29 Bedford Row Chambers > London, England > Set Profile

Chambers of Alexis Campbell KC and Nicholas Allen KC
29 Bedford Row Chambers

London Bar > Family: divorce and financial remedy Tier 1

29 Bedford Row Chambers  is a ‘go-to set with exceptional and strong counsel at every level of experience’. Timothy Scott KC is a ‘persuasive advocate with a very dignified approach in contentious cases’ while Jonathan Southgate KC is a ‘very clever and resourceful advocate’ who specialises in high-net-worth financial remedy cases. Other key members of the set include ‘expert cross-examiner’ Philip Cayford KC, Sally Max and Jonathan Tod .

Rising stars

Philip Tait 29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Philip is a formidable barrister with attention to detail. He is an excellent advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Harry Campbell29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Harry is always very prepared and is all over the detail of a case. He has strong advocacy skills and can distil complex legal matters into simple terms for clients. His ability to present is clear and engaging. His legal knowledge is very impressive for someone of his call.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Philip Cayford KC29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Philip’s advocacy skills are second to none. He is brilliant on his feet. He is calm and measured in everything he does.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Timothy Scott KC29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Timothy is the consummate professional. He is sharp and incisive in determining the appropriate strategies in the most complex cases. He is always calm and collaborative, and his advocacy is superb.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Jonathan Southgate KC29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Jonathan is strategic and focused. He is calm and organised. He is incredibly good at managing difficult clients.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2
Alexis Campbell KC29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Alexis is a go-to silk. She is utterly brilliant, fiercely intelligent and is seemingly able to predict almost precisely what a judge will decide on any issue. She is articulate and unflappable in court and has the respect of the judiciary.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Nicholas Allen KC29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Nicholas is multi-faceted and multi-talented. He is extremely well-versed in the law and incredibly thorough.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Christopher Wagstaffe KC29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Christopher is an outstanding KC. He is robust as an advocate when he needs to be, but he is also very skilled in negotiating. He can put clients and instructing solicitors at ease.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Peter Mitchell KC29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Peter is a superb advocate. He is calm and delivers his examination and cross-examination straightforwardly and humanly, yet his presentation is sophisticated.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4

Leading Juniors

Sally Max29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Sally is clear, strategic and realistic. She will settle the cases that can settle and stand up for the client where required. She gives clients the confidence to do so by the clarity of her analysis and assessment of the case.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Helen Williams29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Helen is utterly brilliant. She is incredibly bright and has wisdom beyond her call. She is articulate and utterly unflappable in court.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Sassa-Ann Amaouche29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Sassa is extremely tenacious and passionate about her client’s case. She is fearless, an extremely strong advocate and a great barrister.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Richard Bates29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Richard gets to the heart of a case effortlessly. He can find a strength, an angle, and argue it to success.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Nicholas Chapman29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Nicholas is personable, knowledgeable and direct in his approach. He inspires confidence in clients and is an excellent advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Petra Teacher29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Petra is supremely capable. Her judgement is always excellent. Her presentation at court is intelligent, perceptive, immaculate and elegant. She always has the ear of the court. She has fantastic client care skills. She works constructively with her instructing solicitors and is supportive and helpful.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Max Lewis29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Max has superb judgement and does not hesitate to give sensible, pragmatic advice. He is kind to clients and not afraid to assert arguments articulately and clearly.’
Ranked: Tier 3
James Pullen 29 Bedford Row Chambers 'James is an intelligent advocate who quickly gets to the root of a case. He is quick on his feet, highly persuasive, and a complete delight to work with.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Miriam Foster – 29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Miriam relishes a collegiate approach to her cases. She is contactable and accessible, and her client manner is excellent, and she does not shy away from providing tough advice. She is an excellent advocate, able to delve into the detail and present her arguments robustly if required. ‘
Ranked: Tier 4
Lynsey Cade Davies  - 29 Bedford Row Chambers  'Lynsey is a ferociously tenacious, highly numerate, direct and effective advocate.' 
Ranked: Tier 4
Joseph Switalski  – 29 Bedford Row Chambers 'Joseph is a very able family law barrister. He is thorough and has experience beyond his years. His advice is on the button, and his preparation is very good.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Conor Fee29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Conor has attention to detail, and his advocacy is calm and purposeful, backed up with a full grasp of the issues and evidence, which cuts through arguments no matter how fiercely fought. He is always approachable, calm, and collected.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Victoria Francis29 Bedford Row ChambersVictoria is brilliantly prepared and gets clients onside very quickly. She explains very tricky concepts to clients beautifully. She is great at giving tricky advice. She is a great strategist and is excellent in court.’  
Ranked: Tier 4
Anthony Geadah29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Anthony is an excellent advocate and always digs to get to the bottom of an issue, leaving no stone unturned.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Laura Heaton29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Laura is excellent at combining incisive big-picture analysis with microscopic attention to detail.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Lucy Owens29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Lucy's attention to detail is superb. Her written work is well crafted, and her advocacy is persuasive and tenacious at the same time. She is popular with clients who know she will fight their corner but also adopt a pragmatic and commercial approach from the outset.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Amber Sheridan29 Bedford Row Chambers 'Amber is a brilliant barrister. She can explain and discuss the family law concepts which arose in the trial. Her assistance in the trial, particularly in preparing for cross-examination is invaluable.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Charlotte Trace29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Charlotte is bright, hard-working and with tremendous attention to detail. She has fantastic client care skills and always ensures that the client's concerns are front and centre of her advice.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Ben Fearnley29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Ben is a hugely supportive barrister to work with. He understands the family dynamic and supports clients (and solicitors) to achieve the best outcomes. His judgement is excellent, and he's a hugely persuasive advocate.’
Ranked: Tier 4


