LexCounsel > New Delhi, India > Firm Profile

B-4/232, Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi - 110 029

India > Corporate and M&A Tier 3

LexCounsel specialises in advising clients on corporate governance, compliance, and M&A, demonstrating significant strength in cross-border deals involving Chinese and US corporations. The firm fields stand-out practitioners, including Seema Jhingan who boasts expertise in foreign exchange control matters, and Alishan Naqvee who is an expert on raising foreign capital for Indian companies. The whole team is based in New Delhi, with Dimpy Mohanty being noted for her knowledge of regulatory compliance issues.

Other key lawyers:

Alishan Naqvee; Dimpy Mohanty; Tanmay Mohanty; Seema Jhingan; Dhruv Manchanda


‘Experienced, efficient and client-centric.’

‘Alishan Naqvee – outstanding performance.’


India > Real estate and construction Tier 4

Led by Seema Jhingan, Alishan Naqvee, and Dimpy Mohanty, LexCounsel has a niche real estate practice that assists clients in acquisition of immovable properties in India including real estate due diligences in the state of Maharashtra and Karnataka, and development of educational buildings in India. The team also deals with review of lease and sub-lease deeds, and title verifications.

Practice head(s):

Seema Jhingan; Alishan Naqvee; Dimpy Mohanty


‘Genuine, helpful, mindful.’

‘Stand up, honest, they listen and genuinely hear their clients.’

Work highlights

The firm: LexCounsel is a New Delhi-based full service law firm with an office in Bhubaneswar and associate offices in major cities across India. It provides comprehensive legal services to a broad spectrum of domestic and international corporations. The firm is recognised as a leading law firm and is known for its work in M&A, private equity and funding education, clinical trials, satellite leases, retail, and licensing and franchising.

Areas of practice: Some notable transactions, representations and advice for 2022-2023:

Corporate and M&A: Barmalt Malting India, manufacturer of malt and malt extract, in its arrangement with Anheuser Busch InBev for setting up grain cooling and storage unit; Cankids and INPHOG, India on grants to be received by Cankids, a not for profit organisation engaged in dealing with kids with cancer, from a Switzerland based entity; Commure, Inc., USA in setting up India operations and agreements proposed to be entered into with various Indian service providers; Granarolo S.p.A, Italy on the implications of the conversion of the guarantee, given on behalf of an Indian investee company, into equity or external commercial borrowings in view of the extant foreign exchange and the RBI regulations and applicable regulations on provision of back to back guarantee by foreign shareholders and its repayment; a German governmental entity on various Foreign Contributions Regulations related aspects concerning grants proposed for multiple social, environmental and other welfare aspect issues; ICU2 Foundation, France a not-for-profit organisation engaged in vision care, in setting up of an Indian subsidiary not-for-profit company and advising on Foreign Contribution Regulations; MasterControl, Inc., USA on its proposed award of the restricted stock units to its Indian consultants in terms of the equity incentive plan; Mexichem, UK on the permissibilities related to repackaging of imported product to be exported to outside India; Pinax Steel Industries on corporate governance and compliances and in drafting and finalising of agreements to be executed with its contractors for erection of pre-engineered buildings; QSC LLC, USA a manufacturer of audio products on agreements for distribution of products and services; Synergy Industries, USA a full-service manufacturer of wireline equipment in acquisition of the partnership interest in Synergy Industries Asia Pacific LLP; Usha Breco, India in its collaboration with a Switzerland based ropeway equipment manufacturer (Rowema AG) for the development and maintenance of a ropeway project in India and in conducting assessment of proposed tender submissions to a public sector enterprise and eligibility to bid under the RFQ read with the Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Finance.

