Green Guide Profile: Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

Japanese full-service firm Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu not only assists clients with various environment-related matters but also in relation to renewable energy investments, green financing and decarbonisation solutions. The firm also advises government agencies and entrepreneurs in establishing systems for emissions trading.

Recently, the firm acted for Japan Bank for International Cooperation in one of the first Japanese government guaranteed green bond issuances. Another work highlight was the firm’s advice regarding the formation of a carbon neutral fund (led by MUFG Bank, NTT Anode Energy Corporation and Osaka Gas and managed by Z Energy), which will invest in renewable energy projects; the fund was elected by the Ministry of the Environment as a role model of impact finance.

Key contact Kiyoshi Honda has been teaching renewable energy law at Musashino University as a visiting professor since 2018 and was a member of the Committee for Carbon Offset Certification formed by Ministry of Environment from 2011 to 2017.

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