Bark&co > London, England > Firm Profile


Crime, fraud and licensing > Crime: general Tier 2

Bark&co’s general crime practice covers the full gamut of crime work, including murder and manslaughter cases, money laundering, sexual offences, drug offences, as well as extensive experience on organised crime groups. The team is led by the ‘remarkable‘ founder Giles Bark-Jones, who also possesses significant experience in cases of criminal fraud, alongside advice on offences under anti-terrorism legislation. Senior solicitor Ria Kudrati is recommended for her representation of vulnerable children and adults, while fellow solicitor Karamjit Singh specialises in murder cases. Associate Vanessa Wiggins is a key contact for cases involving violent crime and drugs, while solicitor advocate Dharsh Lokaswaran’s recent work includes cases of modern slavery.

Practice head(s):

Giles Bark-Jones


Every single member of the team at Barks is outstanding. I am regularly instructed by them and the preparation and client care are top-notch.’

A team of highly competent and successful lawyers. Giles Bark-Jones is remarkable across his departments and cases.’

Bark & Co. provide an absolutely gold star service to all of its clients. They combine experience, expertise and passion to bring about successful results.’

The strength of Bark & Co very much rests in its people. The firm has a real strength in depth amongst its lawyers, and a fantastic reputation for going the extra mile for its clients.’

The Bark & Co team will ensure that you are well-placed to win any piece of litigation. They go into battle ready and willing to fight. Competitive and tenacious!

Every fee earner I have worked with has shown exceptional commitment to the case on which they were working. They have extensive knowledge and understanding of the case and present extraordinarily well to the client.

Dharsh Lokaswaran is also excellent. She is capable, organised and very smart.’

Bark & Co is, quite simply, an excellent general crime firm – able to turn their hand to the whole spectrum of criminal allegations. They conduct legal aid and privately paid criminal cases. Experienced, professional, industrious – they won’t miss a trick.’

Work highlights

  • Secured the acquittal of a client on one of two conspiracies to murder following a ten-week trial at the Central Criminal Court.
  • Acted in a high-value theft case concerning an alleged conspiracy involving the acquisition of stolen car parts for international exportation on an industrial scale, securing a unanimous acquittal of the client after a nine-week trial.
  • Acted for a high-profile individual under investigation for alleged historic sexual offences.

Corporate and commercial > VAT and indirect tax Tier 3

Fraud and business crime firm Bark&co is ‘experienced in every aspect of tax and VAT investigations’ and has expertise in handling appeals in the VAT Tribunals, tax fraud cases, and HMRC interventions and seizures. Founder and practice head Giles Bark-Jones is praised by one client as ‘undoubtedly one of the leading practitioners in the country’, and he has significant experience in international fraud and corruption cases, as well as fraud cases and HMRC assessment challenges.

Practice head(s):

Giles Bark-Jones

Other key lawyers:

Pat Wilson; Peter Finbow; Maria Stalbow


‘Giles Bark-Jones is a legend. He has seen it all before, so nothing phases him, yet he still seems as driven and hungry as he did 20 years ago.’

‘Giles Bark Jones is a very highly-rated principal of a very successful firm. It provides a first-class service in cases involving VAT and indirect tax and has substantial experience in such cases. There have been notably successful outcomes.’

‘Giles Bark Jones provides exceptional leadership and first-class advice and guidance to clients. Pat Wilson provides really sound advice and has the benefit of years of experience’

‘With a broad range of civil and criminal clients, they are experienced in every aspect of tax and VAT investigations, and are equipped to challenge warrants, as well as advise on the tactics required to efficiently and quickly deal with the stressful impact of such investigations.’

‘Peter Finbow is tough and pragmatic with a wealth of experience.’

‘An extremely dynamic team headed up by Giles Bark-Jones. The team is competitive, thorough, and keen to win and to give the client an all-round good experience’

‘Bark & Co provide an absolutely gold-star service to all of its clients. They combine experience, expertise, and passion to bring about successful results.’

‘Giles Bark-Jones is undoubtedly one of the leading practitioners in the country. A brilliant strategist who knows how to get results.’