‘James Shortall is second to none. He is incredibly responsive and will bend over backwards to help.’

‘James Shortall and Julie Holcombe are very experienced and supportive clerks.’

’29 Bedford Row Chambers is an excellent set with a great strength-in-depth from the junior to silk end.’

’29 Bedford Row Chambers is a very good family set with strength at all levels in financial remedies proceedings.’

’29 Bedford Row Chambers is a top-notch set, with talent throughout.’

’29 Bedford Row Chambers is an outstanding and go-to chamber for family finance matters.’

’29 Bedford Row Chambers is an impressive chamber with a great strength in depth.’

’29 Bedford Row Chambers have a strong spread of advocates, from juniors to silks. All are approachable and willing to make themselves available at short notice.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Family: private FDR judges and arbitrators

29 Bedford Row Chambers is a ‘market leading set for financial remedy work’ that consistently ‘goes above and beyond’. Ben Fearnley is an ‘excellent private FDR judge’ who specialises in financial aspects of divorce, dissolution of civil partnerships, separation of unmarried couples, financial provision for children, and jurisdiction disputes. Other key contacts include the ‘technically brilliant advocate’ Nicholas Allen KC and Peter Mitchell KC, who has extensive expertise in drafting, implementation and enforcement of pre- and post-nuptial agreements. ‘Thorough and balanced FDR judge’ Lucy Owens is another key contact.


’29 Bedford Row is a top-notch financial remedy chamber.’

’29 Bedford Row is a go-to set.’

’29 Bedford Row has a strong and developing ADR offer, with good strength in depth from experienced counsel.’

‘The clerks are always helpful, and Julie Holcombe leads the way.’

’29 Bedford Row has a top clerking team. James Shorthall is everything that one wants from a senior clerk.’

London Bar > Family: children and domestic abuse Tier 4

29 Bedford Row Chambers is a ‘solid and experienced set able to advise on a wide range of family law disciplines’. Paul Storey KC is a ‘very robust advocate’ well-known for his expertise in cases involving child death and the most serious physical abuse, while Indira Ramsahoye is a ‘first-rate performer’ who focuses on private children law, in particular cases with an international element. Dafydd Griffiths is an ‘intelligent, intuitive and thorough advocate’ who specialises in relocation and cases in which parental alienation allegations appear.

