiful written work. It is very clear that he absorbed the art of judgment writing when working in the Court of Appeal.'
Ranked: Tier 3
Claire Brocklebank – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Claire is level-headed, hard-working, and decisive. As an advocate, she is driven, capable of making difficult points despite opposition from her opponent and the court, and can think very quickly on her feet.’
Ranked: Tier 3


‘The clerks room is very efficient and accommodating. Particular praise goes to senior criminal clerk James Hotchin, who has a can do attitude and is always striving to provide the best service.’

‘James Hotchin is a stand-out clerk. He makes sure the job is done and anticipates potential listing issues and resolves them before they escalate. He is intuitive and extremely helpful.’

‘The clerks are very helpful. James Hotchin is always very helpful and will suggest suitable counsel to provide cover.’

‘James Hotchin is the best clerk in Manchester who sorts everything out for solicitors and barristers.’

‘The Clerks are extremely proactive in getting cases moved for counsels’ availability and they assist solicitors significantly in communicating with listing officers.’

‘The criminal department is very well regarded with many individuals who are well known for their ability and expertise in crime.’

‘Chambers is highly regarded in Manchester, and they offer training to solicitors which is always a plus.’

’18 St John Street has recruited consistently and is strong from the most junior to the most senior.’

Northern Circuit > Personal injury Tier 4

18 St John Street Chambers ‘is a leading set which is home to a number of personal injury specialists’ who act for both claimants and defendants. Kane Simons leads the personal injury department and specialises in serious and catastrophic injury on the claimant side - he represented the claimant in a road traffic collision case in which a vintage Ferrari was written off, in which the valuation of the car was disputed. Elahe Youshani‘s practice encompasses multi-track cases with an emphasis on serious injury, and she has substantial expertise in handling mandates regarding traffic accidents, employers’ liability, personal liability, industrial disease, and occupiers’ liability.

Leading Juniors

Elahe Youshani – 18 St John Street ChambersElahe makes clear and focussed submissions, concentrating on the key issues and showing flexibility by adjusting to the indications of the judge.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Kane Simons – 18 St John Street ChambersKane is conscientious, skilled, clear, and measured, and his advice is always top drawer.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 3


‘The clerks are some of the best around. They are highly efficient and polite. James Parks, Ryan Pugh, Katie Brown, and Chris Heath are all at the top of their game.’

‘Katie Brown is a star and senior clerk James Parkes is well-connected and enormously experienced, the younger clerks are benefiting enormously from his expertise.’

‘Katie Brown is an absolute star. She is bright and will always try her best to accommodate.’

‘A very good clerking team, especially Katie Brown there.’

‘Clerking is consistently good and Katie Brown is a star.’

‘A very reputable set of chambers for personal injury law doing both claimant and defendant work.’

’18 St John Street Chambers offers an impressive strength in depth for personal injury matters and they have impressive barristers.’

’18 St John Street Chambers is a leading set which is home to a number of personal injury specialists.’

Northern Circuit > Costs

Rising stars

James Miller – 18 St John Street Chambers James has excellent technical knowledge of costs law, and is a down-to-earth and robust advocate. A conscientious junior and a master of his brief.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Gemma McGungle – 18 St John Street ‘Gemma is a fearless advocate - experienced and robust. She is articulate and always well prepared.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Northern Circuit > Professional negligence

Leading Silks

Richard Chapman KC18 St John Street Chambers ‘A silk who provides sagacious and commercial advice with the client's objectives foremost in mind.'
Ranked: Tier 2

Northern Circuit > Property and construction

Leading Silks

Richard Chapman KC – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Richard has great clarity of thought, and is a very good technical lawyer and impressive advocate.'
Ranked: Tier 2

Northern Circuit > Agriculture

Leading Juniors

Christopher McNall – 18 St John Street ChambersChristopher is a go-to barrister for agricultural matters. He is a lateral thinker and a good negotiator who quickly grasps the issues in a case.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Northern Circuit > Clinical negligence

