Can the name of a country and a year be a trade mark?

Legal Briefing

As a general rule, under the Russian Law, the name of a country and a year would be considered non-protectable as a trade mark but in exceptional cases registrations are possible, necessary and effective. 

Beyond the cookie cutter


The In-House Lawyer teamed up with Morrison & Foerster to ask GCs about digital disruption and the role of in-house lawyers

Charlotte Heiss: RSA


How kidnap threats and vodka-fuelled due diligence helped shape the insurance giant’s group legal chief

Dechert: Brexit partner

Legal Briefing

Brexit preparations for private equity firms On 29 March 2017 the United Kingdom (UK) gave notice under Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union that it intended to leave the European Union (EU). The UK’s departure is scheduled to take effect on 29 March 2019.

Cutting teeth


On the back of our recent research on the first 100 days of being a GC, we assembled a panel of general counsel to debate the key findings

The first 100 days

Legal Briefing

Who better to learn from than those who have gone before you? That was the core of the idea behind our survey with The In-House Lawyer; to ask current GCs and heads of legal to share their experiences and provide advice to those new in post or hoping to become departmental leader. Hindsight is a …