Leading Silks

Paul Storey KC29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Paul is a real master of oral and written advocacy with an incredible understanding of the medicine and personal dynamic of cases. A real champion of disadvantaged and underprivileged clients.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Juniors

Indira Ramsahoye29 Bedford Row Chambers 'Indira is passionate about the work she does, always on top of the law and yet extremely human - her warmth and compassion draw clients to her.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Dafydd Griffiths29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Dafydd is approachable, puts clients at ease, is knowledgeable and can reduce complex advice into understandable language for clients.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Lee Arnot29 Bedford Row Chambers ‘Lee is exceptionally well-prepared and has an amazing rapport with the clients. His advocacy is sublime. It can be transfixing. He is well prepared, knows the law, is great with the client and is responsive.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 5
Ranked: Tier 6


’29 Bedford Row Chambers has great depth, availability and professionalism.’

’29 Bedford Row Chambers has breath and strength in numbers at both the senior and junior levels.’

’29 Bedford Row Chambers is a very strong set, approachable and accommodating and cover all areas of family law.’

‘The clerks are conscientious and very good at what they do.’

’29 Bedford Row Chambers has an exceptional clerking team.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Private client: trusts and probate

South Eastern Circuit > Family: divorce and financial remedy

The English Bar Offshore > The English Bar Offshore

29 Bedford Row Chambers is committed to providing its clients with an effective and efficient legal service. It operates from Grade II listed buildings in the heart of legal London, and offers ten top of the range AV suites for conferences and remote or hybrid court hearings.

The set: Bedford Row Chambers comprises of 61 barristers including 11 silks. The set is rated among the leading family law chambers with more than half of members rated as leaders in their field in the 2022/23 editions of the Bar directories.

Types of work undertaken:  Chambers offers specialist expertise at every level of seniority in all aspects of family law including matrimonial finance, children (both public and private law), child abduction, cohabitation law, domestic violence and representation under the Civil Partnership and Inheritance Acts. Many members have been appointed to sit as deputy High Court judges, recorders and deputy district judges, have qualified as family law arbitrators or mediators, and/or have trained as collaborative lawyers. Many members of chambers also chair private FDRs and Early Neutral Evaluation hearings. The set also offers Direct (Public) Access services.

Chambers organises a comprehensive seminar programme for judges, solicitors and trainees and also supports initiatives to increase equality and diversity at the Bar. Members of chambers appear in courts around the country and internationally. Chambers has dedicated conference suites, but members will travel to see clients wherever necessary.

Administration: Chambers is served by nine full time clerks and a dedicated fees clerk, allowing work to be processed quickly and efficiently. The clerks’ room is open between 8.30 am and 6.00 pm, but emergency contact is always available outside that time. The clerking is praised for its efficient, friendly and commercial approach.

For information about the work of chambers generally, or the practice of individual members of chambers in particular, please contact the senior clerk, James Shortall, or visit the website – www.29br.co.uk