Work highlights

  • Acting for the directors of an online platform in relation to various allegations of tax evasion, amounting to £132m.
  • Acting for four individuals charged in relation to an alleged £20m Conspiracy to Cheat the Public Revenue, committed between January 2017 and March 2022, through a well-defined, highly sophisticated infrastructure set up and operated by an Organised Crime Group.
  • Acting for one of a number of individuals charged in relation to an alleged alcohol diversion fraud operated on a massive scale in 2009 and 2010 and valued at over £16m.

Crime, fraud and licensing > Fraud: white-collar crime (advice to individuals) Tier 4

A ‘leading light in financial crime’, Bark&co’s criminal fraud practice specialises in the whole spectrum of white-collar criminal work, with a specific focus on advising individual clients in high-profile SFO, FCA, and HMRC investigations. The team shows considerable strength in handling bribery and corruption proceedings, tax fraud, and money laundering cases, routinely representing clients from the energy, finance, and technology sectors. The group’s principal Giles Bark-Jones is regarded by clients as a ‘real heavyweight’ who brings considerable expertise in major international fraud and corruption cases to the department, while solicitor advocate Charles Long has over 35 years of experience in litigation. Senior consultant David Byrne focuses on regulatory investigations, while Peter Finbow and Maria Stalbow are noted for their knowledge of financial fraud issues and corruption prosecutions.

Practice head(s):

Giles Bark-Jones

Other key lawyers:

David Byrne; Alex Nelson; Charles Long; Peter Finbow; Maria Stalbow; Sabrik Dhamu; Pat Wilson; Ria Kudrati


‘Giles Bark-Jones is at the top of his game. Thinks outside the box and goes far more than the extra mile for his clients. Pat Wilson: her dedication to her clients is second to none. Every one of her clients whom I have met think the world of her and, justifiably, believe that they are getting the best possible service. Her preparation is outstanding.’

‘Giles Bark-Jones is still one of the real heavyweights of the criminal defence world. He is actively involved in client management and providing high-level strategic and tactical advice. Clients really know that he is on their side.’

‘David Byrne has decades of experience of dealing with some of the biggest SFO/FCA prosecutions. Nothing gets past him and he is a real fighter.’

‘Bark & Co as a whole are a leading light in financial crime, constantly at Southwark in long running trials, the forefront of fraudulent cases. KC’s and juniors are carefully picked for the client so that the best outcome can be achieved in what are extremely complex matters that would leave most law firms flummoxed.’

‘Giles Bark-Jones – leading authority in financial crime. If you need advice on fraudulent behaviour this is the person to contact. Peter Finbow is regularly against SFO investigations.’

‘Maria Stalbow is absolutely brilliant. Very well prepared and dedicated to her clients. She has a brain the size of a planet and can best be described as simply a winner. Giles Bark-Jones is an amazing solicitor. Hugely experienced and a master tactician.’

Work highlights

  • Acted for Boris Becker in relation to criminal charges brought by the Insolvency Service following his bankruptcy in 2017.
  • Acting in eight separate, large-scale FCA investigations and prosecutions.
  • Won a landmark victory in the Supreme Court for a HNW client, concerning the extent to which suspects of (in this case, financial) crime are entitled to privacy.

Dispute resolution > Tax litigation and investigations Tier 4

Bark&co is a leading name in criminal tax matters, providing ‘an absolutely gold star service‘ on a broad range of high-profile and high-value fraud cases. The department also has strength in civil litigation, including VAT and excise duty cases. Firm founder and 'brilliant strategist' Giles Bark-Jones handles both criminal and civil matters. Peter Finbow��s practice is focused on white-collar crime, including a broad range of fraud. Senior solicitor Maria Stalbow is experienced in complex and high profile corruption and fraud cases.

Practice head(s):

Giles Bark-Jones

Other key lawyers:

Peter Finbow; Sabrik Dhamu; Maria Stalbow


‘With expertise in both criminal and civil tax litigation – Bark&co really can offer a one-stop shop. Their market awareness is second to none. They always know what is going on in the wider space and how that might assist their client.’

‘Giles Bark-Jones is a legend. He has seen it all before, so nothing phases him – yet he still seems and driven and hungry as he did 20 years ago.’

‘Peter Finbow is efficient and well-versed in procedures and the applicable principles.’

‘The Bark & Co team will ensure that you are well-placed to win any piece of litigation. They go into battle ready and willing to fight. Competitive and tenacious!’