Leading Juniors

Gemma McGungle – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Gemma quickly grasps the issues in a case and assimilates large pieces of evidence to provide clear and effective advice on the issues. She understands the litigation process and ensures her advice is practical.'
Ranked: Tier 2

Northern Circuit > Social housing

Leading Juniors

Oliver Caplan – 18 St John Street Chambers ‘Oliver provides pragmatic advice, and he goes out of his way to be available on cases.'
Ranked: Tier 2

The set: 18 St John Street Chambers is one of the longest established and most well regarded sets of chambers on the Northern Circuit. Its barristers have been delivering the highest standards of advice and advocacy to clients for over 50 years, combining the highest standards and traditions of the independent Bar with a modern and forward looking approach.

Chambers offers skilled practitioners of all ranges of seniority in each of their core departments  – personal injury, clinical negligence and costs, business and property and tax, criminal, family law (including family finance). The strength and depth of each department is recognised by both professional and lay clients – as well as by our opponents. Chambers has a well-deserved reputation as a leading set – both in Manchester, on Northern Circuit, and nationally. Members appear in courts and tribunals across the whole of the United Kingdom as well as working internationally.

Our ethos: The interests of our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We approach each case with firm and focused professionalism which ensures that our clients receive the best advice and service available. Our clerking teams have exceptional knowledge of their respective practice areas. Clients receive an efficient and effective service from the first moment they contact chambers. Every barrister provides an expert approach to cases by offering realistic advice, innovative solutions and incisive and effective advocacy.

Our services: In addition to all traditional services, 18 St John Street Chambers offers a fully accredited arbitration and mediation team, a direct access team and a full programme of training, seminars and advice sessions, including the acclaimed ‘Ask 18’ initiative. Members are frequently asked to provide specialist talks to professional bodies illustrating the level of recognised expertise.

Chambers was at the forefront of the introduction of remote working on the Northern Circuit and nationally.  Chambers has state of the art conference, mediation and remote conferencing facilities.

Our members: Barristers from 18 St John St Chambers are highly sought after and frequently appear in the most complex and high profile cases in Manchester and nationally. Members are instructed at all levels of work by regional, national and international solicitors, business and public sector organisations, prosecuting authorities and agencies as well as local and regional councils. They appear in all court arenas including the Court of Appeal, the Upper Tribunal, the Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice.

In recent years chambers has expanded in every department, always ensuring that we recruit the highest quality applicants with a recognised expertise in their field of practice.  The profile of chambers continues to grow with members who have recently been appointed KC and who have been appointed as District and Circuit Judges. We continue to have a large number of members who hold part-time appointments sitting in the Civil, Business and Property courts, the First-tier Tribunal (Tax and Property Chambers), the Employment Tribunal, the Agricultural Land Tribunal for Wales, and the Residential Property Tribunal for Wales.