Department Name Email Telephone
Senior clerk James Shortall
Clerks Julie Holcombe
Clerks Ben Cross
Clerks Jamie Critchell
Clerks Steve Pickin (fees)
Chambers administrator Nicola Kessell
Members of Chambers CAMPBELL KC, Alexis (1990) (KC 2017)
Members of Chambers ALLEN KC, Nicholas (1995) (KC 2018)
Members of Chambers SCOTT KC, Timothy (1975) (KC 1995)
Members of Chambers STOREY KC, Paul (1982) (KC 2001)
Members of Chambers CAYFORD KC, Philip (1975) (KC 2002)
Members of Chambers CHAMBERLAYNE KC, Patrick (1992) (KC 2010)
Members of Chambers SHAW KC, Howard (1973) (KC 2011)
Members of Chambers WAGSTAFFE KC, Christopher (1992) (KC 2011)
Members of Chambers SOUTHGATE KC, Jonathan (1992) (KC 2013)
Members of Chambers MOLYNEUX KC, Brent (1994) (KC 2017)
Members of Chambers MITCHELL KC, Peter (1996) (KC 2020)
Members of Chambers DUCKWORTH, Peter (1971)
Members of Chambers RENTON, The Hon Clare (1972)
Members of Chambers RAMSAHOYE, Indira (1980)
Members of Chambers WALDEN-SMITH, David (1985)
Members of Chambers STOREY-REA, Alexa (1990)
Members of Chambers CHAPMAN, Nicholas (1990)
Members of Chambers ARNOT, Lee (1990)
Members of Chambers WENTWORTH, Annabel (1990)
Members of Chambers TOD, Jonathan (1990)
Members of Chambers MAX, Sally (1991)
Members of Chambers BATES, Richard (1992)
Members of Chambers DOMENGE, Victoria (1993)
Members of Chambers BUTLER, Judith (1993)
Members of Chambers AMIRAFTABI, Roshi (1993)
Members of Chambers COLLINS, Ken (1996)
Members of Chambers AMAOUCHE, Sassa-Ann (1996)
Members of Chambers OWENS, Lucy (1997)
Members of Chambers GRIFFITHS, Dafydd (1997)
Members of Chambers HEATON, Laura (1998)
Members of Chambers BLACK, Georgina (1999)
Members of Chambers CALHAEM, Simon (1999)
Members of Chambers GEADAH, Anthony (2000)
Members of Chambers FRANCIS, Victoria (2001)
Members of Chambers FEARNLEY, Ben (2001)
Members of Chambers LEWIS, Max (2002)
Members of Chambers BUTTERFIELD, Christopher (2004)
Members of Chambers CADE DAVIES, Lynsey (2005)
Members of Chambers BENNETT, Nicholas (2005)
Members of Chambers TAMBLING, Richard (2005)
Members of Chambers TEACHER, Petra (2006)
Members of Chambers FEE, Conor (2006)
Members of Chambers WILLIAMS, Helen (2007)
Members of Chambers SHERIDAN, Amber (2008)
Members of Chambers ERIERA, Anton (2010)
Members of Chambers FINCH, James (2011)
Members of Chambers LONG, Matthew (2011)
Members of Chambers FOSTER, Miriam (2011)
TRACE, Charlotte (2012)
Members of Chambers PULLEN, James (2012)
Members of Chambers PAGE, Emily (2012)
Members of Chambers SWITALSKI, Joseph (2014)
Members of Chambers COOPER, James (2014)
Members of Chambers CAMPBELL, Harry (2017)
Members of Chambers TAIT, Philip (2018)
Members of Chambers HUGHES PUGH, Yasmin (2020)
Members of Chambers MUTTON, Daniel (2016)
Members of Chambers JEFFREY, Daniel (2020)
Members of Chambers KNIGHT, Shannon (2021)
Members of Chambers ELEZI, Eno (2019)
Members of Chambers BLOHM, Henrietta (2022)
Photo Name Position Profile
Nicholas Allen photo Nicholas Allen Matrimonial finance, civil partnerships, co-habitation. Reported cases – MT v OT (No…
Sassa-Ann Amaouche photo Sassa-Ann Amaouche Sassa’s practice focus is on all aspects of financial remedy proceedings, to…
Roshi Amiraftabi photo Roshi Amiraftabi Almost exclusively in the field of children law undertaking factually complex private…
Lee Arnot photo Lee Arnot All aspects of family law including public and private law children proceedings…
Richard Bates photo Richard Bates Matrimonial finance, particularly interested in farming cases. Cases include: Haskell v Haskell…
Nicholas Bennett photo Mr Nicholas Bennett Nick specialises in advising on complex divorce disputes, particularly involving companies, trusts…
Georgina Black photo Georgina Black Family, matrimonial property and finance, private law children and cohabitation disputes.  Tenacious,…
Judith Butler photo Judith Butler Judith has a significant practice in matrimonial finance and the financial consequences…
Christopher Butterfield photo Christopher Butterfield Barrister who practises across the full range of family law work with…
Lynsey Cade Davies photo Lynsey Cade Davies All aspects of family law including financial provision on the breakdown of…
Simon Calhaem photo Simon Calhaem Simon specialises in complex high value financial work, including matrimonial finance, inheritance…
Harry  Campbell photo Harry Campbell Harry specialises in financial remedy work. He has been described as “a…
Alexis Campbell photo Alexis Campbell Alexis is joint Head of Chambers and a specialist in HNW matrimonial…
Philip Cayford photo Philip Cayford Family practice, strong bias towards financial remedies. Acted for successful wife in…
Patrick Chamberlayne photo Patrick Chamberlayne Barrister specialising in Financial Remedy, Private Law Children Applications, Inheritance Act Claims…
Nick Chapman photo Nick Chapman Principal area of practice is Financial Remedy Applications including Financial Provision for…