‘Giles Bark Jones – will always want to win and will put his client absolutely first in every situation. Maria Stalbow – will always work hard on behalf of the client to get the best possible result. Peter Finbow – A solid and hugely reassuring solicitor who will always put the client first.’

‘Bark & Co. provide an absolutely gold-star service to all of its clients. They combine experience, expertise and passion to bring about successful results.’

‘Giles Bark-Jones is a brilliant strategist who knows how to get results.’

‘The firm has an unrivalled level of experience and expertise in criminal tax litigation and have been able to transfer those skills into the civil tax market. The skill-set of the firm in dealing with high-profile criminal tax evasion cases, and in particular the ability to understand the way that HMRC seek to prosecute VAT and excise frauds, has given them an immediate profile in this market.’

Work highlights

  • Acting for the directors of an online platform in relation to various allegations of tax evasion, amounting to £132m+.
  • Acting for four individuals charged in relation to an alleged £20m+ Conspiracy to Cheat the Public Revenue, committed between January 2017 and March 2022, through an infrastructure set up and operated by an Organised Crime Group.
  • Acting for one of a number of individuals charged in relation to an alleged alcohol diversion fraud operated on a massive scale in 2009 and 2010 and valued at over £16m.

Bark&co has one of the UK’s leading fraud and business crime practices, with specialist expertise in heavyweight prosecutions and investigations brought by the SFO, the FCA, HMRC and other national and international prosecuting bodies. It is committed to fighting tenaciously to protect its clients’ interests, and has represented clients in relation to many of the largest and most important frauds of recent years.

The firm: Bark&co is one of the UK’s most progressive and successful fraud and business crime firms. An original member of the Specialist Fraud Panel, it handles civil and criminal fraud, business and tax regulation, tax investigations, white-collar crime, bribery and corruption, and serious crime cases for high-net-worth individuals, as well as national and international companies. The firm has a flexible approach, tailoring its advice to meet each client’s individual needs. Its rigorous commitment to quality and discretion is widely recognised and generates significant referrals from satisfied clients. The firm also appreciates the importance of working with specialists to create robust PR and media management plans.

Principal areas
Fraud: white-collar crime: 
Bark&co handles a wide range of white-collar crime and fraud cases, including prosecutions and investigations brought by the SFO, the FCA, HMRC, the Special Compliance Office of the Inland Revenue, the CPS, the NCA, SOCA and other prosecuting bodies. Specialists in heavyweight criminal fraud work of all kinds, Bark&co’s advice is increasingly also sought in major civil fraud cases. Acknowledged as a leader in the field, the firm has helped clients in connection with many of the highest-profile prosecutions brought by the SFO and other agencies. Its recent record includes representing some 55 clients at Southwark Crown Court (over the past year, or awaiting trial) as well as acting in a succession of large-scale FCA investigations and prosecutions. Expertise includes money laundering and carousel fraud, mortgage fraud, investment fraud, corruption, pension fund fraud, telecoms fraud, theft, fraudulent trading by company directors and internet fraud. Dedicated teams also assist in relation to confiscation and post- and pre-charge restraint proceedings.

The firm has acted for individuals in many of the largest and most important frauds of recent years, such as the Cheney Pension fraud (the largest theft from a pension fund since Maxwell); the high-profile Asil Nadir case (an SFO prosecution involving allegations of theft from Polly Peck International – including acting for Ersin Tatar (then Prime Minister of Northern Cyprus) in connection thereto); the US$1bn BAE Systems corruption claims; and the Adoboli case (the former trader at UBS charged in relation to US$2.3bn trading losses); and acted for an individual in relation to the SFO’s bribery and corruption investigation into Amec Foster Wheeler (the SFO confirming that it will not proceed with the case after entering a DFA with the company). The firm also acted for a defendant in the SFO prosecution following the Libor scandal; represented key individuals in the high-profile SFO investigations into alleged corruption at Rolls-Royce; and acted in R v F & Others: described by prosecution counsel as the ‘biggest case ever’ involving allegations of carbon trading fraud. More recently it acted for three-time Wimbledon champion Boris Becker in relation to criminal charges brought by the Insolvency Service following his bankruptcy. The firm also won, in 2022, a landmark victory in the Supreme Court for a high-net-worth client, concerning the extent to which suspects of crime are entitled to privacy – a highly significant decision with profound implications for media reporting as well as for individuals subject to criminal investigation.

