Sub-contractor’s regulations in the scope of Qatari legislations

It is well known that the legislations main objective is to regulate the relations between different parties and to ascertain obligations and rights that fall on and to different parties.

Rejecting a photocopy of an original document in the scope of Qatari Legislations.

The Qatari legislator mentioned the term “rejection” in article (374-Repeated-subarticle (1)) from the civil and commercial procedure law -2019 amendments, while the legislator mentioned the word explicitly, a definition of the word “rejection” was not illustrated, referring to various dictionaries, the word rejection means the act of not accepting, believing or considering something.

Public-Private Partnership, A Step Towards A Brighter Future of Qatar’s Economy.

Introduction: The phrase Public-Private Partnership goes back to the 1970s, some scholars even argue that the phenomenon of PPP goes much further back into history. However, PPP constructs a huge and an essential commercial activity in today’s world economies, a reality that legislators must establish regulatory provisions for; consequently, the Qatari legislator addressed the matter …

Penalty clause in contracts

In order to maintain the contractual relations stability, what happens usually is that both parties of a contract agree on setting a penalty clause that applies in the case if one contracting party breached the agreement or didn’t commit to its contractual obligations, the reasons Behind setting and drafting such clause is for the contractors …

LLCs Managers liability in Qatar, a thin line between protection and infraction.

Introduction: The Economy of Qatar is considered one of the most powerful and competitive economies in the Middle East and specifically in the gulf region; therefore, robust commercial legislations and rulings are classified as an essential contributor in sustaining the country’s economic growth. On the 6th of August 2015, Commercial Companies Law (CCL, hereinafter) Number …

Working in Qatar, attractive legal reforms in an attractive economy.

Introduction: The fast-growing economy of Qatar is among the best in the region in addition to the country’s rapid infrastructure development, Qatar has imposed new provisions to its labour law consolidated legislations, such reforms were essential to maintain the pace of growth and to assist the country into reaching to the Qatar 2030 vision “ transform …

Important things to know before going into Arbitration.

Introduction: More people are relying on arbitration each day, as it is being advertised as the better alternative for litigation, wether we agree with this notion or not, the fact that the number of arbitral proceedings is increasing is proven and known in the legal-commercial field.

Extraordinary clauses in extraordinary times, COVID-19 Ex necessitate rei.

Introduction: We have all encountered COVID-19 various implications; lock downs, social distancing, virtual meetings and economic-financial related drawbacks, such measurements and implications were the starting point of what is called the new normal , a normal were we are forced to take certain measures and procedures to keep ourselves safe, the word safe is an …

Engineer’s Role

To execute any certain construction project, three parties are required: the employer, the contractor, and the engineer. The employer’s relation with the contractor is based on the contracting agreement, whereas the employer’s relationship with the engineer is based on another separate contract, following his appointment under the contract, the engineer shall offer the essential services in planning, …

Arbitration in Qatar, when and why?

Introduction: According to the American Bar Association arbitration “is a private process where disputing parties agree that one or several individuals can make a decision about the dispute after receiving evidence and hearing arguments.” A simple definition that is easy to understand by people not immersed in the commercial-legal field. In Qatar, Arbitration has grown …