Ken Collins photo Ken Collins Barrister practising in a broad range of private family work and whilst…
James Cooper photo James Cooper James practices in all areas of family law, with a particular specialism…
Victoria Domenge photo Victoria Domenge Family Law with particular expertise in matrimonial finance and private law children…
Peter Duckworth photo Peter Duckworth Peter specialises in ‘heavy duty’ financial claims, particularly those involving businesses, landed…
Anton Eriera photo Anton Eriera
Ben Fearnley photo Ben Fearnley Practice encompasses all of the financial aspects of relationship breakdown, including divorce,…
Conor Fee photo Conor Fee Specialising in matrimonial finance and related claims on the breakdown of marriage…
James Finch photo James Finch Instructed across all areas of family law. He advises and represents clients…
Miriam Foster photo Miriam Foster Matrimonial Finance, Financial Provision for Children, Pre and post-nuptial agreements, civil partnerships,…
Victoria Francis photo Victoria Francis Practises in all areas of family law, with a particular emphasis on…
Anthony Geadah photo Anthony Geadah An experienced specialist in matrimonial finance and related matters. Anthony’s practice encompasses…
Dafydd Griffiths photo Dafydd Griffiths A child care practitioner with expertise in all areas of both public…
Laura Heaton photo Laura Heaton Matrimonial finance, Schedule 1 Children Act 1989, cohabitation disputes under Trusts of…
Yasmin Hughes Pugh photo Yasmin Hughes Pugh Instructed on cases across all areas of family law, with a particular…
Daniel Jeffrey photo Daniel Jeffrey Dan now accepts instructions on all private family law matters as well…
Max Lewis photo Max Lewis Practice covers all issues of Family Law, with a particular emphasis on…
Matthew Long photo Matthew Long Instructed in all areas of family law work; he represents clients in…
Sally Max photo Sally Max Family finance, particularly involving financial complexity arising from substantial assets; complex pension…
Peter Mitchell photo Peter Mitchell All aspects of the law governing financial relationships between family members, including…
Brent Molyneux photo Brent Molyneux Matrimonal finance. Notable cases include: ABX v SBX [2018] EWFC 81 (Fam);…
Daniel Mutton photo Daniel Mutton Accepts instructions on all private family law matters, with an emphasis on…
Lucy Owens photo Lucy Owens Lucy specialises in all financial aspects of relationship breakdown. Reported cases include…
Emily Page photo Emily Page Practice covers all areas of family law, with a particular focus on…
James Pullen photo James Pullen Instructed across the full spectrum of family law work. He regularly advises…
Indira Ramsahoye photo Indira Ramsahoye International law relating to children in particular child abduction, jurisdictional disputes, both…
Clare Renton photo Clare Renton Broad experience and interest. A particular emphasis on family law cases with…
Timothy Scott photo Timothy Scott Leading specialist in international family law including jurisdiction and forum disputes, Part…
Howard Shaw photo Howard Shaw All aspects of family law. Among reported cases are Rapp v Sarre…
Amber Sheridan photo Amber Sheridan Matrimonial Finance; Financial Provision for Children; Pre and post-nuptial agreements; Civil Partnerships;…
Jonathan Southgate photo Jonathan Southgate Financial Remedy specialist. Notable cases:  Paul Mark Simon v Lauren Belinda Simon &…
Paul Storey photo Paul Storey Family law: Public Law, all areas including appeals CoA and Supreme Court.…
Alexa Storey-rea photo Alexa Storey-rea Practises in the field of children law, the majority of public law…
Joseph Switalski photo Joseph Switalski Practice covers the full range of family law issues with a particular…
Philip Tait photo Philip Tait Specialises in matrimonial finance, cohabitation claims, financial provision for children and private…
Richard Tambling photo Richard Tambling Richard handles all aspects of financial remedies including matrimonial finance and Schedule…
Petra Teacher photo Petra Teacher All areas of Family Law with a particular emphasis on matrimonial finance,…
Jonathan Tod photo Jonathan Tod Matrimonial finance and Schedule 1 Children Act Proceedings. Hill v Morgan (Child:…
Charlotte Trace photo Charlotte Trace Practice covers all areas of family law with a particular emphasis on…
Christopher Wagstaffe photo Christopher Wagstaffe Family Law especially matrimonial finance, with a particular emphasis on cases featuring…
David Walden-smith photo David Walden-smith David specialises in financial cases involving substantial assets, complex company valuations and…
Annabel Wentworth photo Annabel Wentworth Accepts instructions in all areas of law concerning children including private and…
Helen Williams photo Helen Williams Primarily financial remedy proceedings, with a particular emphasis on the treatment of…

