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Leading Silks

Brian Altman KC – 2 Bedford Row ‘Brian is a colossus of the Bar who deservedly commands the respect of the judiciary, opponents, clients and all of his team. His advocacy is pitched perfectly, and he combines gravitas and legal mastery with a common touch. He is a brilliant tactician and clients, lay and professional, love him. Simply one of the best.’ 
Sallie Bennett-Jenkins KC – 2 Hare CourtSallie is a fantastic advocate who goes head-to-head with judges when necessary. Her approach is very personal but no-nonsense at the same time.’
Henry Blaxland KC – Garden Court Chambers 'Henry has almost unparalleled expertise. He is knowledgeable, sensible, calm and has the ear of the court as well as the utter trust of both the lay client and the solicitor.' 
Jeremy Dein KC – 25 Bedford Row 'Jeremy is a fearless and highly intelligent barrister who really comes alive in trials. He is always well prepared and is clearly driven to ensure that his clients receive the very best possible representation. He is highly respected by all of those within the criminal justice system.'
Sarah Forshaw KC – 5KBW ‘She is an outstanding silk with a complete mastery of the details of a case. She is a big gun to bring out to blast prosecution cases out of the water. Sarah is a master tactician, an expert in the persuasion of a jury, and terrier like in her pursuit of disclosure.' 
Oliver Glasgow KC – 2 Hare Court ‘Oli is a superb forensic advocate. His work ethic is incredible and his enthusiasm is infectious. His case analysis and written work is of the highest standard and he is also incredibly down to earth.'
Caroline Haughey KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Caroline is effervescent, enthusiastic and utterly charming – juries and judges take to her immediately. She is also a very effective advocate and a tough negotiator.’ 
Ian Henderson KC – Farringdon Chambers ‘Ian is a special kind of barrister. Although he is both learned in the law and a compelling advocate, he has no airs and graces. Juries can tell that he is at heart one of them and as a result, he gets them on his side.’
Mark Heywood KC – 5KBW ‘Mark is a master advocate at the height of his powers. He is simply one of the best criminal advocates practicing at the Bar. He works incredibly hard to prepare cases whilst managing to make complex advocacy look effortless. His advice is always focused and clear delivered in an friendly and accessible style.’
Paul Hynes KC – 25 Bedford Row ‘Paul is frightening intelligent; he grasps complex legal issues with ease and simplifies these so that they can be presented to a client, court or jury in an easily comprehensible way. His advocacy is fluent and incredibly engaging and his cross-examination is devastating. In a room full of silks, Paul will always stand out.'
Gillian Jones KC – Red Lion Chambers ‘Gilly is terrific and formidable in equal measure. She leaves no stone unturned in the fearless presentation of her case, whether prosecuting or defending. Undoubtedly one of the Bar’s greatest stars.’
Riel Karmy-Jones KC – Red Lion Chambers 'Riel is a top-tier silk whose timely trial preparation, combined with pre-eminent advocacy skills, always ensures that every case she conducts is of the highest order.'
Brendan Kelly KC –2 Hare Court ‘He is a natural advocate and one of the best KCs at the criminal Bar. Juries love his natural, eloquent and persuasive manner and clients love his avuncular, tactful and caring approach in conference. He explains complicated technical issues to lay clients and juries as if they are simple and straightforward, a rare and valuable skill at the criminal Bar.’ 
Eleanor Laws KC – QEB Hollis Whiteman 'Eleanor is at the top of the tree when it comes to sexual offences work. She is a warrior and takes no prisoners. On her feet she is excellent - persuasive, calm, picks up on aspects of the evidence and uses this skillfully in cross-examination. Her closing speeches are excellent.' 
Tom Little KC – Deka Chambers ‘Tom is known for his barnstorming closing speeches. He is a tremendous jury advocate as well as a gifted lawyer.’ 
Philippa McAtasney KC – Furnival Chambers  ‘Pippa is a top quality silk at the top of her game. She is a great jury advocate, robust and able to stand her ground when necessary. She is also an excellent speech-maker and juries absolutely love her. One of the best silks at the Bar.’ 
Paul Mendelle KC – 25 Bedford Row ‘Paul is an extremely able advocate. He is an astute tactician with a fearsome intellect and has a very smooth style of advocacy, defending his clients to great effect. He also has a first-class legal mind.’
Tim Moloney KC – Doughty Street ChambersTim is a class act. Although he is intellectual in his approach he is naturally warm and so gets on with everyone and in particular his client and jurors. He is an excellent advocate and lawyer who combines those talents with hard work. He is a top silk in the field.' 
Lewis Power KC – Church Court Chambers ‘Lewis is a brilliant advocate both in and out of court. He is able to speak to clients clearly, and give well reasoned and understandable advice. Lewis’ kind nature, intelligence, and advocacy, makes him stand out of a crowd even as competitive and impressive as the criminal Bar.’
James Scobie KC – Garden Court Chambers ‘James is at the top of the profession in terms of criminal defence work. A star at the bar; he is highly regarded and much sought after. He is hard-working, brave and a first class lawyer and advocate.’ 
Jim Sturman KC  – 2 Bedford RowJim has an ability to take on a massive amount of detail and sift through it ensuring he has total command of his brief. His advocacy style is such that he also has total command of the tribunals he appears in front of - assisting them as to the law as well as to the representation of his clients' cases. He is an absolute doyen of advocacy.'
Sasha Wass KC – 6KBW College Hill 'Sasha is really great with clients, really calm and reassuring. Her judgement is first class and in court she is commanding and unflappable. She is one of the most experienced criminal silks about.' 
Richard Whittam KC – Matrix ChambersRichard is very competent, very trusted and straightforward. He is an impressive brief not to be underestimated.’ 
Duncan Atkinson KC – 6KBW College Hill ‘Duncan is at the very top of the profession in terms of prosecuting. He is an excellent lawyer and a first class advocate. He is steely and very knowledgeable.' 
Tracy Ayling KC – 2 Bedford Row ‘Tracy is always very well prepared and grasps points very quickly. Her advocacy is clearly structured and she is engaging with juries and persuasive with judges.’
Narita Bahra KC – 33 Chancery Lane 'Narita is one of the most sought after silks in the country. She is respected and admired by the judiciary and her colleagues. Very few can absorb and then deliver with formidable vigour complex legal arguments before the most senior members of the judiciary like she does. She is a trailblazer and is in a class of her own.'
David Bentley KC – Doughty Street Chambers ‘David is an erudite barrister with an impressive command of the law, able to distill a lot of complex information quickly and easily. In court, he is a compelling and persuasive advocate whom juries warm to.' 
Caroline Carberry KC – Furnival Chambers 'Caroline has a calm and authoritative advocacy style which works well before judges and juries alike.' 
Mark Cotter KC – 5 St Andrews Hill ‘Mark has a great presence in court. He is a natural jury advocate and he is great with judges. He is highly respected by other practitioners and has a straightforward manner of presenting complex and sensitive issues. He is a clever and thoughtful strategist and clients really warm to his confident and caring manner.'
Annabel Darlow KC – 6KBW College Hill ‘Annabel is extremely clever and exceptionally hard working. Her tactical ability is impressive and her jury speeches are great. Overall a very impressive barrister.'
Simon Denison KC – 6KBW College Hill ‘Simon is one of the Bar’s class acts. He prosecutes cases of the utmost gravity with a fairness that makes him an extremely difficult opponent. His advocacy is also second-to-none.’
Diana Ellis KC – 25 Bedford Row ‘Diana is the barrister version of a Rolls-Royce in that you know that you will arrive safely at your destination in total comfort, having been offered the best possible service along the way. She is able to get right to the heart of the issues in a case and provide realistic advice from day one.’
David Etherington KC – Red Lion Chambers ‘David has a huge wealth of experience and is an extremely effective advocate. His charming manner with the jury belies the shrewd tactician that he is.' 
Patrick Gibbs KC – Three Raymond Buildings ‘Patrick is one of the best in his field. He is a master strategist who gives careful and considered advice. His compelling advocacy is incisive and highly persuasive.' 
Christopher Henley KC – Mountford Chambers ‘Chris is a fantastic silk. He combines all of the qualities needed to robustly defend someone facing the most serious of charges. He is down-to-earth yet authoritative, experienced yet approachable, and has the correct tone for the client, the judge and the jury.' 
Mozammel Hossain KC – 187 Fleet Street Chambers 'Mozammel is a magician. He charms and beguiles judges and witnesses and achieves outstanding results in consequence, but his real success lies in his courage. He is not afraid of taking big points and wins them because of his daring.'
David Jeremy KC – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘David is a supremely confident advocate, with a great legal brain and an excellent command of his brief. He commands the courtroom in every way. He is a strong character who is fearless in the defence of his clients.' 
Zoe Johnson KC – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Zoe is simply a class act. She has outstanding judgement and is tactically very shrewd. Her written work is always of the very highest standard and her personable manner inspires confidence in clients. Her advocacy and cross-examination is disarming and extremely effective. She is at the very top end of the criminal Bar.’ 
Richard Jory KC – Foundry Chambers 'Richard's ability to prepare and deliver a brilliant speech is unparalleled. His case preparation is flawless and his client care is excellent. He is a superb advocate.'
Paul Keleher KC  – 25 Bedford Row ‘Paul is extremely astute, meticulous and utterly unflappable. He is able to produce high-quality written legal arguments at lightening speed and regularly is the only one in the courtroom who is fully on top of the technology.'
Rajiv Menon KC – Garden Court Chambers ‘Rajiv is an absolute star; he is truly passionate and a great fighter. He has a great legal mind and is vastly experienced. He is fantastic with juries and his advocacy style is emotive but reasoned and always highly persuasive.' 
Stephen Moses KCFurnival Chambers  ‘Stephen has an undeniable presence in the court room. He is appealing and immensely personable with juries while simultaneously authoritative when making submissions. He is meticulous in his preparation and always one step ahead tactically.' 
Icah Peart KC – Garden Court Chambers 'Icah works hard and knows his cases inside out. He is a skilled cross-examiner and the finest speech maker in the profession. Juries adore him because he is a charming advocate. He has the respect of judges and other advocates - and is an elder statesman of considerable ability.'
Simon Pentol KC – 25 Bedford Row ‘Simon is excellent on his feet. He is very good at instilling confidence in clients and fearless in court. He is also an astute tactician and strategist and a thorough cross-examiner.'
Martin Rutherford KC – 15NBS ‘Martin is a real master in the art of advocacy. With quiet calm confidence he commands the courtroom and when it comes to trial strategy he is a most astute tactician. He is one of the most humble and down-to-earth silks you will ever meet and his clients consider him to be a legal legend.’
Mathew Sherratt KC – Thomas More Chambers ‘Matthew is a brilliant tactician who is meticulous in preparation, has a real eye for detail, and is very persuasive in court.' 
Tyrone Smith KC – 25 Bedford Row ‘Tyrone is a superb advocate who commands attention from and wins the respect of the jury. He is able to cut through to the issues in a case incredibly quickly and is not fazed by unexpected developments in a trial. He is also well abreast of the law and able to make concise but comprehensive legal submissions before a judge at short notice.’
Kieran Vaughan KC – 2 Bedford Row 'Kieran is possibly the best KC of our generation. He is an amazing lawyer with tactical nous and a wonderful court manner. His cross-examination is skillful and incisive, his legal arguments are well prepared and persuasive, and he is committed to the clients he represents. A brilliant all rounder - not a hint of any weakness.' 
Alisdair Williamson KC – Three Raymond BuildingsAlisdair is a brilliant tactician. He is both dominating and highly persuasive as an advocate and there is real depth to the way he addresses juries and handles even the most difficult of witnesses. He is also a joy to work with.'  
James Wood KC – Doughty Street Chambers ‘James is an authoritative barrister who brings years of experience to the job. He is a fearless and forthright cross-examiner and a determined advocate.' 
Tana Adkin KC – 15NBS ‘Tana is simply exceptional. She is always all over the brief and clients immediately respond well to her. Her advocacy in court is extremely clear and persuasive and she really comes into her own during cross-examination. Tana is first class in all she does.’
Christine Agnew KC – 2 Bedford Row 'Christine is highly respected by all. She is diligent and empathetic in her approach and is an exceptional advocate.'
Colin Aylott KC  – Mountford Chambers ‘Colin is the perfect barrister. His written submissions are excellent. He is technically brilliant on the law and procedure. He is excellent with clients and gives them real time and attention. His advocacy is first-class – poised and clear, not aloof and juries really like him. One of the best at the Bar.’ 
Tony Badenoch KC – 6KBW College Hill ‘Tony is excellent tactically and a really good orator. He also fights for his clients.' 
Alex Bailin KC  – Matrix Chambers ‘Alex is a tactically astute, confident and persuasive advocate. He knows his cases back to front and draws on a tremendous bank of legal knowledge.'
Ali Bajwa KC – QEB Hollis Whiteman  ‘There is no one quite like Ali. His work ethic is legendary but it is the ease with which he approaches even the most complex cases that really stands out. He has a phenomenal legal brain allied with an effusive charm that works with clients and juries alike. He is the star of London without doubt.' 
Jason Bartfeld KC – 187 Fleet Street Chambers ‘Jason is a formidable advocate of the old school. He is a real pugilist who cross-examines with devastating affect and with an effortless and consummate charm.’
Anthony Berry KC – 9BR Chambers ‘Tony is renowned for his advocacy, all done with humour but belying a clinical skill to undermine many a trial-hardened witness. He is a joy to watch.'
Kate Bex KC – Red Lion Chambers ‘She is thoroughly prepared and never misses any thing - her eye for details is unrivalled. In court she is laser sharp and commands attention - her closing speeches are a masterclass in advocacy.' 
Jane Bickerstaff KC9BR – ‘Juries really seem to respond well to Jane's no-nonsense approach. She is hard-working and effective.'
Oliver Blunt KC – Furnival ChambersOliver does not have any weaknesses. He is fantastic at sifting through evidence and finding the relevant issues. He is also superb with clients. He is at the top of his game.’ 
Charles Bott KC – Mountford Chambers 'A fearsome cross-examiner.'
Kirsty Brimelow KC – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Kirsty is a powerful and thoughtful advocate. She is highly dedicated and provides excellent advice and strategic wisdom. She is also warm and empathetic with lay clients.'
Brenda Campbell KC – Garden Court ChambersBrenda is one of the best barristers at the Bar. She gets to grips with very difficult and voluminous cases with apparent ease and is masterfully elegant. She is a real fighter and a fantastic orator and foremost, a great lawyer with a huge amount of commitment.’
Richard Christie KC – 187 Fleet Street Chambers ‘Richard is one of the most determined advocates in the game. He leaves no stone unturned and his persistence cannot be stopped or thwarted. That dedication is matched by his work ethic. He is one of the few silks who reads all his used and unused material and then around the subject.' 
Giles Cockings KC – Furnival Chambers 'Giles is a class act who works very hard. He takes on the stress and is a real team player. He is one of the best silks of his call and juries take to his wit and intelligence. He is fierce when he needs to be and invested in cases from the minute he is instructed. Giles is truly stunning counsel.' 
Simon Csoka KCLibertas Chambers ‘Simon is at the top of his game – a silk that everybody wants to instruct. He is incredibly bright and extremely persuasive. A phenomenal advocate that commands the respect of the courtroom. He is highly respected by the judiciary and his peers and is a joy to watch. One of the best around.’
Jennifer Dempster KC – Red Lion Chambers ‘Jenni is an eloquent and tenacious advocate. She is meticulous with her preparation of cases and knows them inside-out. Jenni also has an excellent bedside manner with lay clients and is able to immediately put them at ease with her legal knowledge and knowledge of the case.’
Benjamin Douglas-Jones KC – 5 Paper Buildings 'Ben is a truly superb lawyer with an encyclopedic knowledge of statute and caselaw. He is able to deploy that knowledge effectively in both his written and oral advocacy, and is particularly good at marshalling law and facts during submissions.' 
Peter Doyle KC – 25 Bedford Row ‘Peter has a calm authority in court, and a lovely and engaging manner with witnesses, judges and juries. He can find an argument in even the most evidentially challenging of cases.'
