Francis Taylor Building > London, England > Set Profile

Francis Taylor Building

London Bar > Environment Tier 1

Climate change mandates have been a prominent feature of Francis Taylor Building's environmental caseload. Richard Honey KC and Conor Fegan successfully represented the defendant in R (Friends of the Earth) v UK Export Finance & Others, a case concerning the UK government’s financing of the construction of a liquefied natural gas plant in Mozambique which allegedly was in conflict with the Paris Agreement. In another matter, Merrow Golden, unled, successfully defended Mansfield District Council, meaning the proposed residential development of over two hundred new homes can go ahead, despite opposition citing alleged disturbance to local nature and wildlife sites.

Rising stars

Jonathan Welch – Francis Taylor Building 'Jonathan is very intelligent, conscientious and has good judgement.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Conor Fegan – Francis Taylor Building ‘Conor works tirelessly to help clients. He conducts cases with authority, and is very impressive.’
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

James Pereira KCFrancis Taylor Building ‘James has a first-class mind and an excellent knowledge of environmental law.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 2
Richard Honey KC – Francis Taylor BuildingRichard is an excellent barrister, thoughtful and strategic in his approach to cases.
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 4

Leading Juniors

Ranked: Tier 1
Charles StreetenFrancis Taylor Building ‘Charles is fiercely intelligent, thinks outside the box and fights for his clients.'
Ranked: Tier 2
Merrow GoldenFrancis Taylor Building ‘Merrow is a creative legal thinker.'
Ranked: Tier 4


‘James Kemp is excellent.’

‘James Kemp is extremely responsive and helpful.’   

‘The set is extremely good. It has real strength-in-depth in the environmental area.’

‘The set is always able to provide advice from somebody who is experienced in any area of environmental law, however obscure.’

‘A very good environmental set.’

‘An excellent set with standout expertise in this area of law.’   

‘The clerks are sound and effective.’   

‘The clerks are highly regarded and extremely efficient.’

London Bar > Licensing Tier 1

Francis Taylor Building has a strong reputation for its ‘unparalleled breadth of expertise across licensing law‘. Gerald Gouriet KC is highly regarded for his expertise in handling high-profile cases involving gambling, taxi, entertainment and alcohol licensing issues, and David Matthias KC has an excellent track record in assisting local authorities with licensing policies. Among the junior end of chambers, the ‘tenaciousLeo Charalambides is a licensing specialist; Gary Grant is ‘a very well prepared and smooth advocate‘; and James Rankin is ‘a superb junior – he is always a master of the brief, exceedingly well prepared and eloquent in court‘.

Leading Silks

Gerald Gouriet KCFrancis Taylor Building ‘The grand master of gambling and licensing law.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2

Leading Juniors

Leo CharalambidesFrancis Taylor Building 'Leo is always impeccably prepared - a very thorough junior.'
Ranked: Tier 1
James Rankin –Francis Taylor Building 'James is charm personified. His breadth of experience in licensing law is unparalleled.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 1
Gary GrantFrancis Taylor Building 'A powerhouse. He has a brilliant legal mind coupled with breathtaking advocacy skills.'
Ranked: Tier 1


Harry Killick is always accessible, friendly and super efficient.’

A very professional set.’

Great depth and breadth of knowledge and experience.’

Very professional, approachable and helpful.’

‘Very effective clerks. Always quick to respond to queries.’

Responsive, efficient and flexible clerks.’

London Bar > Agriculture Tier 2

Members of Francis Taylor Building's agriculture and rural affairs practice are regularly instructed in cases involving common land, village and town greens, rights of way and highways. The team's client base includes public authorities, landowners, private individuals and government entities. Douglas Edwards KC has a strong track record in handling applications brought under the Commons Act 2006, and Morag Ellis KC has expertise in assisting with village green inquiries. Ned Westaway stands out for the 'strength and clarity of his arguments and advocacy'.

Leading Juniors

Ned WestawayFrancis Taylor BuildingNed is a first-rate barrister. He is approachable, congenial, calm, resourceful, thorough, and persistent.
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 4


Everyone, from the clerks to the reception staff, is friendly and approachable.’

