Anagnostopoulos > Athens, Greece > Firm Profile


Greece > White-collar crime Tier 1

With expertise spanning across the energy, shipping, and pharmaceuticals industries, the Anagnostopoulos white-collar crime practice is heavily praised for handling corporate fraud, money laundering, and tax offence issues. The Athens-based multilingual team is led by Ilias Anagnostopoulos, who has 30 years’ experience in dealing with business and financial fraud matters, whilst Alexandros Tsagkalidis focuses on asset recovery and mutual assistance requests. Ioannis Tsakalis is an expert on criminal and regulatory risk management, and associate Alexandros Mezari specialises in European criminal and extradition law affairs since joining the firm in September 2022.

Practice head(s):

Ilias Anagnostopoulos

Other key lawyers:


‘Ilias is widely regarded as the best white collar criminal lawyer in Greece.’

‘We recently entrusted ANAGNOSTOPOULOS with the handling of a fatal sea accident on appeal. Their innovative approach to this case, which was handled by Professor Ilias Anagnostopoulos and Partner Alexandros Tsagkalidis in court, included the use of a video describing the cause of the accident which was the catalyst for winning the case. Overall, Anagnostopoulos team consists of experienced lawyers who offer creative and practical solutions to their clients.’

‘ANAGNOSTOPOULOS is led by Professor Ilias Anagnostopoulos, who is one of the best criminal lawyers in Greece. Ilias is very experienced, well organised/prepared for the case, diligent, with immense legal knowledge in his field, bright, dedicated to the client and a team worker. Mr. Alexandros Tsagkalidis is an asset for the firm; he is knowledgeable, flexible, personal and practical. His contribution in winning our case on appeal was invaluable.’


Key clients

Deutsche Bank

Johnson & Johnson

ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems


Helleniq Energy

Mytilineos Group

Novartis Hellas


adidas Hellas

Nationale Nederlanden Hellas

Mondelez Hellas

Arcadia Shipmanagement Co Ltd

Hellas Gold SA

Louis Dreyfus SA

Sterner Stenhus AB

Work highlights

  • Successfully represented former Siemens and OTE officers in appellate proceedings on bribery and money laundering charges.
  • Successfully represented the former artistic director of the Athens/Epidaurus Festival in court proceedings for breach of trust.
  • Represented a former DePuy Ltd./Johnson & Johnson officer in ongoing appellate proceedings on bribery, fraud and money laundering charges.

The firm: Established in 1986, Anagnostopoulos is a leading practice focusing on all aspects of business crime and criminal risk management. The firm offers high-value litigation services and sophisticated advice to corporates and individuals around the world.

Areas of practice: Anagnostopoulos acts for leading multinational and domestic corporations in the energy, raw materials, defence, aviation, shipping, automotive, construction, real estate, food, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, financial services, travel and leisure, gaming, telecommunications, and media and entertainment sectors. It is also entrusted with sensitive mandates by sovereign entities and public and governmental organisations.

Anagnostopoulos combines forceful litigation with competent advice in managing criminal risks in complex cross-border matters. The firm is noted for its expertise in cases involving corporate fraud, corruption, insider dealing, regulatory offences, money laundering, tax offences, gambling related offences, anti-competitive practices, asset tracing and recovery. It has an impeccable record in offering discrete advice to corporates and high-net-worth individuals on a wide range of issues through multiple jurisdictions.

The firm responds to changing needs of clients drawing upon a solid knowledge base in corporate criminal liability, internal company investigations and compliance procedures, corruption practices and cartel offences to offer practical solutions and effective representation.

The firm’s dynamic litigation team (Jerina Zapanti, Alexandros Tsagkalidis, Ioannis Tsakalis, Ioannis Tolakis, Ioanna Anastasopoulou) is led by Ilias Anagnostopoulos, an authority in business crime defence with a strong academic background according to Chambers Europe and Who’s Who Legal.  Ilias is a professor of criminal law at the School of Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; as of 2013 he chairs the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association and is a member of the High Legal-Council with the Bank of Greece.