Dispute resolution – arbitration: Carlsberg India in its disputes with vendors and third parties including and not limited to representation before the Supreme Court of India, Odisha High Court and National Company Law Tribunal in execution proceedings seeking enforcement of arbitral award; Indus Motors India before the Supreme Court of India in the disputes arising from and relating to the MoU executed between the shareholders, pursuant to obtaining order in favour of arbitration from Kerala High Court; Macmillan Publishers India in arbitration proceedings seated in Delhi in a dispute raised by a legal heir of one author in relation to payment of the royalty amount to her in a proportion contrary to the royalty agreement; Prodigy Development Institution before a sole arbitrator with respect to disputes arising out of an agreement to sell and obtaining an award in favour and further representation in defending the award before the Delhi High Court and action for execution of the award before the jurisdictional court of Bangalore; Zaffarano Hospitality in proceedings before a Sole Arbitrator in relation to claims qua a commercial lease deed.

Dispute resolution – litigation: Writ PetitionsABReL Solar Power before the High Court of Orissa and in securing vacation of interim orders and dismissal of the writ petition against the infrastructure project of client; Association of Unaided CBSE Schools before Delhi High Court/Madhya Pradesh High Court regarding withdrawal of Goods and Services Tax levied for provision of sports training or coaching services to educational institutions; Expedient Healthcare against wrongful suspension of the accreditation status by the NABL before Punjab and Haryana High Court; Paviour Pharmaceuticals against National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority for arbitrary fixation of price of a drug. Oppression and Mismanagement actions and other Company Law related MattersChoice Clothing Company before the NCLT, New Delhi in a petition seeking compounding of non-compliance by the company of statutory obligation of CSR contribution; Indus Motors in advising and assisting the majority shareholders of the Company in opposing an oppression and mismanagement petition filed by the minority shareholders before NCLT, Kochi Bench and in all other proceedings emanating from the dispute including but not limited to representation before the NCLAT, New Delhi and Chennai benches; MM Metacraft and its directors and shareholders in opposing a filed by a director/25% shareholder against removal from the directorship before NCLT, New Delhi and assisting in successful settlement of the disputes. Multiple Interlinked DisputesAPT Infrastructure in representation before the Haryana Real Estate Regulatory Authority and National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission with regard to real estate project situated at Gurugram; Horseshoe Entertainment in relation to its contractual and other disputes with third parties including disputes with an erstwhile JV partner arising from breaches and termination of the Share Subscription and Shareholders Agreement and Trademark License Agreement before the local courts, the Company Law Board and the Arbitral Tribunal. Defamation Adsert Web Solutions before Delhi District Court in proceedings alleging defamation and civil wrongs by a competitor and before Jalandhar district Court in the proceedings alleging defamation by print media; Expedient Healthcare against the concerted acts of anonymous telemedfraud seen as an attempt to ruin its reputation and actions at police stations across Delhi and Jaipur and various representation before the health authorities; Luxconsult Mauritius before the High Court of Delhi in proceedings alleging defamation and civil wrongs by an Indian architect firm concerning construction of a University in Reduit, Mauritius and defending the cross proceedings initiated by the Indian architect. Employment Ferns N Petals in matters filed before the labour courts and commissions in Delhi by employees raising allegations of wrongful termination, non-payment of salary, statutory dues, etc., and in the actions initiated by the labour officer/inspector for non-compliance of the statutory provisions of the Shops and Establishment Act and similar legislation. Intellectual Property Adsert Web Solutions in a dispute pertaining to ex-employees qua theft of proprietary and confidential information and data as well as infringement of copyright; Bharat Brush in its disputes with another entity over intellectual property rights in its trademark and brand name before the District Court in Delhi as also before the Trade Marks Registry at Delhi; BW BusinessWorld in defending it and its employee against a petition filed before the Delhi District Court on ground of confidential data theft and breach of employment agreement; Udman Enterprises and FNP Weddings and Events before the Delhi High Court in a petition filed by Novex Communications claiming infringement of its intellectual property rights in the music recordings. Debt Recovery TribunalPME Power Solutions in defending an application filed by ICICI Bank before DRT, New Delhi.

