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Leading Silks

2022 Silks

Joseph O’Brien KCSt John’s Buildings 'An outstanding advocate. His cross examination skills are second to none and he is fantastic with clients. It is always reassuring to have him fighting your client's cause. He is a pleasure to work with.'

2023 Silks

Helen Mulholland KC – Kings Chambers 'Helen is a highly skilled, confident, and assured advocate in Court of Protection matters. She is extremely responsive, helpful and knowledgeable.'

Leading Juniors

Jonathan Bellamy – St John’s Buildings ‘Jonathan is organised, calm, responsive and helpful. As an advocate, he is meticulous, well-prepared and fights his case fiercely.’
Brett Davies – Spire Barristers 'Brett is a natural born advocate; he is outstanding on his feet. He is extremely knowledgeable across all areas of social care.'
Natalia Levine – St John’s Buildings 'Natalia has really excellent interpersonal skills when in court and when dealing with her lay clients.'
Fay CollinsonKings Chambers 'Fay's advocacy skills are outstanding. She truly has the best interests of her clients at heart and is excellent in breaking down complex legal points.'
Holly Littlewood - Spire Barristers 'Holly is a good communicator who isn’t fazed by complex matters. She is very hard-working and methodical.'

Rising Stars

Hannah Bakshani – St John’s Buildings 'Hannah thinks matters through in a sensible and pragmatic way, and she is very quickly able to grasp the salient issues in a case. She is confident and persuasive in her advocacy.'
Tom Barclay-Semple  – Parklane Plowden 'Tom is adept at picking through swathes of complex information and offering proportionate and pragmatic advice. He is very personable and seems to have an innate ability to get the judge on side.'
Barbara Green – Spire Barristers 'Barbara is a confident advocate, whose advice is always sound as well as practical.'

Court of Protection and community care in Regional Bar

Kings Chambers

The Court of Protection team at Kings Chambers represents a range of parties in matters, including the Official Solicitor, local authorities and NHS trusts. Property and affairs disputes – an area in which the ‘incredibly knowledgeableFay Collinson excels – are also prominent in the group’s caseload. In a recent highlight for the set, practice head Sam Karim KC appeared in Re A (Covert Medication: Closed Proceedings), thought to be the first case of its kind within the Court of Protection, where closed proceedings were used to order the administration of covert medication to a person deemed to lack capacity. Bolstering the team at the senior end, Helen Mulholland KC was appointed to silk in March 2023.


Kings Chambers’ clerks always offer a good service. They are quick to respond and always try to accommodate our requests, making them easy to work with.’

St John's Buildings

St John’s Buildings garners praise as ‘a great Court of Protection set – all the advocates are knowledgeable and approachable‘. The ‘forensicJoseph O’Brien KC, who heads up the practice, has expertise in deprivation of liberty issues, and regularly acts for the Official Solicitor and family members in cases. Natalia Levine stands out for her experience in handling deputyship applications, issues of health and welfare and mental capacity, and contentious property and financial affairs. Rising star Hannah Bakshani is ‘able to get to grips with complex issues at short notice‘, and is experienced in advising on contested capacity matters.


A very good set with a large supportive team.’

Brilliant set with a wide variety of counsel.’

The barristers in this set are simply outstanding.’