The clerks are visible, personable and will engage proactively with instructing solicitors.’

Fantastic – very efficient and friendly.’

London Bar > Local government (including rating law) Tier 2

Francis Taylor Building contains ‘some of the brightest and best barristers in this field’, routinely acting in local government and ratings matters. Richard Glover KC led Cain Ormondroyd in Church of Scientology Religious Education College Inc v Ricketts (VO), a complex appeal in the Upper Tribunal regarding the application of religious rate-exemptions for the Scientology movement's London sites. Richard Honey KC represented JD Wetherspoon as sole counsel in a settled claim between JD Wetherspoon and Birmingham City Council over compensation for the compulsory acquisition of one of the pub chain's leaseholds. Hugh Flanagan acted in the test case of Vistra International v Bunyan (VO), a dispute regarding whether Covid-19-related factors affected liability for business rates.

Leading Silks

Richard Glover KCFrancis Taylor Building 'He has a total command of his brief and an authoritative presence in court.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Richard Honey KCFrancis Taylor Building 'Richard is always very clear and helpful in his advice and works very well as part of the client team.'
Ranked: Tier 3

2023 Silks

Meyric Lewis KC – Francis Taylor Building ‘Proactive and responsible.’

Leading Juniors

Hugh FlanaganFrancis Taylor Building 'Hugh is just so bright. He drafts beautifully is an excellent advocate and a great team player.'  
Ranked: Tier 1
Cain OrmondroydFrancis Taylor Building 'Cain has excellent knowledge of the law, precedent and its application to the subject.'
Ranked: Tier 1
Merrow Golden – Francis Taylor Building 'Hard and conscientious work, high legal acumen and excellent written advocacy skills.'
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4


‘The clerking at Francis Taylor Building is the best of any chambers.’

‘The clerks are organised and courteous.’

‘The clerks are great – the best around.’

‘One of the leading local government sets with experience across the board in local government law.’

‘Specialists in this area of law, providing useful training courses.’

‘A fantastic set to work with.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Planning Tier 2

As ‘one of the leading barristers sets for planning‘, Francis Taylor Building provides a full spectrum planning practice. The chambers has an established and ‘deserved strong reputation‘ as an infrastructure set but has also seen a recent increase in residential schemes, from planning appeal inquiries to strategic advice to developers. A number of members have been instructed on the Sizewell C nuclear power station; Hereward Phillpot KC led for NNB Generation Company (SZC) Limited, a subsidiary of EDF; Andrew Tait KC is acting for the local planning authority, East Suffolk Council, in the ongoing hearings; and Hugh Flanagan is acting for EDF Energy on its application for development consent and appeared in the High Court. Members of chambers are involved in the litigation concerning the proposal to build a Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre over part of Victoria Tower Gardens; Meyric Lewis KC represented opponents London Gardens Trust and Save Victoria Tower Gardens, and Kate Olley acted for the Secretary of State and the UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation. Richard Honey KC led the team of counsel on Friends of the Earth & South Lakeland Action on Climate Change v SSLUHC, defending two judicial reviews of the government’s approval of the Whitehaven coal mine. Simon Bird KC led Flanagan in Aquind Ltd v SSBEIS, appearing for the claimant after the Secretary of State refused a DCO for the proposed 2GW Aquind electricity interconnector between Le Havre and Portsmouth.