29 Bedford Row Chambers is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity regardless of age, race, nationality, sex, gender re-assignment, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, disability, religion or belief, pregnancy or political persuasion.

29 Bedford Row’s commitment to promoting equal opportunities, diversity, and ensuring an absence of discrimination requires that positive steps are taken to identify and eliminate possible discrimination in the decisions that need to be taken concerning:

  • The recruitment of pupils, tenants, clerks or other staff;
  • Relations between pupils, tenants, clerks and other staff – both professionally and socially;
  • The treatment of those connected with chambers, whether directly or indirectly as lay and professional clients.

A full copy of our equality and diversity policy can be found on our website and sets out in more detail the steps which we are taking to ensure that 29 Bedford Row is an environment free from discrimination.

However, a commitment to equality, diversity, and opportunity must be more than ‘on paper’. We therefore support (including financially) initiatives and organisations which encourage disadvantaged and minority groups to consider pursuing a career at the Bar. We also support organisation that provide legal advice and assistance to those who cannot afford representation. Over the last 12 months, this has included:

CLIENT: Zoe Bloom
TESTIMONIAL: ‘’There is no better set of matrimonial finance practitioners in London. The members are steeped in exceptional work from the outset of their careers and they are mentored and supported from within chambers by each other and their incomparable clerks. Most importantly, everyone associated with chambers is grounded, approachable and just really really good at what they do. As a consequence, they can be relied upon to consistently deliver outstanding result and resolve the stickiest situations.’’

CLIENT: David Allison
COMPANY/FIRM: Family Law In Partnership
TESTIMONIAL: “29 Bedford Row is an excellent set for family law. They have some of the best talent in the business at both junior and silk level. Members are instructed by the best firms in London and further afield. They appear in many of the important cases before courts at all levels. The clerking team is second to none. Overall a first rate chambers!”

CLIENT: James Brown
TESTIMONIAL: ‘’I have had the pleasure of working with 29 Bedford Row for nearly 20 years. They are, as is well known, one of a very small handful of ‘top’ family law sets in this country with strength and depth at every level. What sets them apart, however, is the accessibility of their members and the way they are clerked. Whether it is the newest of juniors or the most senior Silk, the barristers are willing to work as part of a team for the lay client which makes them a pleasure to instruct and, ultimately, achieves better results. The clerking team know the process, their instructing solicitors and the personalities of their various barristers. The result is a true “matching” of barrister, solicitor and lay client as opposed to a mere diary service. I cannot recommend them highly enough.’’

CLIENT: Barbara Reeves
COMPANY/FIRM: Mishcon De Reya
TESTIMONIAL: I have enjoyed a close relationship with 29 Bedford Row since 1999. They have an extremely strong offering at every level, with an excellent quality of service and depth of skill, together with superb clerking. It’s now home to a super set of barristers, first class silks and strong juniors and headed up by new heads, Alexis Campbell QC and Nick Allen QC, who continue to build on their international reputation as market leaders in Family Law.

CLIENT: Justin Moss
TESTIMONIAL: “One of the top four sets. They have excellent people at all levels of call and the clerks, led by James, ably assisted by Julie, are unfailingly helpful, responsive and a pleasure to work with.”