
Lucero Ramírez Izaguirre

Lucero Ramírez Izaguirre




Lucero Ramírez Izaguirre (Callao, 1992) is a lawyer specialized in Civil Property Law, Civil Procedure and administrative procedures. She is a fellow of the VII International Program of the United Nations. Correspondent in the International Litigation and Arbitration Program in Latin America - Mexico. Lawyer specialized in litigation and arbitration. Author of the book Nullity of the Insurance Contract and of several articles specialized in the area of Civil Property Law.


Spanish, English, and Italian.


Advisory Member of the Peruvian Institute of Civil Liability. Member of the Civil Law Workshop José León Barandiarán - UNMSM. Member of the Lima Bar Association.


II International Course on Arbitration and Insurance IPA, Peruvian Institute of Arbitration (2022). Specialized Course on Evidentiary Reasoning, Peruvian Institute of Evidentiary Reasoning with the collaboration of the Lima Bar Association (2022). The disruptive impact of neurosciences in tort law, Buenos Aires University (2021). Contemporary trends in civil liability, University of Externado de Colombia (2020). Master studies with mention in Civil and Commercial Law, National University of San Marcos (2016-2017). Specialization in Administrative Sanctioning Law and Disciplinary Power, Lima Bar Association (2016). Fellow of the VII International Training Program in Management Excellence organized by the United Nations - UNMSM and URP (2015- 2016). Faculty of Law and Political Science, National University of San Marcos- UNMSM (2010-2015).


Professional Experience

Associate Attorney at Malpica, Iturbe, Buj y Paredes, Mexico (October 2019- March 2020). Iter in the International Litigation and Arbitration Program for Latin America, Mexico. Legal Assistant at Estudio Rodríguez Angobaldo Abogados S.A.C. (2015-2016).

Teaching Experience

Lecturer in the course of Special Civil Liability Regimes, Center for Legal Education, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru - PUCP (Nov. 2021 - Dec. 2021). Teaching assistant in the course of Law of Obligations of the chair of Dr. Leysser León, UNMSM (2020-2021). Teaching assistant in Civil Liability for the course of Dr. Leysser León, Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru- PUCP (August-December 2020). Teaching Assistant in Civil Liability of the chair of Dr. Juan Espinoza Espinoza, Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru - PUCP (Semester 2017). Teaching of the summer course on Civil Liability and Personal Law, UNMSM (2017). Head of Civil Procedure Law II Internship of the chair of Dr. María del Carmen Abregú Baez, UNMSM (2016-2017). Assistant of the course of Civil Law I (Law of Persons and Preliminary Title) of the chair of Dr. Juan Espinoza Espinoza, UNMSM (2016). Assistant of the course of Introduction to Civil Law of the chair of Dr. Aníbal Torres Vásquez, UNMSM (2011).


RAMÍREZ, L. (2022). Nullity as salvage in the disposition of social property by one of the spouses without the intervention of the other: A purpose of the Eighth Plenary Civil Cassation. In: The Nullity and the Ineffectiveness of the Legal Act: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives after the Eighth Plenary Civil Cassatory, Instituto Pacifico, pp. 53-84. RAMÍREZ, L. (2022). New Commentary to the Annotated Civil Code directed by Juan Espinoza Espinoza. Volume VII, Book of Obligations Law, Director Gastón Fernández Cruz, Perú: Pacífico Institute, (collaborator in several articles). RAMÍREZ, L. (2021). New Commentary to the Annotated Civil Code directed by Juan Espinoza Espinoza. Preliminary Title and Personal Law, Director Juan Espinoza Espinoza Espinoza, Perú: Pacífico Institute, (collaborator in several articles). RAMÍREZ, L. and Oreste Roca (2021). Third Civil Cassation Plenary, in: The Plenary Civil Cassatory Courts, Analysis of the 10 Binding Plenary Courts, Jurista Editores. RAMÍREZ, L. (2020). Las Audiencias judiciales virtuales: en el reto de la tutela jurisdiccional efectiva. Peru: Newspaper "El Peruano". RAMÍREZ, L. (2020). Comments to the Annotated Civil Code. Law of Obligations. Peru: Law Gazette. RAMÍREZ, L. (2020). Tragedia en el lago: los daños punitivos en el sistema mexicano y su incorporación en el Derecho Peruano, in Gaceta Civil & Procesal Civil (90), pp. 73-84. RAMÍREZ, L. (2020) and Oreste Roca. Compulsory social insulation and its impact on private contracts: The "Coronavirus" case in Peru. Instituto Pacifico (70), pp. 49-82. RAMIREZ, L. (2019). The future of civil liability: 35 years after the Civil Code came into force. Gaceta Civil & Procesal Civil (78), pp. 141-157. RAMÍREZ, L. (2019). Principle iura novit curia vs. principle of congruence: brief analysis of Cassation No. 4805-2016-Lima. Diálogo con la Jurisprudencia (249), pp. 176-181. RAMÍREZ, L. (2019). Nullity of simulated legal transactions: judicial solution: theory of own acts? Purpose of Cassation No. 1722-2017 Áncash. Diálogo con la Jurisprudencia (250), pp. 143-148. RAMÍREZ, L. (2019). On the way to the redefinition of moral damages? Actualidad Civil & Procesal Civil (305), pp. 47-58. RAMÍREZ, L. (2019). Prescriptibility of the ineffectiveness of the negotiation: Comments to the Casación N° 4989- 2017-Lima Norte. Gaceta Civil & Procesal (70), pp. 73-84. RAMÍREZ, L. (2019). Contract of mandate without representation as evidence in the judicial declaration of true owner. Civil News (62), pp. 43-54. RAMÍREZ, L. (2018). Between the Right to Life and actions for wrongful birth and wrongful life. Gaceta Civil & Procesal (61), pp. 185-198. RAMÍREZ, L. (2018). Towards a redefinition of moral damages. Congress of International Civil Law -University of Lima. Lima: Pacifico Institute. RAMÍREZ, L. (2018). When it is not what it seems to be: The proof of simulated legal business. Civil and Procedural Gazette (55), pp. 85-96. RAMIREZ, L. (2018). Nullity of the Insurance Contract: Legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis- Private Law Library in charge of Juan Espinoza Espinoza. Peru: Pacifico Institute. RAMÍREZ, L. and Oreste Roca (2017). Granting of Public Deed: Again, the perfection to the right of ownership. Actualidad Civil (33), pp. 87-107. RAMÍREZ, L. and Oreste Roca (2017). Stumbling blocks in contract formation: breach of dealings and the applicable liability approach. Civil Gazette & Civil Procedure (47), pp. 161-179. RAMÍREZ, L. (May 2017). Jurisprudential analysis of the contractualization of civil liability: Focus on medical issues. Legis Retrieved from RAMÍREZ, L. (2016). The irrevocability of the recognition of extramarital child vs best interests of the minor: Purpose of Consultation No. 132-2010-La Libertad. Law & Social Change. Retrieved from


Content supplied by Rodríguez Angobaldo Abogados