Education: C2C Global Education Group, Japan in establishment and commencement of its business operations and undertakings in India; Dibber Group in its project of setting-up and operating pre-primary schools, creches and day care centres across India and on applicable state education laws in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu; DIT Education Foundation on setting-up K-12 school in India collaboration with Wellington College, U.K.; Global Indian School concerning regulatory regime for downstream investment and on beneficial ownership interest and compliances on behalf of the foreign ultimate shareholder; Meru International School in amendment of the bye-laws of the managing society, on issues concerning operation and management of the school and possibility of conversion of a society to a trust and on the contractual arrangement between school and its mentor; Newtown School, Kolkata on operation issues including on procedures to be undertaken, constitution of the management committee and roles and responsibilities of key functionaries of the school; Openmind e-Design Private Limited on Special Economic Zone Units and Export-Oriented Units and eligibility criteria for setting up such units; Plutus Wealth Management LLP in closing its acquisition of an education-based travel company; Ryan Foundation in its proposed collaboration arrangement with a company engaged in providing education technology platform, content, and related services; Symbiosis Educational Consultants, USA in the acquisition of an Indian company and assessment of advice on L1 US Visa process vis-à-vis an employee of its Indian subsidiary; Takshila Educational Society on the modalities for the proposed merger of certain identified charitable organisations; Vidyaniketan Education Trust on its internal corporate governance matters, review of charter documents and advising on restructuring; Virohan Private Limited on its proposed partnership with a private university in India.

Intellectual property: Apar Health Services in filing of its trade mark applications with the Indian Trade Marks Registry and its trade mark dispute with Apar Corporation Private Limited; CHG-MERIDIAN AG in drafting and filing responses to the provisional refusal orders issued by the Indian Registrar of Trade Marks against grant of protection in India to the international applications of client; Edustreet Services in drafting and finalising brand license agreement for granting usage rights to use the brand name and copyright products for the proposed K-12 school; Indian School of Development Management in registration of its trademarks and representation in hearings before the Indian Registrar of Trade Marks; KAD Educational Society in registration and prosecution of its trademarks, and advising and representing the client in its trade mark disputes; Lifemarque Limited in successfully opposing registration of a trade mark by an Indian proprietor; a Private University, Telangana in assessment of its structure and assessment of related party transactions and intellectual property rights management in compliance with charter documents, state private university legislations, income tax regulations etc; Ryan Foundation with respect to brand license arrangement with a company engaged in operation and management of educational institutions for license of its trade marks.

Health, lifesciences and biotech: Apar Health Services in its agreement for providing courses in the field of healthcare to students of Medanta Institute of Education and Research (MEIR);  Association of Plastics Surgeons of India (APSI) in drafting and submitting suggestions/comments to the Draft National Medical Commission, Registered Medical Practitioner (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 2022 and draft norms and guidelines vis-à-vis hair transplantation procedures/aesthetic surgeries to the National Medical Commission; Global Antibiotic R&D Partnership (GARDP) engaged in developing new treatments for drug-resistant life-threatening infections, on setting up of a subsidiary; Lumenis BE Group and its Indian subsidiary on import and registration medical devices and cosmetics in India and in obtaining the requisite regulatory approvals from the Indian authorities vis-à-vis the registration, sale and distribution of the imported medical devices; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre on the applicable medical laws in India and ethical considerations for providing travel support and export of human biospecimen to for the purpose of reviewing the biospecimen; One of world’s largest technology company in the business of mobile and other personal devices on the applicability and requirements to be met under the Indian medical laws in relation to its proposed study involving mobile and other personal devices in India to assess user behaviour/feedback to improve functionality of said devices.