Department Name Email Telephone
Head of Chambers CHAPMAN KC, Richard (1998) BandP@18sjs.com 0161 278 1800
Chambers Manager Emma Bowie EBowie@18sjs.com 0161 278 1800
Chambers Director James Parks JParks@18sjs.com 0161 278 1800
Senior Criminal Clerk James Hotchin Crime@18sjs.com 0161 278 8262
Senior PI/Clin Neg, Costs & Business and Property Clerk Katie Brown PI@18sjs.com 0161 278 8261
Senior Family Clerk Camille Scott Family@18sjs.com 0161 278 8263
Head of Criminal Department BRADY KC, Michael (1992) Crime@18sjs.com 0161 278 8262
Head of Family Department CAPLAN, Leonie (2001) Family@18sjs.com 0161 278 8263
Head of Business and Property Department MCNALL, Dr. Christopher (2005) BandP@18sjs.com 0161 278 8261
Head of Personal Injury Department YOUSHANI, Elahe (2005) PI@18sjs.com 0161 278 8261
Photo Name Position Profile
Farah Ahmed photo Ms Farah Ahmed Farah completed the BVC in 2005 and commenced her pupillage in 2006…
Fergal Allen photo Fergal Allen Fergal regularly accepts instructions to act in both public law and private…
Amber Almeida photo Ms Amber Almeida Amber has 15 years’ experience in personal injury and insurance litigation, including…
Danish Ameen photo Danish Ameen Danish’s biggest strength is building an excellent rapport with clients. He promotes…
Rehana Begum photo Rehana Begum Public Law (Children)  – Representation of Local Authorities, Parents, and Children in…
Angela Bennett photo Ms Angela Bennett Following completion of the BVC in 2005, Angela commenced her pupillage in…
Samantha Birtles photo Samantha Birtles Notable cases: Re: M (contact: supervision) 1998 1FLR 727; Re: P (Section…
Daniel Boal photo Mr Daniel Boal Daniel takes instructions in a wide range of personal injury and civil…
Joshua Bowker photo Mr Joshua Bowker Joshua specialises in all areas of criminal law, and accepts instructions for…
Karen Boyle photo Ms Karen Boyle Karen Boyle specialises in general civil work including Personal Injury, Noise Induced…
Michael Brady photo Mr Michael Brady Since taking Silk in March 2020 Michael has been instructed to both…
Kate Bramall photo Kate Bramall Re F (children) (DNA evidence) (2007); [2007] EWHC 3235 (fam): [2008] 1FLR…
Lewis Bretts photo Lewis Bretts Lewis commenced pupillage in Manchester in September 2013 and is developing a…
Claire Brocklebank photo Ms Claire Brocklebank Claire appears regularly at the Crown Court prosecuting and defending trials involving…
Laura Broome photo Ms Laura Broome Laura completed her pupillage in October 2021 under the supervision of Rachel…
Colin Buckle photo Mr Colin Buckle Colin Buckle is a specialist criminal barrister who both prosecutes and defends…
Leonie Caplan photo Leonie Caplan Child concern: prior to transferring to the Bar in 2001 Leonie practiced…
Nicola Carroll photo Ms Nicola Carroll Nicola is an established criminal practitioner with over 16 years’ experience. She…
Evonnie Chan photo Miss Evonnie Chan Evonnie specialises in all areas of family law: public (care proceedings), private…
Richard Chapman photo Mr Richard Chapman Commercial and chancery Law, including: real property, landlord and tenant, contract, company,…
John Chukwuemeka photo Mr John Chukwuemeka John is a specialist family practitioner with an emphasis in child care…
Nicholas Clarke photo Nicholas Clarke Nicholas Clarke has worked in the law since 1985, qualifying as a…
Jonathan Dale photo Mr Jonathan Dale Notable cases: advising litigant in person and drafting skeleton argument in Keith…
Rupert Davies photo Mr Rupert Davies Rupert obtained a first class degree from the University of Cambridge. He…
Ben Donaldson photo Mr Ben Donaldson Ben joined chambers as a pupil in September 2021 supervised by Rehana Begum.…
Kate Donohue photo Ms Kate Donohue Kate initially qualified as a solicitor in 2009 specialising in Family Law. …
Victoria Empson photo Ms Victoria Empson Victoria joined Chambers in September 2017 after successfully completing pupillage under the…
Andrew Evans photo Mr Andrew Evans Andy has practiced exclusively in crime for fifteen years, prosecuting and defending…
Lisa Evans photo Lisa Evans Private Law Lisa is regularly instructed to act on behalf of parents…
Nathan Goldstein photo Mr Nathan Goldstein General chancery and commercial law including; land law and neighbour disputes, TOLATA,…
Nathan Goldstein photo Mr Nathan Goldstein General chancery and commercial law including; land law and neighbour disputes, TOLATA,…
Siobhan Grey photo Miss Siobhan Grey Siobhan Grey KC  joined 18 St John Street Chambers, Manchester, in January…
Jonathan Grierson photo Mr Jonathan Grierson Family law, ancillary relief, children, divorce, public law, cohabitees – relationship/property disputes.…
Georgia Griffiths photo Ms Georgia Griffiths Georgia is a family law specialist, called to the Bar in October…
Nicholas Harrison photo Mr Nicholas Harrison Nick conducts a mixed practice of Civil and Chancery law with particular…
