Elizabeth Cleaver > Bindmans LLP > London, England > Lawyer Profile

Bindmans LLP

Living Wage

Work Department

Public Law and Human Rights.


Solicitor, Public Law and Human Rights

Elizabeth’s areas of practice include mental health, Court of Protection, and inquests. She obtained higher rights of audience in 2016 and regularly conducts her own advocacy before tribunals and the Court of Protection.

Elizabeth has extensive experience of representing vulnerable adults and their families. Her practice has included welfare matters, as well as cases involving deprivation of liberty and property and affairs. Elizabeth is regularly instructed by the Official Solicitor to represent protected parties. As an Accredited Legal Representative, she is also appointed to act for vulnerable adults directly in welfare cases before the Court of Protection.

Elizabeth has in-depth experience of representing those detained under the Mental Health Act at all levels of security. She has a particular interest in forensic cases, and is regularly instructed by those detained under forensic sections, including in high profile matters. Elizabeth seeks to develop long-term relationships with clients and is known for her attention to detail and her persistence in obtaining evidence in support of her clients’ discharge.

Besides representing mental health patients themselves, Elizabeth has advised parents, spouses, partners and other family members on their relatives’ rights when detained under the act or voluntarily admitted for care.

Elizabeth has acted for patients in civil matters involving unlawful detention and displacement of nearest relatives, and has advised on aftercare issues (such as the adequacy of services offered under section 117 of the Mental Health Act). She is developing a practice in inquests, where her mental health experience is particularly valued in cases involving the death of psychiatric patients.

Elizabeth regularly delivers training to lawyers and other professionals on mental health law and the Mental Capacity Act. She also assists in delivering the Mental Health Panel course run by the Mental Health Lawyers Association for prospective members of the Law Society’s Mental Health Accreditation Scheme.



Elizabeth qualified as a solicitor in 2013, and joined Bindmans in 2020.


Elizabeth is fluent in French


Mental Health Lawyers Association committee member


Elizabeth completed the Bar Vocational Course at BPP law school in 2010.

Lawyer Rankings

London > Public sector > Healthcare

(Next Generation Partners)

Elizabeth Cleaver – Bindmans LLP

With ‘excellent strength in depth‘, the team at Bindmans LLP predominantly represents individuals in inquests and cases involving mental health, safeguarding and palliative care issues. Practice head Laura Hobey-Hamsher is a ‘first-class lawyer‘ who is well known for acting in Court of Protection cases concerning the medical treatment, health, and welfare of individuals under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Children Act 1989. Will Whitaker exhibits ‘excellent judgment‘ when handling the full gamut of human rights issues, with particular emphasis given to health and welfare. Praised for her ‘eye for detail‘, mental health expert Elizabeth Cleaver primarily represents individuals in health and social care matters, including challenges against policies and decisions. Basmah Sahib regularly appears before the Mental Health Tribunal, and handles judicial review challenges concerning policy.

London > Private client > Court of protection

(Leading associates)

Elizabeth CleaverBindmans LLP