Sarah Elliott KC – Doughty Street ChambersSarah is a brilliant cross-examiner, particularly of vulnerable, un-cooperative or reluctant witnesses. She is brilliant before a jury and makes truly exceptional speeches. She is also adept at presenting complex legal arguments in a persuasive and attractive manner.' 
David Emanuel KC – Garden Court Chambers ‘David is meticulous and has an eye for detail that puts other counsel to shame. His ability to consume and digest large and complicated cases in a short space of time is second to none. He finds needles in haystacks that open up cases and win appeals. He is hugely respected.' 
Philip Evans KC – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Philip is a bright, competitive and analytical barrister, equally at home prosecuting or defending. He is tactically very astute, seeing the bigger picture in complicated and multi-handed cases, and his advocacy is calm and persuasive and his cross-examination forensic. He is a silk out of the top drawer.'
John Femi-Ola KC3 Temple Gardens 'John has a reputation for being a master tactician and is very persuasive in court. He is able to blend an approachable personality with a sharp intellect which means he is a powerful force when cross-examining witnesses.' 
Edward Fitzgerald KC – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Edward is the most creative lawyer of our times, responsible for many key developments in jurisprudence. He uses his deep and wide ranging knowledge of the law, together with his keen sense of justice and humanity to utmost effect when representing his clients.' 
Francis FitzGibbon KC23ES ‘Francis has a very attractive, understated form of advocacy. He is firm and robustly fearless when the occasion arises and his written submissions are clear and well-ordered. He is a strong lawyer, across a wide range of topics.'
Kerim Fuad KC – Church Court Chambers 'Kerim is a superb advocate: very smooth, a forensic cross-examiner and very convincing with juries. He has particular skill at putting clients at ease and has an encyclopedic knowledge of cases.'
Dean George KC – 2 Bedford Row ‘Dean is an exceptional advocate. He considers case papers with a fine tooth comb and doesn’t miss a trick so he is always three steps ahead of the prosecution. In court he is slick and fearless and he goes above and beyond for his lay clients. His tenacity means he is nothing short of brilliant.’
Felicity Gerry KC – Libertas Chambers 'Felicity is a fearless courtroom performer, dedicated to putting her clients' cases faithfully and sympathetically. She is also an authoritative legal analyst. She therefore engages the attention of both juries and judges.'
Jacob Hallam KC – 6KBW College Hill ‘Jacob is incredibly well respected by all. His knowledge of the law, analytical dexterity, and advocacy skills are unrivalled and his experience manifests in a calming and confidence-inspiring influence. He is highly intelligent and tactically supreme.' 
Mark Harries KC  – Serjeants’ Inn Chambers ‘Mark is simply one of the best barristers around. His advocacy skills are first class and, frankly, unrivalled. His client care is of particular note. Whilst oozing expertise and eloquence, his communication skills are excellent and always tailored to the particular case and the client's needs.'
Alexandra Healy KC – Foundry Chambers ‘Alexandra is technically excellent, dynamic and client friendly. She is excellent both as an advisory silk and as an advocate and is decisive, brave, intelligent and wise.'
William Hughes KC – Foundry Chambers ‘William is a measured defence advocate who juries love. He is very experienced.'
Michael Ivers KC – Garden Court Chambers 'When Michael starts talking everyone listens and learns - he is a master advocate dedicated to performing to the best of his ability on behalf of each and every client he represents.'
Aftab Jafferjee KC – 6KBW College Hill 'He is excellent at seeing good legal points and using them to optimum effect. He is a particularly effective cross-examiner of expert witnesses and of the most contentious witnesses. His skill is impressive to watch.'
Tom Kark KC – QEB Hollis Whiteman 'Tom is calm and measured in his approach to oral advocacy. He has an attractive style that makes it a pleasure to listen to his submissions. He is also a very good lawyer and can be relied on to identify a good point quickly.'
Lee Karu KCMillennium Chambers ‘Lee is a very impressive advocate and is very strong in cross-examination. He is superb tactically. A class operator.'
Alan Kent KC – Mountford Chambers ‘Alan is a hugely experienced silk who demonstrates a master class in effective and piercing cross-examination. He has a calm confident demeanor that instills confidence. He is a clever and charismatic advocate who commands the courtroom and enthralls the jury.' 
Sean Larkin KC – QEB Hollis Whiteman  ‘Sean is a fantastic advocate who brings charisma, confidence and eloquence in equal measure. He works very hard behind the scenes to ensure that he is always completely in control of events in court, and in doing so inspires complete confidence in the team he leads and his client. No matter how difficult the case or the issue he rises to it.'
Brian St Louis KC – 15NBS ‘Brian is a superb advocate who fights fearlessly for his client. He is a master tactician who is very persuasive in front of a jury as well.’
Kate Lumsdon KC – 23ES ‘Kate is a well-prepared and thoughtful advocate, able to deal with a difficult situation with sensitivity. She is able to engage a jury with a light touch.’
Louis Mably KC – 6KBW College Hill ‘Louis is highly sought-after. He is always on top of the legal or factual issues in a case and is balanced in his approach. He presents in a clear and structured manner which allows juries to identify issues from the start and follow the evidence with ease.' 
Michael Magarian KCDrystone Chambers 'Michael is an outstanding silk with a great command of the law. He is meticulous in his work, is a pleasure to work with and is always passionate in his representation of his clients. His advocacy is first class. He is truly an expert in his field.'
Eloise Marshall KC – 23ES ‘Eloise is steadfast and determined in her approach and handles tricky cases, and unusual and difficult tactical and ethical issues, with confidence and seeming ease.' 
Anthony Metzer KC – Goldsmith Chambers ‘Tony is a powerful and persuasive advocate who knows how to make a compelling argument to judges of all kinds. He is agile and adaptable in cross-examination. When taking witnesses through their own evidence, he puts them at ease and gets the best from them. His client handling skills are outstanding and he is very hands on and on top of the detail.'
Charles Miskin KC – 23ES 'Charles is skillful in his cross-examination of witnesses and in his analysis of evidence. His advocacy is also powerful.' 
Keir Monteith KC – Garden Court Chambers 'Keir is absolutely fearless. He is all over the detail and relentless in court. He is intellectually gifted and has an incredible way with juries; he can take the most tricky and complicated matters and address the jury in a way that is engaging and entirely accessible.' 
Michelle Nelson KC – Red Lion Chambers 'Michelle is a very experienced homicide lawyer. She works incredibly hard for her clients and has a real eye for detail. As for the law in this area, she really knows her stuff and is a highly effective jury barrister.'
Pavlos Panayi KC – 7BR ‘Pavlos is approachable, amenable, and straight talking. He quickly grasps the salient issues and challenges in a case, and speaks openly about them. His honesty and direct style of communication are reassuring.’ 
Gareth Patterson KC – 6KBW College Hill ‘He is a first rate prosecutor who has an impressive knowledge of the law and an easy and persuasive manner with the jury. A charming but formidable advocate.' 
Duncan Penny KC – 6KBW College Hill 'Duncan's clarity of thought and his ability to see and assess the strength of evidence and its implications is outstanding. He has a rational approach that gets straight to the point as well as a clear advocacy style.'
Stan Reiz KC – 2 Bedford Row ‘Stan's analytical brain allows him to dissect evidence and turn a prosecution's case on its head. He is then able to break this down in front of a jury so that they are persuaded that his way is the right way. This together with his superb advocacy ensures a defendant's best chance of success each time.'
Justin Rouse KC – 9BR Chambers ‘Justin is a true powerhouse silk. He is a superb advocate and he inspires confidence brought about by meticulous preparation. He is also a pleasure to work with.'
Charlie Sherrard KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Charlie is a diligent silk who is easily contactable, meticulous in his case preparation, never leaves a stone unturned and a pleasure to work with. His advocacy style is measured and clever.' 
Melanie Simpson KCDoughty Street Chambers  ‘Melanie possesses a first class legal mind allied to a wonderful court presence. Her knowledge of the law is second to none and judges listen to her legal arguments with admiration. She is universally regarded by solicitors and judges alike as a top notch advocate. She also possesses the unique ability to making complex cases appear simple.’ 
Julia Smart KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Julia has an unswerving commitment to her cases and to her clients. She has a remarkable memory which means she can retain and recall salient facts in the course of litigation.' 
Leonard Smith KC – Libertas Chambers ‘A leading star of the criminal Bar, Leonard excels in cases of the utmost complexity. Thoroughly prepared, he knows all the angles and you want him on your side when the odds are against you. A devastating cross-examiner.’
Mark Summers KC – Matrix Chambers 'Mark is astonishingly bright and a highly effective appellate advocate. He is also a joy to work with.' 
Louise Sweet KC – 2 Bedford Row ‘Louise is a very astute, tenacious and highly-skilled advocate. She is thoroughly professional and great with clients.'
Katy Thorne KC – Doughty Street ChambersKaty is an exceptional barrister. She is tactically astute and intelligent and her knowledge of the law is second to none. Her written and oral advocacy is excellent and she is also charming, compassionate and builds fantastic relationships with clients.
Stuart Trimmer KC – 4BB ‘Stuart's preparation is immaculate. His ability to cross refer documentation with narrative is second to none and his advocacy is quiet but powerful. He has a way of conversing with a jury in a way that makes them listen intently.'
Edmund Vickers KC – Red Lion Chambers 'Edmund is very professional even when faced with very high odds. He is a very attractive and effective advocate.'
Jeremy Wainwright KC – 3 Temple Gardens ‘Jeremy is an impressive silk who is persuasive and effective. He has a genial style with the jury and gets on well with all court users. His legal knowledge is completely up to date and sound, he does not take bad points, and he argues persuasively and cares about fairness and justice. He is polite and engaging but unafraid to be firm when needed.'
David Whittaker KC – 2 Hare Court ‘David is a superlative silk. He is highly intelligent and both his written work and his advocacy are unbelievably good. He effortlessly comprehends complex cases and he is creative and tactful when defending.'
Peter Wilcock KC – Garden Court Chambers ‘Peter is an amazing silk and stands out a mile. He is simply a legend in our time. His style is considered and smart, his court presence is second to none, and he always has time for his peers and junior members at the Bar. He is a privilege to work with.’ 
Lisa Wilding KC – 23ESLisa is strong prosecutor and deals with her cases with confidence and ability. Her advocacy is a particular strength, which she combines with good judgement.’ 
Natasha Wong KC – 5KBW ‘Natasha is one of the finest barristers of her generation. She has a dazzling court presence; persuasive and courageous where necessary. She is also builds excellent relationships with other counsel, instructing solicitors and defendants alike.'
Hossein Zahir KC – Garden Court Chambers ‘Hoss is an exceptional advocate, legal thinker, strategist and, most importantly, a true fighter who never gives up. He is a pleasure to work with and is a fine representative of all that is good at the Bar. He does extremely difficult, challenging, legally important, socially defining and life-changing cases in his stride.’
Adam Kane KC – Libertas Chambers 'Adam is an extremely hard working and diligent silk. His legal knowledge is extensive and his applications and arguments beautifully and clearly presented, both in writing and orally.'
Zubair Ahmad KC – 2 Hare Court ‘Zubair has fantastic client care skills, is empathetic and really puts his clients at ease. He has a real attention to detail, is extremely focused and has a very calming disposition. His written work is also exceptional.'
Benjamin Aina KC – Church Court Chambers ‘Ben is a highly experienced and skilled advocate. He is a persuasive and charming advocate with an affable, down-to-earth style which engages juries.’
Anand Beharrylal KC – 2 Bedford Row ‘Anand is affable, approachable and is meticulous in his advocacy.' 
William Emlyn Jones KC – Three Raymond BuildingsWilliam is one of the most respected and formidable prosecutors in the country. His mastery of detail is unsurpassed and juries love his easy going and straightforward manner. As an advocate he is low-key but can shift through the gears if the need arises.’
Alexandra Felix KC  – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Alexandra is a brilliant advocate. She is fearless, persuasive and a pleasure to work with.’
Rudi Fortson KC – 25 Bedford Row ‘He has a comprehensive knowledge of the law, which enables him to spot legal gaps in prosecution cases. He is an effective cross-examiner and his understated and polite manner in court means opponents, juries and judges warm to him.' 
Danny Friedman KC – Matrix Chambers ‘Danny combines an efficient working manner with an exceptional ability to process information quickly and produce high quality written submissions. He is very good at leading at team, and has a great manner with clients.' 
Peter Glenser KC – 9BR Chambers ‘Peter has a formidable courtroom presence, is jury friendly and devastating in cross-examination. His closing speeches are strong and persuasive and you underestimate Peter at your risk.'
Emma Goodall KC – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Emma is a highly intelligent and sophisticated barrister whose knowledge of the law is second to none.’
Martin Goudie KC – Crucible Chambers 'Martin is adept at identifying the issues in a case straight away and has a keen eye for detail. He is effective on his feet at getting to the nub of the central issues and is clear and concise in his delivery.'
Andrew Hall KC – Doughty Street Chambers 'Andrew has a very calm temperament as well as presence in the courtroom. His advocacy is well measured and tactically brilliant. Andrew has amazing client care skills and is able to communicate with anyone from all walks of life.' 
Edward Henry KC – Mountford Chambers 'An advocate of the highest quality.'
Jonathan Laidlaw KC – 2 Hare Court ‘He has an immense ability to retain both specific facts as well as the bigger picture of cases. He is brilliant with clients, especially when a difficult message has to be conveyed. He is also flexible and does not get offended when challenged or asked to back up his view.' 
Anya Lewis KC – Garden Court ChambersAnya is an elegant and understated advocate with a steely core.’
Samuel Magee KC – 2 Bedford Row ‘Sam is very determined and focuses on the ultimate goal in each case. He is meticulous when drafting and his advocacy is second-to-none.’
Michael Mather-Lees KC – Church Court Chambers 'Michael has a forensic approach to expert evidence, in particular medical topics and pathology, and is able to draw on a wealth of experience. He is concise and focused in his approach.'
Charlotte Newell KC5KBW ‘Charlotte rightly made the progression from junior to silk as a consequence of her excellent advocacy, mastery of the details of briefs, tactical prowess and ability to charm jurors.' 
Brian O’Neill KC2 Hare Court ‘Brian has a commanding presence and owns the courtroom: when he speaks, people listen.’
Sally O’Neill KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Sally’s cut-glass accent and impeccable court room manners conceal a shrewd and tactically astute advocate with supreme cross-examination skills. She presents her cases with charm and finesse, makes powerful and persuasive legal submissions and her authoritative manner easily gains her the confidence of the court.
Anthony Orchard KC – 5KBW 'Anthony is universally acclaimed, tremendously effective and a real heavyweight in the court room. He is highly intelligent and meticulous and diligent in his preparation. His tactical acumen is first rate, he is always in control, and he has a calming influence which instils confidence.' 
Jane Osborne KC – 2 Harcourt Buildings ‘Jane has an excellent legal brain. Her written and oral submissions are of a very high standard. She has a comprehensive knowledge of her brief. Her cross-examination is suitably concise and effective. Her final speeches are very jury friendly and effective.' 
Christopher Paxton KC – Red Lion Chambers ‘Chris is a brilliant advocate with a tremendous court presence and a phenomenal practice. He has great energy and a very easy manner with witnesses and juries. He is well respected by all who deal with him.' 
Danny Robinson KC – 5KBW ‘Danny is fair-minded without being in any way a soft touch. Juries are able to see that, and they trust him.' 
Paul Taylor KC – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Paul is a leading expert in criminal appeals. He has exceptional intellect and is able to easily analyse complex issues and reach clear and reasoned decisions. He is also a very able advocate.’
Adrian Waterman KC – Matrix Chambers ‘Adrian is a once-in-a-generation criminal silk. He is a masterful lawyer and advocate. He holds the courtroom whenever he rises to his feet, makes the best of every point that can possibly be taken and his advocacy leaves you spellbound.' 