Susan Harrison photo Susan Harrison Private law Children Act (residence, contact adoption etc.); public law care proceedings;…
Yvonne Healing photo Miss Yvonne Healing Children [public law], child abduction, ancillary relief, cohabitee disputes. Notable cases: Manchester…
Betsy Hindle photo Ms Betsy Hindle Betsy joined chambers in September 2022 after completing her pupillage in October…
David Hoffman photo David Hoffman Commercial and chancery practitioner covering: arbitration, banking and insurance, chancery (general), construction,…
Fiona Holloran photo Fiona Holloran Children and divorce, specialising in care proceedings.
Ian Huffer photo Ian Huffer All areas of personal injury litigation including high value claims, road traffic…
Jocelyn Hughes photo Ms Jocelyn Hughes Jocelyn was called to the Bar in 2015. Prior to practising as…
Jonathan Jackson photo Mr Jonathan Jackson Jonathan joined the Family Team of 18 St John Street Chambers in…
Soria Kajue photo Soria Kajue Public and private law children for local authorities, parents and guardians; ancillary…
Yasmin Kauser photo Ms Yasmin Kauser Yasmin is a Family Law specialist, and practices exclusively in all areas of family…
Vanessa Lau photo Vanessa Lau Family law: Children Act section 8 proceedings; care proceedings. Criminal law; prosecuting…
Pauline Le Tixerant photo Ms Pauline Le Tixerant Pauline joined Chambers as a tenant following a successful Business & Property…
Niamh McGinty photo Ms Niamh McGinty Niamh specialises in all areas of criminal law, welcoming instructions for both…
Gemma McGungle photo Gemma McGungle Gemma has had experience of a wide civil practice with an emphasis…
Christopher McNall photo Christopher McNall After undergraduate and graduate legal studies in Oxford and Poland, Christopher taught…
Stephen Murray photo Stephen Murray Family law (matrimonial finance, cohabitee disputes, private law children, applications under the…
Zara Nawaz photo Ms Zara Nawaz Zara joined chambers as a pupil in September 2021, with Fergal Allen as her…
Jennifer Newstead-Taylor photo Miss Jennifer Newstead-Taylor Jennifer Newstead Taylor specialises in Business and Property with a specific emphasis…
Hannah Phoenix photo Ms Hannah Phoenix Hannah joined Chambers in September 2017 having successfully completed a family law…
James Preece photo Mr James Preece Before being called to the Bar, James spent time developing his experience…
Verity Quaite photo Ms Verity Quaite Verity accepts instructions in all areas of crime, both prosecuting and defending.…
Victoria Roberts photo Ms Victoria Roberts Victoria joined Chambers in February 2020 as a member of the Business…
Toby Sasse photo Toby Sasse Notable cases: R v Secretary of State for Transport and Others ex…
Rachel Shenton photo Rachel Shenton All areas of criminal law including murder, serious offences of violence, fraud,…
Kane Simons photo Kane Simons Kane has a broad personal injury practice, acting for both claimants and…
Martine Swinscoe photo Ms Martine Swinscoe Martine started her career far from the field of Law as a…
Laura Thomas photo Laura Thomas
Paul Treble photo Mr Paul Treble A science graduate, Paul came to the bar via the private sector…
Elisabeth Tythcott photo Miss Elisabeth Tythcott Elisabeth has developed a wide ranging general chancery and commercial practice during…
Ebuwa Uwubamwen photo Ms Ebuwa Uwubamwen Ebuwa comes to pupillage with over a decade of experience in both…
Richard Vardon photo Richard Vardon All areas of criminal law with particular experience and expertise in: homicide…
John Vickery photo Mr John Vickery John was originally called to the Bar in 1994 and qualified as…
Sarah Wait photo Ms Sarah Wait Sarah was called to the Bar in 2017 and joined Chambers as…
Alex  Walker  photo Mr Alex Walker Alex joined Chambers having practised in London since 2013. During this time…
Anna Warters photo Miss Anna Warters Anna brings to her practice a wide range of experiences gleaned from…
Olivia  West photo Ms Olivia West Olivia completed a specialist family law pupillage in October 2021 under the…
Emma Whelan photo Ms Emma Whelan Emma has represented local authorities, parents and children during her time at…
Anna White photo Ms Anna White Anna joined Chambers in October 2018. Prior to being called to the…
Mike Wilkinson photo Dr Mike Wilkinson Mike is a specialist in business and property law and has built…
Mike Wilkinson photo Dr Mike Wilkinson Mike is a specialist in business and property law and has built…
Janice Wills photo Ms Janice Wills Janice has practised exclusively at the Family Bar in all aspects of…
Bethany  Wilson photo Ms Bethany Wilson Private Law Beth has represented parents and children at all stages of…
Elahe Youshani photo Elahe Youshani Elahe practises exclusively in the fields of personal injury and clinical negligence,…

