Etcheberry García Abogados > Santiago, Chile > Firm Profile

Etcheberry García Abogados
Nueva Costanera N° 3300, oficina 23.
Vitacura. Santiago - Chile.

Chile > Dispute resolution: white-collar crime Tier 3

Long-established penal specialists, Etcheberry García Abogados fields a dedicated white-collar crime law practice that assists with both disputes and risk management. The ‘outstanding' team’s capabilities range from fraud, embezzlement, conflicts of interest and unlawful negotiation, to tax fraud, customs offences, and banking and finance-related crimes. It also advises on money laundering, corporate criminal liability matters, securities fraud and the bribing of public officials. ‘The star of the firm', René García Cusacovich works as a trial lawyer in criminal matters, particularly those concerning patrimonial and economic crimes; founding partner Alfredo Etcheberry Orthusteguy provides further senior support; as does penal litigator Matías Hiriart , a ‘serious lawyer' who is 'responsible, concerned and, above all, unfailingly honest'.

Practice head(s):

René García Cusacovich


The team is outstanding – its vast knowledge of economic, patrimonial and official crimes stands out.

One of the firm’s greatest characteristics is the professional preparation of all the partners, who also directly work with clients.

Dedication, professionalism and particular ability to resolve problems. Compared to other legal teams, there is no question that Etcheberry García Abogados stands out favourably as one of the top criminal law firms in the country.

Personally, I can talk about Matías Hiriart, who is extremely responsible, concerned and, above all, unfailingly honest.

An excellent firm – compares favourably in that its services are personalised and affordable.

Regarding new technological tools, it has implemented good information systems that help the team resolve cases more quickly.

René García Cusacovich is the star of the firm.

Alfredo Etcheberry Orthusteguy is a prominent academic, and recognised nationally by his peers for his vast experience in criminal litigation.