2022 Silks

Jacqueline Carey KC – 2 Bedford Row ‘Jac has outstanding judgment. She cuts through the most complex legal and factual problems to get to the essential points and then identifies exactly how to deal with them. Her written and oral advocacy is excellent and highly effective. Clients love her straightforward style.'
Rhiannon Crimmins KC – Furnival Chambers 'Rhiannon is breathtakingly intelligent and beautifully eloquent. She is completely fearless in court, a great cross-examiner and a class act. She is also a calming influence who instils confidence and controls every situation she finds herself in.' 
Claire Davies KC  - Farringdon Chambers  'Claire is ruthlessly efficient. She doesn't shy away from taking the difficult points in any case, but does it with grace and charm.'
Claire Davies KC – Farringdon Chambers ‘Claire is an incredibly hard-working counsel who never gives up on a client or a case. She works extremely hard to develop a formidable understanding of the papers which she deploys with skill to persuade both judges and juries.’
Alan Gardner KC23ES ‘Alan's presentation of cases is immaculate. He is cool and level headed at all times, scrupulously fair and consistently courteous.'
Mark Gatley KC – Garden Court Chambers ‘Mark is utterly charming and charismatic. He works really hard and is kind and generous with others. He is always well prepared, takes bold decisions and backs up his choices with bright and original advocacy.'
Deanna Heer KC5 Paper Buildings 'Deanna is amazing at quickly coming up to speed on a case. She is able to steer a prosecution with authority and her advocacy is persuasive and commanding.' 
Laurie-Anne Power KC – 25 Bedford Row 'Laurie-Anne is the epitome of the modern silk. She is fiercely intelligent, empathic, tactically astute and smooth in her presentation to judge and jury. She can break down complex legal principles to palatable form and is utterly charming.' 
Nathan Rasiah KC – 23ES ‘Nathan is calm under pressure, thorough and determined. An exceptional advocate.’
Richard Thomas KCDoughty Street ChambersRichard is a standout silk of his generation in crime. He commands the respect of the highest courts through considered and carefully marshalled argument in the most difficult and novel cases.'
Sarah Vine KCDoughty Street Chambers ‘Sarah is a very serious player. She has a great courtroom presence, is a brilliant cross-examiner and a very humane and funny individual. She has served time defending in the most difficult and unpopular cases so she is as tough as they come and has seen it all.'  
Liam Walker KCDoughty Street ChambersLiam is a true leader in every sense. He is a fantastic advocate and has excellent communication skills with vulnerable clients. Further, he is passionate and genuinely cares about the client.' 
Gudrun Young KC – 2 Hare Court ‘Gudrun gives her all, is extremely hard working, a superb advocate and exceptionally bright. She is a top class silk and never fails to impress.'

2023 Silks

Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC – Matrix Chambers ‘Blinne is an all-round star performer. Her strength is in the detail and her specialism is protest related cases.’
Ben Fitzgerald KC – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Ben is a first-rate member of the Bar. His level of preparation and involvement in a case is beyond that of most barristers and he is calm and unwavering in the face of a difficult client, opposition or tribunal. In court Ben’s advocacy echoes the above which leads to a very strong and robust advocate.’ 
Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC – Matrix Chambers 'Blinne is wonderful. She maintains rigorous independence and professionalism.'
Garry Green KC – Doughty Street ChambersGarry is exceptional. His dedication to his professional and lay client alike is outstanding. He takes every point and will fight all the way.’
Benjamin Newton KC – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Ben is just extraordinary. He is super bright with a forensic eye for detail. He is super efficient and organised, carefully managing and analysing material. However small and apparently inconsequential a detail or document may be, he will be able to identify and comment on it in an instant. He is the real deal.’
Henrietta Paget KC – Foundry Chambers ‘Henrietta's work is characterised by meticulous preparation. She is always completely on top of her brief and is never flustered even when under very considerable pressure from opposing counsel or the court. She has a lovely straightforward advocacy style which enables her to simplify the most complex of cases.' 
Philip Rule KC – No5 Barristers’ Chambers 'Philip is reliable, approachable, has a good rapport with clients, obtains positive outcomes and receives subsequent requests for representation by returning clients.'

2024 Silks

Farrhat Arshad KC – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Farrhat is cool, calm, composed and has a highly intellectual approach. She is an appeal specialist and is laser-like in identifying grounds to overturn a conviction.'
Jocelyn Ledward KC – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Jocelyn is tough but always fair, incredibly clever and has a personality that ensures difficult negotiations and discussions remain collegiate. She is a first class and charming advocate as well as brilliant on paper.'
Martin McCarthy KC – Farringdon ChambersMartin is an exceptional practitioner who is the rare combination of a brilliant brain and an excellent advocate. He reads the room and even in the most challenging of cases ensures that the jury and judge are on board with him.’ 
Beth O’Reilly KC – 25 Bedford Row ‘Beth is hard working and extremely personable. She is a good lawyer and a persuasive advocate. Her unique talent is her ability to get on with everyone in the court room - lawyers, staff, clients and more. She is a very talented junior.’
Tom Payne KC – Red Lion Chambers ‘Tom is a very calm, decent and solid barrister. He has a quiet sense of authority, good judgement and is organised and methodical in his approach.’
Jonathan Polnay KC – 5KBW ‘Jonathan is at the very top of the profession, an excellent advocate and lawyer. He is a class act: fair, hardworking, and clever. He is in so many ways just an ordinary bloke but he has an extraordinary talent.' 
Joel Smith KC – Furnival Chambers ‘Joel is a silk in waiting - he deals with evidence with an assured mastery of every nuance and inspires complete confidence in the jury with his every question. He has a firm grounding in the law and his advocacy sparkles.'
James Thacker KC – Deka Chambers ‘James is a fearless advocate with a detailed knowledge of the law, which he deploys to maximum effect. He reduces with ease complex technical details into jury friendly language.' 
Clea Topolski KC – Crucible Chambers 'Clea is a charming individual and forms great bonds with lay clients. She is thorough and hardworking and quickly and efficiently analyses evidence.'