Labour and employment: AFS Intercultural Programs India in drafting employment contract for its employees, as well as preparing various policies including anti-bribery policy, prevention of sexual harassment policy and protection of children from sexual offences policy in compliance with applicable laws and regulations; CPA Global India on various facets of Employee Provident Fund  calculations and general notices and orders being issued by the Department and actions for enforcement of  confidentiality and non-solicitation obligations in employment contracts; a Diplomatic entity on its HR related matters including contractual arrangement with manpower outsourcing agency; a German government entity concerning employment contracts, employment handbook as well as secondment agreement for employees and HR policies and undertaking POSH training sessions for ICC members and awareness sessions for employees; Kamonohashi Project, Japan on its contractual arrangement with partners and outsourced employees; Macmillan Publishers India on management of an employee issue in Gurgaon and on strategy without initiating legal recourse; Pinax Group on employee grievances redressal; Pluralsight Inc on validation of the CTC structure of its employees in India; Springer Nature Technology and Publishing Solutions  India on the arrangement for transfer of a business division to Wipro Limited.

Private Equity and Investment Funds: CL Educate Ltd in review and revision of the public announcement of the Merchant Banker to assess compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992;  An UK entity concerning Securities and Exchange Board of India guidelines on Alternate Investment Funds and review of Private Placement Memorandum presented to it.

Real estate and construction: C2C Global Education India on acquisition of 5 acres of land in Gurugram along with constructed building from seller entity, JLL and advice on foreign exchange control regulations with regard to real estate activities and township development; Dibber Schools India in due diligence and advice on acquisition of an immovable property in India including real estate due diligences in the state of Maharashtra and Karnataka and on applicable foreign exchange laws related to acquisition of an immovable property by a non-resident national; Felix Plaza in commercial contracts, general conditions of contract and special conditions of contract for engaging different contractors for undertaking electrical works, HVAC work and atrium works at a commercial shopping mall/building; An HNI being a US based businessman, in conducting a title verification of ancestral property situated in Gujarat, India and further advising on the title transaction procedures; Marketopper Securities with respect to properties situated in industrial areas in Haryana including conducting title verification and documentations; Takshila Educational Society in undertaking title due diligence for acquisition of a property in Delhi, negotiations with the seller entity and preparation and registration of sale deeds for acquisition of the property.

Restructuring and Insolvency: An HNI and other home buyers in insolvency proceedings jointly initiated against a construction company before NCLT, Chennai Bench; SSIPL Lifestyle in proceedings wrongly initiated against by its vendor before NCLT, New Delhi and getting petition dismissed; SSIPL Retail in proceedings wrongly initiated against by its vendor before NCLT, New Delhi and avoiding admission of the petition; SKF India in a petition filed on behalf of the Company before the NCLT, Chandigarh bench; White Metals in proceedings initiated by a financial creditor before NCLT, New Delhi, assisted during the process of CIRP and in withdrawal of the proceedings by the financial creditor after settlement of debt.

Tax: Dibber Schools in undertaking assessment on GST implications on the fee proposed to be charged and also on direct and indirect implications on business transfer of an undertaking versus asset transfer; Emerald Heights International concerning applicability of GST on the supply of manpower services availed and income tax liability on the assets in the event of voluntary surrender of registration granted to the society under the Income Tax Act, 1961; Enhanced Communications & Technologies on withholding tax requirements on payments of royalties and fees on payments made towards licensing of a telecommunications platform from an Israel-based company; Takshila Educational Society in undertaking GST assessment and advising on the liabilities and exposures in relation to provision of assets without consideration.

TMT:Enhanced Communications & Technologies on licensing and transfer of source codes of a telecommunications platform from an Israel-based company; 10Band LLC US on the applicable telecom regulatory regime of India and applicable telecom service licenses and advising on the network operating license which may be obtained from the Indian telecom authorities for the purposes of setting up a receive only HF radio antenna station in India for receiving data using identified frequencies and bands.