CLIENT: Leigh Wright
COMPANY/FIRM: Tuckers (Crime)
TESTIMONIAL: The level of service at 18 St John Street is second to none. The barristers and clerks in the criminal department are proactive and help solve case issues. This enables instructing solicitors to concentrate on client care. Such assistance from clerks in criminal legal aid chambers is now almost unknown. We highly recommend this set for all complex criminal work due to the exceptional quality of counsel (notable mentions Nicholas Clarke and Richard Vardon) supported by the best clerking team on the North West circuit (headed by James Hotchin)

CLIENT: Peter Kaye
COMPANY/FIRM: Kuits (Chancery)
TESTIMONIAL: The main reason I have continued to use 18 St John Street is down to the level of service that I have received over a period of many years.

It starts with the assistance and support from a tremendous clerking team namely Katie Brown. We have developed a strong professional relationship of trust and I know that if I call them at any time they will provide the support that is needed not only in finding the right counsel but also on the question of fees. Over the years there has been difficult issues particularly relating to fees and we have always been able to sort out these issues sensibly and commercially, mainly because there is this long-standing relationship of trust and confidence. At the end of the day one uses a barrister’s chambers for the quality of the barristers within it. Over the years I have used many of the Counsel in the commercial section. Most notably Malcolm McEwan, Elizabeth Tythcott, Richard Chapman QC, Christopher McNall, Mike Wilkinson, Oliver Caplan, Mark Laprell, Kane Simons, Gemma McGungle to name but a few. The service I have received over the years is always excellent and what I value the most is the ability to be able to pick up the phone and speak to each counsel in a relaxed and supportive manner demonstrating the ability to work with counsel and our client as a team. Often cases involve difficult and thorny issues where the answers are not simple and straightforward and the ability to be able to talk through these issues,( often without a fee note following), emphasises the “added value” and the strength of the relationship

I therefore hope that my professional relationship with 18 SJS will continue in this vein for several years to come.

CLIENT: Catherine Woolley
TESTIMONIAL: Our practice has been instructing counsel from 18sjs for many years. We have always been Very Impressed by the quality of service received, both from the team of barristers through to the clerks. The barristers are always very well prepared , professional and provide prompt feedback. The clerks, particularly Camille Scott and Garrick Brown, do their upmost to ensure that they are able to assist and accommodate us wherever possible.

CLIENT: M D Belfield – Director
COMPANY/FIRM: Thorneycroft Solicitors (Civil)
TESTIMONIAL: My team regularly instruct 18 St Johns Street Chambers in multi-track personal injury matters. The service provided by Chambers is prompt/friendly and that provided by Counsel, detailed and supportive of both us as instructing solicitors and lay clients, particularly where seriously injured claimants are involved where, in turn, an extra element of client care and empathy is often required. Typically, clients will have suffered extensive losses and require lengthy rehabilitation so having a supportive legal team, as I report from my experiences of Chambers, is imperative to a successful outcome.