Leading Juniors

Aisling Byrnes – 25 Bedford Row ‘She is an outstanding advocate who completely masters the facts of a case and has the law at her fingertips. She is a formidable presence in court and a highly skilled cross-examiner who presents her legal submissions in a succinct and persuasive way. She is better than most silks.' 
Orla Daly – QEB Hollis WhitemanOrla is an exceptional junior, right at the top of her game. She is an elegant advocate and her written work is also good.'
Claire Harden-Frost – Deka Chambers ‘Claire has a confident and articulate manner both in and out of court which makes her a formidable lawyer. She is a highly effective cross-examiner and deals with legal submissions succinctly and persuasively. She also maintains very good working relationships with the judiciary and other members of the Bar, meaning that she inspires trust within the courtroom.’ 
Piers Marquis – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Piers is a brilliant advocate with a fearless approach. He is an out-of-the-box thinker, great with strategy and an excellent cross-examiner. He is also excellent at constructing and presenting legal arguments, both in writing and orally.' 
Michael Neofytou – 25 Bedford Row ‘Michael is an exceptional advocate and a silk in the making. Juries love his calm and reassuring style and he knows all the facts of a case, down to the smallest details buried in phone data.'
Arlette Piercy – 25 Bedford Row ‘Arlette is an excellent barrister who forms strong working relationships with lay clients. She is especially experienced and skilled dealing with gang matters and particularly cases with a musical element. She gives firm but fair advice and is formidable in court. Arlette really embraces challenging and complex cases.'
Alistair Richardson – 6KBW College Hill ‘Alistair is a beautifully calm and persuasive advocate who knows his cases back to front. He demonstrates real integrity and his communication is excellent.' 
Ben Smitten – 25 Bedford Row ‘Ben is a standout junior at the criminal Bar. His work ethic is a class apart, and his ability to digest material is second-to-none. His advocacy, both written and oral, is considered and devastating on a prosecution case or criminal investigation.’
Julia Faure Walker – 2 Hare Court ‘Julia is an absolutely meticulous and thorough barrister who is particularly strong at considering a case from every angle and spotting the hidden pitfalls. She is an extremely fair prosecutor who will take every point that can properly be taken. She works with unfailing courtesy and grace and is an undoubted star of the future.' 
Colin Witcher – Church Court Chambers ‘Colin is a natural advocate. His charisma and flair can make even the most unlikely and difficult defence seem plausible. His commitment and passion to his client’s cause is obvious to all. The combination of these qualities as well as a commanding grasp of the law make him a formidable opponent. You want Colin on your side.’
Elisabeth Acker – 23ES ‘Elisabeth has an excellent analytical ability to understand and highlight the key issues in a case. Her empathetic and kind nature ensures that she is a perfect advocate for cases involving youths or extremely vulnerable witnesses and complainants. Her advocacy is also exceptional.' 
Emma Akuwudike – 25 Bedford Row 'Emma is very good on the law and is a highly competent advocate.'
Graham Arnold – Farringdon Chambers ‘Graham's analytical skills are of a high quality. He is not shy to put forward legal arguments and his advocacy is precise and to the point. He also builds great rapport with his clients.' 
Denis Barry – 6KBW College Hill ‘Denis is a brilliant jury advocate: he is highly articulate, amusing and quick on his feet. His style of advocacy calms and concentrates a jury taking them by the hand and leading them over what can be exceptionally difficult areas of law. He is one of the best juniors at the criminal Bar.’ 
Christopher Bertham – 3 Temple Gardens 'Christopher is very thorough in his preparation, is eloquent and persuasive in his advocacy and is particularly good at dealing with clients. He readily sees the point of an issue and is able quickly assess its' merits and deficiencies. He has good judgement as well as the gravitas to be able to deal with serious crime.'
James Bloomer – 23ES ‘James is thoroughly prepared and an extremely fastidious barrister. His written arguments are comprehensive and compelling even in the most complex and detailed of cases. His advocacy is clear, well planned, fastidiously researched and persuasive. James is a first choice counsel for matters of complexity and seriousness.’
Paul Evans – Red Lion Chambers ‘He is a persuasive advocate both orally and on paper with an eye to detail and the capacity to assimilate large volumes of evidence. He is very experienced in dealing with vulnerable witnesses both in and out of the courtroom. He works well with others and has a keen sense of humour, though it is never misplaced in the court room.'
Emma Fenn – Garden Court Chambers 'Emma is a strong senior junior who has a quick ability to set the tactical direction of a case. She is a persuasive and determined advocate.'
Mark Fraser – Rose Court Chambers 'Mark is a well prepared tactician in and outside of the courtroom. He has fantastic client care skills and clients really warm to his good nature quickly. He will fight to end of the world and back for his client and in search of justice in the courtroom he is a different beast.'
Leila Gaskin – Crucible Chambers 'Leila cannot be faulted as an advocate, a lawyer or a human being. She is truly a class act. She is hard-working and tenacious but utterly charming, elegant and amusing. Her advocacy is elegant and compelling in equal measure.'
Tom Godfrey – 23ES ‘Tom is an exceptionally gifted lawyer with a very pleasing style of advocacy in cross-examination. He is a leading junior with a great reputation and skill set who is a silk in waiting.'
Owen Greenhall – Garden Court Chambers ‘Owen is an incredible barrister with an incredible mind. He is most certainly silk material in spite of his year of call.'
Carolina Guiloff – 25 Bedford Row ‘Carolina is ferocious in court with a combative style. Her academic ability as a lawyer is also of an extremely high level. Clients absolutely love her because she advocates for them tenaciously and without fear.' 
Joanna Hardy-Susskind – Red Lion Chambers ‘Joanna is a force to be reckoned with. She is incredibly well prepared and grasps very complicated and detailed cases from the first conference. She is very personable and her advocacy is excellent, particularly her cross-examination, which is thorough and incredibly effective.'
Paul Jarvis – 6KBW College Hill ‘Paul is a highly respected practitioner who thinks with pure clarity. He is a fountain of knowledge and knows the law inside out. He is a true expert in defending sexual offences and is a master of tactical decision making. He is silk quality and clients are in total awe of him.' 
Salma Lalani – 1MCB 'Salma is a very sound tactician and lawyer. She is very industrious and has a conspicuous ability to develop a rapport with clients. She displays a sound level of confidence and articulacy in her presentation of arguments and in questioning.'  
Ben Lloyd – 6KBW College Hill ‘Ben presents evidence with skill and confidence. He is always calm, approachable, sensible and has a great sense of humour. A quality advocate.’ 
Christopher Martin – 2 Bedford Row ‘Chris is an excellent advocate who delivers clear, concise and forceful arguments and submissions. He is also thoughtful, detailed and, when the situation requires, robust in cross-examination.'
Justin McClintock – 15NBS Chambers ‘Justin is an exceptional barrister in all respects. He is extremely committed, hard-working and conscientious and his legal knowledge is beyond impressive. He has a calm and persuasive manner which allows him to deal with difficult clients with great ease. He is understanding, reassuring and always provides the best advice.’
Philip McGhee – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Phil is exceptionally smart, extremely well-organised, insightful and vigilant. He has a strength in court that matches his talents. He is confident without being overconfident, careful and thoughtful with his submissions, unafraid to press when needed but never on a bad point. A silk in waiting.'
Ioana Nedelcu – Farringdon ChambersIoana is an exceptionally bright junior with a good strategic mind for even the most delicate of situations. An extremely thorough barrister, she knows cases inside out. She has a stellar future ahead of her.' 
Tom Nicholson2 Harcourt BuildingsTom is a good lawyer. He is hard-working and a pleasure to work with.'
Louise Oakley – 5KBW ‘Louise is exceptional. She is hard working, intelligent, articulate and utterly charming. She is universally respected and liked. She is destined for the very top.' 
Jose Olivares-Chandler – 5 St Andrews Hill ‘Jose is very charming, highly engaging and extremely knowledgeable. He is one of those rare barristers who can engage with juries in a highly personable way.'
Kate O’Raghallaigh – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Kate has a superb legal mind - she incredibly knowledgeable and intelligent. She can turn her hand to a wide really range of cases and still bring the same tactical astuteness to bear. She fights every inch for her clients. She is fearless. She is one of the very best defence juniors around.' 
Molly Pinkus – Farringdon Chambers ‘Molly is a capable advocate. She gets to the nub of all matters evidential or legal. She also has a good way with juries.' 
Matthew Radstone – 25 Bedford Row ‘Matthew is extremely thorough, diligent, razor sharp and able to deal with the nitty gritty in all cases. He is a silk in waiting.’
Peter Ratliff – 6KBW College Hill ‘Peter's advocacy is excellent: to the point, crystal clear, well thought out, always presented with the utmost reasonableness - and therefore very engaging and persuasive. He has great skill in addressing both juries and trial judges and defendants are justly worried at the prospect of being cross-examined by him.' 
Oliver Renton – Crucible Chambers 'Oliver is a charming and deadly jury advocate. He is prepared, polite and smooth in his approach. He knows his cases inside out, treats all court users with respect and cross-examines with style and purpose.'
David Rhodes – Doughty Street Chambers ‘David is extremely friendly and approachable. Clients really like him as he commands an air of knowledge and reassurance. He is bright, methodical and provides excellent written and oral legal arguments. He is a very persuasive advocate and jurors really like him.' 
Alex Rose – Garden Court Chambers 'Alex is an excellent lawyer who is committed and engaging.'
Craig Rush – 2 Bedford Row 'Craig is a silk in all but title. He has a fluid, charming and, when necessary, ferocious, advocacy style and is also a devastating cross-examiner.'
Ruby Selva  – Garden Court Chambers 'Ruby is always an outstanding barrister.'
Tessa Shroff – 9BR Chambers ‘Tessa is one of the brightest junior stars at the Bar. She is utterly dedicated, bright, tactical, pragmatic, eloquent, empathetic and a real fighter. She has an elegant command of the court when she is on her feet which really makes judges and juries sit up and listen. Tessa is highly responsive, her judgement is impeccable and lay clients love her.’ 
Susannah Stevens – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Susannah is brilliant. She's a real fighter and stands up to difficult opponents and judges. Her preparation is phenomenal, such that she is able to out-expert prosecution experts even in particularly technical areas of science. Her advocacy is measured but impactful.'
Tom Wainwright – Garden Court Chambers ‘Tom is very hardworking and personable. He is silk material and is one of the best leading juniors in his field.'
Robert Ward – 15NBS Chambers ‘Robert is one of the very barristers around. His mastery and understanding of the law is a true skill which many criminal practitioners simply do not have. His written advocacy is brilliant and is matched by his authoritative skills when he is on his feet.’ 
Christian Wasunna – Garden Court Chambers 'Chris is one of those rare barristers with all the right attributes. He is smart and hard-working. His written work is always thoroughly prepared and clear. In terms of his advocacy, Chris has a compelling courtroom presence and is a very persuasive advocate.' 
Lisa Wilson – 25 Bedford Row ‘Lisa has a charming and commanding presence in the court room. She is fearless in the representation of her lay clients and juries love her and her calm, persistent, and persuasive manner. A quite formidable advocate and a real star of the bar.’ 
David Wood – 25 Bedford Row 'David is adept at navigating voluminous evidence served electronically. He has a straightforward, easy manner combined with a cutting intellect and an ability to get to the heart of the issues of the most complex of cases quickly and efficiently.'
Warwick Aleeson – 25 Bedford Row ‘Warwick is a powerful advocate on his feet and equally effective in his written drafting. He is a decision-maker but has the capacity to compromise and work very efficiently with others. He has good judgment and is a sound tactician. He has no weaknesses.'
Nick Barraclough – 2 Bedford Row 'Nick is exceptionally intelligent and a brilliant advocate who eloquently articulates his submissions in court and robustly defends his clients. Clients always like Nick because he he is meticulously prepared, gives clear advice, and he makes them feel at ease.' 
Kevin Baumber – Three Raymond Buildings ‘Kevin has a piercing intellect and is an exceptional lawyer who always has the latest caselaw at his fingertips.' 
Harry Bentley – 2 Hare Court ‘Harry is an extremely committed and exceptionally hard working counsel. He is an effective advocate, great in front of a jury, and a great cross-examiner. He is always quick at picking up the facts and getting straight to the heart of matters.' 
Jacob Bindman – Garden Court Chambers ‘Jacob is very clever, clear-minded, accessible and calm. There is a natural, under-stated and very effective quality about his advocacy and advice work.'
Corinne Bramwell – 9BR Chambers ‘Corinne is a highly accomplished junior with a command of all areas of the case. Her cool, calm and smooth manner instils confidence and reflects her quiet mastery of cases.' 
Tom Broomfield – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Tom always demonstrates superb preparation in his cases. He always attends court with an exceptional knowledge of the case which fills anyone who instructs him with confidence. In court he is a smooth advocate, picking the right tone for each witness. When mitigating he speaks with purpose and authority.'
Joanna Buckley – Matrix Chambers 'Joanna is a terrific senior junior - she is incredibly knowledgeable, with meticulous research and drafting, measured and persuasive advocacy, and fantastic commitment to her clients.' 
Nichola Cafferkey – 33 Bedford Row ‘Nichola is an exceptionally talented barrister who should be in silk. She has a warm and compassionate manner with defendants. She has a phenomenal eye for detail and discovers where evidence is missing or withheld with great skill. She is also a confident and highly capable advocate who argues with great persuasion.'
Clodaghmuire Callinan – 15NBS ChambersClodaghmuire is a silk in the making. She knows her cases inside out, her written work is excellent, and she is great with lay clients, particularly young and vulnerable clients. She is also a great tactician and a strong and persuasive advocate.’ 
Jennifer Dannhauser – 5 Paper Buildings 'Jennifer is very user friendly and has a diplomatic directness with clients. She is very bright, proactive in her management of cases, and her attention to detail is excellent. She is well regarded by her peers and definitely one to watch for the future.' 
Felicia Davy – Red Lion Chambers 'On her feet, Felicia is a fearless and commanding advocate. She is intense and committed and juries and clients love her. She is focussed on what needs to be done and is excellent at communicating and delegating as necessary.'
Patrick Duffy – 23ESPatrick is utterly charming. He is one of the most popular members of the young Bar. He is hard working, intuitive and fearless. He will leave no stone unturned in his representation and presentation. He is one to watch for sure.’
Tom Edwards – Mountford Chambers 'Tom is a very able advocate. He is perfectly capable of fighting his corner if required, however, he has the judgement to realise that this is not always the best course for his client's case. Very impressive.' 
Tim Forte – 3 Temple Gardens ‘Tim is unyielding in the pursuit of justice, exhibiting a level of determination that is truly admirable. He is never deterred by obstacles and consistently works towards achieving the best possible outcome for clients, no matter how difficult the circumstances.'
Hugh FrenchRed Lion Chambers  ‘Hugh is a robust and effective prosecutor who sets about his task with determination and confidence. His case preparation is meticulous, and he has a strong command of the law. His advocacy in court is focussed and succinct, in particular his cross-examination which can be tenacious when required.' 
Sebastian Gardiner – 25 Bedford Row ‘Sebastian is an imposing figure in court. He is an assured advocate with a sound appreciation of forensic strategy and a highly effective cross-examiner, able by his skill and careful preparation to extract the right answers from recalcitrant prosecution witnesses. His legal submissions are concise, accurate and persuasive.' 
Ben Gordon – Furnival Chambers 'Ben is an absolute star. He always goes the extra mile and is wonderful to work with. He is hard-working and determined and his advocacy is intelligent and well-thought-through.' 
Rupert Hallowes – 15NBS Chambers ‘Rupert is simply fantastic. He is incredibly personable and gets on well with clients. He is fiercely intelligent and leaves no stone unturned in advancing a defence. He is also first class in court; articulate and charismatic in his delivery.’ 
Sean Hammond – 2 Bedford Row ‘Sean brings a calm professional approach to every case with an analytical mind which misses nothing and an easy manner with clients which puts them at ease. He is reliable and a joy to work with.'
Maximilian Hardy – 9BR Chambers 'Max is one of the finest young barristers around and he has emerged into a powerful prime - he's a silk in all but name. He is versatile, demanding of himself, and utterly dedicated to his client's interests.'
Nerida Harford-Bell – Garden Court ChambersNerida is extremely down to earth and calm. She is very good at getting to the heart of the issue in the jury's mind and in very complex paper-heavy cases.'
Teresa Hay – 5 Paper Buildings 'Teresa has an easy and natural style of advocacy that engenders trust in what she is saying. She is compassionate and empathetic whilst also being a tough cross-examiner who makes her case with skill and dexterity.'
Daniel Higgins – 9BR Chambers ‘Daniel is empathetic with clients and robust in submissions. He is very good on the law with excellent attention to detail.'
Joe Hingston – Mountford Chambers ‘Joe is highly organised, his judgement is superb and his client care skills are sublime. Joe's advocacy is well measured and well above his level of seniority.'
Sally Hobson – The 36 Group ‘Sally really is silk material. Her advocacy is second to none and she bears the weight of these very serious cases exceptionally well. She is always a team player, leads from the front when expected to and works hard and productively if a led junior.'
Jeffrey Israel – 5KBW ‘Jeffrey's jury-craft is superb. He grips your attention with sabre-like cross-examination and layers questions building to the skillful demolition of witness evidence.'
Daniel Jameson – Garden Court Chambers ‘Daniel is one of the hardest working senior juniors at the criminal Bar. He has a tactically astute brain and a wonderfully eloquent use of the English language. He has the very rare combination of being highly intelligent, supremely charming and a true gladiator.’ 
Alex Jamieson – 25 Bedford Row ‘Alex is calm, considered, reassuring and intellectual. He is a safe pair of hands for any case.'
Ashraf Khan – 2 Bedford Row ‘Ashraf is a senior junior who in reality has a silk's practice already. He has the ability to cut through the complexity of a heavy case and focus on the real issues for the jury. He has a highly defined level of attention in complex work and always on top of his brief.' 
Zarif Khan – Drystone Chambers ‘Zarif is forthright, cuts to the chase, and is able to assimilate complex information with ease.'
Adam King – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Adam is a highly proactive and creative force in any defence team he is part of. His advocacy is excellent and clients love his calmly authoritative style.'
Greg Krieger – Farringdon Chambers ‘Greg is extremely articulate and is a class act. He is very hard-working and very experienced. He has a deep commitment towards his clients and is highly sought-after.' 
Charles Langley – 2 Bedford Row ‘Charlie is a vastly experienced leading junior who is a silk but in name. He possesses an extremely persuasive and effective style which juries find difficult to resist. One of the stars at the junior Bar who should progress to the front row.’
Matheos Lefteris – Rose Court Chambers ‘Matheos is a strikingly good courtroom operator with an unerring eye for the best points. He has an air of unflappability when on his feet which greatly encourages client confidence. He is admired by judges and opponents alike and can always be relied upon to advance his case with meticulous attention to detail and not a little charm.'
Will Martin2 Hare Court ‘Will has a remarkable analytical mind and as an advocate he is confident, charming & persuasive. He is a stellar practitioner.’ 
Tara McCarthy – Thomas More Chambers ‘Tara is hardworking and advises swiftly. She is sensitive to the needs of victims and demonstrates an empathetic and genuinely caring approach. She is tenacious and does not give up, even when faced with complex issues. She has a no nonsense approach to her advocacy and presents arguments in a clear and direct way.'   
John McNamara – 5 St Andrews Hill ‘John is particularly good on his feet. He is a confident and persuasive advocate, provides clear advice in writing and in conference and he quickly captures the confidence of the client. John has particular expertise in dealing with complex road traffic matters.'
Adam Morgan – Furnival Chambers ‘Adam is a tenacious advocate who commands the confidence of the court. His judgement is excellent and clients are confident in his capabilities. Within the realms of the court room, he is a formidable force.’
Eva Niculiu – Three Raymond Buildings ‘Eva is quite simply the perfect criminal barrister - she is phenomenally clever, and extraordinarily articulate, committed and hard-working. her advocacy is imaginative, focused, always razor-sharp and perfectly pitched.'
