Green Guide Profile: Pallas Partners LLP

Litigation and disputes boutique Pallas Partners LLP launched in February 2022, providing a unique opportunity for the firm to embed sustainability into the foundations of the practice from the very start. Founding and managing partner Natasha Harrison does not shy away from handling litigation claims brought against major natural resources companies.

In a ground-breaking legal action, the firm represented ClientEarth on a pro-bono basis holding Shell liable for failing to properly prepare for the energy transition. Led by Will Hooker and Kimmie Fearnside, this is the first case seeking to hold company directors personally liable for this failure.

In another pro-bono offering, Fiona Huntriss led the team providing advice on strategic litigation to Mighty Earth, a global advocacy group putting pressure on leading industries to reduce their environmental impact throughout global supply chains in palm oil, rubber, cocoa and animal feed.

The firm is on track to meeting its pledge of becoming carbon neutral as well as dedicating at least 5% of resources to community impact by 2025. It operates out of a building which is BREAAM certified as ‘Excellent’ and has committed to the Greener Litigation Pledge as well as the Campaign for Greener Arbitration alongside its ambitious internal targets.

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