Rising stars

Conor Fegan – Francis Taylor Building ‘Conor is very pragmatic as well as methodical. He is calm in the face of cross-examination and it is very re-assuring to have him on side, being well-capable of handling opposition barristers. He is knowledgeable on planning and environmental case law.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Charles Merrett - Francis Taylor Building 'Charlie is top-notch on the law and procedure. He is an impressive advocate, not a word wasted and on top of his brief.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Morag Ellis KCFrancis Taylor Building  ‘Morag is commercially minded, logical and precise. She explains matters in such a way so as to take both clients and judges through her arguments step by step, leaving no room for doubt.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Michael Humphries KC –Francis Taylor Building  ‘Michael has a deep knowledge of infrastructure planning and a standing as a senior statesman in this area.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Hereward Phillpot KC –Francis Taylor Building  ‘Harry is a master of his field. In hearings in the Divisional Court and Court of Appeal, against a range of senior and junior opponents, he always stands out from his peers. He takes the right points, presents them with clarity and persuasion, and wins repeatedly.’
Ranked: Tier 1
Saira Kabir Sheikh KC – Francis Taylor Building Saira is outstanding: she is commercially astute, a brilliant advocate, well-respected and very approachable.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Alexander Booth KC – Francis Taylor Building  ‘Alex is one of the best inquiry advocates at the planning Bar. He is tenacious on his feet and forensic in his preparation – a deadly combination if you are against him. He is a team player who works closely and collaboratively with instructing solicitors and the witness team. He is also creative in finding the point in even the most hopeless of cases when needs must.’  
Ranked: Tier 2
Andrew Tait KC –Francis Taylor Building  ‘Andrew is forensic and good on his feet. He is very bright and sees the target clearly. He is prominent in his field of planning and parliamentary law.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Craig Howell Williams KC –Francis Taylor BuildingCraig is an incredibly strong advocate with a tenacious appetite for detail. His preparation is incredibly thorough, leaving no stone unturned. Craig is proactive and his advise is delivered commercially and with conviction.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Ranked: Tier 3
Richard Honey KC – Francis Taylor Building  ‘Richard’s knowledge of planning law is excellent, as is his ability to pull the team together, identify key issues and lead each member meticulously to achieve a successful outcome for the client. His advocacy is polished and delivered with exceptional flair.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Richard Glover KC –Francis Taylor Building 'Richard gives clear and well-structured advice. He is attentive to the needs of clients, and not afraid to have difficult conversations with the client team to get the best results.-
Ranked: Tier 4
Suzanne Ornsby KC –Francis Taylor Building ‘Suzanne is able to very quickly refine an issue into its main components for successful promotion. She is pleasant, efficient, very accommodating and easy to work with. At public inquiry, she has a commanding presence and is able to focus attention on the key strengths in the promotion of a case whilst also being ruthless in cross-examination.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Simon Bird KC –Francis Taylor Building  ‘He is succinct and direct. He has a very calm demeanour which can belie the severity of his cross-examination, while also projecting confidence in his approach, to reassure planning inspectors of the rationality of his arguments.  
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4

2023 Silks

Meyric Lewis KC –Francis Taylor Building ‘Very responsive and a real can-do attitude. Works well with clients but not afraid to be robust with them when necessary. Advocacy is superb as is his written work.’

2024 Silks

Mark Westmoreland Smith KC – Francis Taylor Building  ‘Mark is a calm and assured presence in court, always completely on top of his brief and trusted by the court. He has built up a formidable practice and reputation by dint of these qualities combined with an impressive capacity for work. He is thoroughly commercial and pragmatic in his outlook, and displays an astute understanding of what matters from the client's perspective.’