Will Noble – 9BR Chambers ‘Will is one of the rare barristers who is great in court, excellent with clients and always very thorough with preparation. He is so well regarded by judges and opponents. He is top notch.'
Sheryl Nwosu – 25 Bedford Row 'Sheryl is passionate and committed. She thinks hard about her cases and is shrewd enough to vary her tactics as the circumstances demand. She also has the rare ability to ensure her audience is absorbed by her advocacy.'
Catherine Oborne – Garden Court Chambers 'Catherine is one of the best junior counsels in the country. She is academically brilliant, a true lawyer who actually loves the minutiae of the law and her capacity for work is unparalleled. She does all this with an engaging charm and always with a smile.' 
Osman Osman – 25 Bedford Row ‘Osman is in a class of his own. He quickly gets to grips with issues and his rapport with clients is out of this world. He prepares some very clever legal arguments and his trial advocacy is mesmerising - the jury cannot help being impressed.'
Yasin Patel – Church Court Chambers 'Yasin is able to grasp the most difficult, complex and challenging cases, even at very short notice. His written work is excellent and his advocacy is exceptional. He has superb people skills and no matter how grave or serious the offence, he is able to put the client at ease that they are in safe hands.'
Adam Payter – 6KBW College Hill 'Adam is a very bright and hard working advocate. He is extremely client friendly and can also steer witnesses and the jury through material, including technical details, in an attractive and careful way. He is a very safe pair of hands on a legal argument, with mastery of the relevant law.' 
Luke Ponte – Three Raymond Buildings 'Luke makes trial advocacy look effortless. He is lethal but charming in cross-examination.' 
Sarah Przybylska – 2 Hare Court 'Sarah is calm and measured in her approach. She is always meticulously prepared. She is a very talented lawyer, and is able to make difficult arguments seem straightforward. She is good at handling nervous and vulnerable witnesses, and putting them at ease.' 
Simon Ray – 6KBW College Hill ‘Simon is a first class brief, who is a silk in all but name. He picks up the details of a case quickly, and understands what matters. He fights his corner fiercely but fairly and his cross-examination is well-prepared and effective.’
Sarah Read – 15NBS Chambers ‘Sarah is a natural advocate. Her calm and disarming delivery makes her a favourite with judges and juries alike. When she speaks, everyone in the court room listens.’
Genevieve Reed – Red Lion Chambers 'Geneviève is adept at dealing with troubled and difficult clients, gaining their confidence and putting them at ease. She has confidence and gravitas beyond her call and she is a commanding presence in court.' 
Jeremy Rosenberg23ES ‘Jeremy is very good on the law, is excellent with clients and always reports back promptly.’ 
Neil Saunders – Three Raymond Buildings ‘Neil instantly brings a degree of confidence within any defence team. He is great on the detail and within a few minutes of meeting any client, instills a sense of calm and positivity. He is a brilliant advocate and very well liked by judges. His advocacy style is robust but very very persuasive.' 
Esther Schutzer-Weissmann – 6KBW College Hill ‘Esther is an experienced and technically gifted barrister who is calm, collected and strategic in her approach. An exceptional lawyer who is at ease with any tribunal.' 
Alexandra Scott – Mountford Chambers ‘Alexandra has excellent client care skills, a great court presence and is very thorough in her preparations.' 
Michael Skelley – Red Lion Chambers ‘Michael is extremely intelligent and an incredibly deep-thinker. He is very client-friendly and always one or several steps ahead of the prosecution. In advocacy, he is persuasive by being quietly, sensibly, persuasive.’ 
Monica Stevenson – 25 Bedford Row ‘Monica is an extremely assured and able barrister. Her legal submissions are authoritative and persuasive and her detailed preparation allows her to be very agile during the trial process in relation to tactical decisions.'
Sean Sullivan – 9BR Chambers ‘Sean will turn his hand to any problem and find a solution. He remains a passionate advocate with a razor-sharp wit and intelligence that results in being highly persuasive in any legal setting.'
Jack Talbot – Red Lion Chambers ‘Jack is a conscientious prosecutor who is always on top of his brief. He is fearless but courteous, and persuasive to a jury. He always approaches prosecuting with the utmost fairness.' 
Lucy Tapper – Furnival Chambers ‘Lucy is a deeply committed advocate. Clients are attracted to her ability to communicate complex ideas easily and succinctly in a manner that is easily digestible. She is always fully prepared for any conference or hearing and always has a comprehensive grasp of the case. Her advocacy is fluent and accomplished.'
Dominic Thomas – 25 Bedford Row ‘Dominic is a scintillating advocate and formidable cross-examiner with a powerful presence in court. His legal submissions and jury speeches are a model of eloquence, precision and clarity. There is no finer jury advocate at the junior Bar.’
Greg Unwin – 187 Fleet Street Chambers ‘Greg has an encyclopedic knowledge of the law and he is absolutely on top of the facts of every case he is involved in. He is trusted and popular with clients, both professional and lay, and respected by judges and other advocates. His advocacy is very smooth and accomplished advocacy.' 
Merry van Woodenberg – 2 Hare Court ‘Merry is incredibly hard working. Her analysis is always extremely meticulous and she always has a real sense of how cases will play out which makes her advice on evidence of even more assistance. She is awfully persuasive when on her feet which supplements her outstanding written work. She will rise to the top of the criminal Bar.’
John Warrington – 5 St Andrews Hill ‘John has a good courtroom manner and approaches issues with sensitivity.'
Chris Whitehouse – Farringdon Chambers ‘Chris has a devastating command of the details in cases. He holds the respect of the court and is a real class act who makes powerful and persuasive closing speeches and puts client care at the forefront. He has excellent forensic skills with particular talent in cross-examining expert scientific witnesses.' 
Diana Wilson – The 36 Group ‘Diana is energetic, determined and robust in her advocacy. She remains admirably professional and courteous, even in the face of considerable provocation and pressure.'
Gerwyn Wise – Garden Court Chambers ‘Gerwyn is an outstanding barrister. He is a calm, confident advocate and his work ethic is phenomenal. He gets inside every detail of the case, and never stops reviewing, and testing, and refining his approach to the case. He is a pleasure to work with.' 
Madeleine Wolfe  –2 Hare CourtMadeleine is wonderful. She is an incredibly intelligent, charming and persuasive advocate. Without any doubt, Madeleine is a first class barrister and is a silk in waiting.' 
Irfan Arif – 9 Lincolns Court ‘Irfan is an intelligent and capable lawyer. He is approachable and personable and conducts his advocacy clearly and cogently.'
Peta-Louise Bagott – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Peta-Louise is incredibly detailed and has an excellent recall of facts, which is often indispensable. She works incredibly hard. An impressive junior.' 
Sam Barker – 2 Harcourt Buildings ‘Sam is an excellent lawyer and a naturally gifted advocate.’
Soraya BauwensFurnival Chambers ‘Soraya is an exceptional lawyer. She is strategic, diligent and is able to highlight the technical challenges in investigations.’
Alphege Bell – Mountford Chambers 'Alphege is a highly engaging and likeable advocate - it is obvious that his clients trust him and juries really warm to him.'
Ronnie Bergenthal – Farringdon Chambers ‘Ronnie's advocacy is precise, considered, thoughtfully planned and well executed. He reads the instructions, prepares well for conferences and hearings so is master of the facts of the brief and provides reassuring advice to lay clients.'
Minka Braun – Garden Court Chambers ‘Minka's knowledge of the law is both learned and instinctive. She pursues with vigour any reasonable argument which may assist her client. In her demeanour and manner she exudes authority and confidence borne of a thorough understanding of the factual and legal issues in a case.'
Kerry Broome – QEB Hollis Whiteman 'Kerry is a quick thinker with an outstanding strategic mind. She is a robust advocate who will take the points that really matter. Her dedication to clients is incomparable.'
Jenny Burgess – 2 Harcourt Buildings ‘Jenny is a class act. She is meticulously prepared and knows her cases inside out. She is a confident, engaging advocate who gets straight to the point with legal arguments. She is reasonable in the points she takes and is very persuasive. Her closing speeches are also great.’
Daniel Chadwick – 2 Hare Court ‘Daniel is a fantastic barrister. His skill both in and out of court is almost unmatched. His attention to detail is precise, he is quick and thorough and clients and juries alike both love him. He is persuasive, meticulous and is regularly instructed on paper heavy, complex cases.'
Yogain Chandarana – Rose Court Chambers ‘Yogain is an exceptionally hard working and gifted advocate. His cross-examination is first class and his closing speeches are excellent. A calm, thorough and charming advocate.'
Avirup Chaudhuri – 187 Fleet Street Chambers 'Avirup is totally charming even with the most challenging of lay clients. He is unflappable, determined and just good.' 
Kate Chidgey – 25 Bedford Row ‘Kate is an exceptional advocate with a careful and understated manner which belies a real tenacity. She is fiercely intelligent and unafraid of raising difficult points of law. She is outstanding in her ability to cross-examine young and vulnerable witnesses and her speeches are carefully presented and delivered reasonably. She has a great future ahead of her.’
Dominic Connolly – 5 St Andrews Hill ‘Dominic is meticulous, on the ball and even handed. He brings vast experience and judgment to the table as well as crisp advocacy.'
Oliver Cook – Libertas Chambers  ‘Oliver is a fighter and will not accept any adverse evidence without challenging it and trying to do the best for his client. He is also a natural advocate.'
Beth Crocker – 15NBS ‘Beth is an extremely talented junior. She is a master tactician who knows her cases inside out and her written work is of the highest quality. She is also extremely persuasive in her submissions to judges and fantastic in cross-examination.’ 
Dominic D’Souza – Goldsmith Chambers 'Dominic has a sharp mind and is able to grasp the most complex issues quickly and thoroughly. He has an excellent style and builds rapport with clients. Dominic has one of the best advocacy styles in court, is excellent in cross-examination and speeches.'
Robert Dacre - Cloth Fair Chambers  ‘Robert is polished and assured. His written and oral advocacy is top drawer and he has the capacity to cope with large quantities of case papers and drill down to what is actually relevant. He is a rising star of the criminal Bar.’ 
David Dainty – 23ES ‘David's ability is far more advanced than his call. His engagement with clients is always tailored towards the individuals needs and his communication skills are exemplary. His advocacy skills are also exceptional.' 
Ishan Dave – Rose Court Chambers ‘An up and coming young practitioner with a very good manner both in and out of court which exudes understated confidence. He is as good on paper as he is on his feet. He has good judgment and is a sound tactician too.' 
William Davis – 5KBW ‘William is a star in the making. He is always calm, collected and in control and he is a first class advocate and lawyer. He is able to deal with multiple issues at once and always in a professional and courteous manner.' 
Clare Dowse – 15NBS ‘Clare forensically considers the evidence in a case, no matter how voluminous, and provides detailed analysis and advice. She is then able to implement this level of knowledge into her advocacy, allowing her to achieve excellent results.’ 
Nicholas Dunham – Foundry Chambers 'Nick is devastatingly well-prepared. His industry is unparalleled and he is also a highly creative lawyer, identifying issues that others would not even consider. His cross-examination is terrifically effective.'
William Eaglestone – 23ES 'William is an intelligent and versatile advocate. He has a good sense of humour which he uses sensitively during jury trials. He is a thorough and tenacious cross-examiner and an excellent all-round criminal barrister, whether prosecuting or defending.'
William England – Mountford Chambers ‘William is a tactical genius and a cogent advocate.' 
Rory Field – 15NBS ‘Rory is plainly a skilled and experienced advocate. He doesn’t miss a question in cross-examination and gives compelling closing speeches. He is a pleasure to work with and polite and friendly at all times.’
Neil Fitzgibbon – 187 Fleet Street Chambers 'Neil is a wonderful criminal advocate, very personable and he brings that personality over in his advocacy.'
Alex Di Francesco – 25 Bedford Row ‘Alex oozes class and confidence with the intelligence to back it up. He is a firm and persuasive advocate with an element of charm to compliment it.'
Edward Franklin – 2 Harcourt Buildings ‘Edward is an intellectual heavyweight. It is apparent from his excellent drafting that he has easy command of complex legal principles. His advocacy is measured and all the more forceful for that. He has mastered the art of emphasis by understatement, and can convey to better effect with a few short words that which many struggle to achieve when addressing courts at great length.’
Richard Furlong – Mountford Chambers 'Richard has the ability to make people want to stand up and applaud his closing speeches and wins the most difficult cases there are.'
Michael Goold  - Garden Court Chambers  'Michael is known for his tireless work ethic and commitment to his clients. He approaches each case with unwavering dedication, leaving no stone unturned in his pursuit of justice. His genuine care for the well-being of those he represents is evident in his compassionate and attentive approach to their legal matters.'
Emma Heath9BR 'Emma is an excellent advocate for young and vulnerable defendants. She is able to gain the trust of her lay clients through her empathetic approach and exceptional communication skills. She is also a very persuasive advocate.' 
Ashley Hendron – 2 Bedford Row ‘Ashley is methodical and extremely efficient and analytical in his approach to case preparation. He has an effective and commanding advocacy style.’
Patrick Hill – Three Raymond Buildings ‘Patrick is one of the leading criminal juniors: intelligent and hard working with great judgement.’ 
Gerard Hillman – Libertas Chambers ‘Gerard is intellectually strong and excellent on the facts of a case. His advocacy is second-to-none and he is a user-friendly counsel. Gerry is also a team player and a class act.’
Nadeem Holland – The 36 Group ‘Nadeem's legal knowledge is second to none. His intellect is formidable and he sees things in case law that others miss. He is fabulous to work with - charming, patient, and humble. He is undoubtedly a silk in waiting.'
Rhodri James – 23ES 'Rhodri is a brilliant barrister with a fantastic practice. His approach is practical, sensible and down to earth. He is a great lawyer and an outstanding advocate.'
Daniel Kersh – 187 Chambers ‘Daniel is a brilliant barrister who is meticulous in his case preparation. From the moment Daniel meets clients he instantly reassures them by treating them with dignity, respect and compassion. His ability to put clients at ease is matched by his forensic and cerebral approach to advocacy.’
Guy Ladenburg – Three Raymond Buildings 'Guy is a very polished communicator and advocate. He has an immensely personable manner and is a robust cross-examiner.'
Soraya Lawrence – Farringdon Chambers ‘Soraya is a fearless and tenacious advocate - she never shies away from a point that she believes is worth taking. She is a great team player too.’
Matthew LawsonLibertas Chambers ‘Matt is a true jury advocate - he is extremely engaging with a jury and inevitably gets them on side. He is an excellent barrister with exceptional client care and clients love to have him on their side. He is a real fighter and leaves no stone unturned.' 
Paul Lazarus25 Bedford Row ‘Paul has an incredible eye for detail and gives very good practical advice. He gets on well with all different types of clients and his written work is very well prepared and thought out.'
Francesca Levett – 5 St Andrews Hill ‘Francesca is fabulously intelligent in the law, clever in tactics and a deeply persuasive advocate.'
Peter Lownds – 2 Hare Court ‘Peter is a very skilled and measured advocate in particular when dealing with vulnerable clients or witnesses. He is incredibly thorough in his preparatory and written work and is first choice counsel for serious and complex matters.' 
Philip Misner – 4BBPhilip is a very capable, well-prepared barrister who has an easy way with judges and juries. He is very straightforward, pleasant to deal with and able to cut through a mass of detail and identify the key issues in a case.’
Jo Morris – Drystone Chambers ‘Jo is a very capable barrister. She is very organised and highly prepared.’
Richard Moss – 4 King’s Bench Walk 'Richard is a careful and very measured advocate who is extremely persuasive. He has a commanding style that is effective in identifying the issues for the tribunal of fact or law.'
Daniel Murray – 25 Bedford Row 'Daniel can assimilate lots of information very quickly. His knowledge of the law is superb and his advocacy is brilliant. He is calm and his client care skills are impressive.'
Joshua Normanton – 5 Paper Buildings ‘Josh is the complete barrister. He has deep knowledge and understanding of the law. His written work is clear, logical and concise and in oral advocacy he has the ear of the court. He is a superb advocate and lawyer and will be a leader of the profession before long.’ 
Jennifer Oborne – Deka Chambers ‘She is very organised, her written work is always to a high standard, she is knowledgeable on the law and is respected by the Bar and judiciary. She is very persuasive and juries like and trust her. She is a fierce opponent. Any defendant in line to be cross-examined by her should be concerned.
Heather Oliver – Three Raymond Buildings ‘Heather is a magnificent advocate who is widely respected by all who come across her.' 
Lucy Organ – 6KBW College HillLucy has excellent judgement, a great court manner, is naturally clever and scrupulously fair and committed.’
David Osborne – 5 Paper Buildings 'David is a confident advocate who is not afraid of making big decisions. His past as a solicitor has taught him how to read the marketplace well and he also gets on well with his opponents.'
Abigail Penny – 4BB ‘Abigail is a formidable practitioner. She gives her all to each of her clients and there are no efforts she will not make to get the best result for them.'
Michael Polak – Church Court Chambers 'Michael is an incredibly dedicated barrister. He works tirelessly to advance clients' interests both in court and other arenas, including the media, raising public pressure on authorities to overturn miscarriages of justice and reopen cases.'
Edward Renvoize – Red Lion Chambers 'Ed is always well prepared and his advocacy is stylish and forensic in nature.'
Shannon Revel – Furnival ChambersShannon is a fine advocate - she is persuasive, tenacious, hard-working and unflappable.' 
Claire Robinson – Crucible Chambers ‘Claire has a fabulous bedside manner with clients. She is always reassuringly calm and never gets flustered. She easily puts clients at ease, when they are typically facing serious allegations and at a time of great worry. Her written legal arguments are first-class and always very thorough. She is a cunning advocate and always delivers robust cross-examination in trials.’
Karen Robinson – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Karen is a brilliant senior junior. She is very hard working, down to earth, tenacious and has great strategic skills.'
Gordon Ross – 3 Temple Gardens ‘Gordon is a fearless and tenacious advocate who has the ability to quickly recognise his most strongest arguments and points in a case. He approaches matters, no matter how difficult, in a calm and sensible manner that reassures clients and also ensures he, as instructed counsel, remains level-headed and in control.'
Charles Royle – 23ES 'Charles is very personable whilst being tactically astute. He is able to charm juries and has a clear and direct style with tribunals, which cuts through peripheral issues and gets to the heart of matters.'
Alexander Dos Santos – Serjeants’ Inn Chambers ‘Alex is polite, personable and very approachable. As a barrister he is knowledgeable, well-respected by peers and senior counsel and very experienced. His advocacy is always based on thorough preparation and is persuasive and well-argued. His written advice is clear and helpful and he is excellent with professional and lay-clients.'
Jon Swain – Furnival Chambers ‘Jon is undoubtedly top of his class both as a courtroom advocate and a lawyer. He is exceptionally gifted in his ability to cut through the chaos and confusion often found in paper-heavy cases and explain the key issues in a simple-to-understand formula. Jon is excellent with clients and is a well liked advocate with a pleasant but robust courtroom manner.' 
Karl Volz – Farringdon Chambers ‘Karl's cross-examination is very incisive and his closing speeches are extremely persuasive. He always remains calm under pressure even in the most stressful situations and when dealing with the most difficult clients. He is a fighter who hates losing and gains the respect of clients very quickly for this reason.' 
Daniella Waddoup – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Daniella is extremely knowledgeable in the area of criminal appeals. She is able to analyse complex issues and reach clear and well informed decisions. She is a very good communicator and her written work is exceptional.' 
John Waller  – 15NBS ‘John is a persuasive advocate with a focused, composed and measured approach. His cross-examination is very effective and his closing speeches are decisive and powerful. He is a charming and charismatic barrister who is clearly very bright.’
Nicholas Yeo – Three Raymond BuildingsNicholas makes elegant submissions built upon flawless written arguments. He operates at a level above everyone else in the court. He is tenacious, a great strategist and a forceful presence in court.' 
Ruth Zentler-Munro – 15NBS ‘Ruth is an outstanding lawyer. She is a superb defence advocate and pleasure to work with.’