Additional information

Seema Jhingan ([email protected])
Alishan Naqvee ([email protected])
Dimpy Mohanty ([email protected])

Languages: English, Hindi and other Indian languages

Other offices

Delhi High Court Bar Association
Alliott Global Alliance
ILN (International Lawyers Network)
IR Global

Number of lawyers: 35
At this office: 17

Department Name Email Telephone
Corporate & Commercial Seema Jhingan
Corporate & Commercial Alishan Naqvee
Corporate & Commercial Dimpy Mohanty
Investment Funds Seema Jhingan
Dispute Resolution Alishan Naqvee
Labour and Employment Dimpy Mohanty
Projects & Energy Seema Jhingan
Restructuring & Insolvency Alishan Naqvee
Taxation Dimpy Mohanty
Telecommunications and IT Seema Jhingan
Media Alishan Naqvee
Aviation & Defence Seema Jhingan
Aviation & Defence Alishan Naqvee
Banking & Finance Seema Jhingan
Banking & Finance Dimpy Mohanty
Education Seema Jhingan
Licensing and Franchising Alishan Naqvee
Regulatory Dimpy Mohanty
Life sciences and biotechnology Alishan Naqvee
Life sciences and biotechnology Dimpy Mohanty
Real estate Seema Jhingan
Real estate Alishan Naqvee
Real estate Dimpy Mohanty
Insurance Dimpy Mohanty
Intellectual property Seema Jhingan
Intellectual property Alishan Naqvee
Intellectual property Dimpy Mohanty
Photo Name Position Profile
Rupal Bhatia photo Ms Rupal Bhatia Partner
Abhijeet Das photo Mr Abhijeet Das Partner
Seema Jhingan photo Ms Seema Jhingan Founding Partner
Dimpy Mohanty photo Ms Dimpy Mohanty Founding Partner
Alishan Naqvee photo Mr Alishan Naqvee Founding Partner
Number of lawyers : 35
at this office : 17
Hindi and other Indian languages
Delhi High Court Bar Association
Contacts : Seema Jhingan ([email protected])
Contacts : Alishan Naqvee ([email protected])
Contacts : Dimpy Mohanty ([email protected])

CLIENT: Dr Engel Dual Academy.


TESTIMONIAL: We have found LexCounsel to be a highly professional and knowledgeable law firm providing high end and detailed counselling for its clients globally.

A professional approach coupled with quick response time and positive outcomes has been their hallmark in our business association.

CLIENT: Director, Education Salad and ex-Chairman IPSC (an association of 70 plus top boarding and day schools across India).


TESTIMONIAL: Seema Jhingan drafted all documentation regarding educational arrangements undertaken by Education Salad, a consultancy which deals with some of the leading schools.

Impressed with her professional eye to detail I have, in my capacity as former Chairman of IPSC, recommended her to be appointed as Advisor to IPSC so that her expertise is available to many educationists.

CLIENT: A US law firm


TESTIMONIAL: LexCounsel is an outstanding firm – their lawyers are responsive, insightful and focus on what really matters. Seema Jhingan is excellent – very pro-active and thoroughly helpful. She manages her team efficiently and provides sound and careful advice. We have been  thoroughly impressed and would recommend her to others without hesitation.

CLIENT :World Learning Inc. USA

TESTIMONIAL: Lex Counsel has provided timely and detailed counsel to our organization, including thorough advice and planning on complex corporate and tax matters. We find Lex Counsel to be clear in their responses and reliable even on short timeframes. We have also needed Lex Counsel for a crisis situation and their willingness and ability to jump in and assist was outstanding. They are a solid firm and we highly value our partnership with them.

CLIENT: Raj Mohindra Consultants

TESTIMONIAL: We have worked with LexCounsel on establishing international educational ventures in India on a range of areas including general corporate and commercial matters, education laws, investment structuring, foreign direct investment and remittance issues, direct and indirect tax etc. We are quite impressed with the depth of knowledge and insight of the LexCounsel Team especially Seema Jhingan on international collaborations/investments in India, structuring of educational ventures, education laws, FDI issues etc.  Promptness, professionalism and high quality services are other positive points while working with the team. We would be happy to recommend LexCounsel for legal assistance/requirements in India.