The firm’s civil fraud, VAT and indirect tax practice has grown rapidly in recent years. Much of its work in this area is highly confidential, but recent highlights include representing Dominic Chappell in relation to his prosecution for various counts of tax fraud arising from his takeover of BHS from Sir Philip Green; assisting a client in relation to National Crime Agency and SKAT (Danish tax authority) investigations into a £1.5bn fraud against the tax authorities in a number of countries; acting in a substantial MTIC fraud case, in which an Organised Crime Group was alleged to be accountable for significant losses to the UK Exchequer through associated large-scale VAT and Excise duty frauds; and acting for one of a number of individuals charged in relation to an alleged alcohol diversion fraud operated on a massive scale in 2009 and 2010. The firm’s track record also includes acting in relation to an £800m international tax fraud, and assisting a client in a £108m case arising out of Operation Amazon, described by KPMG and The Daily Telegraph as ‘one of the biggest direct tax frauds in UK history’.

Crime: general: The firm also continues to act in large, high-profile criminal cases, following arrests for murder, money laundering, drugs importation, sexual offences and people smuggling. The firm focuses on high-end work, much of it with an international dimension. Bark&co is also active in the fast-growing area of cyber crime, and advises individuals and companies facing investigations or criminal proceedings as a result of health and safety and environmental breaches. The specialist team carefully guides clients through all stages of criminal proceedings from pre-charge interviews through to trial and, where appropriate, appeal.

Bark&co has an impressive track record of representing clients in complex criminal matters. These have included the News of the World ‘phone hacking’ prosecution and subsequent computer hacking investigations; the Melanie Hall historical murder case; the case of cricket match fixing / conspiracy to pervert the course of justice involving former New Zealand captain Chris Cairns; the Clerkenwell ‘crime syndicate’ case; the Operation Yewtree sexual offences investigation; the landmark Agnes Taylor case, involving torture offences dating back to the Liberian civil war and the largest criminal case of its time; and the UK’s largest ever burglary case (carried out by an international criminal gang against a series of celebrities in December 2019). It was recently successful in securing seven murder acquittals, including the acquittal of a client on one of two conspiracies to murder following a ten-week trial at the Central Criminal Court. It also successfully acted in a high-value theft case concerning an alleged conspiracy involving the acquisition of stolen car parts for international exportation on an industrial scale; secured an acquittal in a multi-defendant ‘county lines’ drugs and modern slavery case; and acted for a high-profile individual under investigation for alleged historic sexual offences – as well as assisting clients in international drugs supply, cyber crime, firearms and terrorism matters. While the firm is well known for its discretion, Bark&co’s services are also sought after in cutting-edge matters in the public eye.

International: The firm’s work frequently extends overseas with specialist teams deployed for cases with a multi-jurisdictional element. Its international credentials are demonstrated by its involvement in R v Marrache & Co (the Gibraltar/international law firm fraud case).

Department Name Email Telephone
Senior partner Giles Bark-Jones [email protected]
White-collar crime/fraud Giles Bark-Jones [email protected]
General crime Giles Bark-Jones [email protected]
Civil fraud Riz Majid [email protected]
Adverse Possession Riz Majid [email protected]
VAT and indirect tax Riz Majid [email protected]
Extradition Magdalena Motyl [email protected]
Photo Name Position Profile
David Byrne photo Mr David Byrne Up until February 2003, partner and head of litigation and investigations in…
Paul Cameron photo Paul Cameron Senior Consultant
Sabrik Dhamu photo Sabrik Dhamu Senior Solicitor
Peter Finbow photo Peter Finbow Senior Solicitor  Particular experience in defending cases of serious crime, fraud, corporate…
Ria Kudrati photo Ms Ria Kudrati Ria qualified as a Solicitor in 1999, gained her Duty Solicitor status…
Riz Majid photo Riz Majid Head of Litigation
Magdalena Motyl photo Ms Magdalena Motyl Legal Consultant
Alex Nelson photo Mr Alex Nelson Senior Lawyer
Malisha Patel photo Ms Malisha Patel Malisha is a para-legal at Bark & Co who assists solicitors as…
Maria Stalbow photo Maria Stalbow Senior Solicitor
Vanessa Wiggins photo Vanessa Wiggins Solicitor
Patricia Wilson photo Patricia Wilson Pat is a criminal defence expert in white collar and business crime,…
Photo Name Position Profile
Giles Bark-Jones photo Giles Bark-Jones Giles Bark-Jones has defended clients in many of the largest white-collar crime…
Dharsh Lokaswaran photo Ms Dharsh Lokaswaran Dharsh is a Solicitor Advocate with a wide-ranging general crime practice. She…
Safiya Sinclair photo Ms Safiya Sinclair At the start of her career, Safiya trained with Bark&co to qualify…
Number of UK partners : 1
Number of other UK fee-earners : 30