The firm’s multilingual team is able to call on expertise in diverse areas of modern globalised businesses and deploys a comprehensive range of strategic and tactical options to deliver optimal solutions on the most sensitive and demanding mandates. Over the years Anagnostopoulos has built a strong reputation as a high-end specialist firm which is recognised for its dynamic approach and full commitment to clients’ needs while upholding the highest standards of ethics and professional integrity.

Department Name Email Telephone
Criminal litigation
Fraud and white-collar crime
Financial crimes
Criminal and regulatory risk management
Corporate criminal liability
Health and Safety offences
Corruption practices
Cartel offences
Money laundering
Internal investigations and compliance
Securities fraud
Tax and customs offences
Product criminal liability
Environmental offences
European criminal law
Extradition, surrender, and mutual assistance procedures
Sanctions and Anti-terrorism
Asset tracing and recovery
Gambling related crimes
Art crimes
Media and entertainment
Number of lawyers : 10
FraudNet (ICC)
Contact : Ilias Anagnostopoulos ([email protected])

Anagnostopoulos offers high-value litigation services and sophisticated advice to corporates and individuals around the world.

It is also entrusted with sensitive mandates by sovereign entities and public and governmental organisations.

The firm has an impeccable track record in offering discrete advice to corporates and high-net-worth individuals on a wide range of issues through multiple jurisdictions.

Anagnostopoulos has built a global network of colleagues and other expert professionals and is able to mobilise and ensure timely and competent advice to clients and coordinate their actions within an integrated global strategy.

The firm’s dynamic and multilingual pool of lawyers have a notable international background and are highly reputed in various influential European and global networks.

At Anagnostopoulos we respect diversity and strive for inclusion.

These are core values of liberal societies and define our firm’s open culture. Its flexible structure offers equal opportunities to everyone and our team-spirited approach to all cases ensures a high level of respect and solidarity among our members.

We support talent, innovative ideas and forward-thinking solutions and work systematically to develop collaborative initiatives with all individuals who work in our firm.

This culture of diversity and inclusion also offers our clients an ideal background to pursue their personal goals in this area.

Ilias Anagnostopoulos, Managing Partner

Managing Partner Ilias Anagnostopoulos explains how the firm is responding to clients’ specific needs.


1) What do you see as the main points that differentiate Anagnostopoulos from your competitors?

The combination of timely and sophisticated advice with forceful litigation is the hallmark of our practice. We offer our clients carefully designed “handmade” solutions that help them achieve the best outcome in each case; and when it comes to litigation, our firm’s dynamic team of trial lawyers with strong academic background commands respect in the courtroom. We pride ourselves on having an impeccable track record in complex cases with trans-jurisdictional aspects.


2) Which practices do you see growing in the next 12 months? What are the drivers behind that?

Criminal and regulatory risk management will hold an eminent position for corporates around the world. An increasingly aggressive anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, anti-trust, and sanctions enforcement calls for tighter compliance corporate policies and refined risk assessment tools. Companies are called to enhance their internal monitoring mechanisms and timely address corporate wrongdoing.


3) What’s the main change you’ve made in the firm that will benefit clients?

We have expanded and enhanced our global network of colleagues and other expert professionals who we are able to mobilize with a view to offering corporate and individual clients competent and concise advice. Coordinating actions within an integrated global strategy is of the utmost importance.


4) Is technology changing the way you interact with your clients, and the services you can provide them?

The use of cutting-edge technology is amongst our firm’s permanent priorities. We strive to ensure bespoke services to our clients while preserving the highest ethical standards of our profession.


5) Can you give us a practical example of how you have helped a client to add value to their business?

In a multi-month high-profile appellate trial hearing involving former top executives of a multinational on charges of cross-border bribery, fraud, and money laundering in the healthcare sector, we were able to secure an acquittal of our client who had been wrongfully convicted to a multiyear sentence by the first instance court.  This excellent outcome helped the defendant take back control of his life while restoring the global reputation of the company.


6) Are clients looking for stability and strategic direction from their law firms – where do you see the firm in three years’ time?

Clients have a need for strategic direction from law firms as an essential part of their global business strategy. Our firm’s multi-layered and flexible response to their emerging needs will strengthen its position as a leader in all aspects of white-collar crime litigation and criminal or regulatory risk management.