Leading Juniors

Hugh Flanagan  – Francis Taylor Building  ‘Hugh is a very able and persuasive advocate, both in writing and in court.’  
Ranked: Tier 1
Ranked: Tier 2
Merrow Golden  – Francis Taylor Building  ‘Merrow is a very good advocate. She is clear and powerful in the presentation of her client’s case, very well-prepared and effective in cross-examination. A formidable opponent.’
Ranked: Tier 2
Charles Streeten  –Francis Taylor Building  ‘Charles is fiercely intelligent, thinks outside the box and fights like a terrier for his clients. Charles is also a real team player. He makes a lot of effort to respond to the specific needs of the client and the rest of the professional team. Simply, Charles is a joy to work with and a highly effective barrister, with an impressively nimble mind.’  
Ranked: Tier 2
Ranked: Tier 3
Rebecca Clutten  – Francis Taylor Building  ‘Rebecca is very impressive in getting to grips with the legal issues and making them digestible for the client team.’
Ranked: Tier 3
Kate Olley – Francis Taylor Building  ‘Great written work is a real strength of Kate’s. She is very supportive and attentive to instructing solicitors, and has the authority of a silk. 
Ranked: Tier 3
Ned Westaway  –Francis Taylor Building ‘Ned is professional, friendly and approachable. He can speak directly to the client in terms that the client understands, whilst also being able to argue technical legal points with his peers in court. He is able to read the court and knows when to reinforce a point and when to leave it with the judge. He is never aggressive in his approach, especially when dealing with cross-examination of witnesses, but is always firm and makes his point.’
Ranked: Tier 3
George Mackenzie  –Francis Taylor Building ‘George is an extremely approachable and user-friendly barrister to work with. He quickly sees the commercial drivers in the case and always provides very clear and digestible advice. His ability to work seamlessly with different personalities in the client team is also very impressive.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Horatio Waller – Francis Taylor Building ‘Horatio is a compelling and comprehensive advocate, both in writing and orally.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Annabel Graham PaulFrancis Taylor Building ‘Annabel’s advocacy is very strong and she has an ability to adapt to the twists and turns of a complex fast changing situation for cross-examination and for submissions to an inspector. Written submissions are also strong but her cross-examination demonstrates great skill.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Daisy Noble  – Francis Taylor Building  ‘Daisy is forensic in her approach, innovative in her advice and a reliable, knowledgeable and trustworthy advocate. Daisy works hard on her client’s behalf, her advice is thoroughly researched and communicated with ease. Daisy is strong and resilient during cross examination with the ability to be both personable yet assertive on her client’s behalf. Her written opening and closing statements are prepared to an exceptional quality, even though the latter may need to be prepared at short notice.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Caroline Daly  –Francis Taylor Building  ‘Cool, calm and quietly authoritative. She is able to explain complex issues very clearly.’  
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4
Esther Drabkin-Reiter  – Francis Taylor Building  ‘Esther is really client friendly and provides clear and pragmatic advice. Her drafting skills in relation to court submissions are excellent.’
Ranked: Tier 4
Ranked: Tier 4


‘Clerks are very approachable and helpful. Great client service and knowledge of the sector from Paul Coveney and James Kemp in particular.’

‘James Kemp is excellent as deputy senior clerk.’

‘The clerks team is very strong, and the set are always a pleasure to deal with. In particular they are very good at liaising with the courts and other sets to help get hearings listed etc. My dealings are mostly with Andrew Briton but special mentions also for James Kemp and Harry Killick.’

‘I mainly deal with Harry Killick and Grant James, and they are a delight to work with: helpful and responsive.’

‘The clerks are all brilliant and very personable. We have been dealing most recently with Molly Dumbelton, who is responsive and helpful. I have always had positive experiences with Andrew Briton and Paul Coveney.’

‘FTB is one of the leading barristers sets for planning; and the first port of call for all major planning infrastructure work.’

‘Chambers is full of excellent barristers and has a deserved strong reputation in the planning world.’

‘First class for infrastructure planning. Very good quality training. Consistently high-quality individuals.’

Work highlights

London Bar > Administrative law and human rights

Rising stars

Conor Fegan – Francis Taylor Building 'A brilliant young public lawyer. Hard-working and responsive, with really good judgement and analysis.'
Ranked: Tier 1

Leading Silks

Richard Honey KC – Francis Taylor Building 'Richard is a responsive and highly organised silk.'
Ranked: Tier 4

Francis Taylor Building (FTB) has a long-standing reputation for excellence in providing advocacy and advisory services. FTB is consistently featured as a leading set in the independent legal directories for its expertise and leading role in planning, environmental, licensing, public, compulsory purchase and land valuation, major infrastructure projects, local government, rating, ecclesiastical and religious liberty, highways, commons and open spaces and ADR. Its position at the forefront of these areas of law is evidenced by members consistently appearing in many of the leading cases.

Members of chambers appear in courts at all levels in this country and abroad, including specialist tribunals and public inquiries and undertake specialist advisory work. The set owes its long-standing reputation for excellence to its wide range of clients, the major projects it handles and the number and quality of its practitioners. They are also supported by a highly motivated and professional team of clerks, led by Paul Coveney as Senior Clerk.

FTB maintains a panel of qualified and specialist CEDR and ADR accredited mediators.

FTB offers a wide range of client facilities including a dedicated seminar suite to support its established programme of events and an arbitration and mediation suite which complements chambers’ mediation and ADR expertise. The premises are fully DDA compliant.

