Meet the team


Team Services

We are aware of the importance of human resources, as human capital lies at the core of most businesses. Strelia’s Employment and Benefits practice deals with all legal aspects of ‘people and reward’.

We are recognised as trusted business partners who are used to handling highly sensitive, complex and board-level strategic issues. We provide clarity and practical strategies to help our clients to make HR and operational decisions. Thanks to the decades of expertise and experience possessed by our lawyers, we offer our clients bespoke, pragmatic and creative legal advice and solutions for both contentious and non-contentious HR matters.

Our Employment & Benefits lawyers assist clients in the following types of matters:

    • termination of individual employment contracts with a special focus on protected employees and senior executives,


    • corporate restructuring operations (including collective dismissal), closure of a plant, transfer of undertakings, outsourcing, including all legal and administrative formalities relating to these decisions, such as drafting social plans, contacting public authorities, etc.,


    • all employment litigation, including all types of actions before labour courts, such as actions relating to severance pay, discrimination, the #metoo movement,


    • social audits,


    • setting up short- and long-term incentive plans, which is achieved in collaboration with our Tax Department,


    • negotiations with social security and tax authorities on settlements and rulings before or during litigation, including matters such as warrants and stock option plans,


    • drafting collective labour agreements in the event of soft restructurings, such as agreements on changes to working conditions, work flexibility, etc.


    Our Employment & Benefits lawyers collaborate with their M&A colleagues and Restructuring colleagues on matters in their branch of law.

Our clients include national businesses and leading multinationals from various industries, including banking and finance, construction, consumer goods, ICT, pharmaceutical, chemical, entertainment, professional services, retail and FMCG.

Awards and Recognition

Highly Recommended - Leaders League 2024

Labor & Employment

Tier 4 - Legal 500 2023