CLIENT: World Learning Inc. USA.
TESTIMONIAL: Lex Counsel has provided timely and detailed counsel to our organization, including thorough advice and planning on complex corporate and tax matters. We find Lex Counsel to be clear in their responses and reliable even on short timeframes. We have also needed Lex Counsel for a crisis situation and their willingness and ability to jump in and assist was outstanding. They are a solid firm and we highly value our partnership with them.

CLIENT: Raj Mohindra Consultants
TESTIMONIAL: We have worked with LexCounsel on establishing international educational ventures in India on a range of areas including general corporate and commercial matters, education laws, investment structuring, foreign direct investment and remittance issues, direct and indirect tax etc. We are quite impressed with the depth of knowledge and insight of the LexCounsel Team especially Seema Jhingan on international collaborations/investments in India, structuring of educational ventures, education laws, FDI issues etc.  Promptness, professionalism and high quality services are other positive points while working with the team. We would be happy to recommend LexCounsel for legal assistance/requirements in India.

CLIENT: British Council
TESTIMONIAL: LexCounsel has provided some really good advice to us on various cross-border transactions. They were knowledgeable about complex areas of law and the advice was well researched.  It was really helpful in taking good management decisions. The firm deputed competent personnel to work with us. They were available when required. It has been a real pleasure working with them.

CLIENT: Interglobe Enterprises (including for Indigo Airlines)
TESTIMONIAL: Many congratulations to you Seema and your team!!  I will also take this opportunity to let you guys know that we have always been very pleased with our engagement with you. It’s a pleasure to work with people who know the meaning of quality and responsiveness and have thus always recommended your firm to others. Keep up the good work!!

CLIENT: Orange Business Services
TESTIMONIAL: We recently had engaged the services of LexCounsel on a certain complex regulatory matter. I am impressed by their professionalism, dedication and genuine concern towards the matter. LexCounsel and its members have the capability to seized upon a complex matter and articulate a well-reasoned solution for achieving the objectives. We derive great comfort and assurance from the depth of their experience and responsiveness. We look forward to a growing mutually beneficial relationship.

CLIENT: Hollard India Liaison Office
TESTIMONIAL: As the India head of the liaison office, I have to ensure that we are guided in India by sound legal counsel due to myriad laws and regulations in the financial services sector. LexCounsel has been providing invaluable guidance to us on various regulatory and operational issues from time to time for the last 8 years. We continue to trust Alfred and team’s extensive experience. LexCounsel remains the go-to law firm for us in India.

CLIENT: Off-Highway Research Limited
TESTIMONIAL: Doing business successfully anywhere depends very largely on securing the best professional advice available, and especially in India where things might not be as straightforward as they may initially appear. I was particularly fortunate in the appointment of LexCounsel when opening my business in India almost a decade ago, and in its recent sale.

LexCounsel partners proved to be very understanding of what was needed to be done at every stage of negotiations, and were very proactive in offering clear advice that was able to cut through the acres of red tape. Friendly, positive and ultimately successful: the perfect solution to a client’s request for support.

CLIENT: Thea Kitchen
TESTIMONIAL: Thank you, Seema for going the extra mile and passionately batting for our rights till late last night. Must share that we finally signed the SHA and SSA at around 2 am in Gurgaon. This definitely would not have happened without the combined efforts that you all have been putting in till the last minute. We really appreciate it.

We do hope to have a longstanding association in the years to come.

CLIENT: Tratec Engineers
TESTIMONIAL: Seema, this is in reference to the legal services provided to us for the recently negotiated slump sale agreement with a German Company.

At the outset of the negotiations, we knew we were on a weaker wicket with the Germans, but you managed to pull back many a commercial points which we never imagined we could score.

We highly commend you for your top-notch efforts, not only to protect our legal rights, but also to bring home many brownie commercial points.

Your team’s legal acumen is highly commendable and we shall definitely recommend LexCounsel to our contacts.