Diversity and inclusion: Chambers is committed to promoting and advancing diversity and equality among its members and staff. We do not discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, nationality, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, political persuasion, disability, age or religion. FTB is anti-racist and committed to increasing its diversity. We fully endorse the Bar Council’s Equality and Diversity Code. Applications for pupillage/tenancy/employment are particularly welcomed from women, members of ethnic minority groups, people with disabilities and other groups that are currently under-represented in chambers.

Access to the profession is an acute issue which Chambers seeks to address. Chambers is involved in initiatives aimed at increasing diversity. That includes its partnership with the Planning and Environment Bar Association (PEBA) and other planning/public law sets in the Planning and Public Law Mentoring Scheme for Underrepresented Groups at the Bar, as well as its collaboration with the Sutton Trust Pathways to Law Programme.

Department Name Email Telephone
Members of Chambers BIRD KC, Simon (1987)
Members of Chambers ROOTS KC, Guy (1969)
Members of Chambers McCRACKEN KC, Robert (1973)
Members of Chambers TAIT KC, Andrew (1981)
Members of Chambers HUMPHRIES KC, Michael (1982)
Members of Chambers GOURIET KC, Gerald (1974)
Members of Chambers MATTHIAS KC, David (1980)
Members of Chambers ELLIS KC, Morag (1984)
Members of Chambers HOWELL WILLIAMS KC, Craig (1983)
Members of Chambers GLOVER KC, Richard (1984)
Members of Chambers HILL KC, Mark (1987) (KC-2009)
Members of Chambers EDWARDS KC, Douglas (1992)
Members of Chambers JONES KC, Gregory (1991)
Members of Chambers ORNSBY KC, Suzanne (1986)
Members of Chambers PEREIRA KC, James (2014)
Members of Chambers KABIR SHEIKH KC, Saira (2014)
Members of Chambers FRASER-URQUHART KC, Andrew (1993)
Members of Chambers PHILLPOT KC, Hereward (1997)
Members of Chambers BOOTH KC, Alexander (2000)
Members of Chambers PHILLIPS KC, Jeremy (2018)
Members of Chambers HONEY KC, Richard (2020)
Members of Chambers LEWIS KC, Meyric (1986)
Members of Chambers WESTMORELAND SMITH KC, Mark (2006)
Members of Chambers PETCHEY, Philip (1976)
Members of Chambers COMYN, Timothy (1980)
Members of Chambers RANKIN, James (1983)
Members of Chambers GRANT, Gary (1994)
Members of Chambers HOLLAND, Charles (1994)
Members of Chambers CHARALAMBIDES, Leo (1998)
Members of Chambers JONES, Emyr (1999)
Members of Chambers OLLEY, Kate (1999)
Members of Chambers JOLLIFFE, John (2005)
Members of Chambers ELEFTHERIADIS, Prof. Pavlos (2006)
Members of Chambers ORMONDROYD, Cain (2007)
Members of Chambers GRAHAM PAUL, Annabel (2008)
Members of Chambers FLANAGAN, Hugh (2008)
Members of Chambers CLUTTEN, Rebecca (2008)
Members of Chambers WESTAWAY, Ned (2009)
Members of Chambers TAFUR, Isabella (2009)
Members of Chambers GRAHAM, David (2010)
Members of Chambers FRY, Michael (2011)
Members of Chambers MACKENZIE, George (2011)
Members of Chambers ANTHONY, Prof. Gordon (2011)
Members of Chambers GREAVES, Alexander (2012)
Members of Chambers DALY, Caroline (2013)
Members of Chambers STREETEN, Charles (2013)
Members of Chambers FORREST, Charles (2014)
Members of Chambers GOLDEN, Merrow (2014)
Members of Chambers WALLER, Horatio (2014)
Members of Chambers NOBLE, Daisy (2015)
Members of Chambers MERRETT, Charles (2015)
Members of Chambers DRABKIN-REITER, Esther (2017)
Members of Chambers BRETT, Brendan (2017)
Members of Chambers FEGAN, Conor (2018)
Members of Chambers WELCH, Jonathan (2019)
Members of Chambers RHIMES, Michael (2019)
Members of Chambers O'BRIEN O'REILLY, Mark (2021)
Members of Chambers FEENEY, Michael (2021)
Members of Chambers BRUCE-SMITH, Stephanie (2021)
Members of Chambers NEVIN, Claire (2021)
Members of Chambers SOLIMANI, Armin (2023)
Members of Chambers NELSON, Gabriel (2023)
Photo Name Position Profile