Rising Stars

Alejandra Llorente Tascon – 5KBW ‘Alejandra is an excellent advocate both orally and in writing. Her mastery of cases is apparent in her succinct and powerful submissions.’ 
Tobias Smith – 25 Bedford Row ‘Tobias is an excellent, highly persuasive jury advocate. He has a very confident and competent court manner that appeals to judges. He can deploy complex legal argument skillfully and efficiently. He never takes a bad point and marshals his case with great care and skill.’
Hannah Edwards – 25 Bedford Row ‘Hannah is unbelievably bright and committed to her cases. A junior barrister who will, for sure, go all the way.’
Alex Du Sautoy  – 6KBW College Hill ‘Alex’s advocacy is second to none. He is a fearless and tenacious barrister with expertise handling the most difficult of witnesses. He is caring and listens to clients and gets a lot of respect in the courtroom.’
Tim James-Matthews – Matrix Chambers ‘Tim is definitely one to watch.’
Francesca Kolar – Deka Chambers ‘Francesca has a calm but punchy style, and adapts deftly to different subjects and audiences.’
Rabah Kherbane – Doughty Street Chambers ‘Rabah is one of the best juniors around. He works incredibly hard and leaves no stone unturned. His knowledge of the law is second to none. A future star of the Bar.’ 
Kyan Pucks – QEB Hollis Whiteman ‘Kyan is extremely bright, incredibly dedicated and professional. She leaves no stone left unturned but also has the ability to see the wider picture. She is also an excellent advocate.'

Crime in London Bar

2 Bedford Row

2 Bedford Row remains a ‘premier’ set for high-profile defence and prosecution work.  Jim Sturman KC  represented former police officer Wayne Couzens, who entered a guilty plea to the rape and murder of Sarah Everard, in his appeal against sentence, which involved issues as to if an individual who pleaded guilty could receive a whole-life tariff, among other questions about the most serious murder tariffs. Stan Reiz KC recently acted for a Liverpool man charged with the attempted murder of a man (his original target) and a schoolgirl in a cycle-by shooting – the defendant was convicted of attempted murder of the man, but acquitted of attempted murder of the girl on the basis that the doctrine of transferred malice does not apply to attempted murder. Turning to prosecution work, Jacqueline Carey KC successfully prosecuted former reality television personality Stephen Bear, who received a 21-month prison sentence for sexual offences including selling secretly filmed footage of him having sex with his ex-partner, a former Love Island contestant, on OnlyFans. Mark Milliken-Smith KC, as was, was appointed as a Circuit Judge in December 2023.


‘The clerking team provides an impeccable service.  John Grimmer is a legend of the clerks’ room and has excellent support from Paul Rodgers and Lee Bartlett in particular.’

‘Paul Rodgers is very approachable and very keen to build relationships.’

‘Lee Bartlett is a go-to clerk.   He goes out of his way to accommodate requests, even at the last minute.’

‘Chambers is one of the leading criminal sets in London/UK with a good selections of senior and junior barristers.’

‘2 Bedford Row’s reputation is among the highest at the Bar. A top quality set.’

‘2 Bedford Row is a premier set of chambers with a stellar list of KCs. They have strength in depth and a fantastic reputation.’

‘2 Bedford Row are a tenacious chambers with a range of barristers who are experienced, versatile and forward thinking.’

Work highlights

2 Hare Court

2 Hare Court, widely regarded as ‘one of the leading chambers in criminal law‘, continues to host a multitude of practitioners with considerable expertise and expertise. Oliver Glasgow KC prosecuted Jordan McSweeney, who was sentenced in December 2022 to life imprisonment with a minimum of 38 years for the brutal sexual assault and murder of Zara Aleena. In R v PD, Fiona Robertson successfully appealed, on behalf of the Attorney General, a sentence of three years imprisonment for sexual assault, assault by penetration and common assault - she submitted that full regard had not been paid in the first instance to the psychological harm inflicted upon the victim as well as that the judge had displayed outdated views on a husband’s entitlement to sex within a marriage and had thereby erred in mitigating the offence for this reason, and the sentence was upgraded to nine years. Acting as a sole junior, Julia Faure Walker prosecuted an individual, who was nineteen at the time, who was convicted of posting ISIS propaganda on Instagram. David Whittaker KC is representing a man bringing a private prosecution against his own son, who he alleges blackmailed him for £500,000.


‘Chloe Skingsley is a top rate clerk. She is trustworthy and efficient. Her knowledge of the market is exceptional.’

‘Jack Shah has in-depth knowledge of his barristers. He targets their strengths when making suggestions to solicitors. It is easy to trust his recommendations at 2 Hare Court because their barristers are in a league of their own.’

‘The clerks are a pleasure to deal with. Julian, Jack and Chloe are particularly good.’

‘An outstanding set of chambers with a sophisticated and commercially-minded clerking team. One of only a very small number of chambers where one knows clients will get the best possible representation regardless of which barrister is dealing with the case.’

‘No question that they are one of the best sets around. Quality all over. Their counsel are always in demand.’

‘2 Hare Court is one of the leading chambers in criminal law, with barristers who are well prepared and highly professional in their advice, advocacy and dealings with clients.’

‘2 Hare Court is one of a small cohort of elite chambers; with advocates working on some of the most high-profile, serious and complex cases.’

Work highlights

25 Bedford Row

25 Bedford Row is a powerhouse criminal defence set with ‘talented barristers at every level of call’. George Carter-Stephenson KC has recently acted in several high-profile cases, including R v McSweeney, with the defendant sentenced in December 2022 to life imprisonment with a minimum of 38 years for the sexual assault and murder of Zara Aleena. Paul Mendelle KC represented a man acquitted of both murder and manslaughter of a man who featured in a BBC Panorama documentary on gang violence in 2007 – two other defendants were convicted. Matthew Radstone is involved in the first prosecution brought under the Political Parties, Elections, and Referendums Act 2000, following alleged electoral offences by a former Conservative MP said to have received illegitimate political donations from the defendant, against a backdrop of the disappearance of money said to be a loan for the redevelopment of Northampton Town’s stadium Sixfields. Kate Chidgey successfully represented a female nurse working at the high-security psychiatric hospital Broadmoor, who was acquitted on five counts of causing or inciting a person with a mental disorder impeding choice to engage in sexual activity – the defence case was that the male resident had planted her blood in his underwear with a used sanitary product extracted from a bin.


‘Emma Makepeace is a dream to work with, she is always available and happy to assist.’

‘Alfie Lee is excellent.’

‘One of the best criminal clerks’ room at the bar. Guy Williams has an unrivalled reputation for integrity, and is widely recognised as being client-friendly, efficient, reliable and trustworthy.’

‘The clerks go out of their way to accommodate and make available counsel even sometimes at short notice. Alfie Lee, Charlie Gardiner and David Kirton are all extremely efficient and always available to assist.’

’25 Bedford Row is a fantastic set with a good range of barristers suitable for an array of cases across the criminal spectrum.’

’25 is a specialist set at all areas of crime and fraud with everything that word entails.’

‘This chambers is one of the very best in the country with some very fine and reputable advocates. It is a ‘defence only’ set which sets them apart from most other criminal sets.’

’25 Bedford Row is an outstanding criminal defence set. They are well aware of their foundations in legal aid, but provide an outstanding service to private clients. The election of Nicola Howard KC and Tyrone Smith KC signifies this, and there is no doubt that they will continue to go from strength to strength. Solid advocates across the board, with outstanding ability in all types of cases.’

Work highlights


With a ‘fantastic array of talent from top to bottom’ 5KBW has a strong reputation for its criminal law offering. Sarah Forshaw KC is an ‘outstanding silk’ with considerable experience defending in serious sexual offences cases. Mark Heywood KC, ‘a master advocate at the height of his powers‘, after prosecuting at first instance, successfully represented the CPS in an appeal against sentence in R v Stanciu, a case setting out further guidance on sentencing for homicides by arson. Jonathan Polnay KC is regularly involved in high-profile cases and recently prosecuted the man charged with the killing of MP Sir David Amess. Jonathan Higgs KC prosecuted a teenager who killed another teenager in a robbery over a mobile phone in a park in Tottenham. Charlotte Newell KC and Frederick Hookway successfully prosecuted a boy, who was fourteen at the time of the offence, for the murder of twelve-year-old Ava White, who was stabbed to death in a row over a Snapchat video - reportedly the youngest victim of knife violence in England and Wales since Damilola Taylor.


