Miss Rebeca Zamora > HD Legal > Santiago, Chile > Lawyer Profile

HD Legal
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Work Department

Compliance and Corporative Integrity, Labour.




Rebeca has extensive experience in advising legal entities in the design and implementation of effective compliance programs, based on their activities, including the detection, treatment, and mitigation of crime risks (especially those that could result in the emergence of Corporate Criminal Liability, according to Law 20.393), corruption, financial crimes, antitrust offenses, tax offenses, infringements in consumer affairs, data protection, information security, non-compliance in labor matters.

She has advised in Due Diligence processes for the evaluation of compliance and anti-corruption systems of different companies, reviewing their activities, programs, policies, and controls, to detect and mitigate the risks of legal transmission of corporate criminal liability. In litigation, she has concentrated her practice in complex criminal litigation, sanctioning proceedings, and defense.

In December 2019 Rebeca was appointed director of Regulatory Compliance at Honorato | Delaveau. In December 2021 she became Partner of HD Compliance, a subsidiary consulting firm of Honorato | Delaveau . In addition, as of April 2022 she became Partner in the Compliance programs certification firm, in charge of the certification processes. Between 2015 and 2019 she served as Head of Compliance and Criminal Law Area at Morales & Besa Law Firm, where she also fulfilled functions as Crime Prevention Officer for different companies, acting with full independence and reporting directly to the Board of Directors. Previously she worked as an associate in the Criminal Department at Claro & Cía (2012-2015).

She has advised on Due Diligence processes for the evaluation of the compliance and anti-corruption systems of different companies, reviewing their activities, programs, policies, and controls, to detect and mitigate the risks of legal transmission of corporate and/or administrative criminal liability and that may arise from facts before an operation.

In the area of litigation, it has concentrated her practice on convoluted criminal litigation, sanctioning proceedings, and defense.

Between 2015 and 2019 she worked as Head of the Compliance and Criminal Law Area in the firm Morales & Besa, where she also served as Crime Prevention Officer for different companies, acting with complete independence and reporting directly to Directories.

Previously (2012-2015) she worked as an associate in the Criminal Department in Claro & Cía.

She is a Professor of Criminal Law at Universidad Central and Universidad Gabriela Mistral and in the Diploma of Gender Perspective for Change in Organizations at the Faculty of Economics and Business of Universidad de Chile.




Executive Secretary of World Compliance Association, Chilean Chapter, since 2020.

Member of the Chilean Bar Association A.G., since 2013.

Member of Women in Compliance Chile, since 2018.

Member of Chile Transparente, since 2021.


Attorney, Universidad de Chile (2011).

Diploma Compliance and Practices, Universidad Católica de Chile (2018).

Diploma “Human Rights, Sexual Diversity and Public Policy”, Fundación Henry Dunant (2018).

Diploma Tax Analysis and Planning, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2019).

Course of Unfair Administration, Management, Bribery among Privates and Changes in Public Corruption, Universidad de Chile (2019).

Course on Cybersecurity, University of Chile (2020).

Cryptocurrencies (2021).

Compliance Management Systems. Requirements and interpretation ISO 37301:2021, International Dynamic Advisors (Intedya).

Master’s in criminal policy (c), University of Salamanca (2020-2022).

Lawyer Rankings

Chile > Compliance

(Next Generation Partners)

Rebeca ZamoraHD Legal

Known as Honorato | Delaveau until its 2023 rebrand, HD Legal‘s ‘technically good‘ six-member group routinely creates and implements tailored compliance programmes that focus on the risk of corruption, financial crimes, illegal competition, tax crimes, consumer violations, data protection, information security, labour violations, and environmental infringements. Clients additionally benefit from the firm’s sister organisation HD Compliance, a dedicated compliance consulting firm that evaluates and certifies companies’ compliance programmes. With ‘vast knowledge of this area‘, Rebeca Zamora is a criminal law specialist, whose experience encompasses advising compliance officers on the development of their activities, particularly in relation to investigations and internal audits. Former Moneda Asset Management general counsel and compliance manager, Carlos Frías, is notably experienced in financial sector-related compliance work. Further support within the partnership is provided by name partner and arbitration and dispute resolution expert, José Luis Honorato.