SCP HOUDA & ASSOCIES > Abidjan, Ivory Coast > Firm Profile

Residence Nabil, 1st Floor
Rue du Commerce
Abidjan 01
Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast > Leading firms Tier 3

Photo Name Position Profile
Marine QUINTRIC photo Marine QUINTRIC Senior Legal Counsel

Houda Law Firm’s teams are composed of local and international profiles. The Firm is committed to ensure the integration of people from different continents, nationalities and ethnic groups.

Houda Law Firm attaches a particular importance to values of diversity and equity. The team composed by more than 40 members include people from different nationalities (Senegalese, Cameroonian, Ivorian, Congolese, Gabonese, Beninese, French, Moroccan, Mauritanian, Lebanese etc). As such, part of the team is able to work in English, some also in Arabic. Several members of our team are also fluent in the most commonly used local languages.

This social policy allows a local anchoring as well as an international opening.

Also, gender equality is an important vision that we apply in our Law Firm in Dakar or Abidjan. The teams, whether they are counsels, lawyers or paralegals, are composed of men and women in equal measure. Also, the management functions of the different entities are carried out according to the skills and experience of the various parties involved, without distinction as to the gender of the lawyer.

Houda Law Firm’s biggest quality is its resolutely diverse and international team. Composed of more than 50 qualified lawyers and staff the firm can draw on a multi-cultural team of lawyers to tailor the most apt team required by our clients.

Indeed, with a capacity to speak, amongst others, Wolof, Arabic, French and English our team’s multicultural and diverse background is a true asset to the firm and its clients who can always feel at home at Houda law Firm. The firm thus has the capacity to assist both local and regional clients with any of their legal needs in the WAEMU and OHADA sub regions.

The firm is committed to seeking out the best and most qualified talents for its missions in the African sub region. As such the firm prides itself in its diverse team, almost half of our expert team of lawyers are women; and its multicultural background, the firm counts many different nationalities, amongst them Senegalese, Gabonese, Cameroonian, Lebanese, and French.

In Houda Law firm’s continued expansion and development, we remain attached to those values of diversity and inclusion which have allowed us to build a highly expert team capable of assisting our clients with all their legal needs in the African sub region.

CLIENT: Eric PHILIBERT – Associate
COMPANY/FIRM: Lamantin Beach Resort & Spa
TESTIMONIAL: « Par ce message, nous souhaitons vivement recommander le Cabinet Houda. En effet, nous travaillons maintenant depuis plus de 11 années avec ce cabinet sur différentes procédures dans différentes cours dont la correctionnelle et sommes en toute confiance car nos dossiers sont suivis avec sérieux, et tact. Nous bénéficions toute l’année de précieux conseils, et les réponses à nos questions sont rapides et justes. »

Translation: “With this message, we would like to highly recommend the Houda Law Firm. Indeed, we have been working for more than 11 years with this firm on different procedures in different courts including the correctional and are in full confidence because our cases are followed with seriousness, and tact. We benefit all year long from valuable advice, and the answers to our questions are quick and accurate”.

CLIENT: Pierre ANGLÈS D’AURIAC – General Counsel
TESTIMONIAL: « Nous avons travaillé avec le cabinet Houda sur des sujets complexes (acquisitions de 9 sociétés au Sénégal et en Côte d’Ivoire et financements de celles-ci) sur plusieurs juridictions. Maître Elodie Dagneaux a toujours fait preuve d’une réactivité, d’une patience et aussi d’une créativité remarquable. Son approche double (cabinet d’avocat et formation notariale) fait définitivement la différence dans des dossiers complexes de financement ou d’acquisition transnationale. La pratique contentieuse de Maitre Khaled El Houda vient apporter aussi une compréhension exhaustive des stratégies juridiques possibles, des obstacles à prendre en compte, ce qui est très appréciable pour un « cabinet d’affaires. »

Translation: “We have worked with Houda on complex matters (acquisitions of 9 companies in Senegal and Ivory Coast and their financing) in several jurisdictions. Elodie Dagneaux has always demonstrated remarkable responsiveness, patience and creativity. Her dual approach (law firm and notary training) definitely makes the difference in complex cases of financing or transnational acquisitions. Khaled El Houda’s litigation practice also brings an exhaustive understanding of the possible legal strategies and obstacles to be taken into account, which is very valuable for a “business law firm”.

CLIENT: Sebastien PUNTURELLO – Managing Director
TESTIMONIAL: « Nous collaborons avec le Cabinet Houda depuis une quinzaine d’années maintenant. Nous ne pouvons que nous féliciter de la qualité de cette collaboration empreinte d’expertise, d’écoute, de professionnalisme et enfin de confidentialité. Cette satisfaction repose sur ces qualités, sur une grande disponibilité mais aussi sur la capacité de développement de cette structure tout au long de ces années. A cet égard, nous avons pu bénéficier du soin apporté à la progression structurelle de ce Cabinet au niveau de la qualité du recrutement, du développement et de la diversification des talents. Par ailleurs, le management est en permanence animé de cette volonté de doter ses collaborateurs des meilleurs outils, SI en particulier, afin d’assurer un traitement efficace et professionnel de nos demandes. Nous recommandons vivement ce Cabinet sans réserve et lui souhaitons de poursuivre sur la voie de l’excellence qui honore le Sénégal. »

Translation: “We have been working with Houda for fifteen years now. We can only congratulate ourselves on the quality of this collaboration, marked by expertise, listening, professionalism and confidentiality. This satisfaction is based on these qualities, on a great availability but also on the capacity of development of this structure throughout these years. In this respect, we have been able to benefit from the care given to the structural progression of this firm in terms of the quality of recruitment, development and diversification of talents. Moreover, the management is constantly motivated by the desire to provide its employees with the best tools, particularly IT, to ensure efficient and professional processing of our requests. We highly recommend this firm without reservation and wish it to continue on the path of excellence that honors Senegal.”

COMPANY/FIRM: Kananga Resources Services
TESTIMONIAL: « Depuis plus de 10 ans au Sénégal, j’ai eu l’opportunité de travailler avec de nombreux cabinets de Dakar. Je recommanderais le cabinet HOUDA à toutes entreprises nécessitant des services juridiques de pointes. Le cabinet se distingue de ces confrères de par sa réactivité, la précision des informations fournies et le professionnalisme de ses collaborateurs. Le cabinet dispose également d’un positionnement dans la sous-région, ce qui confère un autre atout majeur pour les sociétés ayant un positionnement régional. »

Translation: “For more than 10 years in Senegal, I have had the opportunity to work with many law firms in Dakar. I would recommend HOUDA to any company requiring advanced legal services. The firm distinguishes itself from its colleagues by its reactivity, the precision of the information provided and the professionalism of its collaborators. The firm is also positioned in the sub-region, which is another major asset for companies with a regional positioning.”