Gordon Anthony photo Prof Gordon Anthony Barrister in Northern Ireland (called 2011). Academic Tenant FTB (joined 2020). Areas…
Simon Bird photo Simon Bird Simon is Head of Chambers. Simon specialises in Planning, Environment, Compulsory Purchase…
Alexander Booth photo Alexander Booth Alexander Booth KC has a practice which encompasses all aspects of planning,…
Michael Brendan Brett photo Michael Brendan Brett Brendan is an established public and administrative law junior specialising in the…
Stephanie Bruce-Smith photo Ms Stephanie Bruce-Smith Stephanie has a busy practice across all of Chambers’ practice areas, including…
Leo Charalambides photo Leo Charalambides Leo is an expert local government barrister who is regularly instructed to…
Rebecca Clutten photo Rebecca Clutten Rebecca Clutten was called to the Bar in 2008 and is recognised…
Timothy Comyn photo Timothy Comyn The principal areas of Timothy Comyn’s practice include town and country planning,…
Caroline Daly photo Caroline Daly Caroline was called to the Bar in 2013 and is currently the…
Esther Drabkin-Reiter photo Esther Drabkin-Reiter Esther is a busy and sought-after junior practitioner with a broad practice…
Douglas Edwards photo Douglas Edwards Douglas Edwards KC practices in the fields of town and country planning,…
Pavlos Eleftheriadis photo Prof Pavlos Eleftheriadis Pavlos is an academic tenant specialising in European Union law, public law, public…
Morag Ellis photo Morag Ellis Morag Ellis KC is widely recognised as a leading expert in planning…
Michael Feeney photo Michael Feeney Michael is building a strong practice across all of Chambers’ practice areas…
Conor Fegan photo Conor Fegan Conor accepts instructions across Chambers’ specialisms in planning, environmental, and public law.…
Hugh Flanagan photo Hugh Flanagan Hugh Flanagan has a practice encompassing all aspects of planning, major infrastructure, and…
Charles Forrest photo Charles Forrest Charles welcomes instructions to advise and represent clients across all of Chambers’…
Andrew Fraser-urquhart photo Andrew Fraser-urquhart Andrew Fraser-Urquhart KC (known universally as “AFU”) practices in planning, environmental and…
Michael Fry photo Michael Fry Michael Fry is an administrative and public law barrister with a strong…
Richard Glover photo Richard Glover Richard Glover KC practices in town and country planning, local government, rating,…
Merrow Golden photo Merrow Golden Merrow is ranked by Legal 500 as a leading junior at the…
Gerald Gouriet photo Gerald Gouriet Gerald’s practice embraces the full range of licensing regulation, with recent emphasis…
David Graham photo David Graham David practises across Chambers’ specialisms, including public, planning and environmental law. He…
Annabel Graham Paul photo Annabel Graham Paul Annabel is a front-rank junior in planning law. She has acted in…
Gary Grant photo Gary Grant Gary Grant is one of the UK’s leading licensing barristers. He is…
Alexander Greaves photo Alexander Greaves Since joining Chambers in 2014, Alexander has developed a busy specialist practice…
Mark Hill photo Mark Hill Mark Hill KC is recognized as pre-eminent in the field of ecclesiastical…
Charles Holland photo Mr Charles Holland Charles Holland’s practice combines licensing work and a broad range of contentious…
Richard Honey photo Richard Honey Richard Honey KC practises as a barrister in the broad fields of…
Craig Howell Williams photo Craig Howell Williams Craig Howell Williams KC specialises in planning, environment and related areas of…
Michael Humphries photo Michael Humphries Michael Humphries specialises in all aspects of property development law, but is…
John Jolliffe photo John Jolliffe John Jolliffe practises across a range of environmental, planning and public law.…
Emyr Jones photo Emyr Jones Emyr was called in 1999 and practised in Cardiff until joining FTB…