TESTIMONIAL: TM Eye have used Bark & Co for over 8 years in both criminal and civil proceedings in over 60 cases. They provide an outstanding service that is professional, friendly, and cost effective. They are client focussed with an attention to detail second to none.

COUNSEL: Richard Christie QC
TESTIMONIAL: Giles Bark-Jones is a first rate specialist fraud lawyer. He is the power-house behind his firm which is one of the pre-eminent firms in this area of practice, especially with regard to high net worth individuals. If I were asked to recommend a practitioner in this area he would always be on my list.

CLIENT: Clive Garrad
TESTIMONIAL: Bark and Co solicitors, in my opinion are one of the best, if not the best solicitors in London. Their team go to extraordinary lengths to understand complicated situations. They provide accurate and clear information without the complicated legal jargon and smokes and mirrors that I have encountered previously with some legal service providers. They have served me well and I can only recommend them from my own experience.

TESTIMONIAL: If ever you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where you need representation, you need to speak to these guys. The last thing you need, is a flurry of fancy sales pitches. You need sound advice from people who are expert in what they do and – crucially – who know what it takes to organise and deliver a winning strategy.

CLIENT: David Noyes
TESTIMONIAL: I owe my family’s freedom to Bark and Co. They believed in me from the beginning and defended me with great loyalty. I would recommend them to anyone/everyone and do.

CLIENT: Ian Edmondson
TESTIMONIAL: Great team, led by a great legal mind. I have recommended Giles and his team to many clients and they always do a great job.

CLIENT: Samid Shah
Highly recommended! Support and help every step of the way, always on the phone if something needed no matter what the time or situation, do not think there is anyone better I can think of to be represented by.

CLIENT: Aminoor Ahmed
TESTIMONIAL: Bark and Co are without a doubt the best firm in London. They have provided me with outstanding service. Manager Ditesh’s client care has been amazing, he was always supportive. My solicitor at the firm Vanessa Wiggins has been instrumental, she has worked relentlessly throughout the case and was always contactable via phone or e-mail at all times. I always felt confident with my team and that was down to Bark and Co business ethos. I have already recommended a friend to use Bark and Co as I know they will do everything they can to help. Thank you Bark and Co.

CLIENT: Pardeep Briah
TESTIMONIAL: What an outstanding service. Historically I have used other firms who were good however after using Bark and Co I will never use any other firm. From representation and support at the beginning of the problem all the way to getting the result in court. Absolutely outstanding.

CLIENT: Jason Marshall-Smith
Consumate professionalism afforded to me throughout the legal process. I cannot recommend Bark and Co. highly enough. In my case, absolutely at the very top of their chosen specialist field. Thank you Bark and Co.

CLIENT: Aneta Rydlinska
Excellent service received from Bark&Co and their legal consultant Magdalena Motyl for my British citizenship application. Very helpful – from filling in the forms to precise information about documents and procedures. Ms Motyl intervened very effectively during lengthy time of the process and I received positive decisions within timeline – my application can qualify as a difficult one due to my circumstances. Excellent communication via emails, phone calls and texts – even in busy periods I always received very quick response. Highly recommended.

TESTIMONIAL: I initially was with a different firm and they let me down by not turning up! I was recommended Bark&Co by a friend and it was the best decision. Very efficient to get things done, and always went over and beyond! I got an in depth plan of what the other side were saying about me which made me really understand what was going on and what was about to happen. Cannot recommend this firm enough – Huge Thanks!

CLIENT: Tomasz Swidzinski
I recently used Bark&co services for my British Citizenship application. I was extremely happy with the service from start to finish. Magdalena Motyl is highly professional, the documents were prepared flawlessly and the whole process was very smooth. She always responded quickly to emails and phone calls. I would have no reservation about recommending Bark&Co for any immigration matters.

