Mr Juan Mendoza Gomez > Dret Legal > Bogota, Colombia > Lawyer Profile

Dret Legal
Calle 59 A Bis No. 5-53
Edificio Link sietesetenta

Work Department

Dispute Resolution


Partner Dret Legal
Dispute Resolution


Spanish English French


Professor Arbitration/U. Rosario
Law Profesor/U. Sergio Arboleda
Roster of arbitrators/SuperSociedades
Roster of arbitrators/ Cámara de Comercio Bucaramanga
Arbitration Spanish Club
Colombian Insurance Association – AIDA
Colombian Institute on Procedural Law
Latin-American Association in Construction Law
International Bar Association/IBA
Colombian Business Law Society


LL.M. McGill (2013)
LL.B. U. Rosario (2005)


Juan Mendoza has more than 19 years’ experience on arbitration (both domestic and international) and litigation, mainly on commercial and administrative-law disputes.

Before joining Dret, Mr. Mendoza was key member of different arbitration and litigation teams in various law firms in North America, Colombia and Europe. As partner of the Negotiation, Arbitration and Litigation Team at Dret, he is currently leading complex disputes in international and domestic arbitration proceedings as well as on key cases before local Courts.

Mr. Mendoza has successfully represented foreign and local companies alike in all types of industries such as energy, O&G, construction, agribusiness, real estate, logistics, retail, telecommunications, etc. He is part of the arbitration roster of different centers in Colombia and has served as professor at different universities and speaker of numerous conferences.