Gregory Jones photo Gregory Jones Gregory’s practice covers all aspects of administrative law including judicial review and…
Saira Kabir Sheikh photo Saira Kabir Sheikh Saira’s practice covers all aspects of planning and environmental law, local government,…
Meyric Lewis KC photo Meyric Lewis KC Meyric was described by The Lawyer as “standing out” for his expertise…
George Mackenzie photo George Mackenzie George is a leading planning junior (Legal 500, 2023) with a specialist…
David Matthias photo David Matthias David Matthias K.C. was called in 1980 and took Silk in October…
Robert Mccracken photo Robert Mccracken Robert McCracken KC is a leading public, planning and environmental lawyer. He…
Charles Merrett photo Charles Merrett Charles’ practice spans all areas of Chambers’ work, with a particular focus…
Claire Nevin photo Claire Nevin Claire is building a busy practice across all of Chambers’ practice areas.…
Daisy Noble photo Daisy Noble Daisy Noble was called to the Bar in 2015 and has been…
Mark O'Brien O'Reilly photo Mark O'Brien O'Reilly Mark was called to the Bar in 2021. He has a strong…
Kate  Olley  photo Kate Olley Kate is an established and highly experienced planning and public law practitioner.…
Cain Ormondroyd photo Cain Ormondroyd Cain Ormondroyd practices in the fields of public and planning law, with…
Suzanne Ornsby photo Suzanne Ornsby Suzanne Ornsby KC specialises in planning law and has spent most of…
James Pereira photo James Pereira James Pereira K.C. specialises in planning, environmental, local government and administrative law,…
Philip Petchey photo Philip Petchey Philip Petchey enjoys unravelling what is complicated, obscure or dense (or all…
Jeremy Phillips photo Jeremy Phillips Jeremy Phillips KC offers the highest levels of expertise and advocacy as…
Hereward Phillpot photo Hereward Phillpot Hereward Phillpot KC took silk in 2015, and has rapidly become recognised…
James Rankin photo James Rankin With over thirty years’ experience in licensing and regulatory work, preeminent licensing…
Michael Rhimes photo Michael Rhimes Michael has a developing practice in all areas of Chambers’ expertise. He…
Michael Rhimes photo Michael Rhimes Michael has a developing practice in all areas of Chambers’ expertise. He…
Guy Roots photo Guy Roots Guy Roots KC is an Associate Member of Chambers and is available…
Armin  Solimani photo Armin Solimani
Charles Streeten photo Charles Streeten Charles Streeten has rapidly earned a reputation as one of the leading…
Isabella Tafur photo Isabella Tafur Isabella is a leading junior at the Planning Bar, described in the…
Andrew Tait photo Andrew Tait Andrew Tait KC’s areas of work are in planning, environmental, administrative and…
Horatio Waller photo Horatio Waller Horatio specialises in planning, infrastructure, licensing, judicial review, education, landlord & tenant,…
Jonathan Welch photo Jonathan Welch Jonathan is ranked by Legal 500 as a rising star in environmental…
Ned Westaway photo Ned Westaway Ned is a highly regarded junior who accepts instructions in a wide…
Mark  Westmoreland Smith KC photo Mark Westmoreland Smith KC Mark’s practice focuses on nationally significant infrastructure projects and other strategic developments…
Paul Coveney, Senior Clerk : Clerk
James Kemp, Deputy Senior Clerk, Team Leader : Clerk
Harry Killick, Deputy Senior Clerk, Team Leader : Clerk
Andrew Briton, Principal Clerk Business Development and Research : Clerk
Molly Dumbelton, Deputy Team Leader : Clerk
Grant James, Deputy Team Leader : Clerk
Luke Holland, Team Assistant : Clerk
Kia Liddell, Team Assistant : Clerk
Ellie Furnival, Junior Clerk : Clerk
Chris Constantinou, Junior Clerk : Clerk
Vicki Cousins, Chambers' Manager : Administrative Staff
Deirdre Mahon, Marketing Manager : Administrative Staff
Paris Osborn, Marketing and Clerking Team Assistant : Administrative Staff
Sarah Godwin, Receptionist : Administrative Staff