TESTIMONIAL: Top law firm Highly recommend.

CLIENT: Paulina Bednarska
I highly recommend Bark & Co. Full professionalism, fantastic contact and high commitment to the case. If I need a future solicitor definitely I will contact Bark & Co.

Amazing client care. Totally worth the money, amazing attention to detail. Props to Ditesh, Ria & Sef who have been available instantly to assist with any questions. Got me a great result on sentencing and now waiting for them to deal with a confiscation and I am sure I will be back to leave a great review. Thanks everyone.

CLIENT: Rico Smith
TESTIMONIAL: There is a reason why Bark&Co are one of if not the top law firms in London. They have an amazing team who are very knowledgeable and very helpful. Has a family feel when you arrive on site. Vanessa Wiggins in particular has been a key figure at Bark & Co. Her passion to do her job leaves her contactable 24/7. She goes above and beyond to make sure that you’re supported and achieve the best possible solution. Would definitely use their services again and have already recommended Bark & Co and in particular Vanessa. Keep up the amazing work you are doing.

CLIENT: Nas Ahmed
TESTIMONIAL: My case was dealt with very quickly thanks to Ditesh Patel and the help of Sefer Mani. They were available 24/7, gave me updates and even helped me after the case. They are very knowledgeable and professional. Top tier law firm, would recommend highly.

CLIENT: Baljinder Sangha
I cannot speak highly enough of Bark & Co. With this being my first time having to use solicitors I could not have asked for anymore. Having wasted thousands of pounds on other solicitors who were more interested in getting payments than dealing with my case, Bark & Co were a breath of fresh air. From my first meeting with Ditesh & Sef to the conclusion of my case I always felt in safe hands. Sef Mani who managed my case was excellent. He always keeps me in the loop and was always pushing to get the best for me. He takes real passion in his work and I am very pleased with the support and work he put into my case.

TESTIMONIAL: During my times of uncertainty, they have been here to help which has been really great for myself, allowing me to focus on the far more important challenges life has to offer. I would highly recommend their service, they are reliable, trustworthy, and extremely experienced. They have a good team around them and know what they are doing. Thank you guys for your previous support and wish you all the best going forward.

CLIENT: Tara Tucker
TESTIMONIAL: I’m writing on behalf of Ian Tucker. The whole Tucker family are so grateful for the professionalism and courteousness we experienced with Sef Mani, Patricia Wilson. Outstanding legal work was carried out by the team from start to finish with no stone left unturned in the pursuit to prove my innocence. Words can’t describe how thankful we are, I feel indebted to them for the rest of my life. Thanks to everyone at Bark & Co for believing in me and giving me so much support.

CLIENT: Alex Neville
TESTIMONIAL: Amazing law firm recommend them to any one and rate them very highly.

CLIENT: Chris Garrett
TESTIMONIAL: This law firm is brilliant, professional and the team are amazing. They took my case and was very honest about possible outcomes, with regards to my solicitor Vanessa Wiggins, she was amazing. Very hard working, patient with absolute professionalism. They always made time for me, whether it was a meeting or a simple query they were there. Guiding and supporting me through a trouble time I was under no illusion. But they worked extremely hard to get the result we all wanted and deserved so a massive thank you to the Bark and Co firm, especially to Vanessa Wiggins, without her I wouldn’t have had the confidence to face my charges. Thanks again guys.

CLIENT: Fidell Williams
Definitely a top tier firm, I’m extremely pleased with the service provided, efficiency, correspondence and result were second to none. Highly recommend.

CLIENT: Vahit Oktar
TESTIMONIAL: Best of the best, very helpful from start to end, I would recommend without any doubt.

CLIENT: Richard Turner
TESTIMONIAL: Words cannot describe what Bark & Co. have done for me and my family. The professionalism and empathy they have shown is unbelievable. Pat Wilson is an absolute asset to their organisation, she was available every step of the way and contactable 24/7. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work and commitment!

CLIENT: Rebecca Jones
TESTIMONIAL: I was very pleased with this firm and in particular my solicitor. I was kept fully up to date. If I rang and she was not available, it wouldn’t take her long to get back to me. I was very much impressed. Would definitely recommend.

TESTIMONIAL: Pat was more than helpful and always available.