‘Lee Hughes-Gage and Matt Harper run an efficient business.’

‘Lee Hughes-Gage and Matt Harper are among the best in the industry, they go above and beyond. They are totally trustworthy and are always trying to make life easier.’

‘5KBW is a very good set.’

‘5KBW has a fantastic array of talent from top to bottom. They all come prepared and are ready to get the right result for clients.’

‘5KBW is a trusted set that never fails to impress.’

‘The clerks’ room excels in case management, effectively coordinating schedules, liaising with courts, and handling administrative tasks to ensure the smooth progression of cases. Their attention to detail and organisational skills contribute significantly to the overall efficiency and success of the set.’

Work highlights

6KBW College Hill

6KBW College Hill is regarded by many as the leading prosecuting set in London, hosting a wide range of outstanding barristers regularly involved in complex and high-profile cases, often but not exclusively for the prosecution. Annabel Darlow KC prosecuted a conspiracy theorist telecommunications engineer who received a sentence of six and a half years for preparing attacks on radio, phone, and TV masts as well as major roadways. Louis Mably KC prosecuted a man who, after learning his bed bound grandfather was accused of sexually abusing girls, stabbed him to death – the defendant admitted manslaughter due to diminished responsibility and received a discretionary life sentence in the first case in which the judge’s sentencing remarks were broadcast. Alison Morgan KC and Alistair Richardson prosecuted a British Embassy security guard in Berlin charged with passing on sensitive information, including classified intelligence material, to Russia, contrary to the Official Secrets Act 1911. The set also handles defence work – Alex Du Sautoy  represented an IPP prisoner who was acquitted on four counts of administering a noxious substance by throwing urine and faeces over prison officers, also known as “potting”.


‘Both Andrew Barnes and Mark Essex are fantastic clerks: they are commercially minded, responsive and a pleasure to work with.’

‘The service and the clerks’ room are both exceptional. Richard Summerscales and Lizzie Labrum are consummate professionals with really good personal qualities.’

‘Lizzie Labrum is incredibly efficient. She is a magician at juggling matters so preferred counsel can deal. This efficiency is particularly notable when chambers is briefed at the same time on multiple cases, in multiple locations for the same defendant.’

‘6KBW College Hill is an excellent set.’

‘6KBW is the pinnacle of the prosecuting criminal chambers. The strength in depth seems never-ending at every level.’

‘An exceptional set with a galaxy of superlative advocates.’

Work highlights

Farringdon Chambers

Farringdon Chambers is a strong set with several leading practitioners. Ian Henderson KC’s practice is exclusively defence-based – he primarily defends in murder trials but also handles serious sexual offences cases. Claire Davies KC also regularly handles homicide cases and recently represented a defendant, alleged to be connected to an organised crime group, in a multi-handed triple conspiracy to murder case which involved several cut-throat defences as well as allegations of jury tampering. Martin McCarthy KC is a leading junior whose expertise includes homicide, drugs, people trafficking, and serious organised crime cases.


‘Robert Archer is establishing a fine stable of barristers under his direction and drive.’

‘Robert Archer is a rock in the clerks’ room. He is always helpful and eager to assist.’

‘Robert Archer is a clerks clerk and is utterly magnificent at what he does.’

‘The set continues to have some extremely able barristers from the top to the bottom of chambers.’

‘Farringdon is a very good set of chambers with a modern approach to criminal law. There are very capable silks and juniors underpinned by a very effective and efficient clerking team.’

Work highlights

QEB Hollis Whiteman

QEB Hollis Whiteman is widely regarded as one of the leading crime sets in London, regularly involved in heavyweight cases. Edward Brown KC was recently instructed for the prosecution in a case concerning three police officers charged with distributing grossly offensive messages to other officers in a WhatsApp group, one of whose members was Wayne Couzens, who was convicted of the rape and murder of Sarah Everard. Eleanor Laws KC, ‘the doyen of sexual offences law‘, and Orla Daly  represented former Manchester City footballer Benjamin Mendy (who, after the trial, signed for Lorient), who was acquitted on rape charges over two trials. Appearing in the Isle of Man under a temporary advocates licence, Crispin Aylett KC represented a man who was retried for the 2013 murder of his wife’s lover.


‘Chris Emmings and Faye Stimpson are a very dynamic duo and work well together. David O’Sullivan is excellent, very accommodating and responsive. Sam Window and James Booth are also very good.’

‘Chris Emmings is an excellent clerk who understands the commerciality of practice. The whole team is very professional and the service provided never falls short of the highest standards that one could expect from one of the very best criminal chambers in the country.’

‘Sam Window manages to make the unachievable, achievable.’

‘QEB Hollis Whiteman remains one of the top crime sets in London.’

‘QEB is known for the consistently high calibre of their members and clerking team. Despite many of their members being in high demand, they bend over backwards to accommodate our requests and preferences, which is appreciated. Their seminars and other events are always of a very good quality.’

‘QEB are obviously a top set, with real strength in depth.’

‘The set has top to bottom quality. There are simply no barristers within the chambers who are not of the highest standard. The chambers has a culture of excellence and ensures that the training of its members is at its forefront. The external training is also always excellent.’ 

Work highlights

Red Lion Chambers

Red Lion Chambers is one of the strongest criminal sets in London, with an ‘enormous breadth of talent from top to bottom’. Gillian Jones KC, ‘one of the finest barristers practicing in criminal law‘, recently acted as defence counsel in a case involving significant evidential complexity, including in relation to the potential mental health issues of the defendant, who was convicted of murder having stabbed to death a lone woman at a bus stop. Jennifer Dempster KC, ‘an eloquent and tenacious advocate‘, represented a man who was acquitted of murder but convicted of manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility in the first televised sentencing in England and Wales. Turning to the set's juniors, Edward Renvoize prosecuted two men, who recieved prison sentences of twelve and fifteen years imprisonment for a home invasion robbery of two-time Tour de France green jersey winner Mark Cavendish, in which two Richard Mille watches with a combined value of £700,000 were stolen.


‘Theresa Feeney is constantly cheerful and helpful, even in the face of totally chaotic court listing.’

Lee Young remains a constant thorn in the side of opponents. He is reasonable, efficient, funny.’

‘Red Lion is a top criminal set.’

‘Red Lion is a top set at the peak of criminal work. Their barristers are leaders in their fields.’

‘A very strong chambers with strength and depth at all levels of call, including silks. They also offer high quality in-house training.’

‘The clerks’ room is second to none. The clerks are friendly, helpful and knowledgeable about their barristers and their practices and those who may want to instruct them.’


Work highlights

Doughty Street Chambers

Members of Doughty Street Chambers, widely praised as one of the ‘premier’ sets in London, are regularly involved in complex and high-profile criminal cases across the country, primarily acting for the defence. Criminal appeals, including cases from Caribbean jurisdictions with appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, as well as protest law matters are notable areas of specialist expertise. Tim Moloney KC recently acted in a significant appeal concerning a murder trial, in which after the judge directed the jury that he would accept a minority verdict, the jury was shown an exhibit in the case without the knowledge of counsel from either side. Paul Taylor KC was successful in the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, overturning a sentence of fifty years imprisonment imposed for manslaughter by the Bahamian courts, after the convict's original death sentence for murder was overturned.


‘An excellent clerking team. Sarah Reynolds and James Tippey are brilliant.’

‘James Tippey is a top drawer, clear, and highly efficient clerk. The team as a whole are extremely good and are willing to go the extra mile’

‘Doughty Street chambers is very much at the premier end of criminal sets, and there isn’t a barrister there who is less than excellent.’

‘Doughty Street is a highly respected criminal defence set with quality from top to bottom.’

‘Doughty Street is the leader in appeals and cases with a human rights dimension.’

‘Doughty Street is an exceptional set full of dependable, dynamic counsel.’

‘The clerking team is efficient and helpful.’

Work highlights

Furnival Chambers

Furnival Chambers is increasingly recognised as an ‘excellent set with a large number of highly-rated barristers from pupils to silks‘. Oliver Blunt KC acted for the defendant in a high-profile murder trial concerning the killing by a young man of an off-duty PCSO whilst she walked her dog in the woods. In one of her first murder trials after having taken silk, Rhiannon Crimmins KC acted for one defendant who was acquitted of murder charges in a case concerning joint enterprise shooting, this defendant claimed to have acted as ‘spotter’ without knowledge of the imminent shooting and in a subordinate role within the offending OCG. Nicola Shannon KC took silk in March 2023. Alexia Power was appointed a Circuit Judge in November 2023.


‘Steve Ball is a top clerk.’

‘Steve Ball is an absolute star.’

‘Chris Baptiste is excellent.’

‘The clerks are always extremely helpful and Steve is brilliant. He always manages to move things around to ensure consistency for clients.’

‘Furnival Chambers is known for quality advocates up and down the board.’

‘Furnival has enjoyed a period of growth as a set – attracting counsel of superb quality. Recent silk appointments attest to this, but also bright and astute juniors able to operate above their call. A thorough and testing advocacy training scheme sets pupils up well to jump in and make an impression from the outset. Advocates are well-liked and well-respected.’

‘Furnival has a number of exceptional advocates.’

Work highlights

Garden Court Chambers

Garden Court Chambers, ‘full of dedicated and passionate advocates‘, is ‘amongst the best sets for serious and general crime work‘. James Scobie KC is ‘at the top of the profession in terms of criminal defence work‘ and is known especially for his expertise handling gang-related murder cases. Clare Wade KC defended a murder trial in which a defence of diminished responsibility was founded on a history of coercive control in the defendant’s relationship with her partner; the defendant was ultimately acquitted of murder and convicted of manslaughter, a domestic abuse expert having been called for the first time in such a trial to give evidence. Keir Monteith KC is instructed in an application to the Criminal Appeals Review Commission by three men serving life sentences for the murder of Abdul Hafidah in 2016, a case which has spawned discussion of the law of joint enterprise, gang membership evidence and the use of drill music videos as evidence.


‘Colin Cook is enormously experienced and really great to work with.’

‘Colin Cook is the best senior clerk around. He is always working and trying to maintain a high level of work for the barristers. He engages with solicitors and consults them if there are any diary issues.’

‘Garden Court is an excellent set full of dedicated and passionate advocates who always deliver.’

‘Garden Court Chambers is amongst the best in the serious and general crime field.’

‘Garden Court has an extraordinary strength in depth when it comes to silks and experienced juniors. They fully personify their mantra of “Do right fear no one”.’

‘Garden Court Chambers is a very impressive set of chambers with considerable strength and depth.’

‘The clerks’ room at Garden Court Chambers is excellent. They are always available at the end of the telephone.’

Work highlights

Mountford Chambers

Mountford Chambers, ‘fast becoming one of the most highly regarded criminal sets’, offers considerable strength in depth. Christopher Henley KC is ‘a great strategist and a first class advocate’ who is well known for his experience in gang-related murder trials; he has also recently defended a young man charged with various terrorism offences, having been said to have possessed and distributed a large volume of terrorist propaganda. Alexandra Scott has a ‘great court presence‘ and is known for her skill in handling offences arising out of organised crime groups.


‘Benjamin Heaviside is a senior clerk who listens, communicates well and makes himself available.’

‘Dean Allen is well organised and has good communication skills.’

‘Ben Heaviside is a brilliant asset – good on fees and easy to approach.’

‘The clerks’ room is run with skill and efficiency. The clerks are very strong at making the diary of counsel works to meet the needs of solicitors and clients. Ben Heaviside has raised the level of performance in the clerking room to one of outstanding.’

‘Mountford Chambers has an exceptional standard of junior counsel. There is no weak link within chambers.’

‘Mountford is fast becoming one of the most highly regarded criminal sets, with its members appearing consistently in the most serious and high profile cases.’

‘Mountford Chambers is a great criminal defence set. What makes Mountford special is the people: everyone is super friendly, approachable and an expert in their field.’

‘This set of chambers has completed a very successful rebrand and is on the way to being one of the top criminal sets in London with a very strong and deep bench of specialist criminal barristers.’

Work highlights

Three Raymond Buildings

Three Raymond Buildings is widely regarded as ‘one of the top criminal sets known for the consistent quality within its ranks‘. The set is known for both prosecution and defence work, and in particular is known for acting for police officers facing criminal charges.  Hugh Davies OBE KC prosecuted a former Nigerian senator of human trafficking offences after sending a young man from Lagos to London as a kidney donor for his daughter. Patrick Gibbs KC  represented actor Kevin Spacey, who was acquitted on nine charges of sexual offences; he and Bo-Eun Jung represented a woman who was accused of murdering her ten-week-old baby; the defendant was acquitted of murder, and received a suspended sentence for infanticide.


‘Eddie Holland and Dean Brown are two of the best clerks around.’

‘Eddie Holland is a real gentleman, very easy to deal with and is really bright. Dean Brown is also brilliant and a joy to work with.’

‘Three Raymond Buildings is one of the top criminal sets known for the consistent quality within its ranks.’

‘Three Raymond Buildings possess an unrivalled array of talent from top to bottom.’

‘This is an excellent set with strength in depth.’

‘A premier league set with some heavy hitting counsel.’

‘The clerks’ room provides a top notch service.’

Work highlights

15NBS Chambers

With ‘excellent high-calibre advocates at all levels’ 15NBS is widely praised as a ‘thriving’ criminal defence set. Martin Rutherford KC, a ‘real master in the art of advocacy’, has considerable experience in gang violence cases, including those involving joint enterprise murders, while Brian St. Louis KC was recently involved in a significant case that considered the relevance of drill music to the prosecution of gang-related offences. Beth Crocker is building a reputation as a talented junior with a broad practice that includes murder, drugs, and serious sexual offences cases, while Rory Field  contributes expertise as a former DPP of Bermuda.


‘Tom Parker is a first rate clerk – he is polite, professional and helpful.’ 

‘Under Glenn Matthews there is a strong and friendly clerks’ room at 15NBS. Poppy Maddison is an extremely welcome addition, who will go far.’

‘A sensitive and supportive clerks’ room, with clerks who understand the needs and strengths of their members. Tom Parker deserves a special mention and chambers would be unable to function without the services of Sue Wright. She has been instrumental in helping to promote chambers, helping it to retain its friendly yet professional approach.’

’15NBS is a thriving set of Chambers and they have a very strong set of counsel.’

‘An excellent set for complex crime cases.’

‘An extremely strong set of barristers with lots of choice of exceptional advocates.’

’15 NBS is known for having real depth of talent at each level of practice. Members are understated but effective.’

‘The clerks are excellent. They manage cases brilliantly and keep you up to date on a regular basis.’

Work highlights


23ES is ‘a very well established and highly respected set’ with a ‘breadth of talent‘. Prior to her December 2023 appointment to the Circuit Bench in November 2023, Allison Hunter prosecuted a thirteen-defendant drug conspiracy involving 1000kg of cocaine in a case featuring Encrochat evidence. Elisabeth Acker prosecuted alone in a case in which the defendant was convicted for importing and selling endangered species, specifically jewellery containing elephant parts, contrary to CITES – the matter involved arguments on the adequacy of expert opinion, the appropriate method of scientific testing, the admissibility of evidence obtained from abroad, and on the statutory interpretation. James Bloomer was instructed for the defence in the case of a young man of previous good character accused of a bomb hoax and possession of an imitation firearm following a bungled attempt at a bank robbery – the case turns on the psychiatric evidence, assessing whether he was in the grip of a psychotic episode at the relevant time as well as the admissibility of a quasi-confession given during interview.


‘The clerks’ room is a happy and industrious place. The clerks work brillantly as a team, led by the example of Wayne King and Adam Chapman. Jo Wheeler is supremely calm, confident and good humoured. Michael Barrett grows in confidence every day, is courteous and efficient. Jon Page runs an efficient and hardworking team.’

‘Adam Chapman is simply brilliant. He really goes the extra mile when needed.’

‘Adam Chapman remains outstanding and a pleasure to work with. The rest of the clerking team have a fine role model in Adam.’

’23 Essex Street have a breath of talent.’

’23 Essex Street is a very well established and highly respected set. They have real strength in depth.’

’23ES is a really good set and perhaps doesn’t get the recognition they deserve when compared with some of the other leading sets. Their middle-junior end are particularly good and offer good consistency of quality.’

’23ES clearly has a wealth of experienced barristers in crime, especially silks. It is refreshing to see so many female silks in one set.’

Work highlights

5 Paper Buildings

5 Paper Buildingsis an excellent set with many first class advocates‘ doing high-level work. Benjamin Douglas-Jones KC represented the CPS in an appeal concerning the proper scope of the refugee defence to document offences under s.31 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. Deanna Heer KC successfully prosecuted in a high-profile murder trial in which the defendant was convicted for having murdered and subsequently decapitated a woman in an attempt to obtain her estate. Joshua Normanton raised the rare defence of automatism to a charge of causing death by dangerous driving.


‘All the clerks at 5PB are really good. They are happy to accommodate and will always try and help.  This is no surprise given the role played by the Dale Jones who is the architect of such a good team, ably supported by Graham Briggs.’

‘Dale Jones is a great senior clerk heading up an organised and skilled team.’

‘Dale Jones and Graham Briggs are very impressive and very commercially aware.’

‘5PB has a good range from pupils to silks, they are all top class.’

‘5 Paper Buildings is a set where there is strength and depth throughout. The barristers are experienced, highly competent and sympathetic to the needs of instructing solicitors.’

‘Chambers is a stellar set, with highly trained advocates at every level. There is almost always counsel available who are able to prepare and robustly represent clients within the given time.’

‘An outstanding clerks’ room with diligent, organised, efficient clerks attuned to the needs of instructing solicitors.’

Work highlights


9BR Chambers is a regarded by many as an ‘excellent set with a long-standing reputation for quality’. Jane Bickerstaff KC is mainly instructed in relation to murder and sexual offences cases and is especially strong in cases involving vulnerable defendants – she recently defended a woman who was found not guilty by reason of insanity after stabbing and beheading her brother whilst suffering from a severe psychotic episode. Max Hardy recently prosecuted an individual, who was born female and now identifies as a man, convicted of offences including assault by penetration; the three victims in the case having been deceived into sexual activity believing that the defendant was male.


‘Martin Secrett is excellent, always accommodating and trying to assist with getting the correct barrister for the case.’

‘Martin Secrett and Russell Good are fantastic. Adrian Chapman brings additional strength to the team.’

‘9 Bedford Row is a strong set with a number of leading female barristers.’

‘An excellent set with a long-standing reputation for quality.’

‘A thriving set with a lot of first rate counsel.’

‘The clerks are impossible to fault. No request is too much and they make life as a litigator so much easier. They are beyond reproach.’

‘An excellent clerks’ room.’

Work highlights

Matrix Chambers

Primarily acting for the defence, Matrix Chambers is a strong criminal law set, with particular expertise in cases with human rights components. Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC, who took silk in March 2023, has a track record of cases where Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights is run as a defence - she is instructed to represent two members of Palestine Action, who used parliamentary visitor passes to gain access to the member's lobby where they doused a statue of Lord Balfour with tomato ketchup. Tim James-Matthews and Clare Montgomery KC represented the defendants in Director of Public Prosecutions v Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court, a prosecution appeal concerning the acquittal of individuals who dug tunnels in an attempt to interfere with construction of HS2. The set also has a track record of work relating to terrorism offences.


‘The clerking team really is professional. Paul Venables is fantastic.’

‘The clerks offer a good service. Paul Venables and his team are responsive and helpful.’

‘Matrix Chambers has exceptionally bright and capable criminal law barristers.’

There are very good barristers in this set across all levels of experience. They also offer top quality seminars that are well attended.’

‘All Matrix barristers are very high calibre.’

‘The clerking team at Matrix is superb and extremely responsive.’

Work highlights

187 Chambers

187 Chambers has a wide range of experienced counsel, including ‘a number of well respected and heavy-weight leading barristers’.  Jason Bartfeld KC acted for one of the defendants in a case in which a father and son were found guilty of what was described as the vigilante murder of a thief, while Peter Guest was leading counsel for a principal defendant in a modern slavery trial involving over a dozen alleged victims, nine of whom giving evidence from the Czech Republic.


‘The clerks’ room is led by the excellent John Pyne, ably assisted by Steve Parr. John is one of the old school clerks who is well connected to everybody and always has his finger on the pulse. Steve is exceptional in terms of efficiency and ensuring that if a job needs doing for solicitors or counsel it is done well to everybody’s satisfaction. He has a great way with solicitors.’

‘John Pyne is always available to help.’

‘187 is a great set offering a range of experience and different counsel. They have a number of well respected and heavy-weight leading barristers and a number of good senior and junior counsel.’

‘187 Fleet Street is an excellent set and is going from strength to strength. They have a good availability of counsel, and their barristers are very knowledgeable in their area.’

‘187 Fleet Street has a great range of barristers.’

‘The clerks are professional and always go above and beyond to assist.’

Work highlights


2 Harcourt Buildings, with ‘a broad range of quality advocates‘, is gaining a reputation for being ‘a prominent defence practice‘ as well as an established prosecution set. Catherine Donnelly is well-known for handling high-profile homicide and serious sexual offences cases. Jane Osborne KC balances defence and prosecution work, primarily prosecuting homicides, including those involving young people alleged to have connections to gangs. Edward Franklin is ‘an intellectual heavyweight’ with ‘an easy command of complex legal principles’ - he has considerable experience in complex multi-handed cases.


‘Keith Poynter is really good and very straightforward to deal with. Gary Wright is a really nice guy and a very helpful clerk. They’re both really safe pairs of hands.’

‘Keith Poynter is a top clerk and a natural leader. He is extremely responsive, always available and great at sorting diary issues. He is widely respected by solicitors, counsel and other clerks. He is ably assisted by Gary Wright who complements his proactive approach.’

‘2 Harcourt Chambers has now developed into a set with a prominent defence practice. Historically, they have had a reputation as being a prosecution set but are now conducting complex and high-profile defence work.’

‘A premier league set in every respect.’

‘2 Harcourt Buildings is an outstanding chambers. It has a national reputation for conducting the most serious prosecutions, and is a ‘go-to’ set for two counsel cases. At the junior end it is arguably the most experienced and able set of criminal juniors at the Bar.’

‘A fine chambers with a broad range of quality advocates. A top set.’

‘A set whose clerks are always happy to assist where they can. Both senior and junior members are popular and sought-after.’

3TG Barristers

3TG Barristers has a strong reputation for its criminal law offering, noted for its ‘range of counsel at all levels of call’. Adam Davis KC has considerable experience defending in murder cases and more recently has been instructed in relation to several terrorism cases, including one in which he defended a young man of previously good character charged with several offences contrary to the Terrorism Act, including membership of a Feuerkrieg Division, a proscribed far-right group. John Femi-Ola KC, widely praised as a ‘master tactician’ and ‘talented orator and advocate’, has recently defended in a high-profile modern slavery case concerning a senior Nigerian politician accused of seeking to harvest an organ for his daughter from a man trafficked to the UK.


‘Gary Brown is an exceptional clerk who works well with his solicitors. He is a truly prominent figure in national criminal clerking.’

‘Gary Brown and Mike Cross are power-house clerks, incredibly hard working and able to perform miracles at getting work in and dealt with.’

‘You always receive a first class service from the clerks, their communication is excellent. Gary Brown in particular is one of the best clerks around.’

‘3TG is a set with a range of counsel at all levels. There is a depth of talent especially at the 10-20 call level.’

‘The set boasts an impressive roster of highly skilled and experienced criminal barristers, ensuring that clients have access to a diverse range of expertise across various facets of criminal law. The collective knowledge and experience of the set’s members enables them to handle complex and high-profile cases with confidence and competence.’ 

‘3TG are a great set, particularly strong in leading juniors.’

‘A very strong set with a number of top quality criminal barristers, both junior and silk, who have the capability do deal with the most serious cases.’

5 St Andrews Hill

5 St Andrews Hill is widely praised as an excellent set, ‘housing some very skilled juniors and silks.’ Christopher May, with recent instructions in relation to sexual offences, drugs, and firearms offences, is a notable name for prosecution work, while Mark Cotter KC, with considerable experience defending in homicide, sexual offences, and organised crime cases, is particularly active on the defence side. Kevin Dent KC, a ‘legally highly technical and tactically adept’ practitioner, recently prosecuted in a high-profile case involving the murder and dismemberment by two abattoir workers of their co-worker and a stranger.


‘The clerks are impressive. Dean Cook in particular is always available and is able to pull rabbits out of hats when it comes to arranging counsel to cover cases.’

‘The clerks at 5SAH are always professional, efficient and proactive. All clerks at 5SAH, and in particular Dean Cook, go above and beyond to assist with last minute cover.’

‘Gary Norton is a top clerk and a real gentleman.’

‘Dean Cook is an absolute star. He is utterly reasonable in relation to fees which makes negotiating good value for clients straightforward. He will bend over backwards to help. He skillfully spins a lot of plates and none ever seem to drop!’

‘5 St Andrews Hill is an impressive set housing some very skilled individual juniors and silks. They offer regular helpful training for fellow professionals.’

‘5 St Andrew’s Hill is a very good set – they have an extremely good range of barristers available.’

‘5SAH is a top set with a range of excellent practitioners for defence work.’

Church Court Chambers

Church Court Chambers, an ‘established criminal law‘ set undertaking a good deal of both defence and prosecution work, hosts capable barristers at all levels of experience, including several outstanding silks. Lewis Power KC, a ‘brilliant advocate’ who always possesses ‘an excellent understanding of the evidence in complex cases’, has defended in several major murder cases in recent years. He is now instructed by to represent a woman, due to be tried at the Old Bailey in January 2024 alongside her partner, for gross negligence manslaughter of their young child following a high-profile 53-day police search. Colin Witcher is a standout junior with a ‘formidable grasp of the law’.


‘The clerks’ room, led by senior clerk Rod McGurk and David Selsdon is very efficient and no task is too small or too great where barristers are concerned.’ 

‘The clerks’ room is very good; you can be sure that cases will be covered, feedback will be correct and thorough, and the correct barrister with the right year of call will be provided. Rod McGurk leads commendably and David Selsdon is excellent.’ 

‘Rod McGurk is superb.’

‘Church Court Chambers is a specialist criminal defence chambers with a very good selection of both senior and junior counsel.’

‘Church Court Chambers is an established criminal set which undertakes both defence and prosecution work at all levels including silk.’

‘Church Court Chambers is a very good set with some good barristers covering all areas of criminal work, including some just coming through. They provide regular training sessions in areas of education and updates on the law and cases.’

Foundry Chambers

Foundry Chambers is ‘a well-respected criminal set, with some very good individuals.’ John McGuinness KC, an experienced prosecutor with a broad practice, recently prosecuted a former BBC presenter convicted of with stalking and causing serious alarm or distress to several radio broadcasters including Jeremy Vine. Richard Jory KC‘s varied practice includes major murder cases – he led the defence of an osteopath accused of murdering and decapitating her friend – the case involved considerable psychiatric and evidential complexity and concluded with the first televised sentencing hearing for a murder case in English history.


‘Angela May, Dean Begley and Daniel Blackman are approachable and always available to speak to. The clerking system is well oiled and they are always a step ahead.’

‘An exceptional clerking service. The clerks are friendly and very helpful. Angela May is highly experienced and always willing to assist. Dean is another exceptional clerk with a great attitude to his work. He is a highly efficient problem solver.’

‘Foundry is a well-respected criminal set, with some very good individuals.’

‘Foundry Chambers is an extremely talented set and is able to cover a number of hearings with adequately experienced counsel.’

‘This is an extremely strong set in criminal law.’

‘The clerks are all professional.’

Work highlights

Libertas Chambers

Founded in 2020 as a virtual set, Libertas Chambers is fast gaining a reputation for excellence, with members having recently been instructed in relation to significant murder, terrorism and organised crime cases. Simon Csoka KC, ‘a fearsome cross-examiner and one of the finest criminal silks in the land’, has a leading practice which largely consists of organised crime and murder cases as well as major drugs mandates and high-profile private instructions. He has recently represented Fleetwood Town manager and former professional footballer Joey Barton in two cases, in which he was both acquitted. Felicity Gerry KC is ‘a force of nature‘ who handles homicide, terrorism, and modern slavery cases, among others.


‘Marc King is a cut above. He understands the difficulties solicitors have to deal with and does all he can to try and deliver on consistent service. Louis King also takes the time to make sure solicitors are updated and is always courteous and respectful.’

‘Marc King is a truly remarkable figure amongst criminal clerks. He is agile, responsive and understands what is needed in cases such that his recommendations are well received. He leads an excellent team of counsel and practice administrators.’ 

‘Louis King abounds with calmness and common sense and Gary Douglas is a work-horse who loves the job and will do anything for a client.’